Hard Light Productions Forums

Community Projects => The FreeSpace Campaign Restoration Project => Topic started by: Mobius on September 13, 2007, 12:51:46 pm

Title: Titan Rebellion - [TRe] - [PT 70%|FC 15%|Te 60%|VA 0%]
Post by: Mobius on September 13, 2007, 12:51:46 pm
Since Warzone is up to the voice actors and Boomerang is almost done(I think, that word reminds my Custom Title :nervous:)I think it's time to work on the Titan Rebellion  ;)

The release of the original GTVA Titan is an encouraging event. (http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/topic,49387.0.html)

I think it's time to work on that campaign, what do you think?  :nod:

This campaign has a problem. There are 13 missions and they were supposed to be 16. Are we supposed to complete the campaign and FRED the last missions?

I can be sure of just one thing, we'll probably release an SCP version of TR...we'll add voices in a second moment. Warzone SCP is a proof of how much a voice acting can delay the release of a campaign.  :doubt:

I'm going to play through the campaign and find bugs. All other FSCRP members are supposed to do the same  :drevil:

EDIT: Here they come! problems!

1) The Vampire is...a cockpit. And only the glass is textured  :blah:
2) The Titan isn't included in Nelson's package, why?  :confused:
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 13, 2007, 01:27:28 pm
1) Yes, it needs to be fiished, I recruited someone to do it, but he got busy.  I have a plot outline.

2) I never found anyone to fix the Vampire. :(

3) I goofed. I'll post a fresh one. :p
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 13, 2007, 01:31:24 pm
Ok, please post here the plan for the last missions. Should we contact the creator and obtain info about the original plan for the last missions?
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 13, 2007, 01:35:58 pm
You can try.  That was years and years ago, however.
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 13, 2007, 01:38:19 pm
I added him on MSN. I will try to send an e-mail, too...
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: MP-Ryan on September 13, 2007, 01:38:44 pm
Once I play it I can always attempt to write a logical ending... this is assuming I find time to play it and Boomerang anytime soon.  I've been rather busy =)
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 13, 2007, 01:39:39 pm
As an aside, I have one other campaign sitting on my hard disk 95% complete we should do first (Pandora's Box).  I will try to upload that and the final backgrounds for Warzone this weekend.
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: MP-Ryan on September 13, 2007, 01:41:29 pm
As an aside, I have one other campaign sitting on my hard disk 95% complete we should do first (Pandora's Box).  I will try to upload that and the final backgrounds for Warzone this weekend.

I make no promises about my activity on it... =)
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 13, 2007, 01:45:10 pm
So we should simply play through TR and find bugs for now. Ok.

I completely forgot Boomerang. I'll work on it ASAP. :nod:

*I'm sending the e-mail*
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 13, 2007, 01:48:27 pm
I extensively rewrote TR -- it is more like Titan Rebellion Reborn, now. :)
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 13, 2007, 01:52:18 pm
Bad news, the creator's address isn't valid. What should we do know? Come out with completely new ideas?

We should also specify that the last part doesn't come from the original creator.
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 13, 2007, 01:55:51 pm
Yes, I have a draft plan for these missions. I'll post this by the weekend at latest, together with some of the other open items.
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: lostllama on September 13, 2007, 02:10:53 pm
Just to say that I've just downloaded the campaign. I'll be away from my comp for a few days but I'll try and get started on it when I'm able to.
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 13, 2007, 02:26:10 pm
Nelson: So...no chance of contacting the author? :(

lostllama: Ok :)
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 13, 2007, 06:16:50 pm
Nelson: So...no chance of contacting the author? :(

Negative.  Don't worry about it.
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 14, 2007, 02:45:21 pm
Ok. I'm playing through the campaign and I have a few hints/suggestions. Don't modify a mission until I give you carte blanche. We obviously don't want to work on different things and override the results ;)

I think I have a problem. The Titan model seems unfinishes, there are turrets floating in space! :blah:

There's a misspelling in one of the first missions. There are two Sobek corvettes, the Thebes and the <insert misspelling of Khenmu here>. I will fix it, that corvette must be the Khenmu from Slaying Ravana(since also the Thebes appeared in the main FS2 campaign).

