Hard Light Productions Forums

Modding, Mission Design, and Coding => The Modding Workshop => Topic started by: Raptor on January 21, 2008, 04:52:42 am

Title: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Raptor on January 21, 2008, 04:52:42 am
Prompted by an old PM that I didn't know I had recieved until recently (sorry about that!), I have decided to release what I have so far achived on an Original BSG TC in an ALPHA pack.

Due to the size of the pack, I've spilt it into two downloads:
this file contains everything except the models.

Here are the models so far.  They include:
Colonial Viper, Scorpion (6th Millieium Fighter), Viper Bomber (own design), 2 Guardian Destroyers (slightly different turret arrangements), Protector
Cylon Raider, Attack Frigate (own design, needs more work), Destroyer, Basestar

There is a table entry for the Battlestar, using IPAndrews model, but it's not included in this pack.

Bear in mind this is an ALPHA release, please.

And here's a sneak peek at the Predator class (another one of my designs)...
(http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/9/predator02nc5.th.jpg) (http://img178.imageshack.us/my.php?image=predator02nc5.jpg)
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Koth on January 21, 2008, 04:55:13 am
What happened to the Hera?
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Getter Robo G on January 21, 2008, 07:48:24 am
I got Fred working, but there is an icon problem message (debug got me back into Fred)
Made a test mission.

Running game the test log I use for otehr mods didn't work. I wonder why I use the same settings.

Got into mission, species and asteroid tables also had an error, debog got me back in then I accidentally hit battle star in tech room and crashed myself.

Will edit again and report when I reload in a few minutes...

[EDIT]... Test mission I made hung up on FIRST light bar for about 2 minutes then error mesage <cyclops.pof not found> and then fatal crash.

Why can it not find it in original vp's?

Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Raptor on January 21, 2008, 01:47:27 pm
<sigh> I thought I had removed all my 'other' modded stuff from those tables...

cyclops.pof is refering to a new model I made for the Cyclops torpedo.  Easiest thing to do is change that referance to 'belial.pof'

The icon thing... thought they weren't being used :rolleyes:  Here they are:

It's likely those will be redone at some point in the future, assuming this mod gets some real backing...
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Getter Robo G on January 21, 2008, 03:53:15 pm
Game start still gets you species asteroid error (cylon colonial) debug gets you going again I can load my mission now (yay!) but when I hit commit it hangs and hard crashes no message. (microsoft message FS2.exe failed send us message?)

I'm gong to mess around and just dump the models into the other mods I test to see if they will function (if you don't mind).

Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Hades on January 21, 2008, 03:57:50 pm
Cool, another BSG mod./me Downloads
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Getter Robo G on January 21, 2008, 04:20:14 pm
Good news Basestar loads (hella LONG time) I was afraid it was gonna crash.

Bad news I used Nukemod and replaced teh SSj Dante. The weapon from hell shotgunned me lol!

I'm gonna copy the whole thing and rename to TOSBSG for testing purposes and start from there adding your other ships and then slowly start with weapons. Soon as I find something that hangs up I'll let you know.

Quick question, can you have TOO MANY mods? I mean in your root directory.
For some reason the bmp images of 4 mods in launcher I tested that worked for months stopped working, also their tables wont load in game or Fred. Something screwy is going on.

 No settings have been changed. Is this just some form of unknown corruption?  :shaking:

[attachment deleted by ninja]
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Raptor on January 22, 2008, 02:39:01 am
I would forget to include the cache files too... hence the really long loading times...
Here they are.

I wouldn't know about the 'Mod' thing, since I have never used the feature.  I just dump everything into the 'Data' folder, and then have two 'ships' and 'weapons' tables, renaming them as I wish to change between regular FS2 and BSG.

'Species asteriod error'? :wtf:  New one to me.  Then again I haven't gone into FRED for ages...  Only just recently fired up FS2 again, too...

