Hard Light Productions Forums

Hosted Projects - FS2 Required => FreeSpace Conversion => Topic started by: Galemp on March 14, 2002, 10:04:12 am

Title: New Weapons
Post by: Galemp on March 14, 2002, 10:04:12 am
Hey all!
If any of you have been messing around with FRED2 with the mods on, you may have noticed a few new weapons. I intend to use them in the Vasudan campaign. What do you think of them?

The VLL was in Freespace as a non-player weapon.
The Railgun was originally going to be included, but left out. You can see its entry semicoloned out in the FS1 weapons.tbl. I just had to jack up its damage from 30 to 170 to make it usefull, though.
The Fang is a Vasudan twin dumbfire, which I think is pretty cool.
The Barracuda is a Vasudan light bomb, somewhere between the Trebuchet and the Tsunami.
The Havoc missile was inspired by Descent 3's Frag missile. Mmm, shrapnel.
And of course, there are the original FS1 weapons as well.
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Alikchi on March 14, 2002, 03:29:43 pm
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Setekh on March 15, 2002, 05:00:55 am
Originally posted by Alikchi

:nod: :D
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Tar-Palantir on March 20, 2002, 02:46:11 pm
Isn't the Havoc missile/bomb (whatever it is) mentioned somewhere in FS2? I seem to recall one of your new weapons being an improvement over the ' and Havoc missiles'. Was I dreaming, if not then you might want to keep this consistant.

Forget all that! I've just seen your Features section and you seems to have it all correct on thr Havoc.
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Galemp on March 20, 2002, 05:14:00 pm
The Piranha is described in FS2 as being a Third generation Cluster bomb, an improvement over the old Synaptic and Havoc bombs. Trouble is, we never see anything called the Havoc in either game, so I made it up. :cool:

I wish people would vote for the innovative weapons I made, see what they think. Oh well, I guess Volition did it better. :rolleyes:
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Liberator on March 20, 2002, 10:30:13 pm
Closely followed by the Avenger, it has a really cool sound effect.;7
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Grey Wolf on March 23, 2002, 10:45:32 pm
The ORIGINAL Prometheus! No bloody D, R, or S! BTW, did you include it in the new version? In the old version I had to go edit all the missions to include it.
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Alikchi on March 23, 2002, 11:54:39 pm
no, it's still out :(

You could just edit the Prometheus S file..change the damage to 20, and copy/paste the..uhh..way it looks..
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Grey Wolf on March 24, 2002, 12:06:29 am
Already edited the old version and put it into a VP. Too lazy to download the new version.
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Hudzy on September 02, 2002, 07:06:48 am
I voted for the Havoc. It always seemed to be doing the most damage to me in the first few missions.

Hmm, maybe that's a reason not to vote for it. :doubt: Ah well, it was cool.
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Nuclear1 on September 02, 2002, 12:43:01 pm
Originally posted by GalacticEmperor
The Piranha is described in FS2 as being a Third generation Cluster bomb, an improvement over the old Synaptic and Havoc bombs. Trouble is, we never see anything called the Havoc in either game, so I made it up. :cool:

I wish people would vote for the innovative weapons I made, see what they think. Oh well, I guess Volition did it better. :rolleyes:

Thought there was the Synaptic and the Cluster (remember ST?)

Didn't hear about the Havoc, though I did like it alot. :nod:
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Solatar on September 13, 2002, 11:39:19 pm
One thing that bother me. The Vasudan ships. Shouldn't they all be PV not GV? The TVWar Mod is in progress, and we have named all f the Vasudan ships PV, that is I think the ONLY ( That and the Prometheus naming issue, we call it the Prometheus, copyed it out of fs1) thing that makes my MOD non-compatibale with your campaign.
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Galemp on September 14, 2002, 01:42:50 am
Ha ha! I've got you there! All the Vasudan ships in the campaign have alt-names that make them PV! Without changing the tables! MUAAA HA HA HA HAAAAAA!
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Alikchi on September 14, 2002, 01:57:28 am
He's got you there, dude! Run, before he asks you for sexual favors!
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Solatar on September 14, 2002, 12:05:23 pm
Yes, they do. But wouldn't it have been a lot easier to just change the tables?

I think it would be, so in the T-V War conversion (Which by the way contains so far everything from fs1) we are going to use PV.

So what did you do about the Prometheus?
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Galemp on September 14, 2002, 04:05:26 pm
If I had changed all the GV to PV, you would not have been able to play any mission for FS2. :rolleyes: This way you get the same result.

I substituted the Prom S for the Prometheus in every mission for the Port.
Title: New Weapons
Post by: StarGunner on September 15, 2002, 02:19:27 pm
Originally posted by GalacticEmperor
If I had changed all the GV to PV, you would not have been able to play any mission for FS2. :rolleyes: This way you get the same result.

I substituted the Prom S for the Prometheus in every mission for the Port.

When will that be able to be D/Led?
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Solatar on September 15, 2002, 02:38:12 pm
Okay. The MOD I have uses nothing but fs1 ships, and weapons. I have included an exact copy of the Prmetheus, name the Prometheus S, and copies of the Vasudans with GV instead of PV. Now my MOD is compatable with yours. Also, I edited the graphics. Now my weapons actualy sound like the fs1 things, and they look like them also. Especially the s-breaker. Have you actually even seen the real one?

I got new Banshee sounds, the original Prometheus sound, and a few others.

Scaled down version. The FRED version will be available pretty soon. It uncludes basic files, and no music or cbanims. If my team wants to do some FREDing, I'll change the music later.
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Knight Templar on September 22, 2002, 11:12:58 pm
what do you mean by twn Dumbfire? (haven't actually got to the full camp yet. buggy :sigh: )
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Azrael on September 23, 2002, 11:25:27 am
the banshee (pre-kayser wep??) was awesome on the lucy mission awww memories...*goes to reinstall fs1 to smoke the evil of the uni*
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Galemp on September 23, 2002, 11:26:23 pm
Originally posted by Knight Templar
what do you mean by twn Dumbfire? (haven't actually got to the full camp yet. buggy :sigh: )

Try the demo Vasudan mission on the Vasudan Campaign thread. You'll get to use the Fang and see how it works.
Title: New Weapons
Post by: Knight Templar on September 23, 2002, 11:42:49 pm
I'll try it thursday. Half Day at School :)