Also, I would like to have new backgrounds, not standard LS pack ones. I can easily work on them, there are no in-mission cutscenes :)

I also have in mind a combined voice acting for Warzone and Titan Rebellion. We have TSP and we can easily post scripts there. I'm posting the scripts of Warzone. Nelson, you can do the same with Titan Rebellion(consider yourself lucky, there are more missions in Warzone :P). I think it could work...people can voice act for multiple campaigns.
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 14, 2007, 04:18:16 pm
The Lightspeed backgrounds were selected to be correct for the star systems in which the missions aree set.  The intent is to make sure that one can always tell that one is in, say Deneb, by the background.  Thees should not be changed.  Planets are fair game, however.

We should get the last few missions fredded before commencing voice acting.
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 14, 2007, 04:21:34 pm
You are right, but remember that the LSP readme itself is a suggestion to experiment new backgrounds. And some of them occupy only a limited part of space. I think we should work on them...

Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 14, 2007, 04:27:10 pm

Below is the discussion of the remaining missions with the fellow who was to do the FREDing.  Name removed to protect the busy... :)


Mission 7
Transports bump the station repeatedly and do not fly properly. Definitely a problem.  This can be solved with waypoints though.[/b]

Mission 9
All wingmen keep getting killed by Maras.  Make one wingman unkillable or perhaps make alpha wing 6 fighters. Agreed on the former.

Mission 14
Mission 13 clearly states that this will be a strike mission, so...
Player attacks group of Hossel's fleet.
Fleet turns out to contain a command ship
Player directed to capture this vessel plus destroy other ships
Player defends ship after capture.
Analysis of data on ship reveal that Titan is not yet shook down and is low on fuel and needed parts. A convoy is en route to provide these.
Interesting, but IIRC, somewhere earlier the campaign mentions something about the Titan being component-based, which is what allowed it to be constructed so quickly.  I'm guessing this could be filed under "needed parts", but could we find a way to exploit this on the Titan later?


Mission 15
Convoy strike.  Player attacks gas miners and transports.
Titan shows up unexpectedly and player must bust convoy before it gets within Titan's defensive radius.
Titan launching fighters and other bad stuff at player meanwhile.
Player succeeds in busting the convoy, and jumps out before Titan gets too close.
I like it.  Should we give the player the opportunity here to have some closure with Admiral Mizraim (the Vasudan admiral)?  Either have Mizraim all out defy Hossel (as he seemed to be doing through abandoning the Ganymede Cannon) by attacking a possibly-arriving Antietam to protect the essential convoy, or have him destroyed by the GTVA, NeoIntel, or one of the Vasudan groups we saw having hissy-fits with each other in the second mission.  I like the mission as is, but I really think we can beef up a simple "blow stuff up" mission into a serious plot device.[/b]

Mission 16
Titan not able to jump out due to lack of supplies.  Hossel still confident, as other ships can still bring these and Titan's firepower undiminished.
Weakness of Titan is directly forward.  Allied fleet makes demonstration to draw off fighters.  Player flies Vampire stealth fighters to blast gun turrets on the _inside_ of the Titan's arms, death star style.
Player guards commando transports which fly down the throat to dock with fighterbay.
Hossel gets reinforcing transports, player must destroy before they dock.
Commandos capture Titan, Hossel ejects.
Player destroys Hossel's escape craft.
I like it.  Could we make it a bonus that if the Heliopolis survives the second mission, Vasudan fighters could come to the player's aid with the transports, or even the escape pod?  Otherwise, it's a good end.  [/b]
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 14, 2007, 04:42:43 pm
1) I should play that mission first ;)

2) 2 wingmen should be unkillable, in my opinion. We're going to use ship-guardian-threshold to make it more realistic :)

3) The basic idea is interesting, but I don't really know what to do with your possible add-on.

4) Why would the convoy be considered as safe once it gets in proximity of the Titan? We can make the mission more interesting...the player will have to destroy all convoys vessels before they dock with/land on the Titan.