Feel free to do whatever it takes to get them working GRG.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: starlord on January 22, 2008, 04:40:29 am
nice, I hope this one will be done one day: Didn't you mention an "attackstar"?
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: shiv on January 22, 2008, 06:01:00 am
Awesome! Downloading now...
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: IPAndrews on January 22, 2008, 06:38:19 am
I wonder if my Viper and Raider are used in this? Also I have a Colonial Shuttle and Cylon Mine modelled and pre-uv mapped. They just need texturing. If anyone can be bothered.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: starlord on January 22, 2008, 07:57:09 am
I like the scorpion.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: chief1983 on January 22, 2008, 01:42:43 pm
It seems to be missing some textures, namely:
PulsarBase (Basestar)
PulsarBarrel (Basestar)
HTLViper (There is HTLViperA, not sure how they're related, this is needed by the Scorpion, but I can't see anything on the mesh that uses it)
SLTorp (SLTorp)
thruster03 (SLTorp)
Shornet (STorp)

The torp ones probably aren't a big deal, they look like generic FS stuff to me anyway, but I was curious about HTLViper and the Pulsar textures.  Either way, the stuff in this pack seems really neat.  Thanks for releasing it.

IP:  There is a Viper and a Raider in here.  I've attached screenshots of them.

[attachment deleted by ninja]
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Getter Robo G on January 22, 2008, 04:25:11 pm
During the week I am barely conscious.. BUT I will mess around this and next weekend unless something asserts itself.  I have the earlier pack released and it has those two textures mentioned.

I appreciate the approval.  The purpose is only for as hassle free testing as possible (and some free independent PR couldn't hurt right?)  :lol:

I'll post screenies as I make changes ONE at a time. I need to resist the urge to just dump everything in. This is gonna take a while. Especially in light of the weirdness that's going on with my previously working other mod folders now not activating via the Launcher or Fred.

Bookmarking this thread and will keep you apprised.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Getter Robo G on January 22, 2008, 06:18:03 pm
OK minor update...

   Guardian model causes Fred to CTD. Protector model loads BUT is like 60 sec delay, also 20 sec delay on editing any field for that ship... Might be cause my computer sucks.

I used an Orion table for Protector but when I tried to line up for launch bay landing I got whacked by engine wash well aways from the ship (might be a table issue).

Good news they attacked each other with beam free off. Protector expoded no crash. I will continue to test MODELS only until I tried them all then go back and start adding your weapons.

It would be best if someone with a high end system would help because I bet half the problems I run into with no clear reason are because My comp is now outdated in CPU, Vid Card, and memory. I won't be able to seriously upgrade for at least a year (if that). I decided if I am gonna upgrade I need a new CPU as well so at this point might as well get a whole NEW tower that might last 3-4 more years.

Here is the Protector in game.  Not a criticism but why does it need to be so high poly? :)
if a 2k would look passable with good mapping, couldn't this get optimized down to around say 7k (half)?

[attachment deleted by ninja]
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: chief1983 on January 22, 2008, 06:39:54 pm
I've been resaving the models with a newer version of PCS2 to generate proper BSP info for them, I was going to look at their other POF properties next to see if there were any obvious errors I could fix.  I'll let you know what I find.  The good news is all the models saved in PCS2.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: captain-custard on January 23, 2008, 09:16:20 am
ok you can slap me for the noob question but how can i use these models etc , and what do i need too download to do so.................. i have downloaded the 1st two links i see 2 more links on the page so that will take me until friday to download ( 1 download per day is all it will let me do on the host)

what mod do i run them in  ..........;; thanks awaits the slap :D
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: chief1983 on January 23, 2008, 10:26:33 am
As are, they're not really in a state to just be dropped in and used.  You'd need to set them up as a new mod, but some of the files appear to be in need of some maintenance before they're ready for that.  Particularly a lot of the table files have some issues it sounded like.  You would need the 4 files in this thread, and some experience with table editing probably.

