Hard Light Productions Forums

General FreeSpace => FreeSpace & FreeSpace Open Support => Topic started by: Androgeos Exeunt on July 23, 2008, 08:44:35 am

Title: Blue Planet Error
Post by: Androgeos Exeunt on July 23, 2008, 08:44:35 am
Hey, all. I've just started playing Blue Planet, and I must say that, while it is a little boring at the start, it gets more exciting later on.

However, FS2_Open crashed after I committed to the debriefing screen in the mission where you see and defend the Sanctuary for the first time. I've attached the only error message I received when the game crashed, although I don't think it'll be of much use.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: Jeff Vader on July 23, 2008, 08:46:41 am
Needs MediaVPs.
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: ShadowGorrath on July 23, 2008, 09:36:12 am
Yes. Without the mediavps you'll have problems on other missions too.

This is the retextured SC Cain's model that's giving you trouble now, so you need the mv_models.vp ( or the mv_assets.vp if you're on 3.6.10 )

Later on you'll get a crash during ship/weapon selection if you don't have 3d-ship selection turned on, and the mv_core.vp
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: Androgeos Exeunt on July 24, 2008, 01:20:36 am
I'm using OS X Launcher 3.0.7, and my MediaVPs are stored in a subfolder. How do I get BP to read the MediaVPs from a different subfolder?
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: ShadowGorrath on July 24, 2008, 03:00:37 am
FreeSpace folder\Mediavps
FreeSpace folder\BluePlanet

Right? Anyway, you just put a mod.ini for BP that's for download in that thread, I think, and place it into your BluePlanet folder. If you can't download it, then make a text file called mod.ini ( with the INI extension, not TXT ) and write this:

Code: [Select]
secondrylist = mediavps;
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: Androgeos Exeunt on July 24, 2008, 03:06:00 am
FreeSpace folder\Mediavps
FreeSpace folder\BluePlanet

Right? Anyway, you just put a mod.ini for BP that's for download in that thread, I think, and place it into your BluePlanet folder. If you can't download it, then make a text file called mod.ini ( with the INI extension, not TXT ) and write this:

Code: [Select]
secondrylist = mediavps;

That's the windows procedure. Are you sure it works on a Mac?
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: ShadowGorrath on July 24, 2008, 03:11:50 am
Not sure. But since I'm the only one that bothers posting here, go for it. Otherwise check the wiki for Mac stuff or something...
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: Androgeos Exeunt on July 24, 2008, 03:17:20 am
Not sure. But since I'm the only one that bothers posting here, go for it. Otherwise check the wiki for Mac stuff or something...


Alright, I'll give it a try. I'll just double-post if it doesn't work.
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: Jeff Vader on July 24, 2008, 04:39:33 am
Tyical scenarios:

Using the MediaVPs: -mod mediavps
Using Blue Planet: -mod blueplanet
Using both Blue Planet and the MediaVPs: -mod blueplanet,mediavps

I do assume you can fiddle with command-lines on Macs.

And no. I've heard complaints that Macs don't really know what to do with mod.inis.

But since I'm the only one that bothers posting here
Well, excuse me, but I had work to do.
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: ShadowGorrath on July 24, 2008, 04:48:49 am
Apology accepted  :P

Am I the only one that's getting annoyed by everyone posting threads about some random errors that are due to bad exe,mediavps,direct3D,mod.ini or a different OS, when all of them were already answered at one point?
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: Jeff Vader on July 24, 2008, 05:37:12 am
Apology accepted  :P
'z ok.

Am I the only one that's getting annoyed by everyone posting threads about some random errors that are due to bad exe,mediavps,direct3D,mod.ini or a different OS, when all of them were already answered at one point?
By all means, you are not. All the common, critical and somewhat universal things have been explained in the stickies. Some have also been explained on more than one sticky. Then we have kara's FAQ, which can be hard to find, though, since there are links to it only on some signatures and posts.

But still, quite frequently someone starts a thread about a problem that has been solved numerous times. And in most cases, the person starting the thread could have found the answer just by searching for the thread title he used.
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: karajorma on July 24, 2008, 11:28:30 am
Someone should write a FAQ! :p

As for mod.ini files. FS2_Open doesn't understand them at all, even on Windows. It's the launcher that reads them and converts them into a format FS2_Open can understand (i.e changing the cmdline_fso.cfg). The Mac launcher (http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/topic,51391.0.html) should be capable of doing this too but since it's not bundled with Open most people have formed the impression that Macs can't deal with mod.ini files. 
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: General Battuta on July 24, 2008, 11:48:51 am
FreeSpace folder\Mediavps
FreeSpace folder\BluePlanet

Right? Anyway, you just put a mod.ini for BP that's for download in that thread, I think, and place it into your BluePlanet folder. If you can't download it, then make a text file called mod.ini ( with the INI extension, not TXT ) and write this:

Code: [Select]
secondrylist = mediavps;

That's the windows procedure. Are you sure it works on a Mac?

As Kara said, mod.inis work fine on Macs. I can attest to this, since I have used them on three separate Macs running both Tiger and Leopard.
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: Wobble73 on July 25, 2008, 07:20:01 am
Then we have kara's FAQ, which can be hard to find, though, since there are links to it only on some signatures and posts.

It's linked at the top of the page under External Sites! Easy enough to find if you ask me!
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: Jeff Vader on July 25, 2008, 07:23:32 am
Then we have kara's FAQ, which can be hard to find, though, since there are links to it only on some signatures and posts.
It's linked at the top of the page under External Sites! Easy enough to find if you ask me!
Hmm. So it is. Pardon, I am half-blind. But obviously the name isn't sexy enough since new people don't read it and even I missed the link there.
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: Androgeos Exeunt on July 25, 2008, 07:51:47 am
Thanks. However, I found a workaround by manually moving all the MediaVPs to the root folder while playing BP. I'll create an .ini file for BP later.

As of now, I've finished playing the whole mod. :D

By the way, I can't download the Launcher from the link you guys gave me (I get an error). It doesn't matter (for me), though, since I have it already.
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: Jeff Vader on July 25, 2008, 07:57:16 am
Thanks. However, I found a workaround by manually moving all the MediaVPs to the root folder while playing BP.
K. I just always find it awkward to have non-retail files in \freespace2\. But I suppose the MediaVPs aren't that dangerous. At least compared to mods that have unique tables.

By the way, I can't download the Launcher from the link you guys gave me (I get an error). It doesn't matter (for me), though, since I have it already.
This one (http://soulstorm-creations.com/SOULSTORM_CUSTOM_FILES/FS2_Open_Launcher_3.0.7.dmg)? Seems to work just fine. But yes, it is the same version you already have.
Title: Re: Blue Planet Error
Post by: Androgeos Exeunt on July 25, 2008, 08:51:08 am
Nah, that's the link I eventually found, and it works fine. The one that doesn't work is the very first one on this thread (http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/topic,51391.0.html).