5) I like the Heliopolis idea, but I think the mission is going to turn into an escort rather than an amazing last battle. Should the player destroy turrets so that Allied warships can jump in and attack the vessel?
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 14, 2007, 04:52:16 pm
This file (http://files.filefront.com/TitanRebellion+WIPrar/;8555749;/fileinfo.html) was my WIP folder at the time I last left off working on Titan Rebellion.  I think I had already fixed mission 7, for instance.  This file also has the latest Titan model and some of the textures missing from the other package.
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 14, 2007, 04:58:42 pm
I will edit something. Please wait for me, ok? :)

The first things I'm going to do are:

1) Anticipate the explosion of that Mentu in m1;
2) Add a skybox to m2;
3) Try to stabilize the number of hostile waves, if needed;
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 14, 2007, 05:00:17 pm
Yes, I haven't touched anything.  These files are all old.
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 14, 2007, 05:03:05 pm
Ok. The player's squadron is supposed to be very good, should I increase the hitpoints of Alpha 1's wingmen? Should we use advanced AI profiles(*cough* Like my "LieutenantGeneral" *cough*)?
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 14, 2007, 05:05:56 pm
I was quite free about editing these missions before, adding the Ezechiel, the Titan itself, and many other things.  We don't need to be as constrained in what we change in this campaign as we were with Warzone.  Have a go thru the missions as the stand today and make such changes if they seem appropriate.
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: lostllama on September 21, 2007, 03:41:46 pm
There's a problem with mission 4 (Titan-04.fs2) - not sure if anyone else has come across it.

After destroying all enemy wings the Beserker and AAA-testbed remain in the area and don't jump out. I've tried accelerating time and still nothing occurs.

Also, when the player jumps out there's no debriefing available.
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 21, 2007, 04:19:28 pm
I think the problem here is related to the issue around repairing engines -- in which a ship may not jump out unless its engine is at X percent.  The value of X was changed in FSO, I think.  Trying changing the behavior of the Berserker to repair the testbed's engine to 100% and see if it works.
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: lostllama on September 22, 2007, 01:24:16 pm
Thanks, changing X to 100% has solved that problem.
Title: Re: Titanus Rebellatio (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Snail on September 22, 2007, 05:18:14 pm
Please change the title of this thread. Rebellatio looks like [something bad]. :ick:
Title: Re: De Bello Civli Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 22, 2007, 05:30:18 pm
Title changed, offensive remark removed.
Title: Re: De Bello Civli Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Snail on September 22, 2007, 05:33:24 pm
Thanks for that... It was bothering me.
Title: Re: De Bello Civli Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on September 22, 2007, 07:45:44 pm
Hey I palyed it, 1 was good -almost perfect-  2 was good as well (And when I beat it I said out loud "Served!With a side order of OWNT! :lol:)
3 was good as well.Then there was four...When it was finished, and the transport jumped out, it told me to go back to base.
But the objective never was reached so, I lost when I went to debrief.
Good play though. :D

PS. I know I am not a tester, but I just wanted to help.
Title: Re: De Bello Civli Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 23, 2007, 02:45:40 am
It's Civili. And "Bello" is War, not Rebellion! Meh...

It's Sunday = I can work on TR. :)

Are the ideas for the last missions definitive?
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 23, 2007, 09:06:11 am
A civil war and a rebellion are very similar.  I actually used to be good enough at Latin to take my notes in college in that language. :)
Yes, go with those mission ideas for now.  We can always changes aspects of them that turn out not to work, etc.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 23, 2007, 09:22:18 am
In the first stealth mission the player is supposed to fly a Ptah. I fly a Perseus :blah:

In Bloody Lane, Command Briefing, Stage 4, there's written "The fighter" at the end. That stage is obviously incomplete.

Furthermore, the big right thruster of the Ezechiel...well, I can't see it. It might be too small or unexistant.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 23, 2007, 09:48:06 am
In the first stealth mission the player is supposed to fly a Ptah. I fly a Perseus :blah:
That is easily fixed. :)

In Bloody Lane, Command Briefing, Stage 4, there's written "The fighter" at the end. That stage is obviously incomplete.
Copy and paste error.  Let's just delete those two words, the stage briefing will be too long otherwise.

Furthermore, the big right thruster of the Ezechiel...well, I can't see it. It might be too small or unexistant.

