Hard Light Productions Forums

Hosted Projects - Standalone => Fate of the Galaxy => Topic started by: bobbtmann on October 09, 2008, 05:02:06 pm

Title: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on October 09, 2008, 05:02:06 pm
Is any one making the Carrack? If no one has claimed it, I woudn't mind having a go at it.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on October 09, 2008, 05:35:43 pm
Nope.  Can't wait to see what you can do.  :)  And welcome to Fate of the Galaxy, don't think I've seen you around much.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on October 11, 2008, 05:11:15 pm
Are we making shields for the larger ships?

[attachment deleted by Tolwyn]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Galemp on October 11, 2008, 05:24:44 pm

And no, no shield meshes. The SCP's Surface Shields function will be used.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Flipside on October 11, 2008, 05:30:35 pm
I always liked the Carrack, not quite sure why, I think it's because wasn't a big stroppy bugger like the Supercaps, but was a nice challenge to face in combat, unlike the Corellian Corvette, which was always a bit too easy to take down (3 Proton Torps would do the job iirc).
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on October 11, 2008, 05:58:48 pm
Not too bad.  I think the blisters and the radar might have a few too many polies, and would look just fine with fewer polies and good smoothing.  It definitely looks like a carrack though.  The only thing now is to make it look more inspired, and alive.  It's not a heavily referenced ship though, so it'll take some imagination.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: aRaven on October 11, 2008, 07:14:40 pm
I always liked the Carrack, not quite sure why, I think it's because wasn't a big stroppy bugger like the Supercaps, but was a nice challenge to face in combat, unlike the Corellian Corvette, which was always a bit too easy to take down (3 Proton Torps would do the job iirc).

It's six(3x2) direct torpedo hits :P.

And the strength of the corvette depends obviously of its implementation in a game. It's much harder to take down in XWA than in XvsTIE.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Flipside on October 11, 2008, 07:36:50 pm
Heh, I think what I used to do was 3 Torps to drop shields, disable with Ions, destroy at leisure.

True about how they are implemented, they actually used to arrive in squadrons in the old XvsTIE :lol:
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: brandx0 on October 12, 2008, 03:57:38 pm
Well, if the Vette can at least take a few direct hits from the ISD's big turbolasers, don't suspect you'll be blowing it up with a few torps from your X-Wing.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Titan on October 13, 2008, 05:21:52 pm
it also depends if it's from imps or someone else. IIRC, almost all non imp correlians were modified....
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on October 13, 2008, 08:11:46 pm
Anyway, bobbtman, any more progress?  I'm curious what kind of setup you have for modeling and rendering too.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: brandx0 on October 13, 2008, 10:53:27 pm
Also what program are you modeling it in?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on October 14, 2008, 05:45:45 pm
Not a whole lot of progress, what with thanksgiving and midterms and all. Let's see, I've got the gun turrets put on, only missing the tractor beam emplacements. I was planning to just select a plate of armour, make it a subsystem and saying there's a tractor beam behind it.

This is all being done on 3ds max, if it means anything.

[attachment deleted by Tolwyn]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on October 14, 2008, 06:25:10 pm
Since you're in Max, you may want to look into the clay render tutorials here (http://www.3dnuts.com/tutorials/render_wip.shtml) or here (http://www.oman3d.com/tutorials/3ds/clayrender_stealth/).  Obviously not going to make your model any better but they can really help draw the oohs and aahs from the fans :)

Also, I'm curious what you're using for reference.  I'm specifically curious about your engines, as the pic on the Wookiee (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Carrack-class_light_cruiser) differs significantly.  I also have some shots here (http://swc.fs2downloads.com/reference.php?subdir=Another_Site/CapShip/Carrack%20Cruiser/) if you need more refs.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: LampArtPro on October 19, 2008, 12:24:10 pm
Hi, I'm making a machinima for JK3, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to let us use your model once you are finished, all we'd need is finished screen shots from multiple angels of the ship, so we can animate it into our show.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on October 19, 2008, 06:28:17 pm
Hi, I'm making a machinima for JK3, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to let us use your model once you are finished, all we'd need is finished screen shots from multiple angels of the ship, so we can animate it into our show.

Sure, I guess. I'm unfamiliar with those terms you used, though. What's a machinima and what's JK3?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Galemp on October 19, 2008, 09:07:48 pm
Machinima in this circumstance is using the in-game models and engine to record video. It's basically using the character models as puppets.

JK3=Jedi Knight 3, Jedi Academy, a first-person shooter from LucasArts.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on October 19, 2008, 10:01:36 pm
Machinima in this circumstance is using the in-game models and engine to record video. It's basically using the character models as puppets.

JK3=Jedi Knight 3, Jedi Academy, a first-person shooter from LucasArts.

Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Revan on October 20, 2008, 03:00:22 am
Would you like to make some Cutscenes for us?

Something Like:

Imperial Troops taking over a Planet (like that from X-Wing in Tour of Duty 1)
Vader is killing a Traitor (TIE Fighter, Harkovs Dead)
And so on?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: brandx0 on October 20, 2008, 02:42:21 pm
Revan: Who is this us you speak of?  I don't remember asking for any cutscenes for FotG at least.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on October 20, 2008, 10:16:19 pm
Here's a shot with some light in it. The second image has the UV map template as the material.

[attachment deleted by Tolwyn]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: brandx0 on October 21, 2008, 03:55:29 am
Those rounded bulbs on the side and comm dish still need less sides if you ask me.  Otherwise looking great though.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on October 21, 2008, 08:17:38 am
What a difference render settings can make.  I agree though, if the side count on those rounded surfaces could be reduced it would be great, especially later on with the unwrapping I'm sure.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: StarSlayer on October 23, 2008, 01:07:02 pm
Nice, now you can build a Flurry for it to "make go boom"
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on October 23, 2008, 03:44:39 pm
I thought there already was a model of the Flurry on this site.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: StarSlayer on October 23, 2008, 03:56:12 pm
That's a distinct possibility I must admit I was going by the Ship Database on the website, I haven't combed the forum.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on October 23, 2008, 05:06:41 pm
It was started, I don't know if we have a model of it though.  It's not in the shiplist here on the forums so unless someone finishes it, consider it open.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on October 24, 2008, 10:02:46 pm
Hmmm. Well, I think I'll let someone else do the Flurry then.

