Hard Light Productions Forums

Off-Topic Discussion => Gaming Discussion => Topic started by: Mr. Vega on September 04, 2009, 02:56:20 pm

Title: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on September 04, 2009, 02:56:20 pm
A lot of fans of KOTOR II may remember an attempt by Team Gizka to restore all the stuff that was cut from the retail version of The Sith Lords, like say, half the frelling ending of the game (the voicework was already done, but LucasArts made Obsidian cut it so they could get the game out by holiday season). Well, since they haven't made any substantial progress in more than year and they seem to spending most of their time flaming forumites who ask when it will be done, another team led by Darth Stoney has pursued their own effort to restore everything TG was going to restore (except for some of the GenoHaradan plotline) and some extra stuff TG wasn't going to restore.

Well, Stoney now says the final release will be done at the end of this month. They're also like a week away from an open beta.


Dantooine is vastly improved (the final battle between the mercs and militia is extended), Nar Shaddaa gets a lot of stuff added, the HK Factory is restored, and most of all, all the cut content from the ending on Malachor V gets put back in. And it'll be bug free (mostly).

Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: General Battuta on September 04, 2009, 03:02:09 pm
Very, very nice.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Locutus of Borg on September 04, 2009, 03:58:02 pm
Will they add a version of M4-78 better than that mod that was released. I hated it, just like pzuzles from other planets all put together. Not to mention shotty dialogue in terms of writing and voicing.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: redsniper on September 04, 2009, 05:42:20 pm
/me might have to pick up KotOR II finally....
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Herra Tohtori on September 04, 2009, 05:50:13 pm
Hell yes... :D
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Spicious on September 04, 2009, 06:17:15 pm
And it'll be bug free.
Sure it will.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Herra Tohtori on September 04, 2009, 06:27:13 pm
And it'll be bug free.
Sure it will.

Relative to vanilla KotOR II: Sith Lords, I'm sure it will be bug-free like VLC compared to RealPlayer. Seriously, have you ever played that thing? :ick:
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: NGTM-1R on September 04, 2009, 06:35:06 pm
Considering what I've heard about the planned Gainax-esque ending to Sith Lords, I'm not gonna touch it.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on September 04, 2009, 06:46:51 pm
And it'll be bug free.
Sure it will.
They have like 15 bug testers who are all active, and they're not your usual slow modders - they usually fix bugs within a day of being reported - just read the beta impressions threads.

Considering what I've heard about the planned Gainax-esque ending to Sith Lords, I'm not gonna touch it.
Look, I played a leaked, buggy version of Team Gizka's restoration of the ending, and I found it to be vastly improved upon the original retail version. It certainly blows away PS:T's ending by a mile.

And I'm not sure what you mean exactly by Ganiax-esque ending. If you mean everybody dies, that only happens if you go dark side. And even retail TSL is far less obtuse about it's plot and ideas than Evangelion ever was. I mean, it's an openly intellectual story with a lot of philosophically oriented dialogue, but after four playthroughs I'm pretty certain there's actually something to Kreia's teachings (which I wrote about in another thread in this forum) and it's not just a bunch of profound-sounding drivel, so I think your fears are unjustified.

Will they add a version of M4-78 better than that mod that was released. I hated it, just like pzuzles from other planets all put together. Not to mention shotty dialogue in terms of writing and voicing.
They're also working on an M4-78 Enhancement Project, which will alter a lot of the old mod and replace the old voiceovers with better ones.

Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Eishtmo on September 04, 2009, 09:00:12 pm
Please keep us updated on the basic restoration (don't care about M4-78), I'd love to play a full version of KOTOR II.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Galemp on September 04, 2009, 09:19:00 pm
I've been really interested in the project for a long time but I've never seen any downloads or indications of progress.

Needless to say this is a big :yes:
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: zookeeper on September 05, 2009, 02:58:06 am
Meh, too late. I've already played through the game about 3-5 times, also with the leaked TSLRP. As nice as it is that someone actually finally creates and releases a proper restoration mod, I probably won't play it anymore simply because I'm already so tired of the same old game with all its engine/interface bugs and quirks. The leaked TSLRP already featured most of the cut content that's worth seeing, AFAICT.

Of course, anyone who hasn't yet played through the game or have done so only once or twice should absolutely give this a try when released.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on September 08, 2009, 04:04:16 am
Okay, I'm a bit torn between TSLRC and TSLRP.

TSLRC will come out sooner, but have a little less content, as it appears to me. It'll also have some minor bugs and graphical issues. They also promised to continue supporting it after release.

TSLRP will come out later, but it'll have more content. It'll apparently be bug free. They didn't say anything about supporting TSLRP after release though.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: zookeeper on September 08, 2009, 04:18:31 am
Okay, I'm a bit torn between TSLRC and TSLRP.

TSLRC will come out sooner, but have a little less content, as it appears to me. It'll also have some minor bugs and graphical issues. They also promised to continue supporting it after release.

TSLRP will come out later, but it'll have more content. It'll apparently be bug free. They didn't say anything about supporting TSLRP after release though.
Why not both? Play TSLRC when it comes out soon, then TSLRP when you've retired and it has hopefully been released. If it hasn't been released by the time you're starting to die of old age, play the leaked beta.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on September 08, 2009, 07:46:00 am
Lol. Point.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on September 08, 2009, 11:31:41 am
Okay, I'm a bit torn between TSLRC and TSLRP.

TSLRC will come out sooner, but have a little less content, as it appears to me. It'll also have some minor bugs and graphical issues. They also promised to continue supporting it after release.

TSLRP will come out later, but it'll have more content. It'll apparently be bug free. They didn't say anything about supporting TSLRP after release though.
Um, actually I've looked at the restored list for TSLRCP, and actually I think it restores more than the TSLRP, other than the GenoHaradan stuff which was done a little non-sensically by the TSLRP.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on September 08, 2009, 04:02:33 pm
I'm tempted to apply for beta testing...
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on September 08, 2009, 05:50:01 pm
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: aurora_energy on September 09, 2009, 07:47:19 am
OMG bout ****ing time... ive been watching this project no nowhere for years. since 2006 if i recall correctly. alpha release was schedualed wayyy to long ago... this makes them at least 2 years overdue...
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on September 09, 2009, 07:50:19 am
Hey. At least it didn't take as long as ST:R. :p
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on September 20, 2009, 06:32:30 am
Soon.   :hopping:
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 20, 2009, 09:06:01 am
I want it.

Is it out yet?
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Lukeskywalkie on September 20, 2009, 12:30:03 pm
heh, I've been lurking that forum for years - It's a shame that 'team gizka' has been reduced to one relatively unmotivated man.  I was hoping not to play a substitute version - but I'm playing through kotor 1 right now - whichever mod is finished when I want to play kotor 2, that's the one I'll play. Having been here several years as well, it's remarkable how different the tone is towards mod fans over there, than over here.  I'm actually quite fed up with team gizka proper. I'll play any mod that fixes that damned ending.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on September 20, 2009, 12:39:48 pm
It doesn't have to be Team Gizka to be good. This one restores more actually.

I want it.

