Hard Light Productions Forums

Hosted Projects - FS2 Required => Blue Planet => Topic started by: General Battuta on December 08, 2009, 09:29:28 pm

Title: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 08, 2009, 09:29:28 pm
This is a strictly unofficial topic; I just want to talk about stuff because it's fun.

How scary do you like your capships? With the Fury AI profiles we can turn even an Aeolus into something that's quite a threat to anything less than a wing of gunships. D'you like it when there's a sense of threat about even something as small as a cruiser?

How many of you guys have played around with Fury's AI profiles? Sushi, Fury, Wanderer, and others put in a ton of work to make them possible. D'you like 'em?
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Commander Zane on December 08, 2009, 09:38:26 pm
Well myself, I don't like being able to single-handedly take down any Cruiser I go up against, or doing the same when I strip down every Corvette of its weapons and subsystems. I want it to be necessary that several wings are needed to take down the bigger ships, and if the capital ships can be made to be truly fearsome to fighters and bombers, I want the fighters and bombers to be able to take appropriate action and not get splashed in record times. :P
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Solatar on December 08, 2009, 10:40:01 pm
I kind of like it when it takes warships to take down warships.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Sushi on December 08, 2009, 10:59:00 pm
As scary as possible without breaking the game. :)

Mostly, I think you need:

1) Warships with enough anti-fighter to be scary. I liked PI's improved blob turrets, and flak and AAA are always a good thing.

2) Force attacking fighters to get close. Fighters should never be able to execute an effective "stand-off" attack against a capship. Attacking fighters should have to come well within the effective range of the ship's defenses, and be in real danger when doing so.

3) Protect the turrets. Against most ships, it's way too easy to blow off turrets from outside the range of the capship. I know I for one have exploited Maxims and Trebuchets to death, to the point where in any mission I fly, the first thing I do when a capship enters the field is lob trebs at their beam cannons. Effective, but far too effective at crippling capships. The player should be forced to get his nose dirty if he wants to disarm a ship: long range weapons should be very ineffective against turrets and subsystems.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Nuclear1 on December 08, 2009, 11:15:11 pm
Middle ground between vanilla FS2 and Inferno would be great.

As in, not kinetic weapons galore, nor giant slow blobs.  Semi-rapid fire blobs and a couple of AAA beams.  Not too lethal, but not cannonfodder ala the Fenris.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 08, 2009, 11:18:55 pm
Just to clarify - we're well past the stage where we'll be making balance alterations to existing ship tables (with so much of the campaign done, that'd be silly.) Instead, I'm thinking more about AI on warships.

I've been playing a mission-in-progress that involves an Aeolus which currently has Fury's Elite AI. I take four Uriels and four Kentaurois in against it (squadron battle cry: TONIGHT - WE DINE - ON FLAK!) and currently my fatality rate is 100%. So that might be a wee bit much.

Oh, and Nuclear1/Sushi, we do have the pulse turrets you saw in AoA, which can be made to fire much much faster given appropriate AI.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Darius on December 08, 2009, 11:22:46 pm
Well, considering the Kentauroi has cardboard armour, it's probably not surprising they didn't survive the flak bath :P
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 08, 2009, 11:24:18 pm
Yes, but I'm in the Uriel, and the Kentaurois can at least punch the afterburners to fleeeeeeeeeee
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Scotty on December 08, 2009, 11:27:12 pm
I don't know how feasible this would be (I'm not a code guy, or a scripting guy, or anything like that), but having capship AI that prioritizes incoming bombs would be wonderful.  Really, think about the crew of a turret on the side of, say, a Deimos.  A gigantic anti-matter torpedo is barrelling straight for them.  What do they do?  The continue plinking away at the tiny little fighter that can't even muster the firepower to really damage them.  Then again, it might break game balance a little for escort missions. 

