Hard Light Productions Forums

Hosted Projects - Standalone => The Babylon Project => Topic started by: starlord on October 21, 2008, 03:19:49 am

Title: tales of janus 2.
Post by: starlord on October 21, 2008, 03:19:49 am
Hello to all: I've been in contact with miburo and he recently made available to me the script (complete with mission scripting) for the tales of janus campaign part 2.

Set after the devastating earth minbari war (covered in janus 1), the janus must uncover a sinister conspiracy which might shatter all hopes for a lasting peace between the earth and the minbari.
Miburo has given his approuval to use his script and also to port janus 1 to current builds. However, the nova-X nodified dreadnaught is needed in the campaign.

Should anyone be interested in working on his script, I'll send it over. Miburo's work lives on.

best regards.

Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: LeGuille on October 21, 2008, 05:49:53 am
Awesome! This is a very promising sign for TBP overall! Two campaigns are being assembled :D

Edit: Oops! Well... Maybe I can read the future? :nervous:
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: Vidmaster on October 21, 2008, 06:33:30 am
read more carefully LeGuille, starlord isn't working on it but searching for sb to work on it.

Anyway, not me. Far to busy.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: IPAndrews on October 21, 2008, 08:13:17 am
Pushing for a sequel for a campaign that doesn't even work in 3.4b Final?  :wtf:
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: carbine7 on October 21, 2008, 05:32:22 pm
Could you send it to me starlord, I'm a pretty good writer and am willing to keep a secret. If you don't want to though, thats ok, I understand.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: FUBAR-BDHR on October 21, 2008, 06:10:03 pm
Pushing for a sequel for a campaign that doesn't even work in 3.4b Final?  :wtf:

Winter is coming so I'll have more time.  I'll see I can get it working again.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: carbine7 on October 21, 2008, 09:35:51 pm
That'd be great. I always wondered what happened after the mission with the Omega-X test. The stupid ship wasn't even there and I didn't want to bother reFREDing it.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: starlord on October 22, 2008, 02:19:21 am
carbine: consider it done! I'll send it ASAP.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: FUBAR-BDHR on October 22, 2008, 02:22:20 am
Just don't hold your breath.  I may get to in a couple of weeks or it may not be until early next year.  All depends on what the priorities are between now and then.  Priorities are in this order:

Bug fix testing and bug reporting for FS2 in general.
Multiplayer (both FS2 and TBP)
3.6.10 for TBP multiplayer
New TBP campaign testing
My own missions
TBP webpage
Anything else TBP related (including getting old stuff to work)

Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: Skullar on October 22, 2008, 05:35:24 am
3.6.10 ..... any ideas of when the most annoying missing-glowmap-for-texture-replacement  bug is fixed ???

just asking....
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: starlord on October 22, 2008, 09:48:35 am
is there also a NOVA-X modified dread on TPB? It's neaded in janus.

I recall it being a nova dread with omega beam weaponry (very limited numbers).
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: IPAndrews on October 22, 2008, 01:43:45 pm
just asking....

Pointless. Mantis it instead.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: FUBAR-BDHR on October 22, 2008, 01:47:26 pm
There's an Omega-X but no Nova.  I don't know what the ship is but you might be able to do something with texture replacement.

Remember 3.6.10 builds are not officially supported. 
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: Trivial Psychic on October 22, 2008, 08:18:45 pm
Was the Nova-X supposed to be a Nova with a rotational section inserted, or a loose Shadow-Nova hybrid, as in Den5's ITB?
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: FUBAR-BDHR on October 22, 2008, 09:46:50 pm
I just looked up the Nova-X (http://www.b5tech.com/earthalliance/earthallianceshipsandvessels/earthcapships/novax/novax.html) and compared it to the Omega (http://www.b5tech.com/earthalliance/earthallianceshipsandvessels/earthcapships/omega/omega.html).  They are almost identical except for the weapons and paint job. 
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: starlord on October 23, 2008, 03:28:21 am
Yup: that's the one, actually a step leading to the omega
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: LeGuille on October 23, 2008, 10:35:11 am
The engine hub-assembly on the back of the Nova-X is more squared. The docking bay is orange, and larger. The crew size for a Nova-X is also smaller, and has 12 fewer turrets.