Screenshot?  This may be one for Stratcomm.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 23, 2007, 10:07:10 am
1) Indeed :)

2) Ok.

(http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/2336/trmissingthrustercc4.th.jpg) (http://img74.imageshack.us/my.php?image=trmissingthrustercc4.jpg)

Something is missing :nod:
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on September 23, 2007, 11:15:20 am
It was a .pof error Mobius.
I may have fixed it:ezechiel (http://files.filefront.com/ezechielrar/;8623001;/fileinfo.html).
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 23, 2007, 11:24:19 am
Yes, I know, I would have fixed it myself but I can't use POF editing programs since my computer is messed up.

Thanks :)
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on September 23, 2007, 11:43:44 am
Your welcome.
It is working, I just tested it.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 23, 2007, 12:10:47 pm
Is there any chance you might be able to fix the errors with the Vampire's cockpit?
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on September 23, 2007, 12:19:01 pm
What are they?
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 23, 2007, 12:22:27 pm
This beautiful model was never quite finished as the Ezechiel was.  I notice that its cockpit appears to be a solid mass of silver even though it uses the same texture as the Ezechiel does.  Any ideas as to why this might be?

Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on September 23, 2007, 12:23:39 pm
Try intglass?

[attachment deleted by ninja]
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 23, 2007, 12:27:56 pm
I don't understand?  I would presume that this would be some kind of hierarchy problem.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on September 23, 2007, 12:29:08 pm
It works for me, but I think it reflects to much black.

[attachment deleted by ninja]
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 23, 2007, 12:33:43 pm
What did you change?  The cockpit is visible through the glass?
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on September 23, 2007, 12:34:50 pm
I found the problem, you want it to be clear glass, right?
It was set at GOLDGLASS.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on September 23, 2007, 12:36:19 pm
It may be the model itself...
Or the texture.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 23, 2007, 12:38:04 pm
Right, the model seems to have a typical cockpit like the Ezechiel, but for some reason the glass is not transparent as it is on the Ezechiel and other cockpitted models.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on September 23, 2007, 12:38:56 pm
It must be FreeSpace 2.
It looks fine in PCS2

[attachment deleted by ninja]
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 23, 2007, 12:42:08 pm
Is GOLDGLASS the same texture used on the Ezechiel's cockpit?
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on September 23, 2007, 12:45:02 pm
No it is not, it uses glass.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 23, 2007, 12:51:08 pm
Perhaps this is a question for Bobboau or for Kazan?
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on September 23, 2007, 12:52:37 pm
Yes it is.
It should be clear, but it is not...
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 24, 2007, 12:53:54 pm
Ok, I continued to play through the campaign.

1) English's not my first language(it's not my second language, either)so I don't know if this sentence is correct...I found it strange. Bloody Lane, success debriefing, "Command responded by dispatched the 2nd Fleet";

2) Same mission. Three GTVA destroyers jump in...do you find it weird? There should be smaller vessels, too. What do you think?

3) Following mission. Mizraim's pod is always considered friendly while its IFF should change. Furthermore, it behaves strangely and jumps out only after a few. Furthermore, it is invulnerable...we should use ship-guardian-threshold;

4) Same mission. The way the Agamemnon takes out the Installation is bad. It should fire earlier. And there are no messages about the destruction of the Installation(after the arrival of that destroyer).

5) "Controlling the Hunt". The Agamemnon should definitely start firing later. The player has no chance of rearming during the mission, so he will most likely have to use primaries against the beams.

6) Same mission. The Maras of Alpha wing use Terran weapons, that's not realistic. Should we use a 100% Shivan SF Mara? As far as I know, it can be done;

7) "Call down the Thunder". Briefing, Stage 7. The Titan icon's class is set to GTVA Colossus;

8) Same mission. The player apparently has no coverage so turrets can fire at him. We should add protect flag;

9) Same mission. Iota wing of Argo transports is...a wing. It behaves strangely. We should disband the wing and make all transports indipendent;

10) Same mission. The player can give orders to some of the ships(the cruiser Minsk and the Saar, if I remember well);

11) Same mission. Does the destroyer the player is based on partecipate to the operation? We should change the classic RTB---> jump put thing to a landing. Or we can simply use end-mission;

12) "Greater than the Gods". The Titan model I have lacks some of the textures, so I oftentimes ram on it. What happened to those textures? Many turrets seem floating in space!

