Hard Light Productions Forums

Hosted Projects - FS2 Required => Inferno => Topic started by: OMFG PWNT on September 11, 2007, 09:44:29 pm

Title: help
Post by: OMFG PWNT on September 11, 2007, 09:44:29 pm
hey ive been off for a while so i duno the latest development in inferno... but i couldnt find the original inferno campaign here so i dled it at game spot. i finish the first chapter and that was it. im sure the story doesnt end here i saw the ssj gigas and they havent even destroyed it yet, wtf? can some1 pls tell where to get the rest of the campaign? ty  :D :nod: :D :lol: :lol: ;7 ;7 ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: help
Post by: G0atmaster on September 11, 2007, 10:09:32 pm
It's coming.  If I understand it right, first they're converting Inferno R1 (the one you played) to a fully SCP compatible format, then they're going to focus on the other chapters (which have all had some work done AFAIK)
Title: Re: help
Post by: Dark Hunter on September 11, 2007, 11:38:54 pm
No, they're rebuilding it from the ground up, pretty much. It'll be closer to a Total Conversion than an add-on campaign once INF SCP is released.

Rampage is the one working on INF SCP (Woomeister is mainly busy with Inferno: Alliance, a prequel to Inferno).

And do not ask him when it will be done, all you'll get is a "when it's done" answer.  ;)
Title: Re: help
Post by: asyikarea51 on September 12, 2007, 12:30:04 am
I have half a mind to make a parallel campaign using R1 on 3.6.9 as a base, some halfway missions done, but I'm having trouble with cargo containers not responding to events/objectives... other than the fact that the original R1 looks pretty "messy" to me.

I'm not surprised that the team decided to start from scratch...
Title: Re: help
Post by: OMFG PWNT on September 12, 2007, 05:37:47 am
No, they're rebuilding it from the ground up, pretty much. It'll be closer to a Total Conversion than an add-on campaign once INF SCP is released.

Rampage is the one working on INF SCP (Woomeister is mainly busy with Inferno: Alliance, a prequel to Inferno).

And do not ask him when it will be done, all you'll get is a "when it's done" answer.  ;)

really? but there r ships like aj androgeos and sj hara and that shivan desk and another juggy so y r they there? did the maker created chapter 1 than abandoned the campaign cause there was too many bugs as i heard? i think its good lol no bugs so y?
Title: Re: help
Post by: Dark Hunter on September 12, 2007, 10:12:36 am
As I understand it, they were not satisfied with the storyline, so they rewrote it. The EA war is still there, but just because an event happened in R1 doesn't mean that same event will happen in INF SCP.

They also have mostly the same ships, although most have gotten a graphical upgrade and some have been completely redesigned (the Gigas, for instance, looks totally different).
The Ancients will no longer feature in the main story... although a side-story called Gateways is supposed to feature them.

They also have rebalanced weapons and armor settings, meaning that the ships are no longer compatible with retail FS2 unless you wish to spend time editing the table values.
Title: Re: help
Post by: Woomeister on September 12, 2007, 04:54:47 pm
did the maker created chapter 1 than abandoned the campaign cause there was too many bugs as i heard? i think its good lol no bugs so y?
All major bugs in R1 were fixed by the SCP patch. Errors like the Red Alert bug have nothing to do with us.
Title: Re: help
Post by: colecampbell666 on September 12, 2007, 05:01:45 pm
INFR1 - The original Inferno, the one you know. Shadow0000 released a patch some time ago, look in the Inferno forum (not by the Inferno team). There is also a patch to make it SCP compatible, PM me if you need instructions. (Made by the Inferno team)

INF:SCP - A complete remake of INFR1, starting from the ground up. Uses the SCP engine and has many HTL ships. Yet to be released. (Work-In-Progress by the Inferno Team)

INF:A - Inferno Alliance. A campaign that shows what happened in the Sol system after the jump node collapsed. (Made by the Inferno team)

INFASA - Inferno Alliance Stand-Alone. And update to INFA making almost all of the ships HTL, and improving the campaign. (Work-In-Progress by the Inferno team)

INFA2 - Inferno Alliance 2. The sequel to Inferno: Alliance, will be released as a mod for INFASA. (Work-In-Progress by the Inferno team)

INFR2 - The sequel to INFR1, dropped in favor of INF:SCP (By the Inferno team)

S:AH - Sol: A History. Alternate campaign about Sol after the Lucifer disaster. Made by Blaise Russel. An amazing campaign, I have yet to play it as I can't get it to work. (Fan-Made)

And please don't spam smileys. One or two suffice.

Ha! Beat you to it, Snail! j/k
Title: Re: help
Post by: Knarfe1000 on September 13, 2007, 02:48:17 am
INF:A has been released already.
Title: Re: help
Post by: Mobius on September 13, 2007, 11:29:57 am
Please don't forget Dreamcatcher and Steadfast. They're WIP, but interesting ;)
Title: Re: help
Post by: colecampbell666 on September 13, 2007, 12:59:52 pm
What are they about?
Title: Re: help
Post by: Mobius on September 13, 2007, 02:33:02 pm
Dreamcatcher is about...the Dreacatcher. Steadfast is a long campaign full of new features(one of which is the presence of cutscened missions). They both use INFR1.
Title: Re: help
Post by: Dark Hunter on September 13, 2007, 04:08:53 pm
What [is Dreamcatcher] about?

*coughs and points at sig*