[attachment deleted by Tolwyn]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on October 25, 2008, 12:26:44 am
Lookin' sharp, but you still never answered about your references for those engines.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Kyle_K_ski on October 25, 2008, 08:16:12 am
I have a favor to ask.  I appreciate 90% of the Carrack's aesthetics, but I absolutely loathe its unbelievably enormous window.  I can't remember its exact dimensions when I read about them, but they were absolutely absurd, especially for a ship that's going to encounter battle.  A couple of years ago I read up some "official" explanation of this miracle windshield's super durable makeup, and you know what?  I didn't buy the ridiculous technobabble at all. 

Not too long ago, a member of the X-Wing Alliance Upgrade team released two versions of the Carrack, one with the miracle windshield, and one without.  Guess which one looks a lot better and far more plausible?  Here's a link to Berruga's incredible work (click image to get a larger pic to scrutinize): http://www.darksaber.gaylenol.com/crafthostberruga.html (http://www.darksaber.gaylenol.com/crafthostberruga.html)

Fingers crossed that an alternate version similar to Berruga's can be supplied to us who can't suspend their disbelief enough to accept the miracle windshield. 

In spite of my grumblings, keep up the solid work!

Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Flipside on October 25, 2008, 08:34:03 am
Gotta agree, that windscreen does look ridiculous for a ship that size, looks more like sightseeing ship than a combat vessel, but, as has already been said, that's the fault of the original designers, so I'm not complaining about the model itself :)
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Kyle_K_ski on October 25, 2008, 08:56:28 am

I too feel as you do.  I'm certainly not blaming bobbtmann for the ship's design, as he's following the extended universe's canon.  It looks quite accurate to me, and for that I commend him.

I often times feel that when I look at the ship designs early in Star Wars' pre-prequel "resurgence" that game/toy makers simply bought the Star Wars license, and then charged some lowly paid designers to knock out starship and character designs for them, without them being given much direction.  Another example that I can think of is how the first waves of new Star Wars figures were released with bulging muscles and over sized weaponry, man, the first two years' worth of new figures sucked BAD.  The enormous scale of the Carrack's miracle windshield especially makes me think of this "little thought applied to the design" scenario.  It looks like a ship that was intended to carry a much smaller package than what it does now, but in the development process nobody asked the artist what his/her intentions were before slapping some data to it.

However its look evolved, one of the great things mod makers can do is make things look better and more plausible, thus my request for an alternate version to be released along with the E.U. canonical one.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on October 25, 2008, 11:59:17 am
Lookin' sharp, but you still never answered about your references for those engines.

My apologies. I was actually looking at the the image off of Wikipedia when I started and came up with this solution for the model. I planned to have the individual nacelles expressed with the texture, since you wouldn't really be able to see much through the engine glow.

As for the mega window, I agree with Kyle. I didn't like the size of the front window when I first looked at it, though I do find that it grows on me. The way I see it now is that the bridge on all the big imperial ships have pretty much the same layout. For instance: the bridge on an ISD and an SSD are practically the same layout and size, despite the SSD being a lot bigger. Unfortunately, when you stick an ISD's bridge on a small cruiser, it looks wierd. Sometimes bureaucracy can come up with some solutions that seem great on paper but don't work so well in practice.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on October 25, 2008, 12:00:52 pm
I really like that one on Darksaber's page.  Never noticed it before though.  The window definitely makes more sense that size, even when I first looked at it, I was thinking, this thing is how big?  And the window must be how many decks high?

I'd almost suggest just using the small window instead.  I don't normally recommend breaking canon, but this ship's design isn't terribly set in stone I don't think.  People would still recognize it if it changed too.

bobbt, that makes sense then about the engines.  But the bridge thing, the Carrack wasn't made by the same company as all those star destroyers so I don't think it would match up quite the same.  Look at the Nebulon, it's pretty different, etc.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: maje on October 25, 2008, 12:39:58 pm
I would actually go with having the large window broken into a row of windows, per deck.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: StarSlayer on October 25, 2008, 02:58:50 pm
If you actually decide to replace the giant green house window, i might suggest utilizing the Lancer Frigate as a reference?  It might not translate quite as well on the bow shape of a Carrack but  I always thought the look of the Lancer's square slit view ports was much more effective then the Carrack's big one.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Kyle_K_ski on October 25, 2008, 05:32:14 pm
I think that maje's idea of replacing the miracle windshield with a series of windows setup to depict multiple decks is also a sound solution.  I don't think that there has to be any one approach to solving this one glaring design dilemma of the Carrack's.  We could go with a solution similar to the one found at Darksaber's site, as sometimes simpler is better.

There could be an arrangement of windows set close to each other on multiple decks in a cluster, and one of those windows was especially wide or shaped a little differently to denote that this one portion is "the" command center.  Perhaps take a little bit of inspiration from how the multiple eyes on a spider's head are arranged, and give the Carrack's forward area just a tiny hint of an almost organic menace...  Who knows, it might work, it might not.  But I'm happy to see that there's a strong consensus that its one miracle windshield is an eyesore. 

At least I know that I'm not alone!   ;)   
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: LampArtPro on October 29, 2008, 12:41:16 pm
Would you like to make some Cutscenes for us?

Something Like:

Imperial Troops taking over a Planet (like that from X-Wing in Tour of Duty 1)
Vader is killing a Traitor (TIE Fighter, Harkovs Dead)
And so on?