It's basically a slightly less powerful version of the Omega, a pre-cursor to the huge Destroyer.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: FUBAR-BDHR on October 23, 2008, 01:24:18 pm
The docking bay can probably be done with texture replacement.  Disabling the extra turrets should get around at least some of the extra 12.  We don't see the crew anyway.  The only thing left is the engines. 
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: Vidmaster on October 24, 2008, 06:00:19 am
I already said. Reskin it and that's it.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: starlord on October 27, 2008, 04:09:13 am
Anyone else wishing to evaluate the janus 2 script?
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: LeGuille on October 27, 2008, 10:21:21 am
I'd love to look at it. I don't what I can do with it, but I can ask around.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: starlord on October 27, 2008, 10:29:00 am
If fredders might be able to take interest in this, it could be worth their while. any ideas leguille?
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: Miburo on November 04, 2008, 01:14:23 am

Anyway I have been thinking a while to make Janus 1 compatiable with current TBP release and I would be intrested to work on second part too if there is somebody that is willing to tag team on it. I do not have proper time or memory (also knowledge) anymore to handle all SCP stuff releated on mission making.

Biggest problem however is my time, I have to balance it all with RL and my ArmA project that is more important than getting this done. So you see in order to get something really released I would need somebodys help on it. If anybody is intrested send me PM or rather e-mail (jutikka@[NOSPAM]hotmail.com).

Its up to you, folks.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: starlord on November 05, 2008, 07:05:04 pm
nice of you to drop by miburo. ;)

Any fredders willing to help with janus? (perhaps leguille or carbine7?).

Also, miburo, I would advise you to stop the janus series with part 2 being the end (part 2 is definately one of the best). Also, I suggest you make that female antagonist captain in part 2 die, instead of fleeing, as per was your intention, so as to clearly mark the end. Of course, that's my point of view only...
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: carbine7 on November 06, 2008, 10:41:26 pm
My FREDding probably isn't what you're looking for, but I can help organize, work on the story, and store backup files
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: starlord on November 07, 2008, 03:07:58 am
Good. Anyone else? Perhaps you leguille?
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: IPAndrews on November 07, 2008, 04:19:38 am
This might be a good opportunity for some new FRED talent to step up to the plate. You have a campaign here that's 95% written. It just needs some tweaking.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: Miburo on November 07, 2008, 06:17:38 am
Well at this point I am quite willing to take any help in order to get something done, now if I am doing this in first place. It rides pretty much on other FREDers. Otherwise making this would take 'til kingdom come. I really don't have time to do it myself.

And yes, this will be final Janus if there is going to be one.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: starlord on November 19, 2008, 09:51:43 am
so is there any news regarding janus 2? Who precisely would be willing to fred that campaign? did carbine7 and leguille come up with persons interested by it?
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: darkmaster on November 19, 2008, 10:28:33 am
Who will want to FRED Janus 2 if he doesn't play Janus 1 yet ? I think it is better do discuss on Janus 2 when Jenus 1 is already finished for TBP 3.4
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: starlord on November 19, 2008, 01:14:19 pm
I myself, precisely thought the contrary:

Since janus 1 is done (even in a quite ancient version) the interest initiated by making a new campaign (janus 2) might then spawn the willing by fans in remaking janus 1 for the current builds...

of course I might be wrong...

Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: Miburo on November 20, 2008, 03:03:52 am
Now the thing with Janus part one workout for TBP 3.4 is that I still do not have time for it, especially since it needs propably quite a lot retouching to make it SCP and TBP3.4 capable. I would love to do this, but my other mod takes pretty much every single minute I have on computer leaving zero time for Janus, if I make it alone it propably wont be patched before 2010  :(
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: starlord on November 20, 2008, 04:41:53 am
In that case we could use some junior fredders here to create their first campaign under TBP while being under guidance from professionally written scripts.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: darkmaster on November 20, 2008, 08:04:12 am
Hi Miburo,
So you are the famous Lady Rose who wrote the FRED tutorial in FRED2 ? This was my first lesson of FRED very impressive and informative I always wonder why the writer does not present here in this forum until now I know YOU ARE LADY ROSE OMG too cool !!!!