13) Same mission. The scan bridge directive is weird. The bridge can't be scanned. I started scanning the other subsystems and, all of a sudden, the RTB directive appeared. There were no related messages. Weird;

14) "Fires of Revolution". The mission needs a skybox;

15) Same mission. The game crashed when the Minsk was close to its waypoint. I have no clue on what happened and I couldn't play the mission a second time(busy);
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 24, 2007, 01:08:20 pm
Ok, I continued to play through the campaign.

1) English's not my first language(it's not my second language, either)so I don't know if this sentence is correct...I found it strange. Bloody Lane, success debriefing, "Command responded by dispatched the 2nd Fleet";
Should read "by dispatching".

2) Same mission. Three GTVA destroyers jump in...do you find it weird? There should be smaller vessels, too. What do you think?
Probably reflects system limitations back when the campaign was first made.

3) Following mission. Mizraim's pod is always considered friendly while its IFF should change. Furthermore, it behaves strangely and jumps out only after a few. Furthermore, it is invulnerable...we should use ship-guardian-threshold;

Yes, as long as we are careful to make sure he can never be destroyed, as Snipes can be in FS2.

4) Same mission. The way the Agamemnon takes out the Installation is bad. It should fire earlier. And there are no messages about the destruction of the Installation(after the arrival of that destroyer).

5) "Controlling the Hunt". The Agamemnon should definitely start firing later. The player has no chance of rearming during the mission, so he will most likely have to use primaries against the beams.

Okay, go ahead.

6) Same mission. The Maras of Alpha wing use Terran weapons, that's not realistic. Should we use a 100% Shivan SF Mara? As far as I know, it can be done;

This bugged me too.  At least they should have Shivan primaries.

7) "Call down the Thunder". Briefing, Stage 7. The Titan icon's class is set to GTVA Colossus;

My mistake.  I must have forgotten to change this when I removed the Colossus.

8) Same mission. The player apparently has no coverage so turrets can fire at him. We should add protect flag;
can you be more specific?

9) Same mission. Iota wing of Argo transports is...a wing. It behaves strangely. We should disband the wing and make all transports indipendent;

I agree.
10) Same mission. The player can give orders to some of the ships(the cruiser Minsk and the Saar, if I remember well);

Should be fixed.

11) Same mission. Does the destroyer the player is based on partecipate to the operation? We should change the classic RTB---> jump put thing to a landing. Or we can simply use end-mission;

Makes sense to have you land.
12) "Greater than the Gods". The Titan model I have lacks some of the textures, so I oftentimes ram on it. What happened to those textures? Many turrets seem floating in space!

Get the second download I posted.  The missing textures are in it.
13) Same mission. The scan bridge directive is weird. The bridge can't be scanned. I started scanning the other subsystems and, all of a sudden, the RTB directive appeared. There were no related messages. Weird;

This is strange.  Perhaps a POF issue?

14) "Fires of Revolution". The mission needs a skybox;

Okay to fix.

15) Same mission. The game crashed when the Minsk was close to its waypoint. I have no clue on what happened and I couldn't play the mission a second time(busy);

Not sure what this could be.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 24, 2007, 01:21:04 pm
I hate to discuss all these things in a public forum :doubt:


1) Yes, "by dispatching" is what I think is correct. I guess there are other errors in the campaign, and I obviously can't find them all;

2) I see. Suggestions? That scene is so unrealistic...;

3) There virtually are no risks if we use ship-guardian-threshold :9;

4&5) Ok.

6) Without considering the thrusters, which are Terran. Where are the table entries we need? Someone can get them, please?

7) I see. Well, it's easily fixable;

8) When I get close to warships, they fire on me with their turrets. A ship-protect flag should solve the problem, in my opinion;

9) Ok.

10) That is going to be easy :D;

11) But the destroyer is far. I estimate it takes about one minute to land. I find end-mission a better solution, what do you think?