Yes, I suppose it can be done. It'll be with JK3 Graphics however.

What I'd like to do, in regards to the Carrack Class Light Cruiser. Is use it for my machinima series, in which a crew of four pilot the ship, going planet to planet in a Farscape styled adventure. The way I would use the model is take photos of the finished thing from many many angels, and animate them using Adobe Aftereffects. To make it look like the ship is actually flying in space. For any personal questions you may contact me at [email protected]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Revan on November 01, 2008, 04:48:46 pm
Revan: Who is this us you speak of?
The FotG-Team. The "Idea-Guys" and Fredders that are waiting for the first Release.

  I don't remember asking for any cutscenes for FotG at least.
If the possibility comes up, why not?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on November 01, 2008, 07:40:12 pm
Well, we can probably manage making our cutscenes with in game models, save for a few situations.  But I don't recall you being any of those yet either.  Honestly, we appreciate our fans very much, especially when it seems like we're not up to much and you still stick around, but even if you contribute to the project, 'we' is still people who are on the main staff.  It's not bad to get a little excited, just try not to step on the toes of those who have been working on this for a while eh?  Thanks Revan.

LAP, once any of our material has been released, I don't think any of our contributors or staff will object to its use in other volunteer works, assuming credit is given where it's due.  But currently, I'm leaving those decisions up to each person who created the content in question, so with this it would be up to bobbtman and anyone else who puts any significant work into the model.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on November 06, 2008, 03:51:11 pm
Okay, so I've started the normal map. I've created a texture in photoshop ( the modulations are fairly subtle, so they might not come across in the image). The overall temperature is warm, but I might add some cooler colours into it. Depends what it looks like. Don't worry about the panels, they'll be more than they are right now.

As for this miracle window, I don't think I'll be touching it. It gives the ship a personality that's lost when it's shrunken. I'm not saying that the Carrack is a great design, but the scale of the window seems to suite it visually. Make the window smaller like in Darksaber's, and the entire ship just becomes mediocre and unmemorable. However, if someone wants to change the window later I won't try to stop them.

[attachment deleted by necromancer]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: brandx0 on November 07, 2008, 04:25:42 am
Smooth groups need some taking care of for sure, and being as it seems there's little to no smoothing involved, I'd imagine that the sensor dish and bubbles on the side still have way too many sides.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on November 07, 2008, 10:50:23 am
I agree.  It is, however, still a very pretty boat.  Ship.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on November 07, 2008, 05:37:38 pm
Smooth groups need some taking care of for sure, and being as it seems there's little to no smoothing involved, I'd imagine that the sensor dish and bubbles on the side still have way too many sides.

Don't worry, brandx0. I'll remove some of the polygones on the bubble and the dish soon enough.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: brandx0 on November 08, 2008, 01:03:29 am
I would suggest doing so before you get into texturing, otherwise it could screw up your UVs quite easily
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on November 16, 2008, 01:41:06 pm
So I've simplified the reactor bubble things, but I can't say that I'm happy with the effect. The profile gets all angular, and I don't really reduce the poly count by an awful lot. This cruiser as it is right now only has about 4500 faces, and that's before I reduce the bubbles. I've posted the before and after image of the bubble so you can see the difference.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Vasudan Admiral on November 17, 2008, 10:34:21 pm
Leave them high detail. :)
4500 is around the polycounts of fighters, which that leaves you with up to around 5-8000 more polys to play with for a ship of this size before it begins to be a bit unnessecary. And even then, going well above that kind of polycount (as long as it's well used) is no problem in most cases, and will become less of a problem over time.

Looks great, keep it up! :D
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: brandx0 on November 18, 2008, 04:42:04 am
I never meant the comment about the bulbs being too high poly as to mean that the entire ship should be low poly.  I meant it more that if you reduced the number of sides on the bulbs you could add in detail elsewhere.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on November 18, 2008, 11:02:37 pm
Well, it's a bit light on polygones but it's a heavyweight when it comes to texture. 4096x4096.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on November 18, 2008, 11:19:43 pm
Wow, that's a big map.  Is there that much detail on that thing?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on November 19, 2008, 05:51:39 pm
Yeah, it does seem to be a pretty big map. I don't think my computer can even use it, since I have to reduce the resolution by half in order to see it in game. Otherwise it gets these weird striations and stuff.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on November 19, 2008, 09:28:36 pm
I would probably use 1/4 that, tops.  Could probably make do with 1/8 of that (1024x2048).
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Flipside on November 19, 2008, 09:50:15 pm
Absolute maximum size for maps should really be 2048 x 2048. Whilst many of the newest cards will handle 4096, transferring the data for a texture between the graphics card memory and the CPU is one of the most time-consuming parts of 3D rendering from a system POV. The larger the texture, the longer it takes to transfer.

In truth, the system is far more forgiving of poly-count than texture resolution.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on November 30, 2008, 11:21:01 pm
Alright then, the map sized will be reduced and polygone count will be increased. I'll be increasing the polygone count mostly by tacking little things onto the hull to break up large areas. I have noticed, however, that where two objects connect it gets very jagged and when two parellel planes are fairly close to each other there's this shimmering effect when my fighter moves out. Is this a problem with the model, or with my computer? I've noticed the shimmering effect on the high resolution Deimos when I am at a distance, as well.

Please note: Though the purple paint job looks cool, it's actually imperial blue. Oh well.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: brandx0 on December 01, 2008, 04:23:54 am
Imperial Blue =/= Purple...

If you wanted to include any colours in the paint scheme (which personally I wouldn't) I'd suggest star destroyer grey and perhaps some TIE fighter blue.  That's about it, as they're the only colours the Empire seems to use in the movies.  Ultimately I'd just go with plain grey.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: TopAce on December 01, 2008, 10:02:11 am
I agree. Gray is more menacing and natural.