Back to the subject : I myself (and many people) have not had the chance to play Janus 1 yet. I tried to play it in TBP3.4 and from mission 4 it stopped working. So even if I want to help you making Janus 2 (can say I'm a junior FREDDER), the point is that I have no clue what has happened in Janus 1. Not a simple problem you know.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: starlord on November 20, 2008, 10:03:06 am
from what I understand, janus 1 and 2 are quite independant (despite the fact that you serve on the same ship).

Janus 1 tels the tale of the janus during the earth minbari war and janus 2 evokes a plot formented I a rogue terran force to destroy the newly instaured earth minbari peace.

Since miburo made the scripts, you can expect a high level campaign. :nod:

so would you wish to try fredding part 2? if this is done, it's only a matter of time before the fans decide to upgrade part 1.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: darkmaster on November 21, 2008, 05:57:03 am
Me ? Alone ?
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: IPAndrews on November 21, 2008, 06:09:49 am
So you still expect people who haven't played Janus 1 to put time into making a Janus 2?  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: starlord on November 21, 2008, 06:50:08 am
No, not alone  :D

Carbine7 and leguille proposed their help! there may be others also.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: darkmaster on November 21, 2008, 08:03:02 am
So you still expect people who haven't played Janus 1 to put time into making a Janus 2?  :rolleyes:

That is the point, IP. :yes:
Give us Janus 1 first please  :D
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: starlord on November 21, 2008, 09:34:38 am
miburo, for us not being able to run janus 1, do you have a detailed mission script to give us like part 2?
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: IPAndrews on November 21, 2008, 10:09:49 am
That is the point, IP. :yes:
Give us Janus 1 first please  :D

Do it yourself :P. I have my own projects.
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: darkmaster on November 21, 2008, 10:11:03 am
Is there a place where I said I will do it ?
Title: Re: tales of janus 2.
Post by: Miburo on November 22, 2008, 12:13:40 am
Hi Miburo,
So you are the famous Lady Rose who wrote the FRED tutorial in FRED2 ? This was my first lesson of FRED very impressive and informative I always wonder why the writer does not present here in this forum until now I know YOU ARE LADY ROSE OMG too cool !!!!

Huh?  :nervous:
Now seriously, when I look back on this tutorial its pretty simple. FS2 retail tutorial is so much better and has much more complicated SEXPs on it and actual twist, only thing that my tutorial had really useful was mini-tutorial on making jumpgates (which became obsolent on later TBP releases). However I am happy it helped at least somebody  :D

Reason why I am here Miburo and on VWBB I was Lady Rose is long story, mainly many misunderstandings. Also why I am not really here now days is that I have retired from FS2, my time simply doesn't allow it anymore.

Back to the subject : I myself (and many people) have not had the chance to play Janus 1 yet. I tried to play it in TBP3.4 and from mission 4 it stopped working. So even if I want to help you making Janus 2 (can say I'm a junior FREDDER), the point is that I have no clue what has happened in Janus 1. Not a simple problem you know.

Now like many people in here they seem to think I want to make Janus 2 ready before patching up Janus 1. I don't know where people got such idea, but it is not quite what I planned. I want to see Janus 1 done for TBP 3.4 before anyone start on Janus 2, especially since I need to rewrite some parts of it. Story has too many encounters with notorious persons, I want to shape up it a bit and make some missions more playable actually.

miburo, for us not being able to run janus 1, do you have a detailed mission script to give us like part 2?

Nope, I do not. However isn't it possible to open original mission files in new FRED_Open? If not I have to take a look on it and post mission outlines.

Finaly those who are actually intrested on participating in this project could really contact me with PM or e-mail. I really would like to know who is or wants to be involved and on what level, thank you.