Hard Light Productions Forums

Site Management => Site Support / Feedback => Topic started by: Bobboau on January 30, 2009, 01:36:09 am

Title: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Bobboau on January 30, 2009, 01:36:09 am
ok, I'm putting this here because this is the closest thing to a suggestion forum HLP has.

two closely related things, first one easier than the second.

1) why? why is there not a tab at the top of this and every other page that says 'tools'?
this site is supposed to be about supporting FS modding, but it seemingly hosts none of the tools to do so. there really needs to be a readability available concise resource page that has all of the most up to date versions of all modding tools, broken down into category. it'd be nice if there could be a user interface to submit and update content, search content ect, but a simple static HTML document would be better than the nothing the main site currently has.

2) why don't we host an active mod database? right next to the tools tab should be a mods tab, clicking on it should present the user with a plethora, a boundless cornucopia of FS related content. VW had this PFS had this DC had this that was a decade ago, I'm not expecting you to just jump up and do it now but when I stop and think about it how has this managed to not ever get done? and yes I do see the hosted tab, that's not quite what I mean, that is mostly WIP stuff and it's mostly huge team TC type projects, there really should be a way to publish small scale mods, small component type mods, individual ships and weapons, in addition to the huge 57 mission campaigns.
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: shiv on January 30, 2009, 02:29:52 am
Agreed. Large download section is what I've been waiting on HLP for a years. The only problem might be the bandwitch.
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Goober5000 on January 30, 2009, 02:34:46 am
Any reason you can't use FreeSpaceMods?  It's linked on the External Sites bar after all...
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Bobboau on January 30, 2009, 02:49:11 am
my point was HLP needs it, the fact that there are other sites out there that do it does not change the fact that HLP does not. HLP should be your one stop shop for your every FS modding need, it is not.

I have never understood HLP's seeming aversion to getting into this business.
at the very least we should have the tools section. I mean I'm not even sure where I'd get VPview anymore.
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Goober5000 on January 30, 2009, 03:29:46 am
I have never understood HLP's seeming aversion to getting into this business.
It's not an aversion.  It's merely a recognition of the fact that very few of the admins have time to manage what we already do.  Especially when there are other sites (FreeSpaceMods, SectorGame, ModDB, etc.) that do it just as well as we could, or even better.

The Tools section is a reasonable suggestion though.  We could add download links to the top navbar.
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Bobboau on January 30, 2009, 03:35:46 am
well, like I said, I wasn't expecting it to be done by the time I woke up in the morning, but HLP has been around a WHILE, I really would have thought that it'd have been done at some point, but it just never has.
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Goober5000 on January 30, 2009, 04:16:41 am
It has, actually.  Styxx coded it into the website as part of HLP 2.0.  It was around for at least two years, but very few things were ever uploaded using it.
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Fury on January 30, 2009, 04:29:34 am
If someone wants to step up and actually help doing projects like that, I'm sure it could be arranged by the admins.

A mod database isn't a new idea, it has brought about every now and then for years. The problem is that HLP doesn't have sufficient bandwidth or throughput to offer it, the only way it would be possible is via P2P such as torrents. That was attempted twice in the past but it simply didn't kick off because lack of interest from project teams part. Someone would have to seed those files after all to keep the downloads alive.

Setting up a bittorrent tracker is reasonably easy, but doing that for third time is waste of time unless the community is ready to support it. Even then we might have bandwidth issues and I'm unsure what our hosting company likes of P2P.

Better but pricier alternative is to get a second server for a mod database where bandwidth wouldn't be an issue. Bandwidth and storage space costs a dime though.

However, I don't see much need to set up a mod database because FreeSpaceMods seems to do reasonable job at it. And better yet, it doesn't use our bandwidth and throughput. No reason to have all eggs in the same basket. Still, I guess that several sites could use a little more public exposure on HLP. But I guess that'll get covered when new mainpage gets done.

I agree with Goober about tools, it should be perfectly doable and actually makes me wonder why it has been overlooked all this time. It doesn't help that admins don't have time to mess with the site stuff though,
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Snail on January 30, 2009, 12:58:25 pm
It has, actually.  Styxx coded it into the website as part of HLP 2.0.  It was around for at least two years, but very few things were ever uploaded using it.
It was pretty weird coding too... Most of the ships appeared several times.
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Angelus on January 30, 2009, 01:07:09 pm
Wouldn't it be better to upload all tools to Freespacemods ( they don't have all, yet ) and add a tools section tab or drop down thingy which links directly to each tool at FSM?

This would save bandwidth and the amount of work needed would be rather low.
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Bobboau on January 30, 2009, 04:21:45 pm
what if the HLP mod DB was strictly for non-TC type downloads? things that would be less than five megabites in size? that wouldn't hurt your band width too much would it?
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: vyper on February 19, 2009, 05:57:08 pm
Solution: Buy Acquire new moderators to do this, and other things.
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: achtung on February 24, 2009, 10:44:06 am
I was actually considering bringing up something recently.

