Hard Light Productions Forums

General FreeSpace => FreeSpace & FreeSpace Open Support => Topic started by: Deadman on July 09, 2008, 12:49:51 am

Title: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: Deadman on July 09, 2008, 12:49:51 am
OK I installed Freespace 2 then ran the patch for the Open thing and running 3.6.9.  Runs great.  I connect to the server with no errors and can play and host.  Great job on that guys. :D

The problem is that the stats aren't saving.  I'm not using MOD's when I start nor are any of the other guys so we don't get "hacked tables" warning.  But no matter what mission I select I get a warning that the mission is not a valid PXO mission and all that fun stuff.  I have noticed that nearly all of the maps have been edited to add speech where there once was none.  And since every time I host "PXO" re-validates all of the missions.  Something the old PXO didn't do unless I added new missions or had missions that were NOT valid.  So my guess is that the mission pack I got with the upgrade is full of invalid missions that FS2net and PXO (if it were still around) wouldn't/won't accept.

So is this the case?  And if so is there a multilayer mission pack I can download and distribute/tell others about so we can play games and build up kills and scores?  Or is the FS2net incapable of saving stats at this point?  Other pilots have kills and whatnot...so I'm not sure.

Right now I'm 'flying' with about 8 other people and it's really getting annoying that we can't build any records for all of our 'flight time' we put in.

Please help guys. :shaking:

System specs...

Intel Quad Core 2.4 gig
4 gig RAM
2 Nvidia 8800 GTS in SLI mode
Asus P5N-E SLI motherboard
On-board sound card to go with my 10$ speakers
5 TB HDD space
Windows Vista Home Premium
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: FUBAR-BDHR on July 09, 2008, 12:27:53 pm
You will need to start using a recent 3.6.10 build.  There are no plans on fixing stats with 3.6.9. 
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: colecampbell666 on July 09, 2008, 12:42:48 pm
Use the 3.6.10 build in my signature.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: Deadman on July 10, 2008, 12:44:23 pm
OK.  I downloaded the 3.6.10 in your signature and FS2 runs.  But when I go to start a multi player game I get error "Failed to connect to FS2NetD server"  Did I click the wrong link or are there other steps that need to be taken?  If so can you please list a specific link in your reply and instructions further instructions.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: FUBAR-BDHR on July 10, 2008, 01:01:25 pm
Rename your multi.cfg and fs2_open.cfg files to whatever you want then try it.   It's probably picking up an old version.  If that doesn't work eiter try a newer build or download the config file from the first post in this thread and put it in your data directory.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: Jeff Vader on July 10, 2008, 01:12:06 pm
download the config file from the first post in this thread and put it in your data directory.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: Deadman on July 10, 2008, 01:25:39 pm
I'm lost too...

Can you list url please for whatever files I need to get it this working?  Where are these files i'm sos to rename?  I can't find them...

I downloaded the 4 files on this site http://www.exp.de/filebrowser.php?go=/Games/freespace2/scp/mediavps/#o2872 and copyed to fs2 directory.  It didn't ask to overwrite anything.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: Jeff Vader on July 10, 2008, 01:28:29 pm
Out of curiosity, have you checked the Multiplayer board (http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/board,135.0.html)? I don't do multiplayer myself but those instructions seem quite thorough. And the MediaVPs you just downloaded, move them to \freespace2\mediavps. If you already have such a folder, move its contents away and then move the 3.6.10 MediaVPs in it.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: FUBAR-BDHR on July 10, 2008, 02:02:14 pm
My bad still early for me and I haven't had my beer yet.  I thought I was reading the multiplayer forum when I posted that.  There is a config file in the stickied thread in that forum. 

Anyway the part about renaming the multi.cfg and fs2open_pxo.cfg should still solve the problem.  If you want to play 3.6.9 you can just rename them back. 

Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: Deadman on July 10, 2008, 03:36:53 pm
I got it to work!!!  Idiots can be tought!  Thank you. :D

New problem though...  When I try to start a game it says that I have hacked tables/data.  Why?  I hit "NO MOD's in the laucher and still same error.

My "Tables" folder is empty btw.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: karajorma on July 10, 2008, 04:12:13 pm
What VP files do you have in your main FS2 folder that aren't in this picture?

Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: Deadman on July 10, 2008, 04:35:18 pm
All 9 vp files are there.
I'm doing a clean install in 2nd fs2 dir to make sure nothing was currupted.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: Jeff Vader on July 10, 2008, 05:31:58 pm
Well, when you've finished that, check that you don't have any other vps in \freespace2\. If you didn't move the MediaVPs to their own subfolder, they might have interfered with the multiplayer stuff.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: taylor on July 10, 2008, 05:54:02 pm
When using a 3.6.10 build the multi.log file should give a good indication of why it thinks there is hacked data.  So post your multi.log and that will tell us what's going on.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: Deadman on July 10, 2008, 07:12:41 pm
Yup, that was the problem.  When I installed the vp files for v10 I must have overwritten one of the fs2 files.  It's working now.  Thank you guys for you patience and help.  And good lord for your quick responses! :D

Now just have to walk the other guys through installing v10. :)
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: FUBAR-BDHR on July 10, 2008, 11:14:58 pm
What actually fixed it?  Renaming the files?  If so I probably should modify the sticky to include that.  I know it's happened to me about half a dozen times now.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: Deadman on July 11, 2008, 12:14:56 am
there are no readme files attacked to the Media/vp files so I thought they just went into the c:\freespace2 dir.  And thus the hacked data/tables.  Please attach 'readme' files to dl's so people know were files go.
I'm not joking, but there are eight of us that play together and none of us had a clue.  The walk through is a nightmare, I'm sorry.  And it doesn't help that english is a second language for six of the guys.

Renaming the multi.cfg and fs2open_pxo.cfg made it so I could log into the FS2 lobby with Chief1983.  Oh how I miss the lobby

Once I realized I overwrote the wrong .VP files I did fresh reinstall of fs2 then started Turkey's installer before I left for work.  Then when I got home I put the .VP files in the c:\Freespace\mediavps folder.  Unzipped the StandaloneFixes-1 into the c:\freespace2 dir, renamed the multi.cfg and fs2open_pxo.cfg and set my options in the launcher.  After that was good.

There are just so many steps and different dl's that make it confusing.  If other versions aren't supported please update the Turkey installer so it just does it or make a single download url.  I for one would rather download a single 4 gig file then 6- 20 meg files.

Please don't take it the wrong way.  You guys did a sweet job with this, but it's not user/idiot friendly for those of us who haven't done it before.  I walked two people through it, one I'm walking through as I'm typing this and it's simple to me now but earlier today I was lost and I have been reading FAQ's and posts for the past two weeks trying to figure it out.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: Jeff Vader on July 11, 2008, 02:37:43 am
1. It's Turey. Just wanted to point that out.
2. The general excuse is that we want to make new players think about what they're doing, instead of having a one-click Installer that sets everything up, explains everything thoroughly and makes a cup of coffee for the player as well.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: karajorma on July 11, 2008, 02:54:50 am
It's not so much about making people think.

It's that you should think if you're using beta releases (and both the executable and the 3.6.10 VPs are betas). If all you want to do is play the last official release that should be as simple as just running the installer.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: Deadman on July 11, 2008, 03:01:12 am
Sorry bout the name mix up. :)

Just spent 4 hours helping guy get fs2 running and everything was good but now he's getting 'cannot find web curser' error.  I got this error before and fixed it no problem but I can't remember what I did to fix it.  :(
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: karajorma on July 11, 2008, 03:04:23 am
That error is caused by not having the FS2_Open exe in the same folder as the game. Or by starting the game using a shortcut which doesn't set the "Start in" option correctly.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: Deadman on July 11, 2008, 04:17:46 pm
Found the problem with why his game wasn't working.  After some screen-shots of his files/folders we found the cause of the trouble.
He accidentally moved ALL of his VP files into the C:\Freespace2\Midiavp folder.  Even the VP files that were originally in his C:\Freespace folder.  So the only way his game would run was if he ran a MOD and selected his Mediavp folder.  But since some of the files in there weren't original FS2 files he got error HACKED TABLES/FILES.  And if he selected NO MOD the game would give him the "web cursor error" because the VP files in the C:\Freespace dir didn't exist.  ;) 

Once the right files were put back into place the game ran flawlessly and the stats saved. :D
I have to say.  For a Beta release it's f*cking awesome guys.  It's like the old PXO I haven't seen since 2000.  Thank you to the programmers that spent so much time working on this and the people that continue to try to improve upon an already kick ass fan made mod to keep FS2 multi alive.   :yes:  And of course, those who spend countless hours banging their heads on their keyboards getting us newbies to this game set up.

If you get the game running guys please take the time to help others who are having trouble.  It helps the community keep growing and in turn you get more people to 'kill' and play with.

If you need help I'm on Skype as Deadman_NY  (www.skype.com for program download).  Just ask and I'll try to help as best I can.

Good day all.
Title: Re: Stats aren't saving... Why?
Post by: colecampbell666 on July 13, 2008, 08:05:53 pm
For a Beta release it's f*cking awesome guys.
Well it's not really a beta, as the code is constantly being updated, the only difference between a final and test build being that finals are thoroughly bugtested.