It sort of makes no sense to paint a warship blue.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Herra Tohtori on December 01, 2008, 10:13:22 am
Colour doesn't always imply paint. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluing_(steel)) It could be just different surface material or even a different batch of whatever those ships consist of. Though I agree, no one in their right mind would take the effort to paint a capital ship sized vessel... *cough*errantventure*cough*

At any rate, matte gray implies paint way more than simple brushed or even polished metallic finish (though brushed makes more sense as it removes most of the glints that you hardly want).
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Turambar on December 01, 2008, 11:21:25 am
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on December 01, 2008, 12:26:28 pm
Well, this ship is considerably smaller than the errant venture. As using chemical reactions to blue the surface, one would assume that these ships are using an alloy or some material that isn't highly reactif. I'm pretty sure the Carrack can operate in atmosphere, so it would rust if it weren't.

Who knows, maybe the empire started painting Carrack cruisers as a PR thing, to show everyone their fun and adventurous side.

Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: MarkN on December 06, 2008, 06:52:47 am
Taking about colouring the surface, in my field (gas turbines) we use some of the least reactive metals known (Nickel-chrome or Nickel-Aluminium), but these componenets are sometimes grey (raw metal), sometimes white (thermal barrier coating), and simetimes gold (Titianium nitride impact coating). The same thing could be done gor starship hull plates.
On the other hand, the apparently arbitrary 'stipe' along the hull looks more like an identification marking than a function coating.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on December 07, 2008, 06:07:01 pm
The stripe is definitely not a functional coating. It's definitely the imperial equivalent of Harper's sweater vest.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: swashmebuckle on December 07, 2008, 07:30:32 pm
Moff NASCAR's personal cruiser.  The campaign practically writes itself!
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Turambar on December 07, 2008, 10:38:16 pm
Moff NASCAR's personal cruiser.  The campaign practically writes itself!

sounds like a perfect assignment for Wraith Squadron
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Titan on December 08, 2008, 02:51:34 pm
'Your first task will be to capture a wing of heavily damaged ties. Now, QUCIK! destroy the carrack from the center of that fleet! Try to be detected at all costs!'

I know it's not like that, and Aaron Alliston is a good author, but i liked the stackpole books better.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: StarSlayer on December 08, 2008, 03:03:04 pm
When i want to laugh my ass of i read Alliston, when i want a more "serious" rendition i'll pull out the Stackpole.  Both are good in their own way.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on December 31, 2008, 01:33:45 am
Well, here's an update. Just some modifications to the model; the blue stripe might still come back...

p.s. Don't worry brandx0: the round thing at the back is just in it's own smooth group.

[attachment stolen by Slimey Goober]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: swashmebuckle on December 31, 2008, 04:06:39 am
Episode I: The Phallic Menace

Seriously though, that is looking really good.  I especially like the detail on the underside.  Great work!
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: brandx0 on December 31, 2008, 04:18:45 am
That`s starting to look real nice
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on December 31, 2008, 11:51:30 am
That`s starting to look real nice

I concur.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Narvi on January 02, 2009, 02:39:57 am
You managed to make one of the uglier EU ships look very nice.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: EtherShock on January 11, 2009, 09:02:34 pm
Alright then, the map sized will be reduced and polygone count will be increased. I'll be increasing the polygone count mostly by tacking little things onto the hull to break up large areas. I have noticed, however, that where two objects connect it gets very jagged and when two parellel planes are fairly close to each other there's this shimmering effect when my fighter moves out. Is this a problem with the model, or with my computer? I've noticed the shimmering effect on the high resolution Deimos when I am at a distance, as well.

Please note: Though the purple paint job looks cool, it's actually imperial blue. Oh well.
I don't care for the paintjob, but as long as there is a "no markings" flight group color, I don't see why people wouldn't be accepting of it. If say for instance someone wanted to do a Clone Wars era campaign, they could just use the other color scheme or perhaps other groups that come into possession of these vessels wouldn't bother to repaint them, though I don't recall Freespace supporting flight group colors.

Some might not be happy with the "windshield" design, but I can respect a modeler's choice of something like that, even though I prefer the other look myself. Great job on the ship so far though. ^_^b
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on January 11, 2009, 09:37:23 pm
Though I think the miracle windshield looks better than the alternative by a long shot, I'm having a hard time rationalizing a 19 metre tall windshield.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on January 18, 2009, 07:25:04 pm
Okay, a small update. I reduced the windshield a bit, and the nose is slimmer to keep the windshield from looking too stretched. The overall effect is tall and narrow in the front and wide and squat in the back.

[attachment stolen by Slimey Goober]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: peterv on January 18, 2009, 07:37:26 pm
Lovely  :yes:
IMO it needs more smoothing on the nose.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: StarSlayer on January 18, 2009, 09:22:39 pm
 :yes: on the subdued bridge window.  Overall its coming along very nicely.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on January 18, 2009, 10:36:33 pm
Lovely  :yes:
IMO it needs more smoothing on the nose.

I think I'll keep arranging the faces around. I'm going for angular, but if the ploygons aren't planar it just looks poorly smoothed. I'll keep trying to find a solution for it.
Title: Re: Stripe
Post by: Galemp on January 19, 2009, 08:31:08 am
Imperial Gray is definitely standard-issue for the Carrack. However in cases where a ship is used in both Rebel and Imperial fleets (as well as potentially private interests, like pirates or local security forces) reskins are a must. A texture with a patchy rust-colored stripe just like the purple one you have there would be the perfect designator for an Alliance Carrack, with perhaps blue, gold and green for other forces.

Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: kalnaren on January 19, 2009, 09:21:02 am
Very nice. I love the Carrack, always have.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: EtherShock on February 16, 2009, 12:29:08 am
A bridge on the lower decks seems a little out of place, but I'm willing to suspend my disbelief, definitely better than the huge windshield, good job.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on February 16, 2009, 01:56:37 pm
A bridge on the lower decks seems a little out of place, but I'm willing to suspend my disbelief, definitely better than the huge windshield, good job.