12) Ah, ok. Thanks. I knew I was missing something :blah:;

13) Or a directive error. The bridge can't be scanned so the player is supposed to scan sensors, navigation, etc. etc.. It could be a POF error, however;

14) LOL ;);

15) I will play the mission again and try to get to the bottom of this problem;
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Snail on September 29, 2007, 05:40:20 pm
I would just like to say good work. :yes:

You guys are doing a lot of great work and churning out a lot of good-quality stuff, which is more than can be said about some teams around here *cough*MT*cough*.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on September 29, 2007, 05:43:16 pm
Thanks! :)

Now we just need Mobius to post his next update!  :lol:
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 29, 2007, 05:52:54 pm
Maybe tomorrow. It's Sunday.

I mean, later...it's Sunday now :blah:
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Snail on September 29, 2007, 05:53:41 pm
Well... Sunday morning?
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 29, 2007, 05:57:21 pm
Sunday morning, Sunday afternoon...boh!

I will complete the last missions, I hope. But I can't guarantee a complete check, I'm not only a tester. Can someone please play the campaign and see if there are more bugs than the ones I mentioned?
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: lostllama on September 30, 2007, 10:11:31 am
Yeah I can try and do that.

EDIT: This has probably been picked up by Mobius and already been corrected in the model but I noticed that the Ezechiel was missing it's port red wingtip glowpoint (in the Bloody Lane mission).

Not a major bug I know....I'm trying my best to find them though!
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on September 30, 2007, 12:50:51 pm
I continued my playthrough, but I got killed during the negotiations. I think we should make the Lokis weaker(eh, smaller explosions) :blah:

Stupid Real LifeTM, I will continue as soon as possible. :mad:
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Snail on September 30, 2007, 01:19:34 pm
When I'm testing for bugs, I usually make myself Invulnerable. But when testing for balance... Meh.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on October 01, 2007, 12:42:06 pm
Regardless this fact, I find these Lokis too dangerous. They blow up near you, and you blow up with them.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: lostllama on October 01, 2007, 02:22:30 pm
Mission 9 - Greater than the Gods. After you lose your wingmen (I lost mine when encountering the first wing of Lokis, I think), messages from then on that are labelled as being sent by command are accompanied by a pilot ani (or whatever you call them), instead of a command ani.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: lostllama on October 06, 2007, 08:44:12 am
Ok I have finished playing through this campaign. Here are a few things I noticed.

Call down the Thunder

- Briefing stage 2 - slight spelling error, should read: 'Since we do not have the resources to cover both,
 we will pick one node and set up an ambush.'

Icarus Falls

- Epsilon wing (of Tauret fighters) have Vasudan head anis when you communicate with them. Shouldn't they be terran?

Btw I didn't have a problem with 'The Fires of Revolution' mission - no crashes or anything.

Back to testing Pandora's Box....
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on October 06, 2007, 01:23:04 pm
Ok, I think it's time to get the job done. Thank you for your testing, lostllama.

EDIT: I'm FREDding!  ;7
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on October 06, 2007, 03:47:36 pm
Here's my update. There's a .txt with all explanations. I have also set the number of stars of each mission to 100(you all know why).

Here's the link: http://files.filefront.com/Mobius061007+TitanRebellierar/;8732443;/fileinfo.html

Post ScriptumTM

Can you please remove the password of our FileFront account? Just to prevent acts of vandalism and confusions...  :nervous:
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on October 07, 2007, 09:36:27 am
Thank you.  I'll review later after the air show.

You want a new filefront password?
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on October 07, 2007, 01:50:32 pm
No, I want you to edit Ryan's post and remove the password. The members who are going to use that account know the password, I guess we shouldn't keep it public ;)
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on October 07, 2007, 02:01:05 pm
Hey, you know how the Titan didn't have paths?
Well I gave it paths=Titan with paths (http://files.filefront.com/HadessTitanWithPathsrar/;8739998;/fileinfo.html).
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on October 07, 2007, 02:27:20 pm

Are the other models ok?

Do we have a definitive plan for the last missions?
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on October 07, 2007, 02:32:46 pm
I just noticed this.
A crack.