I'm also sad, there is definitely an entry in the ships.tbl for the Battlestar, yet there is no Battlestar.pof to be found.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: IPAndrews on January 23, 2008, 04:00:22 pm
Nice to see my Cylon Raider being used. I suffered for that model. This was back in the day when a ship had to come in under 650 polys or the game engine would crash out. I would have used a few more polys if I'd made the same model today. But at least the low count and efficient UVing means you can have lots of them to blow up. My battlestar would not load in the SCP game engine. It was poorly texture mapped anyway. Very poorly. I have a part re-uvmapped version if anyone wants to pick the model up and continue where I left off. But texture maps for the battlestar are impossible to come by.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: chief1983 on January 23, 2008, 04:43:25 pm
Aw, sad times indeed, not to have an original battlestar.  Hopefully someone will take a stab at finishing it up.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: bizzybody on January 23, 2008, 06:58:30 pm
The perfect program for doing Cylon voices. http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~clark/cylonix.html It used to be a commercial program but is now unsupported freeware.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: chief1983 on January 23, 2008, 09:43:33 pm
Ok, I have gone through and done some editing of my own.  There's a lot of warnings with a debug build, but nothing that stops the game, and it works with a regular build too (3.6.9 even).  You won't need the cache files from this post if you use my models, you'll need to make new ones or use the ones I'm posting now.  You will need the first and third files in this thread though.  I put them all here for easy access.

Make a folder in your FS2 directory (named TOSBSG or BSGAlpha or whatever you want).
Create a folder inside of it called 'data'.

http://rapidshare.com/files/85382078/RaptorsBSGAlpha.rar.html (http://rapidshare.com/files/85382078/RaptorsBSGAlpha.rar.html) - Extract this into the data folder directly.
http://rapidshare.com/files/85502489/RaptorsBSGAlpha-icons.rar.html (http://rapidshare.com/files/85502489/RaptorsBSGAlpha-icons.rar.html) - Extract this into the data folder, and move the icons.tbl file into the table folder.
http://swc.fs2downloads.com/files/bsg_data_20080123.7z (http://swc.fs2downloads.com/files/bsg_data_20080123.7z) - Extract directly into the data folder.
http://swc.fs2downloads.com/files/bsg_data_cache_20080123.7z (http://swc.fs2downloads.com/files/bsg_data_cache_20080123.7z) - (Optional, but loading times can be painfully long without it if your pc is a bit older) Create a folder called 'cache' inside data, and extract this directly into it.

Now just select the first folder you created as a mod in the launcher.  To use it with Fred 3.6.9, create a shortcut to the fred build, edit its properties and add the options -fredhtl and -mod <folder> at the end, so that it looks something like this (mine is just an example):

D:\Games\FS2SCP\FreeSpace2\fred2_open_3_6_9.exe -fredhtl -mod bsgalpha

If you have quotes around your path to fred, put the options after the quotes.

There is one test mission, with every ship in the pack playing dead, and you flying a Mk2.  I used it for testing for holes in the ships.  The Protector and the Cylon AF currently have a few areas with issues, I reconverted all the models using Bob's latest (1/21) PCS2 build.  If he fixes any more issues I'll redo it.  I was considering editing the pof data and adding subsystems and such, but I just didn't have the patience to do that right now.  Someone else can, or I'll do it later.  Have fun.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Raptor on January 24, 2008, 04:37:05 am
[joke]Thank you all for making me feel like an idiot [/joke] ;)

Honestly, It's been so long since I did anything with FS that I'm not surprised that I missed things that are needed.

Here are 'Pulsar-base' & 'Pulsar-Barrel'.  'HTLViper' shouldn't be needed.  It's an old version of 'HTLViperA'.  And the Scorpion shouldn't need it... :doubt:

I freely admit that my POF converting is seriously lacking.  I cring whenever I look at how big some of those .pof files are (Protector... 6.74Mb  :shaking:)

There are all sorts of issues that I haven't a clue how to deal with.  One is the engine wash thing (it strikes badly on my GTD Hera too)

@ GRG, RE Protector: Well, when you consider that the starting model was this:
I think I've managed to cut things down ;).  Besides, ATM it's only LOD0.  LOD1 would be the plain hull (the pale parts) without the darker addon's. Look at the Guardian for an example.

Chief1983:  I'd be very interested in those resaved models.  I used PCS(1) to convert them.  If the new files are smaller and/or more stable, then things would be a LOT better :nod:
Note to self: must look into getting PCS2...

In fact... If you could post/attach/send me the files, I can add the subsystems.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: IPAndrews on January 24, 2008, 04:45:58 am
How... many... polygons...  :eek2: ?
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Raptor on January 24, 2008, 05:01:17 am
How... many... polygons...  :eek2: ?