Is it out yet?
It should be out around my birthday.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 20, 2009, 01:40:45 pm
I don't know when your b-day is............. :p
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on September 20, 2009, 03:32:58 pm
Sigh. Hardlight needs to have birthdays visible as an option. Sept. 26 is mine. I'll be 21.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on September 21, 2009, 05:42:15 pm
Oh. So after 26 Sept you can be legally charged as an adult? :p
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on September 21, 2009, 06:37:20 pm
I'm pretty sure that was 18.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: aurora_energy on September 23, 2009, 04:35:38 am
Currently sitting on 1.0b11. Apparently build 1.0c1 is not coming out for another few weeks. I was looking at the forum activity just now it doesn't seem very active, like nothing's going on. "And to nobody's great suprize, 'Gizka' is down again."
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 23, 2009, 08:09:20 am
So what does that version do? I'd never even heard of this until last week or whenever this topic started.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on September 23, 2009, 10:55:38 am
Currently sitting on 1.0b11. Apparently build 1.0c1 is not coming out for another few weeks. I was looking at the forum activity just now it doesn't seem very active, like nothing's going on. "And to nobody's great suprize, 'Gizka' is down again."
This is entirely different project silly. Check my link. Same goals, different personnel and they worked independently of each other. This one is more extensive than Team Gizka's work and is slated for release at the end of this month.

So what does that version do? I'd never even heard of this until last week or whenever this topic started.
That lists everything that gets restored.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on September 23, 2009, 10:26:54 pm
What are those 'Lord of Hunger patch' things? Means they'll add it in a later patch, or its' available as a seperate 'mod'?
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on September 23, 2009, 11:18:22 pm
It's a later addon to the main restoration.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mika on September 24, 2009, 03:58:20 pm
The open Beta is out for DStoney's mod!
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 24, 2009, 04:00:33 pm
The open Beta is out for DStoney's mod!

Does what :)  :confused:  :)
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mika on September 24, 2009, 05:28:32 pm

Let me rephrase the above: DStoney has released a public Beta version of his restoration project and it is available for everybody.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on September 25, 2009, 10:38:15 am
It's out! It's out! Rejoice! Rejoice!

Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on September 25, 2009, 12:42:47 pm
Awesome. Too bad my PC just died.. Crap, and I can't get the power adapter repiared tomrrow
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on September 25, 2009, 01:47:06 pm
Ok, watch out. Looks like there are some crashing issues with the Telos Academy that DStoney didn't discover before release. Knowing him though, there's probably going to be a fix by the end of the day.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 25, 2009, 03:17:57 pm

I'm getting this now, just to clarify, do i need to start the game again :shaking:
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on September 25, 2009, 04:24:22 pm
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on September 26, 2009, 09:23:15 am
Hmmm. It seems that once I reach home tomorrow, I can dl and start straight away!
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 26, 2009, 11:44:50 am

That's really annoying.

But also really wrong, i just loaded up my Dantooine save, and the Militia assault was different, i got to deploty squads instead of just rallying the men.

Can't wait to get the HK Factory up and running.

Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on October 07, 2009, 01:28:45 pm
Looks like most of the serious issues have been fixed, though apparently Stoney is planning on altering the HK-factory again based upon forum opinion.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Eishtmo on October 07, 2009, 07:13:50 pm
But also really wrong, i just loaded up my Dantooine save, and the Militia assault was different, i got to deploty squads instead of just rallying the men.

From what I hear, that's how it was supposed to be.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 07, 2009, 08:57:56 pm
Yeah, it was supposed to be like that.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: MR_T3D on October 07, 2009, 09:17:05 pm
I've played through 1 and enjyed it a lot, and with this mod would you recomend TSL to someone now?
i just never really bothered to pick it up, and hearing its incomplete makes me want to wait until it is 'finished', even by the community, before engrossing myself into a story-based game.
kind of like wanting to read a book with all its pages.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: The E on October 07, 2009, 10:52:55 pm
I would absolutely recommend it this way. TSL was fun before, if slightly dissatisfying. With the restored content, it definitely is more fun (and crashes less, which is very good indeed).
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 08, 2009, 11:53:07 pm
Although I still get very tired with Peragus and wasted no time in equipping my Skip Peragus mod. Nothing changes on Peragus, right?
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 09, 2009, 12:46:57 am
I would absolutely recommend it this way. TSL was fun before, if slightly dissatisfying. With the restored content, it definitely is more fun (and crashes less, which is very good indeed).

Yeah. I can only think of 2 things tomake this better:
- option to tell Kreia to shut up at the end (to stop her rambling) or to ouright kill her
- better story. Seriously. I love this game, but some of hte plot points stink to the high heavens.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: General Battuta on October 09, 2009, 12:51:28 am

Heresy. This is the best Star Wars story since Traitor and Shatterpoint. Unless it predates those. Either way, it has depth and nuance in its writing and ideas that most of Wars lacks.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 09, 2009, 01:05:48 am
WUUUUUT?? :wtf:

WTF you're on?

Kreai is so obvious as a manipulative bastard, that the lack of an option to get rid of her is a huge story hole.

Then there's the whole Exile bit where you're super-extra-special. Wound in the force bit and all that crap.

Then there's the whole bit of 4 Jedi MASTERS getting casually killed by the old hag (and naturally, the super-instakill force pwoer doesn't work on you) :rolleyes:

Then there's Darth Nihilus - who's ramped up as the uber-extra evil that can devour whole planets and gatherings of Jedi, who's explained as a "hunger" that will consume the galaxy. And then you whip his ass cause apprently he's a pussy.  :rolleyes:

Darth Sion? Apaprently the force makes him magicly unkillable or stuff.

This game, as much as I like it, BUTCHERED the whole idea of hte force. It used to be a potent thing, but also limited (like in the movies). Now suddenly the force is the friggin answer to everything and is practicly all-powerfull.
Bottom point - the explanatiosn suck and are the thing is HORRIBLE. HORRIBLE.
I still love the game for it has some great chararacters gamepaly is fun and I generally like the atmosphere. But it could have been so much better.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: General Battuta on October 09, 2009, 01:06:55 am
I'm always happy to hear your opinion, but I doubt it is a majority one in this case.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 09, 2009, 01:33:21 am

KoTOR II has a very good story. Nothing compared to KoTOR I in my opinion, but that was a hard path to follow anyway.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: General Battuta on October 09, 2009, 01:34:52 am
Fah! KOTOR I was a simple retelling of A New Hope with the added Revan twist. KOTOR II was a more deeply profound meditation on the nature of the Force.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 09, 2009, 01:36:58 am

KotOR I was damn awesome! KotOR II is simply awesome!
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: General Battuta on October 09, 2009, 01:57:30 am
Look. KOTOR I was written along the lines of BioWare's consistently competent, utterly unimaginative formula. KOTOR II approaches the heights of Baldur's Gate and (tellingly) Planescape Torment.

If you want simple fluff adventure, KOTOR I is great. KOTOR II makes you think.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: mxlm on October 09, 2009, 04:35:23 am
Heresy. This is the best Star Wars story since Traitor and Shatterpoint. Unless it predates those. Either way, it has depth and nuance in its writing and ideas that most of Wars lacks.