[attachment deleted by ninja]
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on October 07, 2007, 02:40:23 pm
Then use a bubble gum to fill it ;)
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Snail on October 07, 2007, 02:42:09 pm
Hades, I noticed your Titan is slightly slimmer than the original.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on October 07, 2007, 02:46:29 pm
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Snail on October 13, 2007, 06:48:45 am
It's thinner than the Titan.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on October 13, 2007, 06:51:28 am
I just looked and I don't see it.
If so, there's really no problem if it goes on a diet. :p
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Snail on October 13, 2007, 01:45:16 pm
Open it in Modelview. Have 2 open at the same time. Titan3.pof and TitanComplete.pof. If you switch between the windows you can see a slight change.

I'm only pointing it out, there's nothing wrong with it. :)
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Hades on October 13, 2007, 01:56:03 pm
I think it needs paths to fire or something like that.
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Admiral Nelson on October 13, 2007, 06:35:32 pm
Paths are there to assist craft in attacking subsystems or for docking/undocking.  I never got around to adding them before as the final mission is to invlive transports flying in and landing on the Titan.  Thus they would require a specific path to make the mission work right.  Thanks for doing them, in any case.

I see still the bug with scanning the Titan's bridge, haven't figured out a solution yet.  The campaign seems to be pretty bug free now otherwise.  One thing I mean to do is to make a few changes to the standard models used.  I intended to replace the bombers in mission 12 with the Azaes craft.  The issue here is that this craft uses ballistic weapons, which messes up the mission balance as the support ship like to warp in within range of the Aeolus' beam weapons and get vaporized.  Some table work will be required here.  I didn't find it believable that one could 'scrap a Ptah' and suddenly make an ordinary bomber stealthy.

Some other model replacements:
I never liked clone Icenis.  These could be swapped out for Stratcomm's Bellerophon.
The flak testbed would make a perfect use for Axem's Cretheus.
Perhaps another of Stratcomm's vessels for the beam testbed.

Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: woutersmits on December 22, 2007, 09:31:36 am
we need an picture for this campain this launcher request that
Title: Re: De Bello Civili Titano (Titan Rebellion)
Post by: Mobius on May 04, 2008, 07:57:37 am
The campaign creator just contacted me and Nelson. I asked for his plans...here they are:

Mission 14 – War and Peace – A joint GTVA and NeoIntel force strikes out against Some of Hossels forces. Messana finds the Antietam, Shiloh shows up. Antietam is finally destroyed, though the Titan manages to destroy much of the GTVA fleet. Kill Mizraim.

Mission 15 – Stealing Fire from the Gods – Hossel has set up yet another Ganymede cannon. NeoIntel goes in to capture the cannon. AWAC covers the operation. Attacks on AWAC, then attacks on Ganymede rings. Some other Hossel ships come in. Once the Titan arrives, it opens fire and starts blasting the Titan to pieces. Titan escapes after the Ganymede ring is destroyed.

Mission 16 – Titan’s End – GTVA and NeoIntel launch a final consorted attack on the Titan. Beams must be taken down. Engines must be disabled. Hossel pulls out whatever tricks he has left, but in the end the Titan is destroyed.
Title: Re: Titan Rebellion - [TRe] - [PT 70%|FC 15%|Te 60%|VA 0%]
Post by: Admiral Nelson on May 04, 2008, 10:45:08 pm
Now there is a blast from the past!! :) He must have been surprised to find people still interested in his work from seven years ago....

There isn't really a whole lot left to do with the existing missions.  My to do list looks like this:

replace Icenis with Stratcomm model
    I was never a fan of clone Icenis; I intended either to use Stratcomm's Bellerophon or Nx's Saphah

Vampire model fix
    Intended for unfinished mission use; the cockpit is solid silver instead of transparent

Shivan weapon loadout in Shivan Mission 8
    In mission 8 the player flys Shivan ships with Terran weapons.  These ships should really use Shivan weapons and not Terran.  Same for the Moloch.

Orion Nameplate MediaVps
     The MediaVPs Orion will use a different file name for the nameplate.  Needs to be updated when MediaVPs final

We would still need a volunteer to FRED the final three missions.

Latest version is available here (http://files.filefront.com/TitanRebellion7z/;10136044;/fileinfo.html).