389082.  And that's one of his lower poly models!

He makes models for rendering you see.  AND he likes to fillet EVERYTHING.

Here.  This is a wireframe view of the leading outer corner of his Protector's landing bay:
(http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/8356/protectorswcf3.th.jpg) (http://img165.imageshack.us/my.php?image=protectorswcf3.jpg)

Last I heard, he was modeling Atlantis (as in Atlantis from Stargate: Atlantis), and the total poly count had readed 2-3 million! :shaking:
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: IPAndrews on January 24, 2008, 05:06:43 am
The only use I can think of for models like that is for rendering textures for lower poly counterparts. Still - that is quite useful. As long as the model is accurate in the first place. Which shouldn't be assumed. Number of polys doesn't translate directly to accuracy.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Water on January 24, 2008, 06:07:53 am
I have a part re-uvmapped version if anyone wants to pick the model up and continue where I left off. But texture maps for the battlestar are impossible to come by.
Yeah if you could post a link would be cool.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: chief1983 on January 24, 2008, 09:15:22 am

Chief1983:  I'd be very interested in those resaved models.  I used PCS(1) to convert them.  If the new files are smaller and/or more stable, then things would be a LOT better :nod:
Note to self: must look into getting PCS2...

In fact... If you could post/attach/send me the files, I can add the subsystems.

It's in the last post, the last two links (not the ones you already posted).  First one has the models and tables, second one has the cache files.  Sorry I didn't explain that very well in my post.  PCS2 is currently at RC2, although I think Kaz and Bob need to correlate a few spare pieces of code.  I've been using the build in Bobboau's signature.  I still wouldn't consider it quite production ready though, but it's getting really close.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Raptor on January 25, 2008, 02:58:44 am
It's in the last post, the last two links (not the ones you already posted).  First one has the models and tables, second one has the cache files.  Sorry I didn't explain that very well in my post.

Ah, good.  Only snag... I don't have 7zip on my PC, so I can't open them.  Could you either repackage and post them as rar's, or post a link to 7zip?
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: starlord on January 25, 2008, 09:05:16 am
what was the attack star vessel raptor?
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: chief1983 on January 25, 2008, 09:15:13 am
http://www.7-zip.org/ (http://www.7-zip.org/)

It's probably the most 'free' archiving utility out there, and 7z compression (LZMA) has proven better than zip or rar in most situations, sometimes getting double the compression or more.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Raptor on January 26, 2008, 02:24:54 am

Attack Star?  Don't recall naming one that... :doubt:

Both the 'Guardian' and 'Protector' designs should be credited to 'chap who runs this site' here (I can't recall his name, and I can't find the email I got back from him granting me permission to use his ships):

Not all of those will be used however.  I'm not so keen on his Cylon designs, so their fleet list is much less defined.  [HINT]Suggestions (with design sketch/simple mock up) would be most welcome!

Still - that is quite useful. As long as the model is accurate in the first place. Which shouldn't be assumed. Number of polys doesn't translate directly to accuracy.

Meh, know what you mean.  The number of 'wrong' Battlestars I've seen...
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Getter Robo G on January 26, 2008, 12:11:00 pm
Yeah, if it isn't size it's shape of the head or detail of the engines or look/distance angle of the pods.
The errors (I mean re-interpritations) are LEGION!  :lol:

Wait till you see the Warstar!  ;)

Anyway I just got a NEW (thata's right) computer!

Acer dual core 3.0 ghz
1Gig DDR2 MB

also had to buy a MSI 8500gt 256MB PCI-E with shader4.0/Dx10 ready

I hope I did the right thing cause now I am poorer than KENNY!  :hopping:


SCP prepare to show me your glory!
(Great God almighty I am free at last!)

Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Raptor on January 27, 2008, 02:31:36 am
Yeah, if it isn't size it's shape of the head or detail of the engines or look/distance angle of the pods.
The errors (I mean re-interpritations) are LEGION!  :lol:

Yes, the 'head' seems to be the area most often messed up, at least on all the one's I've seen.  In fact, IPAndrews one is the closest.  Right shape, just need to re-work the 'notches' a little.