Testify, brother!
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 09, 2009, 05:12:55 am
If you want simple fluff adventure, KOTOR I is great. KOTOR II makes you think.

Makes you think? If you mean about how stupid some plot elements are, then yes,  I agree. It does make you think about that.

The force itself was raped and abused, then put in a slutty dress and put on display.

What they did with the force = terrible
Everything else = a.o.k.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Spicious on October 09, 2009, 07:49:22 am
The force itself was raped and abused, then put in a slutty dress and put on display.
Are you talking about episode 1?
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Ransom on October 09, 2009, 08:46:21 am
The force itself was raped and abused, then put in a slutty dress and put on display.
Quantify this, please. From where I'm standing Sith Lords treated the Force with more respect and intelligence than almost any other Wars story. Usually it's just a fancy word for magic. That seems far more deserving of your remark than a game which is effectively a treatise on the consequences of superhuman power.

I can certainly understand why someone might not enjoy that - in nearly every discussion about this game at least one person says they like their Wars morality black and white - but I think it's a bit of a stretch to condemn it as exploitative of the source material.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: NGTM-1R on October 09, 2009, 09:05:43 am
I think the point here is that it's not really a Star Wars story, because it can't do that and incorporate shades of grey. (The story itself really acknowledges this, no less; there is in the end no shade of grey, merely variations on the Dark Side.) The fact it was making the effort to force moral complexity through a game system never designed to accomodate it was just icing on an ass-shaped cake.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: MR_T3D on October 09, 2009, 09:06:59 am
The force itself was raped and abused, then put in a slutty dress and put on display.
Quantify this, please. From where I'm standing Sith Lords treated the Force with more respect and intelligence than almost any other Wars story. Usually it's just a fancy word for magic. That seems far more deserving of your remark than a game which is effectively a treatise on the consequences of superhuman power.

I can certainly understand why someone might not enjoy that - in nearly every discussion about this game at least one person says they like their Wars morality black and white - but I think it's a bit of a stretch to condemn it as exploitative of the source material.
Pretty sure ben said it depends on your point of view, a statement that suggest there is no black in white, so i guess TSL takes it and runs with.
I sure i'm going to pick it up now, its through shades of gray vader is corrupted into the dark side, so i think IT IS a part of wars..

...But I'm crazy, so whatever.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on October 09, 2009, 09:13:44 am
I just like being cruel to NPCs ^_^
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 09, 2009, 12:22:38 pm
Well, at then end, General, I like both KoTORs, and the first a bit more then the second. Maybe because I played it first, but that's just how it is for me.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: General Battuta on October 09, 2009, 12:47:34 pm
The first KOTOR was a better game, but the second's failings lie simply in the fact that the story couldn't be finished in time for release.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on October 09, 2009, 04:25:46 pm
I prefer the first one, for the following.......

Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 09, 2009, 05:23:17 pm
Quantify this, please. From where I'm standing Sith Lords treated the Force with more respect and intelligence than almost any other Wars story. Usually it's just a fancy word for magic. That seems far more deserving of your remark than a game which is effectively a treatise on the consequences of superhuman power.

I can certainly understand why someone might not enjoy that - in nearly every discussion about this game at least one person says they like their Wars morality black and white - but I think it's a bit of a stretch to condemn it as exploitative of the source material.

What does this has to do with morality? I happen to like the shades of gray. Apples and oranges guv.
Are you even reading what I wrote?

This isn't about morality. It's about what the force can do and what the characters do/ can do/we are told they can do/ actually end up doing.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on October 09, 2009, 06:21:16 pm
Look. KOTOR I was written along the lines of BioWare's consistently competent, utterly unimaginative formula. KOTOR II approaches the heights of Baldur's Gate and (tellingly) Planescape Torment.
I'd actually put it above Torment, because as I've written before on this forum, TSL doesn't completely chicken out on providing answers like Torment did come ending time.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on October 10, 2009, 07:29:31 am
I'm posting here before i post on the mod forums to see if anyone else is havinfg this trouble..

When you get Hannharr, (or the ginger bint) and let yourself out of the tunnels. Theres a point where you switch back to the party outside the Ebon Hawk...  That all goes fine except when i enter the door to the Naar Shaddar docks, it hangs on the next loading screen (The one showing the Kath hound pit where said ginge and wookie fought).

Anyone else?
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Ransom on October 10, 2009, 10:57:45 am
This isn't about morality. It's about what the force can do and what the characters do/ can do/we are told they can do/ actually end up doing.
I wasn't aware that strict limitations had been placed on what the Force can and cannot do.

Also, the Force is morality. That's rather the point. They can't be separated so easily.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 10, 2009, 12:40:30 pm
Rubbish. The force is a power. It can be used for good and used for evil and everything in between.

And there are sensible limitations to the Force. Why, how silly of the Emperor and Vader to build a Death Star when they can kill off a whole planet in mere second with the Force!  :rolleyes:

Let me reiterate:
- Wound in the force schtick = garbage
- hunger of the force = garbage
- Kreia's uber Master-kill power = garbage
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Herra Tohtori on October 10, 2009, 01:10:36 pm
Rubbish. The force is a power. It can be used for good and used for evil and everything in between.

And there are sensible limitations to the Force. Why, how silly of the Emperor and Vader to build a Death Star when they can kill off a whole planet in mere second with the Force!  :rolleyes:

Let me reiterate:
- Wound in the force schtick = garbage
- hunger of the force = garbage
- Kreia's uber Master-kill power = garbage

So you are a proponent of the Unifying Force, rather than the more common follower of the Living Force philosophy. Be mindful that it is not the only view of the Force.

Even in-universe views of the Force and it's nature vary vastly. The original idea behind the Force was for it to be something far more mystical than it ended up being (especially after the midi-chlorian debacle in the prequel trilogy).

Remember that the terms you so freely name garbage are, after all, imaginary, metaphysical things in another reality happening in a timeframe vastly before anything else we previously knew of that universe. Who's to say that things such as a wound in the force could not happen? Certainly Obi-Wan felt the destruction of Alderaan quite strongly, and presumably so did Vader and the Emperor. However Alderaan was a sparsely populated world of only 1.97 billion entities,while the numbers of Mandalorians, Republic troops and Jedi dead in the Battle of Malachor V as a result of Mass Shadow Generator are not cited. Also no known Jedi perished on Alderaan, while several died in Malachor V. Besides that, a wound in the force could simply refer to the psychological effect that the destruction and death had on the Exile. Maybe it was a state of mind, rather than state of the Force? MAybe the Jedi and Kreia alike were wrong?

Also remember that all this is pretty much the interpretations that the game characters had. Wound in the force - maybe Kreia was wrong about that. Hunger of the force - maybe it was an anomaly exclusive to Darth Nihilus and more related to him than the Force in and on itself. And Kreia's uber Master-kill power... maybe she caught the Jedi by surprise. Maybe she was that much more powerful than them. Who knows? Darth Sidious single-handedly defeated three out of four of the Jedi Masters that went to arrest him and most likely would have defeated Mace Windu as well, even without Anakin Skywalker's intervention. And that was without fancy surprise move that sucked the life out of people.