I would imagine that it isn't all that hard to suspend disbelief in this case. I'm not a navy man, but I would imagine that putting the bridge high up on a ship gives the captain a better view, and allows him to see over the horizon a bit more. In space I doubt that would be an issue.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Pred the Penguin on February 16, 2009, 04:35:36 pm
No, that wouldn't be an issue at all. It's actually more practical, cause that way the bridge won't be breached from the top.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: kalnaren on February 16, 2009, 11:12:41 pm
A bridge on the lower decks seems a little out of place, but I'm willing to suspend my disbelief, definitely better than the huge windshield, good job.
Actually, it would make the most sense to have the bridge burried deep within the ship. Most modern warships have their Combat Information Centres below deck or in very well armoured sections. The traditional bridge is simply used to steer the ship.

Starship bridges would technically have no need for windows so it wouldn't need to be on the outside of the hull.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: FUBAR-BDHR on February 16, 2009, 11:15:34 pm
Most likely there would be multiple bridges or command centers.  One might be up top with a view just in case of loss of instruments but the main one would most likely be in a secure area. 
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Pred the Penguin on February 17, 2009, 04:22:54 am
You don't need it to be on top. Cause there is no up or down in space. =/
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Narvi on February 17, 2009, 04:53:32 am
The bridge should obviously protrude from one of the ship's diagonals. Duh.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: CountBuggula on February 17, 2009, 09:34:35 am
You don't need it to be on top. Cause there is no up or down in space. =/

The enemy gate is down!
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on February 17, 2009, 10:10:23 am
You don't need it to be on top. Cause there is no up or down in space. =/

The enemy gate is down!

The mineshaft's exit is down, then left, then right a bit, then back up, then a 180 turn, then right again, back down some more, then... (in Descent that is)
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: CountBuggula on February 17, 2009, 11:17:29 am
You don't need it to be on top. Cause there is no up or down in space. =/

The enemy gate is down!

The mineshaft's exit is down, then left, then right a bit, then back up, then a 180 turn, then right again, back down some more, then... (in Descent that is)

Or was that up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, select, start?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on February 17, 2009, 09:16:54 pm
You don't need it to be on top. Cause there is no up or down in space. =/

The enemy gate is down!

The mineshaft's exit is down, then left, then right a bit, then back up, then a 180 turn, then right again, back down some more, then... (in Descent that is)

Or was that up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, select, start?

No it was Down, Up, Left, Left, A, Right, Down.  Or A, B, A, C, A, B, B.

Hopefully we get an update soon so we can stop this derailing.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: CountBuggula on February 17, 2009, 11:31:00 pm
You don't need it to be on top. Cause there is no up or down in space. =/

The enemy gate is down!

The mineshaft's exit is down, then left, then right a bit, then back up, then a 180 turn, then right again, back down some more, then... (in Descent that is)

Or was that up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, select, start?

No it was Down, Up, Left, Left, A, Right, Down.  Or A, B, A, C, A, B, B.

Hopefully we get an update soon so we can stop this derailing.

Seriously.  Eventually we're gonna run out of geeky inside joke/references.

Anyways, I think it was north, west, south, west.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on February 18, 2009, 12:54:53 am
Sorry guys, won't be an update for a while. Painting portfolios are coming soon and work is piling up in my other classes. There might be a new update in a month or two.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Titan on February 19, 2009, 03:40:42 pm
On the above tangent: I'm rolling on the floor now, and i have this wierd excited feeling in my gut now that i've stopped. I just finished the original and now i'm in the middle of Ender in Exile.

Ok, no more on that subject.

We also need green for CorSec, though i don't know if they use Carracks.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: MR_T3D on February 19, 2009, 04:32:48 pm
On the above tangent: I'm rolling on the floor now, and i have this wierd excited feeling in my gut now that i've stopped. I just finished the original and now i'm in the middle of Ender in Exile.

Ok, no more on that subject.

We also need green for CorSec, though i don't know if they use Carracks.
they can if you want them to...
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: CountBuggula on February 19, 2009, 10:51:31 pm
On the above tangent: I'm rolling on the floor now, and i have this wierd excited feeling in my gut now that i've stopped. I just finished the original and now i'm in the middle of Ender in Exile.

I knew someone on these boards was bound to get that reference.  If you haven't read Bean's saga yet do yourself a favor and read them.  Now.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on February 19, 2009, 11:51:09 pm
Ah right, that was in Ender's Shadow wasn't it.  Almost forgot about that.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on April 17, 2009, 01:39:55 am
Here's an update:

[attachment deleted by evil Tolwyn]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on April 17, 2009, 02:29:07 pm
Yet another model that's probably close to placeholder status and being done in Max.  It'd be great if this were in game within the week, but for a ship like this we would need to be settling on the turret configuration as well, unless we just put it in game for show for now.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: TopAce on April 17, 2009, 04:27:52 pm
...unless we just put it in game for show for now...

I prefer that.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on April 17, 2009, 05:00:36 pm
Also I meant to ask, what's that big turret looking thing off to the side?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on April 17, 2009, 05:46:04 pm
The large turret hovering to port is just a big version of the turrets. I don't know if we're standardizing turrets or what. Originally it was the Heavy Turbolaser turret, but now I'm thinking they can be the ion cannons. They're about four metres in length, so they're not very big for anti cap-ship weapons. I'm planning to make the turbolasers similar to the blob turrets found on the Deimos; just raised holes in the ship.

I think this is pretty much what the model is going to be. If there are any concerns or suggestions, speak your piece. If everyone is okay, then I'll begin texturing.