I had this idea a while back.  I was wondering if there was any possible way to actually merge fsmods with hard light.  When I say merge, I mean take on the same theme, and be added as a tab at the top, and possibly be added as a sub-domain of hard-light.net.  I'm not so sure about bridging the forum with e107, that might be too much work.  While fsmods would not exist as fsmods.net anymore, it would exist as a big part of hard-light.net.  That would essentially make HLP the one-stop-shop for everything FS.

Naturally, I would still host all the files on my server.
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Sandwich on March 02, 2009, 09:50:35 am
Just saw this now (thanks, Fury!). :)

In a nutshell: yes. It's technically possible, although I haven't spoken with the other admins on if we would want to (I don't see why not, but I can't speak for them).

Things are afoot in the main site dept; assuming a merger is ok, let's talk details after things are done being afoot. ;)
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Aardwolf on March 08, 2009, 08:55:13 pm
How would this affect things like, for example, my mod's subdomain of fsmods, rts.fsmods.net ?

Would the name then become something like rts.fsmods.hard-light.net ? *shudder*

I'm not saying it's a bad idea, just that issues of that sort may need sorting out
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Blue Lion on March 08, 2009, 09:03:43 pm
Why can't FSmods just be the collection place of mods and HLP offer a redirect to it?

Make a tab for "Mods" up top and then work on the FSmods site to be a complete (or close to) compilation and/or home base for mods?

Let FSmods work on getting mods, mod tools, "how to"s and all that.

This allows HLP to not only have a place to keep them, but frees up the admins here from having to work on it. It would allow others to handle more of the workload if it is indeed something the community wants. If it falters, well then it wasn't all that needed.

Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: achtung on March 09, 2009, 01:31:08 am
Why can't FSmods just be the collection place of mods and HLP offer a redirect to it?

Make a tab for "Mods" up top and then work on the FSmods site to be a complete (or close to) compilation and/or home base for mods?

Let FSmods work on getting mods, mod tools, "how to"s and all that.

This allows HLP to not only have a place to keep them, but frees up the admins here from having to work on it. It would allow others to handle more of the workload if it is indeed something the community wants. If it falters, well then it wasn't all that needed.

That's more or less what I want to go for.  Just have a redirect that is *.hard-light.net so the affiliation is there, and maybe a theme integration.  It's all just talk right now anyway, so there are no worries.
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: colecampbell666 on April 06, 2009, 02:46:17 pm
I think it'd be a great idea. (the FSMods merger)
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Rico on April 07, 2009, 01:53:13 am
my point was HLP needs it, the fact that there are other sites out there that do it does not change the fact that HLP does not. HLP should be your one stop shop for your every FS modding need, it is not.
I recall HLP use to have a downloads section, and I found an old cruiser on it back then called the Olympic, or Olympia, damn wish I could find it now if someone has it could they send it to me? Back on topic, point is that it was the 1 stop shop. Also although FSnet has everything what if the site goes down, then everything is lost, it never ever hurts to have multiple sources, as backups per say  :)
I can see how bandwith could be an issue, how about uploading to filefront in a HLP group and linking to that?  :nervous:
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: castor on April 11, 2009, 03:17:36 pm
This allows HLP to not only have a place to keep them, but frees up the admins here from having to work on it. It would allow others to handle more of the workload if it is indeed something the community wants
..and avoids having too many eggs in the same basket. Its quite enough that if HLP is down, also FS2Net and GW are down.
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: colecampbell666 on April 11, 2009, 07:00:43 pm
You guys don't get what he and Swantz are saying. Merge FreeSpaceMods with HLP (as in a downloads section), but keep the files on Swantz's server. That way if one goes down the other won't be affected.
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Fury on August 11, 2009, 02:19:26 am
I wonder how much need there would be for SVN and if we have anyone who'd offer to set up SVN for mod projects?
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: pecenipicek on August 13, 2009, 02:12:28 am
there is a relatively large need and almost no offering, since most mods from the way i understand it cant apply for svn hosting anywhere, due to the fact none of us can release anything under open source licenses.

code is one thing. content is a whole nother...
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Androgeos Exeunt on August 15, 2009, 12:34:01 am
Alternatively, just add a new tab to the ones above linking to Freespacemods.net. There's one for Tur(k)ey's Installer, and two for the Wiki, so why not one for FSMods as well? :nervous:

Oh, it's under the External Sites tab already.
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: FUBAR-BDHR on August 17, 2009, 09:57:17 pm
Link to the HLP Mantis up there next to the HLP IRC would be nice. 
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: Fury on August 17, 2009, 11:03:45 pm
People mistake it for SCP Mantis far too easily and it is only used by hosted projects, so probably won't appear there.
Title: Re: stuf the main site could use
Post by: captain-custard on August 18, 2009, 01:57:00 pm
if people need space or stuff i can set it up ( well give you a ftp and password) then its up to you ...so if you do need a svn for a mod project just pm me