Granted, some of the force powers in BOTH games are a bit over-the-top and without any reference to the movies themselves, but that's not exclusive to Kreia's powers, it's a game-wide anomaly and as far as I remember, the life sucking powers were actually available in the first game as well... though maybe not on a four jedi-master-insta-kill variety. In general, when you look at Star Wars EU villains, almost all of them had some new or unseen abilities with the Force. Hell, Exar Kun's force ghost could incinerate people. I've never seen any jedi or sith actually do that before. Then again, Kevin J. Anderson sucks but that's beside the point.

Regarding the debate of plot and game quality in general, I agree that Sith Lords attempted to be a bit more imaginative than the first game of the series. And it was more imaginative. Whether it was plausible varies from player to player, but it's hard to say to what extent it is because of the writing itself or the fact that it was released prematurely. KotOR's plot wasn't as imaginative, but worked better because it was less complex and thus easier to write as a game. KotOR 2 on the other hand had more depth on the plot, but people's views of the value of that depth vary significantly, and add the fact that the game was riddled with bugs that made gameplay inferior to original KotOR, and you end up with an inferior game in general.

However dismissing KotOR 2's plot as inferior is not something I would do so freely.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on October 10, 2009, 02:02:55 pm
Rubbish. The force is a power. It can be used for good and used for evil and everything in between.

And there are sensible limitations to the Force. Why, how silly of the Emperor and Vader to build a Death Star when they can kill off a whole planet in mere second with the Force!  :rolleyes:

Quote from the Naga Sadow bit of wookiepedia..

Sadow also demonstrated an ability to manipulate solar activity through the Force, giving him the power to destroy stars and twice using this to escape from Republic forces.

Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 10, 2009, 04:06:43 pm
So you are a proponent of the Unifying Force, rather than the more common follower of the Living Force philosophy. Be mindful that it is not the only view of the Force.

No, not really.
I know it's connected to all living this and all that jazz. It's not so much nature as it's pulling stuff out of your ass.

Yoda, Anakin, the Emperor - all great, powerful Force users. None of them could simply dispatch several other force users with a wave of the hand. Now of them could kill off a whole planet and a gathering of Jedi.

Remember that the terms you so freely name garbage are, after all, imaginary, metaphysical things in another reality happening in a timeframe vastly before anything else we previously knew of that universe. Who's to say that things such as a wound in the force could not happen? Certainly Obi-Wan felt the destruction of Alderaan quite strongly, and presumably so did Vader and the Emperor. However Alderaan was a sparsely populated world of only 1.97 billion entities,while the numbers of Mandalorians, Republic troops and Jedi dead in the Battle of Malachor V as a result of Mass Shadow Generator are not cited. Also no known Jedi perished on Alderaan, while several died in Malachor V. Besides that, a wound in the force could simply refer to the psychological effect that the destruction and death had on the Exile. Maybe it was a state of mind, rather than state of the Force? MAybe the Jedi and Kreia alike were wrong?

Shutting oneself from the Force so one wouldn't feel the death on such a scale was perfectly sensible to me. The rest wasn't.
Just how does one become a "wound in the Force"? What does it even mean? How does it work? Makes no sense whatsoever. The Force is the energy of all living things. How do you "wound" it or remove your life force/energy from yourself?

Now, I assumed the masters were wrong about the Exile (him being a force leech and not having the force flowing trough him anymore), since it didn't make much sense. All of your companions grew stronger, not weaker, you could use force power without them and stuff like that. Made sense to me that you're connection with the Force was slowly returning.
But then you fight Nihilus who tries to "eat" you only to be overwhelmed by the nothigness. Seems like there is something to the whole wound theory.

In general, when you look at Star Wars EU villains, almost all of them had some new or unseen abilities with the Force. Hell, Exar Kun's force ghost could incinerate people. I've never seen any jedi or sith actually do that before. Then again, Kevin J. Anderson sucks but that's beside the point.

I agree with you here. 99% of EU sucks donkey balls. Lucas gave out the right to write SW novels left and right and now you got every bozo trying to wrtie his own super-character.

Regarding the debate of plot and game quality in general, I agree that Sith Lords attempted to be a bit more imaginative than the first game of the series. And it was more imaginative. Whether it was plausible varies from player to player, but it's hard to say to what extent it is because of the writing itself or the fact that it was released prematurely. KotOR's plot wasn't as imaginative, but worked better because it was less complex and thus easier to write as a game. KotOR 2 on the other hand had more depth on the plot, but people's views of the value of that depth vary significantly, and add the fact that the game was riddled with bugs that made gameplay inferior to original KotOR, and you end up with an inferior game in general.

I do agree that KOTOR2 was going in the right direction with the plot. I generally like it. But some things felt so...unnecessary.. and forced.

You could have very well made Darth Nihilus without the whole planet-devouring-endless-hunger bit. He would attack Telos to end the jedi. The flow of the game is the same, the plot a bit more sensible.

You could have had Darth Sion retreat, or the academy passage collapsing or something else to end the fight - instead you had him constantly regenerate and Kreia warning you that he's INVINCIBLE AND UNKILLABLE (yet mysteriously, he stops being so when you fight him again).

Totally unneeded. Both sith lords could have been handled without the super-hype and the game screaming at us how amazingly dangerous and invincible they are (only for the play to whoop their ass).

Kreia could have taken out the Jedi MAsters in another way. Why not with the help of Sith Assasins? Why do they all need to die anyway? It's not needed for the plot to move forward anyway.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Eishtmo on October 10, 2009, 06:52:48 pm
Shutting oneself from the Force so one wouldn't feel the death on such a scale was perfectly sensible to me. The rest wasn't.
Just how does one become a "wound in the Force"? What does it even mean? How does it work? Makes no sense whatsoever. The Force is the energy of all living things. How do you "wound" it or remove your life force/energy from yourself?

"Wound" is merely a word.  A way of describing it to other Jedi and Sith, it's meaning probably can't really be defined unless you are one.  That said, the point of the plot was that Kreia was trying to KILL the Force (or at least, that's what she said, and if you play the game, you know better than to outright trust her), so the term "wound" has more meaning here.

Now, I assumed the masters were wrong about the Exile (him being a force leech and not having the force flowing trough him anymore), since it didn't make much sense. All of your companions grew stronger, not weaker, you could use force power without them and stuff like that. Made sense to me that you're connection with the Force was slowly returning.
But then you fight Nihilus who tries to "eat" you only to be overwhelmed by the nothigness. Seems like there is something to the whole wound theory.

He wasn't really a Force leech, but he formed connections and bonds with other people very easily, making himself, AND his companions more powerful in the process.  But at the same time, they became his weakness, killing them could very easily hurt him, and it did at Malachor.  He found a way, subconsciously, to cut himself off from his very troops and fellow Jedi before they died, and the rate was so rapid that it, along with the destruction of Malachor itself, created a massive reverberating echo in the Force that centered itself on him.  This is the "wound" as best I can tell, a severe weakeness in the Force.  This is what Kreia wanted to strike, to destroy the Force.  In the end, she didn't.

I do agree that KOTOR2 was going in the right direction with the plot. I generally like it. But some things felt so...unnecessary.. and forced.