Here's the final model:

[attachment deleted by evil Tolwyn]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Snail on April 17, 2009, 05:48:05 pm
I'm not a fan of pop hole turrets, but this ship be jammin'. :yes:
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on April 17, 2009, 05:49:36 pm
Unfortunately it may be all we have to work with right now, considering the still existing difficulty of mounting multipart turrets at odd angles.  I'm curious where the idea for that turret came from though.  Also curious to see one in place on the side of that thing :)
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on April 17, 2009, 05:50:34 pm
Thanks, Snail. Here are some plans and elevations:

[attachment deleted by evil Tolwyn]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: swashmebuckle on April 17, 2009, 06:14:35 pm
That looks fantastic and should get in-game ASAP!  Is the final version going to be tan or gray?  Love the head-on shot especially.  :yes:
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: EtherShock on April 17, 2009, 07:30:39 pm
That turret looks like the main gun you'd find on a tank.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on April 18, 2009, 05:27:06 pm
...Is the final version going to be tan or gray?...

The final version will probably be a reduced-intensity tan. It won't be grey though, since I find using grey sucks the life out of everything

That turret looks like the main gun you'd find on a tank.

That's where I got my inspiration for the turret. chief1983, last I heard multi-part side turrets worked. Has something changed?

Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on April 18, 2009, 07:16:07 pm
They might work, but they might have to be on the horizontal axis instead of the vertical one, I'm not sure.  Plus, I don't know that I've actually seen them working yet, even if they are supposed to.  When I see it I'll believe it :)
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Narvi on April 18, 2009, 11:48:01 pm
...Is the final version going to be tan or gray?...

The final version will probably be a reduced-intensity tan. It won't be grey though, since I find using grey sucks the life out of everything

Well, yeah, it's the Empire. It's supposed to be like that.  :P
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on April 19, 2009, 02:45:45 am
That's probably as much the manufacturer's choice of materials as it is the Empire's wishes.  KDY likes gray, ok.  Who knows about Damorian though.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Black Wolf on April 19, 2009, 07:51:39 am
Oh wow. I do like the look of that. I mean, the ship itself is ugly as sin, and yet somehow the model manages to look fantastic despite that. Really good work.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Snail on April 19, 2009, 07:57:12 am
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on April 19, 2009, 02:38:53 pm
Well, yeah, it's the Empire. It's supposed to be like that.  :P

True. However, there is no such thing as grey in nature. You can make things appear grey without actually making them grey. I've seen (and made) a lot of really awful paintings that were bad because of all the grey in them.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: swashmebuckle on April 19, 2009, 07:36:12 pm
Yeah, as Brand-X has mentioned elsewhere, you basically can't see the color on the fighters in the battle of Yavin; the entire scene is largely black and white with major color coming only from the lasers and engine glow (and explosions :D).  Some of the Mon Cal cruisers also have a lot of tan/brown on them, and they look really good in action.  Really I think anything from Star Destroyer white to medium brown could look great, as would a combination.  Now to find some good lighting settings...
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: brandx0 on April 20, 2009, 03:01:25 am
When looking at the visual style for Star Wars, especially colours, it's important to note that all scenes in all the movies were filmed with a blue filter over the lense, moreso in the space scenes of ESB and RotJ.  This style is something I've personally incorporated into my models
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: swashmebuckle on April 20, 2009, 05:01:01 am
Don't forget that some of the blue was added in for the 2004 DVDs:


And has to be removed by fans to get a decent picture :)

Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Aardwolf on May 10, 2009, 10:35:55 am
Gah, why would they do that?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Narvi on May 10, 2009, 11:25:22 am
Because the DVD restoration wasn't done by Industrial Light & Magic.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on May 11, 2009, 08:12:24 pm
So what was the verdict on the paint job?

[attachment deleted by ninja]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on May 11, 2009, 09:18:20 pm
I like the way it's going.  Or is that just primer?  :)
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: MR_T3D on May 12, 2009, 02:32:41 pm
excellent for the first 10 years after CW
maybe a little metal panel detail...
a little too much colour i think for GCW though

ohh, could you do up a dirty one like the classic y-wing...
with the colour that would rock
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: EtherShock on May 12, 2009, 08:17:10 pm
Paint looks great for a Clone Wars era vessel, but I agree, it would be ditched afterwards.

When looking at the visual style for Star Wars, especially colours, it's important to note that all scenes in all the movies were filmed with a blue filter over the lense, moreso in the space scenes of ESB and RotJ.  This style is something I've personally incorporated into my models
I hated how they did that. I guess it's fine for light sources that would emit or reflect blue light, but not for everything.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on May 12, 2009, 08:22:27 pm
What?  They filtered out the blue light, not added it.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: swashmebuckle on May 14, 2009, 12:45:12 am
I like the choices you made for what places should have the different color, but I think a darker gray might make the ship a bit more impressive than that blue.  The blue is sort of...gentle looking.  The imperial symbols are sweet.  :yes:
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: StealthSudaka on May 14, 2009, 01:46:58 pm
Impressive indeed, though I must agree that the blue colors takes away from military war machine; it looks more like a local patrol ship. Give gray a shot, it would look intimidating and a lot more Imperial. As for the Symbol you could make it black. (IMO)
Awesome modeling though, you've really outdone yourself. Cant wait to shoot that obsolete piece of junk down!

Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on May 14, 2009, 02:55:19 pm
Wasn't it generally a local patrol ship?  It was sent to areas that didn't warrant a full blown Star Destroyer I thought, at least initially.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: StealthSudaka on May 14, 2009, 09:28:36 pm
Carracks are designed for quick and surgical strikes, they are almost as fast as X-wings thus making it an excellent ship.

"The Carrack-class was made as a cheap replacement for expensive capital ships and was not designed to operate as ships of the line, despite being capable of trading fire with larger adversaries... Over time, the increasing size and firepower of Star Destroyers made them more vulnerable in the heat of combat, but their speed and firepower continued to make them useful."
- Wookiepedia excerpt.