And about size...
Same site as above, only his examination of clips from the show to work out the Battlestar's size.  After looking there, I've gone for a length of ~1.2km for our Battlestars.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: starlord on January 27, 2008, 05:07:03 am
could you give us a link to your old TOS BSG MOD site?
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Roanoke on January 27, 2008, 06:42:15 am
How... many... polygons...  :eek2: ?

389082.  And that's one of his lower poly models!

He makes models for rendering you see.  AND he likes to fillet EVERYTHING.

Here.  This is a wireframe view of the leading outer corner of his Protector's landing bay:
(http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/8356/protectorswcf3.th.jpg) (http://img165.imageshack.us/my.php?image=protectorswcf3.jpg)

Last I heard, he was modeling Atlantis (as in Atlantis from Stargate: Atlantis), and the total poly count had readed 2-3 million! :shaking:

and he does that in TS ??  :shaking:
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Col. Fishguts on January 27, 2008, 06:54:05 am
Meh, know what you mean.  The number of 'wrong' Battlestars I've seen...

That's a sad truth.

I'm somewhat hesitant to post this, but that's my WIP battelstar I started over the Christmas holidays:


It's based on these blueprints: http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/1723/battlestarnovapreview07mh5.gif (http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/1723/battlestarnovapreview07mh5.gif)  (which in turn are based on Jim Creveling's awesome 1:1 studio scale model)
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Talon 1024 on January 27, 2008, 09:56:52 am
389082.  And that's one of his lower poly models!

Whoa.  Seriously, you should never use those models in a game, unless you render sprite versions of them and use them in your game.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Getter Robo G on January 27, 2008, 10:10:47 am
Damn looking good Col! Keep us updated...  :yes:
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Raptor on January 27, 2008, 04:44:52 pm
That's a sad truth.

I'm somewhat hesitant to post this, but that's my WIP battelstar I started over the Christmas holidays:


It's based on these blueprints: http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/1723/battlestarnovapreview07mh5.gif (http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/1723/battlestarnovapreview07mh5.gif)  (which in turn are based on Jim Creveling's awesome 1:1 studio scale model)

AT LAST! Someone models the Battlestar head correctly! :eek2:  AND it fits with the detail I've left on SteveW's based models!

You have any plans to finish that?  If not, you willing to let the Mod have it?  Pretty please? :nod:

@Roanoke: Never actually said directly, but as all his models are save in .cob format... then yes.  TS ain't that bad.  I use it.

@Talon 1024: Well as he only does high quality render images, then it's okay for him.  Us, well what do you think has been hold this project up?

On a related note:
I've been doing some more work on the Protector, sorting out the LODing.  Both LOD0 & 1 will use shared parts, with LOD0 having an extra layer of detail objects.  I think the 'detail box' system will be needed here...
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Col. Fishguts on January 27, 2008, 05:08:28 pm
You have any plans to finish that?  If not, you willing to let the Mod have it?  Pretty please? :nod:

Yeah, I intend to finish and release it. But there's still quite some greebling to finish first.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: bizzybody on January 28, 2008, 12:45:00 am
I've often wondered why the original Galactica didn't have through-deck style pods. Sort of makes it impossible to do landing aborts once the ship is too close to miss smacking into something.

Something never made clear on the original show is if the launch deck is on the same level as the landing deck. Is it on a different level, with elevators? I think it'd make sense to have a completely clear landing deck with the service shop and launch tubes on their own decks. The landing deck could also be used for launching shuttles and other craft, as was seen in the show.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Raptor on January 28, 2008, 04:27:00 am
I've often wondered why the original Galactica didn't have through-deck style pods. Sort of makes it impossible to do landing aborts once the ship is too close to miss smacking into something.

Something never made clear on the original show is if the launch deck is on the same level as the landing deck. Is it on a different level, with elevators? I think it'd make sense to have a completely clear landing deck with the service shop and launch tubes on their own decks. The landing deck could also be used for launching shuttles and other craft, as was seen in the show.

Nah, they have large and strong crash nets ;)

You are right about the smaller craft bit.  Shuttles launch from the landing bay, as did both a Cylon Raider and a Eastern Alliance Destroyer.  The way in is the way out for them.