As you get nearer the end of KOTOR2, the plot breaks down because it was never really finished.  This restoration project should fix most of the problems.

You could have very well made Darth Nihilus without the whole planet-devouring-endless-hunger bit. He would attack Telos to end the jedi. The flow of the game is the same, the plot a bit more sensible.

You could have had Darth Sion retreat, or the academy passage collapsing or something else to end the fight - instead you had him constantly regenerate and Kreia warning you that he's INVINCIBLE AND UNKILLABLE (yet mysteriously, he stops being so when you fight him again).

Which would miss the point.  Nihilus and Sion were meant to represent what the Exile COULD have been, had he gone a different path.  Failures, in Kreia's eyes.

And if you were paying attention to the last Sion battle, you TALK him into allowing himself to die.  The fighting is just to keep the player interested.

Kreia could have taken out the Jedi MAsters in another way. Why not with the help of Sith Assasins? Why do they all need to die anyway? It's not needed for the plot to move forward anyway.

Kreia was PISSED.  Killing them was out of anger more than anything else.  And in any case "techniques from which there is no defense" was mentioned WELL in advance of this moment, so the fact that she could perform them shouldn't be a surprise.  Hell, she did manage to hide her presense from at least one Master already by that point, so maybe she was more powerful and just life sucked the bastards.  Didn't matter, she was angry, so she killed them.

As for Sith Assassins, she wasn't a Sith until after that moment, and she may not have been one then, so the Assassins wouldn't have followed her (and she didn't have access to them anyway).
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on October 10, 2009, 07:03:08 pm
Atris was a Librarian who forgot her combat teachings :p
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 10, 2009, 09:52:51 pm
I'm posting here before i post on the mod forums to see if anyone else is havinfg this trouble..

When you get Hannharr, (or the ginger bint) and let yourself out of the tunnels. Theres a point where you switch back to the party outside the Ebon Hawk...  That all goes fine except when i enter the door to the Naar Shaddar docks, it hangs on the next loading screen (The one showing the Kath hound pit where said ginge and wookie fought).

Anyone else?
Your question got lost in the debate thar, Colonol. I haven't reached Naar Shaddar yet (I go to Onderon first), but once I do and if I get it I'll let 'ya know.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Scotty on October 10, 2009, 10:05:46 pm
Minor note, the Exile is canonically a she.

Next, the entire last page of this thread has been nothing but semantics.  I mean, really people.

TrashMan:  You don't like it.  Sure thing.  If you don't like it then don't play it, simple as that.

Eishtmo:  See first sentence.  Also, Kriea was Sith the whole game (see the cutscene you unlock by talking to her), the assassins were just after the exile.  Although I did find the justification for the assassins getting stronger concurrently with the Exile humorous.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: mxlm on October 10, 2009, 10:42:54 pm
Minor note, the Exile is canonically a she.

I'm lazy, do my research for me and elaborate.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Scotty on October 10, 2009, 10:56:31 pm
Not much to research.  The Exile is canonically a she.  Nothing much else to say about it.  Kind of how the Red Alert games' Allied endings are the canonical versions.  It can happen differently in your game, but in-universe it happened that way.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Herra Tohtori on October 10, 2009, 11:32:13 pm
I usually play male character in Kotor 2 because the Handmaiden pwns the Disciple hands down in usefulness, character, lack of annoyance... and looks. :p
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 11, 2009, 03:16:08 am
"Wound" is merely a word.  A way of describing it to other Jedi and Sith, it's meaning probably can't really be defined unless you are one.  That said, the point of the plot was that Kreia was trying to KILL the Force (or at least, that's what she said, and if you play the game, you know better than to outright trust her), so the term "wound" has more meaning here.

And just how do you kill the Force? It's energy (in a sense). You cna't destroy energy. They only way I could think off would be to destroy all life in the universe.

He wasn't really a Force leech, but he formed connections and bonds with other people very easily, making himself, AND his companions more powerful in the process.  But at the same time, they became his weakness, killing them could very easily hurt him, and it did at Malachor.  He found a way, subconsciously, to cut himself off from his very troops and fellow Jedi before they died, and the rate was so rapid that it, along with the destruction of Malachor itself, created a massive reverberating echo in the Force that centered itself on him.  This is the "wound" as best I can tell, a severe weakeness in the Force.  This is what Kreia wanted to strike, to destroy the Force.  In the end, she didn't.

And that makes no sense really. The whole "wound that can destroy the Force".

Which would miss the point.  Nihilus and Sion were meant to represent what the Exile COULD have been, had he gone a different path.  Failures, in Kreia's eyes.

How is making them more "normal" and less uber-hyped missing the point?

And if you were paying attention to the last Sion battle, you TALK him into allowing himself to die.  The fighting is just to keep the player interested.

No, not the last battle. I'm refering to the battle in the Korriban academy. I must have brought him down to 0 hp several times, he just gets instant HP re-fill and Kreia comment how he is invincible. HOW?
Since when does the Force grant immortality and invicibility?

Kreia was PISSED.  Killing them was out of anger more than anything else.  And in any case "techniques from which there is no defense" was mentioned WELL in advance of this moment, so the fact that she could perform them shouldn't be a surprise.  Hell, she did manage to hide her presense from at least one Master already by that point, so maybe she was more powerful and just life sucked the bastards.  Didn't matter, she was angry, so she killed them.

It matters. Such weaksauce plot device as "techniques from which there is no defence" is garbage.
Also, hiding themselves from detection is something the Dark Side users are good that - we've seen that much in the SW movies. What we didn't see are irresistable, insta-kill powers.

As for Sith Assassins, she wasn't a Sith until after that moment, and she may not have been one then, so the Assassins wouldn't have followed her (and she didn't have access to them anyway).

What are you talking about? She was a Sith long before the game begun. She refered to herself as being Darth Traya and she knows REALLY a lot about the Sith and their techniques.


Seriously, you fanboys can stop this crusade. Just because I criticize one aspect of the game doesn't mean I don't like it. In fact, it's one of the best games I played. So can the stupid "if you don't like it, don't play it" commentary.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Spicious on October 11, 2009, 06:43:09 am
Well done, call anyone who disagrees with you fanboys. That's a very mature and well thought out argument.

Have you thought about how much more broken the game would be if suddenly after rescuing the jedi masters they all suddenly get assassinated by random sith mobs?
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Demitri on October 11, 2009, 07:11:53 am
 :nervous: So whats the view of the mod then folks? Worth downloading? Buggy? etc
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on October 11, 2009, 07:42:52 am
I managed to get it working on Iziz by changing my Nvidia control panel options around a bit.

My view is that some neat stuff is added, Ie. the Dantooine defense / attack bit (mercs etc) you can choose where to deploy squads. The endings didn't seem all that special to me as i could barely remember the original one to be honest. Although i do..
still mourn the Ebon Hawk.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 11, 2009, 08:14:33 am
Well done, call anyone who disagrees with you fanboys. That's a very mature and well thought out argument.

Have you thought about how much more broken the game would be if suddenly after rescuing the jedi masters they all suddenly get assassinated by random sith mobs?