Pretty much sums it up.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: EtherShock on May 15, 2009, 11:48:12 pm
If you don't like blue, how about Republic Red instead?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: TopAce on May 16, 2009, 04:28:23 am
What about releasing it as gray and let fans create their own reskins?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Black Wolf on May 16, 2009, 10:36:03 am
If you don't like blue, how about Republic Red instead?

Red was for government and diplomatic ships in the Old Republic IIRC
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on June 11, 2009, 04:37:38 pm
Hey bobbtman, think this is close to being a placeholder?  We could really use something like that in game soon.  It seems the primary mesh is done, and would just need some turreting of some sort?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on June 11, 2009, 06:37:23 pm
Yup. I'm making the turrets now. If you want a place holder, right now I can get you a Carrack with the ion turrets, glow map, and diffuse map. No damaged parts, subobjects, debris, LOD's, turbolasers, normal maps. I'm having a bit of struggle rigging it, so I'm no sure when it will all be done.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on June 11, 2009, 06:50:40 pm
I'd say finish turreting and then maybe we could try conversion.  It's not as useful of a placeholder without a turret setup.  Most everything else is just visual fx.  Is that something you're interested in tackling yourself?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on June 12, 2009, 04:19:24 pm
Sure. I'll let you know next week how the conversion is going and whether or not I'd like some help.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on June 12, 2009, 05:49:09 pm
jacek is having good luck lately with the Max and Collada conversion process, but he's a bit busy with uni stuff right now.  When he's done you can probably work with him to get it converted.  Having more than one conversion-capable modeler here would be amazing.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on June 25, 2009, 07:39:32 pm
Well, I can't seem to convert this thing at all. When I do, it's all inside out and the texture is wrong and the center is in the wrong place and the turrets don't work. It used to work fine, so I don't know why it's not working any more. Someday I'll have to learn how to convert these things using collada so that I can finally finish that organic corvette I've got sitting on my hard drive.

Anyways, I have an unfinished (no LOD's or debris, and the texture is a work in progress) Carrack Class Cruiser that can be used as a trial. All it needs is to be rigged and converted.

Any takers?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on June 25, 2009, 08:06:58 pm
jacek hasn't done any capital ships yet, especially anything with turrets, but this might be a good ship for him to experiment on.  If you get me the data I can put it on the ftp so he can take a look at it.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on June 26, 2009, 05:33:35 pm
Okay, then. Where do I send it?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on June 27, 2009, 01:49:34 am
You got it to the right place :)
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on July 09, 2009, 11:34:12 am
I didn't get the most recent renders saved before the admin ated them, can I get some reposted for the website?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on July 09, 2009, 03:35:59 pm

[attachment deleted by MSC
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: brandx0 on July 09, 2009, 03:44:07 pm
I have to say, personally I'm still not feeling the blue stripe.  Imperial stuff should be pretty much uniformly coloured if you ask me.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Snail on July 09, 2009, 03:45:14 pm
I agree with brandx. Also, what's the purpose of those lights? I know they're there on the schematics, but they're far too small to be windows and don't seem to have any functional purpose.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: swashmebuckle on July 09, 2009, 04:25:18 pm
Well the ship is supposed to be 350 meters long, so I wouldn't say windows of that size are out of place, even if they don't seem to be typical of Imperial warships.  Definitely agree on the purple paint job though; could we maybe see how it looks with those areas done in a dark gray?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on July 09, 2009, 04:44:54 pm
Stripe or not, they're purdy renders.  They'll be on the website shortly.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on July 09, 2009, 10:29:31 pm
Wait until you see it with a blue filter. Sucks most of the colour right out of it. The ship looks fairly grey with a blue filter.

As for the paint job, isn't the Carrack supposed to be older? The Old Republic ships are fairly brightly painted. We'll say it's bridging the two eras together. But even the Carrack looks better than those ghastly episode II and III ships. They were incredibly... uninspired. And boring.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: brandx0 on July 09, 2009, 10:48:59 pm
Yes they are meant to be older, but also don't forget that seemingly mere hours or days after the creation of the empire they had managed to repaint their Venator star destroyers a uniform grey, along with their fighters.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on July 10, 2009, 09:25:23 am
Yes, well, the prequels are dumb that way.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Pred the Penguin on July 15, 2009, 05:36:25 am
If I had to say the Empire was successful at anything...
I'd say they were very good at making gray paint.

And I think that cruiser looks great! Maybe a little too colorful, but the essence is there. :D
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: headdie on July 15, 2009, 08:12:14 am
nice, would like to see a render showing it in a SD grey
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: EtherShock on July 15, 2009, 10:23:39 pm
I'm not digging the paintjob. Star Destroyer gray or simply no extraneous paint would be better, but otherwise, the ship looks great. :yes:
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on July 16, 2009, 04:50:01 pm
Here it is then. Imperial grey.

[attachment deleted by MSC
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on July 16, 2009, 11:27:38 pm
And here are some pics where I only changed the paint, and not the texture as a whole.

[attachment deleted by MSC
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: swashmebuckle on July 17, 2009, 12:51:02 am
I like both the imperial gray a lot and the last "neutral" pic a lot, though the latter seems to have driven through a swarm of fighter sized bugs.  Anyway it's really good looking! :yes:
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: CountBuggula on July 17, 2009, 01:22:30 am
Aha!  I'm really feeling the one in imperial gray.  The dirtied up ones aren't bad either, but I really like the first set - they feel like they belong right alongside other Imperial ships-of-the-line right in the movies.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: MR_T3D on July 17, 2009, 11:12:02 am
imperial grey ones are simply perfect.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Titan on July 17, 2009, 11:50:35 am
On the shot up one, be more selective on how/where you make the burns. add a variety of different damage, missing armor plates, etc.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on July 17, 2009, 02:54:51 pm
On the shot up one, be more selective on how/where you make the burns. add a variety of different damage, missing armor plates, etc.