You actually reminded me of a topic I once saw on the Colonial Fleet Forums, where someone had drawn plans for the flight pods.

He's got the tubes on the same deck as the landing bay, but with the service and prep area's below.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Getter Robo G on February 18, 2008, 07:49:52 pm
Ok, one small bit of progress.

I made sure the raider is stable, np

Also the Destroyer (Tartarus) works fine... It was a turret table issue since I plopped them into the stable nuke mod build (what I use as a template for all my modding now for post 3.6). No idea why Water's Argo doesn't fire now it should have cleared it up also (worry about that later, I don't do multi-part turrets).

I'm going to watch my vids again and see if there are any good places to put some low key spot/lights on the raider and Base ship textures just for flavor and make the night side more interesting.

Cylon civil war: (lol)

Once I get more settled I will start doing more testing (new comp and all) plus I DISLIKE VISTA, screws with my icons, no more thumbs, etc... Counter intuitive BS...

At least my games friggen run (so far).

[attachment deleted by ninja]
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Raptor on February 19, 2008, 05:03:01 am
I guess from that picture that you aren't using the weapons I created for the TC?

Well, as long as every thing works right...  Keep at it!
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Getter Robo G on February 19, 2008, 05:50:10 am
Sorry not yet, in fact I forgot what I was doing before and simply pasted your files over a fresh install and when I ran it I got new errors (three none pofs in a row). I was stumped for a few minutes then I realized it wasn't the folder I was using before (nuke mod overlay, altered by yours)...

It will be awhile before I get to weapons I want to make sure everything is completely tested, fires blows up, etc... Cause if I can get it to work then anyone can. ;) Plus it's critical to the TOS arc of my fanfiction!!!

It was nice to see your turrets tracking and firing! Even with my new system though the tech room is a pain (long load times).

Are you still working on Battestar MKII?  I tried to convert the Fan version Warstar (no joy).


I got temp effects for your Laser Torp and Cylon Pulsar Cannon. IDK what happened to your originals must have been in a diff DL as they are not in the alphapack. I got teh guardians to attack the Destroyers and tweaked some of the weapons a bit slower and larger so we can see them better (more dramatic).

You had an immense amount of weaponry but it's based on two core weapons so for testing purposes I slimmed it down a bit : same for Cylons and Colonials...

Light (Fighters/Bombers), Medium (Bombers/Warships), Heavy (warships only)

The Cylons will also have the Mega Pulsar (but for Hades Class only).

I have not touched or done more reaseach on secondaries for now. I was focused on primaries.

For some reason with diff groups on screen I am getting a freeze lock up crash. I haven't figured it out yet.

Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Getter Robo G on February 19, 2008, 07:52:17 pm
I found some of your older files so Cylon weapons will be tweak again (and not for the last time)  :D

Old and new: MarkII Star Hounds and Scarlet Vipers (production version). For soem reason the original Scarlets (red) weren't showing. No biggie though. In my AU eventually the Colonials develop better vipers and like Macross Plus decide which model to go with.  They eventually choose the Scarlet (Richard hatch design).

Of course you will start with the scorpion. I got an idea of first few "missions" you're a refugee/straggler and you small group discovers other survivors and eventually gets some real military forces together.

Not shown are the Juggernaut Bomber (fan design) I hope to add, I got a REAL rough version though.

I'm starting to have fun again. Not since I posted Ip's raiders vs Borg back in 3.1DTP   ;7

Like the Scarlet the MKII is Mister John's I believe, I will confirm again with the BTRL team about using core ships that were in TOS (minier, celestra, Movers, etc). IF I post any of those in the immediate future there are LP  placeholders.

[attachment deleted by ninja]
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Raptor on February 20, 2008, 03:53:02 am
I got temp effects for your Laser Torp and Cylon Pulsar Cannon. IDK what happened to your originals must have been in a diff DL as they are not in the alphapack.

They should have been in one of those original zip packs... :doubt:

For the weapons themselves... I actually came up with a whole range of weapons, ranging from early in the war all the way to the end.  Three types just like you have though.  Anti-fighter, standard and Heavy.  The Cylons also get the Megalaser.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Getter Robo G on February 20, 2008, 07:07:38 am
When I was at work I think I figured what happened. I was testing the CAF and used a fighter and the random locking was it calling a support in. DOH!