How should I call people who jump on ANY critics against the game and respond that I don't like it, even after I stressed SEVERAL times that the game is great and that I love it?

Broken? Why would it be broken if the Jedi masters were outnumbered or lured into a trap? The Exile himself fell into 3 traps during the game.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: General Battuta on October 11, 2009, 09:59:15 am
I don't understand why the things you say 'make no sense' actually make no sense.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: mxlm on October 11, 2009, 04:15:12 pm
Not much to research.  The Exile is canonically a she.  Nothing much else to say about it. 

Where was this established, is what I really was asking :p
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: General Battuta on October 11, 2009, 04:15:29 pm
Lucasfilm Holocron, I believe.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Scotty on October 11, 2009, 04:43:35 pm
TrashMan:  It's less what you said then how you said it.

The force itself was raped and abused, then put in a slutty dress and put on display.

If you had said maybe "I don't really like how they handled the Force aspect of the story," perhaps the replies wouldn't have been as vehement.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Eishtmo on October 11, 2009, 08:46:18 pm
And just how do you kill the Force? It's energy (in a sense). You cna't destroy energy. They only way I could think off would be to destroy all life in the universe.

And that makes no sense really. The whole "wound that can destroy the Force".

It's about creating echoes that could shatter the Force.  If you want to knock down a wall, for example, where do you hit?  On the solid face, or where there's already a crack?  Her plan was to hit at a crack, a wound, in the Force itself.  And claiming the Force is just "energy" is just an interpretation of it.  By Kreia's (and the game's) reasoning, it is NOT just energy, it is something else, something that is alive, had a will, and could be hurt or even killed.

How is making them more "normal" and less uber-hyped missing the point?

Perhaps they could have improved their fear factor, but as I've heard said, the story wasn't about them, it was about the Exile and Kreia.  They were just extras in another's story.

No, not the last battle. I'm refering to the battle in the Korriban academy. I must have brought him down to 0 hp several times, he just gets instant HP re-fill and Kreia comment how he is invincible. HOW?
Since when does the Force grant immortality and invicibility?

Yeah, actually it did.  He was holding himself together with the Force.  That's why you couldn't kill him, and why TALKING to him, breaking his spirit, is what finally let him be killed.

Force techniques have been lost over time, and Sion managed to find one that made him effectively immortal.  There's not much else I can say about that.

It matters. Such weaksauce plot device as "techniques from which there is no defence" is garbage.
Also, hiding themselves from detection is something the Dark Side users are good that - we've seen that much in the SW movies. What we didn't see are irresistable, insta-kill powers.

Alright, this is what she did:  She seperated the Masters from the Force.  She didn't ACTUALLY kill them, directly, she severed their connection to the Force, something THEY were going to do to the Exile.  But the effect was so rapid that they couldn't cope, and they just died.  They had come to rely on the Force so heavily that without it, they simply couldn't live.  That explination still won't make you happy, but whatever.

What are you talking about? She was a Sith long before the game begun. She refered to herself as being Darth Traya and she knows REALLY a lot about the Sith and their techniques.

Well, if you watched the one cutscene, Darth Traya was banished by Sion and Nihilus, stripped of her power and title of Sith Lord.  The Assassins AT THAT POINT would not have followed her, and nor was she a Sith anymore.  After that is the point I was trying to make, she presented herself as a Sith, but she was never really a Sith or Jedi anymore, she was simply Kreia.  Her personal philosphies and purpose was so radically different from the two sides that she couldn't be considered either.  By presenting herself as a Sith however, she gave the Exile (light or dark) an opponent to fight as her final test for him.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Scotty on October 11, 2009, 10:20:38 pm
You say that last point as if recognition of being a Sith was a prerequisite.  Were that true, the Sith would have been dead and gone for millenia before Episode I.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: NGTM-1R on October 11, 2009, 10:31:08 pm
Man's got a point there.

Being Sith is an idea, a set of beliefs, rather than a physical state that can be revoked by an external entity.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 12, 2009, 01:12:15 am
It's about creating echoes that could shatter the Force.  If you want to knock down a wall, for example, where do you hit?  On the solid face, or where there's already a crack?  Her plan was to hit at a crack, a wound, in the Force itself.  And claiming the Force is just "energy" is just an interpretation of it.  By Kreia's (and the game's) reasoning, it is NOT just energy, it is something else, something that is alive, had a will, and could be hurt or even killed.

Even in-game, they refer to the force as being tied to livig things. So how can you kill the Force wihtout killing every living thing?

Not to mention that the movie fluff tells something very different about the Force. Obviously, Yoda and Obi-Wan had no clue what they were talking about.

Perhaps they could have improved their fear factor, but as I've heard said, the story wasn't about them, it was about the Exile and Kreia.  They were just extras in another's story.

Which is exactly what I hate. Insted of fleshing them out a bit, they were just cardboard cut-outs. Throaway villans. Boogie man used to scare.  Walking plot holes.

Yeah, actually it did.  He was holding himself together with the Force.  That's why you couldn't kill him, and why TALKING to him, breaking his spirit, is what finally let him be killed.

Force techniques have been lost over time, and Sion managed to find one that made him effectively immortal.  There's not much else I can say about that.

I can. Weaksauce explanation. Terrible writing. Surviving decapitation by lightsaber is pure, utter crap.

Alright, this is what she did:  She seperated the Masters from the Force.  She didn't ACTUALLY kill them, directly, she severed their connection to the Force, something THEY were going to do to the Exile.  But the effect was so rapid that they couldn't cope, and they just died.  They had come to rely on the Force so heavily that without it, they simply couldn't live.  That explination still won't make you happy, but whatever.

From what I could tell, it takes several amsters to do that. If one Jedi could strip another completely so easily, then the Jedi-Sith duels would look a lot different.
And yes.  Istill don't like it - cause it still sucks.

TrashMan:  It's less what you said then how you said it.

The force itself was raped and abused, then put in a slutty dress and put on display.

If you had said maybe "I don't really like how they handled the Force aspect of the story," perhaps the replies wouldn't have been as vehement.

That's one of my failings. My hate of plot holes is proportional to my liking the game/show/story. The more I like the show, the more I hate the plot holes for runining perfection.
I only rant for the extreemes - only if it's crap or if it's brilliant.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Eishtmo on October 12, 2009, 06:33:56 pm
Even in-game, they refer to the force as being tied to livig things. So how can you kill the Force wihtout killing every living thing?

Not to mention that the movie fluff tells something very different about the Force. Obviously, Yoda and Obi-Wan had no clue what they were talking about.

That's what Kreia wanted to do, and figuring her out is complicated enough.  As for Yoda and Obi-Wan, maybe they just didn't know.  After all, the Jedi Order was all but wiped out by the end of KOTOR II, that information may have been lost.

Which is exactly what I hate. Insted of fleshing them out a bit, they were just cardboard cut-outs. Throaway villans. Boogie man used to scare.  Walking plot holes.

That's not a plot hole.  It's more a piece that could have been done better.  There are plot holes in KOTOR II, but these two were not it.

And again, they weren't the 'villians' of the story.  They were more like forces of nature that pushes the Exile forward.

