Hard Light Productions Forums

Hosted Projects - Standalone => Wing Commander Saga => Topic started by: Light on June 30, 2009, 12:57:18 pm

Title: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Light on June 30, 2009, 12:57:18 pm
Now I believe that there used to be a 100 object limit in FRED that I think the Sourse Code project removed but what I am looking for is how many ships can be handled by a modern computer in a mission area?

The reason I am asking is I have been thinking about a couple of mission designs that would have a lot of ships in them. One is a convoy defense mission involving 16-24 transports, escorted by 2 Caernaven-class frigates, 4  Venture-class corvettes, and 12 fighters defending against 8 Kamrani-class corvettes and their fighter screen of at least 16 fighters. The other idea, less well formed in my mind, involves an Alpha Strike against a Kilrathi carrier group supported by BVR CapShip Missile fire. All told maybe as many as 60 Confed fighters and +/-30 Anti-ship missiles against a similar number of Kilrathi fighters and 8 starships.

I might post another thread to go over the mission ideas in more detail later. I will of course have to wait for the full version of Saga to come out to try anything but do you think such mission will be possible?        
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Vidmaster on June 30, 2009, 01:01:36 pm
WCS makes good use of shadders.
I can state this:

I've worked on missions with over 300 objects  :D
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: General Battuta on June 30, 2009, 01:07:35 pm
They'll be possible but probably kind of nightmarish.
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Dragon on June 30, 2009, 01:15:01 pm
It depends on quality of ship models and textures.
If the ships are lo-poly fighters with just one ,retail-like texture ,you can have even 300 or more of them on good computer at one time.
On the other end ,if you have HTL capship model ,with modelled ,high-detailed fighterbay and a lot of different ,hi-res textures ,each one with -shine and -normal maps ,most of them with -glow (Solaris from Blue Planet: War in Heaven is an example of such ship), you may experience an FPS drop with even one on screen.
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Tolwyn on June 30, 2009, 01:23:41 pm
You have to take different factors into account:

First of all, by the time Saga is released, all of our models have been either heavily optimized or rebuilt entirely from scratch. Most of them do not use more than 3 textures, which limits the number of required render passes.

Secondly, yuo have to consider the big picture: I might have built a few missions with over 300 objects (100 ship limit was removed by our request), you will never see more than, let's say 75 objects on a screen. The key word here is instancing: each nav point is an encapsulated entity - ships are spawned only when you reach said navpoint and usually over a period of time. I think we made quite a good job with the mission design - beta test, which will take place later this year, will give us more feedback.
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Angelus on June 30, 2009, 01:27:42 pm
You have to take different factors into account:

First of all, by the time Saga is released, all of our models have been either heavily optimized or rebuilt entirely from scratch. Most of them do not use more than 3 textures, which limits the number of required render passes.

Secondly, yuo have to consider the big picture: I might have built a few missions with over 300 objects (100 ship limit was removed by our request), you will never see more than, let's say 75 objects on a screen. The key word here is instancing: each nav point is an encapsulated entity - ships are spawned only when you reach said navpoint and usually over a period of time. I think we made quite a good job with the mission design - beta test, which will take place later this year, will give us more feedback.

I assume it's a closed beta?  :nervous:
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Tolwyn on June 30, 2009, 01:31:12 pm
I assume it's a closed beta?  :nervous:

Yeah. ;)

I'll post an application form during the second part of the year...
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: General Battuta on June 30, 2009, 01:31:28 pm
Wow. I'm really impressed, Tolwyn.

WCS really is doing some good work.
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Light on July 04, 2009, 11:14:15 am
Thank for the replies, I almost forgot I posted this question as it has been a busy week for me. It sounds like the convoy defense mission might actually be practical. The Alpha Strike mission seems like it will need a good mission design process. It sounds like timing the arrival and departure of ships form the nav points would probably be the key to the mission. Beyond that you have gotten me even more excited about this project. It looks like we are finally going to get to see the true scale of the Terran/Kilrathi War.
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: dragonsniper on July 07, 2009, 07:46:30 pm
I've worked on missions with over 300 objects  :D
:eek2: Wow. I thought it was limited to the 200's...
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Dragon on July 07, 2009, 07:49:09 pm
I think it was raised to 400 in 3.6.10 and newer builds. (correct me if I'm mistaken)
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: dragonsniper on July 07, 2009, 07:57:16 pm
Wide eyes once again... :eek2: Who would need 400+ ships in a mission?
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: CaptJosh on July 07, 2009, 11:37:05 pm
Someone trying to duplicate the Battle of Endor?
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Tolwyn on July 08, 2009, 01:40:41 am
Or you just failed to take the way WC missions are built into account. ;)

Remember: you travel to more than one waypoint, which means, that you need more enemies to deal with (compared to FS2). ;)
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: dragonsniper on July 08, 2009, 07:14:43 am
Remember: you travel to more than one waypoint, which means, that you need more enemies to deal with (compared to FS2). ;)
Right. I guess you would need more then.
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Vidmaster on July 08, 2009, 08:38:26 am
 :nod: but there are still huge fleet battles  :nod:
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Tolwyn on July 08, 2009, 11:00:33 am
:nod: but there are still huge fleet battles  :nod:

What amazes me most though is that these actually work... ;)
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: dragonsniper on July 09, 2009, 06:24:47 am
:nod: but there are still huge fleet battles  :nod:

What amazes me most though is that these actually work... ;)
When they do, and they're done properly, most of them can be a lot of fun. I'm still amazed at how many ships the SCP team can jam into FRED...
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Mancubus on July 24, 2009, 10:53:08 am

The reason I am asking is I have been thinking about a couple of mission designs that would have a lot of ships in them. One is a convoy defense mission involving 16-24 transports, escorted by 2 Caernaven-class frigates, 4  Venture-class corvettes, and 12 fighters defending against 8 Kamrani-class corvettes and their fighter screen of at least 16 fighters. The other idea, less well formed in my mind, involves an Alpha Strike against a Kilrathi carrier group supported by BVR CapShip Missile fire. All told maybe as many as 60 Confed fighters and +/-30 Anti-ship missiles against a similar number of Kilrathi fighters and 8 starships.


No offence, but if you are not a VERY expirienced fredder don't do this. It is certain that your missions will ultimatly fall victim to the battle of endor syndrome. start with something smaller and then go bigger when you mastered balncing things

Or you just failed to take the way WC missions are built into account. ;)

Remember: you travel to more than one waypoint, which means, that you need more enemies to deal with (compared to FS2). ;)

I thought WC missions tended to have fewer but brighter and more challenging enemies
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Tolwyn on July 24, 2009, 01:47:24 pm
It depends:

1. FS2 AI can't be compared to the one seen in WC games. It's plainly not as good.
2. Excalibur's autotargeting combined with its superior weaponry means for us, as mission designers, necessity to add more fighters to equal out the equations
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: General Battuta on July 24, 2009, 01:48:46 pm
It depends:

1. FS2 AI can't be compared to the one seen in WC games. It's plainly not as good.
2. Excalibur's autotargeting combined with its superior weaponry means for us, as mission designers, necessity to add more fighters to equal out the equations

You could probably get it closer to WC style with a custom AI profile, couldn't you?
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Tolwyn on July 24, 2009, 02:27:16 pm
Of course we are using a custom profile. Still, AI is dumb as bread. In FS2 you are engaged in close combat, enemies ram your ship from time to time. You can't compare it to the way WC enemies acted. Still, in the first 4 episodes, you face a limited number of enemies. It's the last 13 missions, when you finally get a sit in the Excalibur, you face more enemies.  Some missions feature over 200 fighters, simply because Excalibur is so powerful.
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: gevatter Lars on July 24, 2009, 05:31:45 pm
Well the first WC had also an AI that had a tendancy to ram your fighter.
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Darklord42 on July 24, 2009, 09:19:34 pm
more like the other way around :p
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Fury on July 25, 2009, 12:28:21 am
Remember: you travel to more than one waypoint
This is why I gave up playing WCS demo in frustration. Whoever decided to use waypoints in the WC games is a sadist. :p
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: gevatter Lars on July 25, 2009, 06:59:37 am
I favor the Navpoint system over the "one battlefield" system of FS2. It kinda shows how big space is and that finding your enemy isn't allways that simple.
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Vidmaster on July 26, 2009, 05:20:24 am
It has some good sides and some bad.

Unlike original WC, we can't decide which Nav point to fly too and decide to go home if we are damaged. We have a bit of the Starlancer syndrom there. That's why the mission design process has to balance all the Nav points in a way that it remains fun and challenging at the same time.
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Starman01 on July 28, 2009, 04:20:11 pm
It's the last 13 missions, when you finally get a sit in the Excalibur, you face more enemies.

SPOILER !  How dare you ?  :mad2:  :)
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Scooby_Doo on August 09, 2009, 01:47:52 am
It's the last 13 missions, when you finally get a sit in the Excalibur, you face more enemies.

SPOILER !  How dare you ?  :mad2:  :)
Could be worse... could have said Dragon  :P  :lol:
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: Akalabeth Angel on August 10, 2009, 07:20:03 am
Of course we are using a custom profile. Still, AI is dumb as bread. In FS2 you are engaged in close combat, enemies ram your ship from time to time. You can't compare it to the way WC enemies acted. Still, in the first 4 episodes, you face a limited number of enemies. It's the last 13 missions, when you finally get a sit in the Excalibur, you face more enemies.  Some missions feature over 200 fighters, simply because Excalibur is so powerful.

I'm okay with dumb AI. I got my ass killed enough in the demo as it is.
Title: Re: How many ships can the FS sourse engine handle on a modern system?
Post by: headdie on August 10, 2009, 11:31:57 am
Remember: you travel to more than one waypoint
This is why I gave up playing WCS demo in frustration. Whoever decided to use waypoints in the WC games is a sadist. :p

its also how origin's WC series plays, briefing hit the navs, sometimes watch a story sequences, go home