I need to remember to lock out supports when doing mission/pof testing lol...

I'll probably not get much done till the weekend. This was a good start though.

[Edit] I wanted to test just one more model before a nap and now I got an open gl 1.1 error out of the friggen blue... FS2 loads but FRED won't. Grrrrrr  :confused: :mad: :hopping:

Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: bizzybody on March 02, 2008, 11:08:27 pm
What about the big missiles the Galactica launched in one episode, I think it was "Experiment in Terra"?
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Raptor on March 03, 2008, 01:09:06 pm
What about the big missiles the Galactica launched in one episode, I think it was "Experiment in Terra"?

It was the Pegasus at Gamoray, 'Living Legend pt 2'.  They used (apropriately) Apollo 11 mission footage for the launching.

Truthfuly, I've never been a fan of missile weapons, especially in space battles.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Talon 1024 on March 03, 2008, 04:25:12 pm
Ok...  This is quite interesting, but when I try to start up the game, I get an error message saying that Colonial and Cylon species are missing debris types in asteroid.tbl
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: vetthal on March 04, 2008, 08:56:36 am
How do ya make the Basestar rotate?
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Getter Robo G on March 04, 2008, 01:12:57 pm
I was gonna suggest Cylon Capshp rotations for the future as they are almost never shown as (immobile). There is a slight perceptible rotation.

The pack has some start up errors cause it's pointign to tables and things not flehsed out and frineldy with the exe yet.

I avoided that by stripping it piece by piece into a working mod for testing purposes only. Thus it does not lok for custom tables for those things anymore. Raptor will have to go back and flesh those out and squish them buggies later on one at a time so be patient. The pack is more of a Dev toolkit anyway at this stage.

Trial and error, this gave me hordes of problems in 3.6 (token errors), but in a mod like this 3.6.9, no problems (aside from usual things like rememebring to turn off rearm ship in missions when you don't have fighters with dockpaths yet, etc)....

Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Raptor on March 04, 2008, 01:22:33 pm
The pack has some start up errors cause it's pointign to tables and things not flehsed out and frineldy with the exe yet.

Part of that might be because I'm not fully up to date with everything the SCP has done, and so may still do things in a more 'pre-SCP' way...

Plus I had not built the tables from the ground up, but rather converted and edited my own FS modded tables... :nervous:

Doesn't help that FS_debug crashes on me, and I have ZERO understanding or those error logs and such like...  I've always taken the view 'It plays as I want it too... where's the problem?'  I know about the theroy of optimisation, but I haven't gotten the hang of it yet...
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Pilot Of The US on March 19, 2008, 01:36:43 am
Didn't someone also make the colonial Tiger class destroyer?
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: vetthal on February 17, 2010, 12:06:19 pm
Raptor or Getter you still got the files on this old bsg Alpha mod. All the links are a bit out of date to download this again, I have lost all the files I ones had.  As for the Hades Base Star do you know how to setup Capship rotations?

I wonder if my Viper and Raider are used in this? Also I have a Colonial Shuttle and Cylon Mine modelled and pre-uv mapped. They just need texturing. If anyone can be bothered.
IpAndrews can you send me a link for the files?
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: chief1983 on February 17, 2010, 12:08:36 pm
Try here (http://swc.fs2downloads.com/files/bsgalpha/).

Some of that is a few of the updates I made too I think.  I might have mentioned the proper installation order in a post in this thread somewhere.



Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: Getter Robo G on February 24, 2010, 05:41:30 am
TY Chief!!! I had lost everything I had done with Raptors work (except for a few screenies uploaded on photobucket)...

So the Necro served a good purpose.   ;7
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: chief1983 on February 24, 2010, 10:03:58 am
Those links have been there all along you know :P

Er, wait guess I didn't link to all of the ones on my server.  Oh well.  I put them all up for posterity's sake a long time ago.
Title: Re: Original BSG mod release Alpha
Post by: starlord on February 25, 2010, 08:32:35 am
the war star design is nice!

but is the super base star canon?