I can. Weaksauce explanation. Terrible writing. Surviving decapitation by lightsaber is pure, utter crap.

Weaksauce?  Look, I know you don't like the explination, but at least they GAVE one.  Better than 90% of the crap out there that doesn't even attempt to explain something.  And again, it ties back into the Exile and what he COULD have been.  I have nothing else I can tell you, but calling it 'utter crap' is childish.

From what I could tell, it takes several amsters to do that. If one Jedi could strip another completely so easily, then the Jedi-Sith duels would look a lot different.
And yes.  Istill don't like it - cause it still sucks.

Nothing said it required all three of them to do, just that they had all AGREED to do it in the end.  And again, lost knowledge, high level stuff that probably wouldn't work in most situations.  But whatever, I'm done arguing with you if you're just going to scream "IT SUCKS" whenever I try to make a point.  It's irritating.

You say that last point as if recognition of being a Sith was a prerequisite.  Were that true, the Sith would have been dead and gone for millenia before Episode I.

To controlling the Sith Assassins, yeah, it would have meant something.  But as for Kreia, being Sith or Jedi was just a title she wore as it suited her.  HER beliefs are so different from the two, that she was no more Sith or Jedi than a rock.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 12, 2009, 08:25:39 pm
Okay, stop. What is the point of this discussion? If you don't like it, you don't. If you do, you do. End of story.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Topgun on October 12, 2009, 08:28:47 pm
I am currently playing KotOR 1 and am enjoying it immensely. I want to get KotOR 2 and i am wondering if I should just install this mod and play with it from the start. is that a good idea, or should I play it vanilla, then if I want, get the mod?
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: The E on October 12, 2009, 08:34:07 pm
Play it with the mod.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 13, 2009, 01:32:28 am
As for Yoda and Obi-Wan, maybe they just didn't know.  After all, the Jedi Order was all but wiped out by the end of KOTOR II, that information may have been lost.

So basicly, the game plot is giving them the finger. The moive stuff is wrong, those characters don't know their stuff, but our game - now it holds the real truth.
I hate an approach that tries to re-write the original for no good rason.

That's not a plot hole.  It's more a piece that could have been done better.  There are plot holes in KOTOR II, but these two were not it.

No? Their powers are big plot holes.

Weaksauce?  Look, I know you don't like the explination, but at least they GAVE one.  Better than 90% of the crap out there that doesn't even attempt to explain something.  And again, it ties back into the Exile and what he COULD have been.  I have nothing else I can tell you, but calling it 'utter crap' is childish.

For the record, "it's magic" is not a good explanation, especially if it contradicts common sense and established fluff. utter crap? If the shoe fits...

What you fail to realise is that these new powers and abilitites conpletely f*** up the whole thing. Eating a whole planet of stripping someone from the force are so redicolously overpowered powers it's not even funny.
Trying to handwave everytihng with "lost techniques" is even worse.

EDIT: Kreai was controling the base on Malachor V at the end. If she wasnt Sith, then why were all those sith following her?

Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 13, 2009, 01:34:06 am
FYI - there are some major bugs reported by some people. Cutscenes not ending, critical conversation triggers not starting. Fixes are in the works.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 13, 2009, 02:35:42 am
I am currently playing KotOR 1 and am enjoying it immensely. I want to get KotOR 2 and i am wondering if I should just install this mod and play with it from the start. is that a good idea, or should I play it vanilla, then if I want, get the mod?
Play it with the mod.
Then go kotorfiles, grab more mods and play it again. Do note not all mods are compatible with each other.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on October 13, 2009, 03:04:48 am
I played through, no factory wtf. . . The earliest pre HK47 is on Peragus. . I'm not playing from there damnit.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 13, 2009, 07:57:21 am
We-ell. You could get the Peragus Skip mod. I know I did. And I seem to recall someone saying that HK-47 Factory will be released in a seperate patch?
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Eishtmo on October 13, 2009, 08:19:10 pm
For the record, "it's magic" is not a good explanation, especially if it contradicts common sense and established fluff.


Sorry about mixing it up, but I don't think there's a Star Wars equivilant.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: General Battuta on October 13, 2009, 08:55:40 pm
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Topgun on October 13, 2009, 08:58:10 pm
We-ell. You could get the Peragus Skip mod. I know I did. And I seem to recall someone saying that HK-47 Factory will be released in a seperate patch?
won't I miss a lot of the story? or is the first planet really that bad?
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Scotty on October 13, 2009, 09:26:54 pm
It gets really repetetive when you go through it for the fiftieth time. 

I wish I could skip to the very end of the Telos station place EVERY SINGLE TIME.  It's the jump point level, and takes way to long to get anywhere.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 13, 2009, 11:30:06 pm
We-ell. You could get the Peragus Skip mod. I know I did. And I seem to recall someone saying that HK-47 Factory will be released in a seperate patch?
won't I miss a lot of the story? or is the first planet really that bad?
Well, like Scotty said, it gets tiring real quick.

I wish I could skip to the very end of the Telos station place EVERY SINGLE TIME.  It's the jump point level, and takes way to long to get anywhere.
I believe that there was a mod in the works for that. Telos is marginally more interesting, but not by much.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on October 14, 2009, 09:32:12 am
How would I get back to the Telos surface later though in hindsight. . Isn't that the only oppertunity to get into the factory?
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on October 14, 2009, 01:49:44 pm
HK-47 will automatically go back there while the Exile is trying to stop Nihilus from destroying Telos.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 14, 2009, 02:02:06 pm
You need to have HK47 repaired, talk to him about the other HK units and how to track them, and must confront 3 HK squads
Note - there are generated HK squads that don't count in that regard. You'll see the properly scripted squads, as tehy will comment about being unable to access weapons fire control (HK47 is blocking htem) before they engage.

Then there should be a torture scutscene back on Ebon Hawk where HK47 tortures a HK50 for information. Only after that cutscene and finding all of hte Jedi Masters will the HK factory be unlocked. HK47 goes that automaticly.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Liberator on October 16, 2009, 11:39:04 pm
For the record, "it's magic" is not a good explanation, especially if it contradicts common sense and established fluff.

There are days I am glad I'm not a Warsie.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 18, 2009, 06:33:36 pm
There was a long wait at Telos Academy. After Atris spoke to me, flashed my old saber at me and walked back into the chamber. Then there was a long wait of me staring at closed doors.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on October 18, 2009, 06:40:41 pm
There are some new bits, I can't remember if they were in retail though. Like my goddess Bastilla turning up with Carth. I'm not paying where though. . .
The bit where Misas dies is a bit weird because I get an option to become an apprentice to Darth thingy and then he just stands there like a nub in combat mode. . . .
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 19, 2009, 09:19:26 am
I noticed something new. A ton more HK nubs coming out after me.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 20, 2009, 03:01:28 am
For the record, "it's magic" is not a good explanation, especially if it contradicts common sense and established fluff.

There are days I am glad I'm not a Warsie.

I stand by my claims. It's not a good explanation, it's a LAZY explanation (especially since force is not supposed to be magic. It has mystical elements, yes, but it's not magic).
And read the last part again.