Yup. Sounds like a good idea.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: EtherShock on July 19, 2009, 11:03:44 pm
Agreed, it looks too intentional.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on August 14, 2009, 11:52:56 am
LOD's are done, as are the debris. All that's left is rigging and finishing the textures. Here's an image of detail-0 ingame:

[attachment deleted by Tolwyn]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: MR_T3D on August 14, 2009, 11:59:37 am
nice to see a capital ingame
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Revan on August 14, 2009, 12:10:16 pm
Is this the first non-brandx-made ship ingame?
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on August 15, 2009, 04:01:59 pm
No, we've had Jacek's Action VI for a while.  It was one of the first.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: zookeeper on August 15, 2009, 05:23:23 pm
Even though I'm not a fan of the ship design itself, it's really great to have this, good job. The biggest thing we're currently missing are capships, after all.

When we have this, the Nebulon-B and the ISD all in-game, it's gonna be extremely neat. :eek2:
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on August 16, 2009, 01:12:49 am
And the corvette and gunship :)
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: redsniper on August 17, 2009, 02:35:24 pm
... rigging...
Wut? Unless you mean some other kind of rigging. I mean, the ship isn't going to have bones and walkcycles and stuff.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Colonol Dekker on August 17, 2009, 04:29:12 pm

He may just mean setting up subsytems etc. Although tbf i thought Eh? bodypopping Cruiser? Nah.......
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on August 17, 2009, 10:43:07 pm
Yeah that's not the first time someone used the term 'rigging' in that context around here either.  Might have been him before though, I forget.  Either way, yeah just subsystems and other PCS2 finishing touches.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on August 18, 2009, 09:12:12 pm
Yeah that's not the first time someone used the term 'rigging' in that context around here either.  Might have been him before though, I forget.  Either way, yeah just subsystems and other PCS2 finishing touches.

It was probably me.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on August 19, 2009, 05:07:05 pm
So I've run into a few problems, again. I model and rig my turrets in a seperate file, then I transfer them over to my main model. No error messages or anything. I look at the ship, and the only LOD I can see is the one with the biggest number: detail-2. The other LODs are there, only the wrong one is being used. Then I look at what should be detail-0, and to my horror I discover the turrets are all out of whack. All of them are pointing straight up, and the firing points are pointing in seemingly random directions. Not only that, some of the turrets are blown way out of proportion. The thrusters also zoom to the centre of whatever subobject they're attached to, and shrink to dots. Any ideas?

fig. 1:  detail-0?
fig. 2:  messed up turrets
fig. 3:  firing points
fig. 4:  spot the thrusters

[attachment deleted by Tolwyn]
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on August 19, 2009, 06:10:21 pm
Figure 2 is AWESOME.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Snail on August 20, 2009, 08:56:29 am
No, it's completely ****ed up. :wtf:
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Mongoose on August 20, 2009, 11:38:51 am
No, it's completely ****ed up. :wtf:
Yes, but it's still awesome.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: redsniper on August 20, 2009, 11:44:18 am
Carrack cruiser, Gurren Lagann version. :D
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Snail on August 20, 2009, 12:09:10 pm
I think I have the right to say the proportions are completely off when compared to the source material here.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on August 20, 2009, 01:20:59 pm
Actually Snail, I can't believe it took someone that long to make that comment.  But I still hate you for it.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Mongoose on August 20, 2009, 03:02:44 pm
I just hope that someone comes along who actually knows how to help bob fix it, before we all make any more idiotic posts. :p
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: Snail on August 20, 2009, 05:44:26 pm
Actually Snail, I can't believe it took someone that long to make that comment.  But I still hate you for it.
I thought I'd seize the opportunity. :nervous:
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: FUBAR-BDHR on August 20, 2009, 07:31:26 pm
You are redoing the header in PCS2 afterward right?  It really doesn't know to use detail-0 as the first LOD unless told it is the first LOD.  As for the size thing what are you importing from?  You either need to adjust the cob scaling factor or resize it in the modeling program. 
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on August 20, 2009, 10:53:05 pm
You are redoing the header in PCS2 afterward right?  It really doesn't know to use detail-0 as the first LOD unless told it is the first LOD.  As for the size thing what are you importing from?  You either need to adjust the cob scaling factor or resize it in the modeling program. 

I don't know anything about any header. I haven't been messing around much with PCS2 since it crashes when you select any subobject. As for the scaling, everything seems all right in 3ds max, and it's the right size and everything.

It seems to me anything that is a helper, or has a helper attached to it, doesn't work.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: FUBAR-BDHR on August 20, 2009, 11:04:36 pm
Try setting all the subobject centers to 0,0,0 in max before you export then move them back in PCS2.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on August 21, 2009, 01:29:21 pm
I don't know about that. The only parts of the model that actually have the pivots at zero are the detail-x's, everything else has the pivots in the centre of their respective geometry. Everything is pretty much okay in the model. The only errors are helper related.

Also, wouldn't resetting the x-form screw up the turrets? Moving the pivot requires a reset before exporting...
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on August 21, 2009, 02:22:08 pm
Scooby covered something about that in a post I think.  You basically have to reset the turrets to upright or something, then reset x-form, then put them back I think, maybe in PCS2.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on August 22, 2009, 12:21:31 am
I imported them upright then rotated and moved them into position. Scooby was helping me solve a problem with another ship of mine, where the turrets were an integrated part of the ship and not imported.

My mathematical abilities do not extend to pointing a turret straight up, resetting th x-form, then rotating it back to where it was before. That's the reason why I never did finish that other cruiser.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: chief1983 on August 22, 2009, 10:03:55 am
Ah.  Well, that's a bummer.
Title: Re: Carrack class light cruiser
Post by: bobbtmann on August 24, 2009, 08:57:33 pm
Some updates. Strange things happening with some of the turrets.

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