I'm stuck in teh game. Damn bug. Playing lightside jedi guardan and the handmaiden vs. her sistes fight is bugged...argh..
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Colonol Dekker on October 20, 2009, 03:10:42 am
It is indeed bugged for Darksiders too. . I got past it because I saved my game regularly and was persistent. Atris is a ***** though. . . I beat her by fluke. Get ready for a bug or two when you beat her by the way.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 20, 2009, 03:50:21 am
The Mandalorians and friends seem to be incredibly tougher too, until I realised I forgot to take the finese feat. >.>

Playing as a Consular/Master. I'll probably move on to Guardian/Weaponmaster next. I miss my Force Jump.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 20, 2009, 04:16:27 am
It is indeed bugged for Darksiders too. . I got past it because I saved my game regularly and was persistent. Atris is a ***** though. . . I beat her by fluke. Get ready for a bug or two when you beat her by the way.

Atm I'm butchering my way trough.
Guardian/Weaponmaster, all of my followers are Jedified (and I kept them from elveling up so I can give em more jedi levels...mwhahaha)
I also have my greatsabers mod installed and have bought or found the neatest lightsaber crystals. 50 damage per hit, yeah baby! :drevil:

Now, if I could just get trough the damn fight.
What was the problem for you? For me, when the handmaiden beats her sisters, nothing happens. Atris doesn't come...and I can't go anywhere...GAH!
I even tried cheating by giving myself 50 wisdom and using force wave to stun all of hte sisters at once. Still no dice...
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 20, 2009, 04:51:16 am
50 wisdom? Stun all the sisters at once? What for? Just kill 'em will do, won't it?

Also, how high must your influence be to be able to turn Atton into a Jedi?
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 20, 2009, 08:01:32 am
Becasue a text box before the fight sez that you can end the fight by either killing them all or stunning them all (bring their health low enough and they will be stunned).

Waving the lightsaber around indiscriminately tends to not leave them at low HP, but with no HP at all.

regarding atton - I don't know exactly how high it must be, but you have to talk to the two Twilek on Nar'Shadda about his dark past.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 20, 2009, 11:17:06 am
Yeah, I know. But my influence generally isn't high enough with him. I try to conserve levels, so he's usually severely underleveled, so it's difficult to bring him out on excursions.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Topgun on October 20, 2009, 01:29:42 pm
Is there any drm on the game?
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: The E on October 20, 2009, 01:58:07 pm
There's a disk check. Don't know how intrusive.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 21, 2009, 04:57:57 am
Yeah, I know. But my influence generally isn't high enough with him. I try to conserve levels, so he's usually severely underleveled, so it's difficult to bring him out on excursions.

You should tough. Properly equipped, even under-leveld NPC with a good PC can brutalize opponents.
There are some events that happen that can boost his approval, some are on NarShadda.
I can't recall if palying Pazaak with him grants you anything.

If all else fails, use the savegame editor and boost his Influence rating :P
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TopAce on October 21, 2009, 07:20:54 am
I can't recall if palying Pazaak with him grants you anything.

It grants you no influence bonus, but asking him to teach you how to shield thoughts via pazaak does give you some influence.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 21, 2009, 09:31:51 pm
You should tough. Properly equipped, even under-leveld NPC with a good PC can brutalize opponents.
There are some events that happen that can boost his approval, some are on NarShadda.
I can't recall if palying Pazaak with him grants you anything.

If all else fails, use the savegame editor and boost his Influence rating :P
Gave him Clone Commander armor and WESTAR 44s. Unstoppable!
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 22, 2009, 08:47:34 pm

Ran into a showstopper. My HK factory won't start. I checked, and apparently I'm missing the global required to fire up the factory. Dang. And I don't have an earlier savegame either. So I'm reinstalling KotoR, and running TSLRC without any mods. Amusingly, after I couldn't enter the factory, I tried to run out to the shuttle, and found a trio of HK-50s. Spoke to them, and I got teleported back to the Telos Academy after being 'shot down' again. :p
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: TrashMan on October 23, 2009, 04:18:45 am
You can allways edit the needed variable/flag in your savegame ya know....
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Stormkeeper on October 23, 2009, 09:55:47 am
Well, I don't have the global. Apparently it was cause I had the Ultimate Saber Mod installed, which I belated realised was the 'USM' in the read-me.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on July 22, 2010, 06:18:47 pm
I know, huge bump, but I think it's worth it, because the HK-Factory has been reworked and lots of little patches have been made so the mod is essentially finished as of now.

Download and install this:

Followed by this:
Fix for a v1.6 bug, stopping the Red Eclipse cutscene on Nar Shaddaa from playing again after it's been completed

And that's it.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: General Battuta on July 22, 2010, 06:23:40 pm
I know, huge bump, but I think it's worth it, because the HK-Factory has been reworked and lots of little patches have been made so the mod is essentially finished as of now.

Download and install this:

Followed by this:
Fix for a v1.6 bug, stopping the Red Eclipse cutscene on Nar Shaddaa from playing again after it's been completed

There! Enjoy!


You're alive!
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on July 22, 2010, 06:24:05 pm
Only for special occasions.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Demitri on July 23, 2010, 07:07:25 am
Do you need to download previous versions or just 1.6? The reason i ask is cause the file seems a lot smaller than i would have thought for the amount of content they are restoring.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on July 23, 2010, 01:22:04 pm
No, just 1.6. Most of the textures, voice files, levels, and scripts are already in the game files; all that's needed to restore them is the override data that completes/activates them. Obsidian was that close to finishing the game.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Locutus of Borg on July 23, 2010, 04:29:27 pm
Is it worth another playthrough with this mod?

IIRC, the game ends ambiguously with the
ship leaving the moon as it explodes?

is that fixed? Is the real ending there now?
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on July 23, 2010, 10:54:49 pm
1. Restored scene completely absent in retail where Kreia returns to Malachor and shows Sion which one of them has the real power, explaining why he is subservient to her when the Exile encounters him later
2. Your core party members (Atton, Visas, Mira, Mical/Brianna), separated from the Exile on Malachor, launch an attack upon Kreia and Sion and are easily beaten- it's up to the exile to save them or let them die- Atton in particular gets a nice melodramatic death scene (way too much overacting by his voice actor)
3. There's an actual resolution to the Remote/G0-T0 standoff involving HK-47, according to your actions in the HK-Factory, which determine the fate of Malachor V.

I mean, Malachor isn't finished by any stretch of the imagination, but the modders obviously squeezed everything they could out of what was present in the voice files.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Demitri on July 25, 2010, 07:42:38 am
Cant seem to DL from filefront. Don't know if its a problem from their end or mine. Any other DL locations?
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on July 26, 2010, 01:46:03 pm
It's back up now.
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Demitri on August 01, 2010, 06:33:32 am
Ok this is starting to piss me off now. Everytime i try to dl the Nar Shaddaa fix it just takes me to the Filefront homepage. Is it just me ****ing it up or is anyone else having this problem?

Edit: Nevermind, managed to dl it eventually
Title: Re: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod
Post by: Mr. Vega on August 05, 2010, 04:58:53 pm

Link with the fix included in the installer. Should be much more reliable than Filefront.