It might also be cool to have a groups of turrets on the hull that co-ordinate to try and take down fighters, or prioritize one type of craft over the other, or something like that.  For example, have flak turrets prioritize bombers to keep them from launching, have AAAs prioritize fighters because, realistically, they have the greatest chance of destroying them, have blobs engage either, have large beams engage either bombers (slow little things) and other capships, have Slash beams engage fighters or actually aim for subsystems.  Stuff like that, or have several different kinds of turrets grouped to all fire at the same target, simulating group fire control, or something.

Right now, the capship turrets feel too much like they're all operating without bothering to talk to each other, or don't have their priorities straight.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 08, 2009, 11:29:32 pm
Capship AI already prioritizes bombs above all else, actually.

And slash beams against fighters/beams against bombers would mean instant player death. The Diomedes' slash beams already rip right through fighters between it and its prey.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Scotty on December 08, 2009, 11:38:19 pm
Already prioritizes bombs?  Huh, I need to start playing above Easy then. :D

Hmmm, do slash beams all insta-kill the player?  I can imagine that would break game balance (but also can't really imagine why they don't use them for anti-fighter use anyway).  Well, is there a way to have them go for subsystems instead of just scything wildly (assuming, of course, they do that.  I might just be missing it)?
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: NGTM-1R on December 08, 2009, 11:39:30 pm
Put bluntly, scary capships break the game. FS is about the power and the dominance of the fighter. It always has been. INFR1's Phobos is about as far as you can push the capship towards scary without having made it something that's no longer FreeSpace.

I'll give a by to the Diaspora guys because scary Battlestars are also integral to their particular universe. But not anything that's not a TC.'

I'm also a great believer in the ability of fighters to engage in stand-off attack against capital craft...provided the big boys have a chance at intercepting inbounds. Forcing people to FRED a tactically rational attempt to overwhelm a ship's defenses is good.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Scotty on December 08, 2009, 11:46:24 pm
Well, even in a fighter-centric game, scary capships can serve to demonstrate the absolute necessity of said fighter.  For example, if you need to bring in another scary capship to take out scary capship number one, you can bet, whatever the difficulty, someone WILL be sortie-ing wings against it, prompting the need for friendly wings.

Truthfully, something always struck me wrong about how in FS anything can fall beneath your mighty.... 20 meter fighter.

Hmmm, that last paragraph wasn't there when I clicked "reply," and I agree with the latter of that sentence.  However, at range, the capital craft should really not be at any risk of harm from small craft. 
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Vip on December 09, 2009, 12:40:02 am
I kinda miss the times when FreeSpace 2 was released and I was a n00bish pilot. You felt respect for the capital ships, especially when the flak and AAA started firing at you. And your inability to dish out any significant damage unless you were in a bomber... I was so effin proud when the Sathanas appeared on my kill list. But skip to several Bearbeatings and High Noons later, you just don't feel this respect anymore.

As for the Fury's AI. Can you give it to specific classes ? Since Aeolus and Deimos - the prime anti-fighter platforms of FS2 - are already quite capable as they are, they could use the normal AI, whereas I wouldn't mind the destroyers like Hecate becoming more dangerous.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 09, 2009, 12:43:50 am
You can give it to specific individual ships, not just classes. Could make one Aeolus a beast and another a lamb.

It makes the Aeolus and Deimos nearly unassailable in many respects. Wander into a flak envelope and you're gone.

Could definitely put it on destroyers, though. And ironically a lot of StratComm's ships lack flak, so they are pretty balanced with it (they just turn into blob hell.)
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Vip on December 09, 2009, 01:23:53 am
You can give it to specific individual ships, not just classes. Could make one Aeolus a beast and another a lamb.

It makes the Aeolus and Deimos nearly unassailable in many respects. Wander into a flak envelope and you're gone.

Could definitely put it on destroyers, though. And ironically a lot of StratComm's ships lack flak, so they are pretty balanced with it (they just turn into blob hell.)

Oh, I like this ! You know, it was always kinda hilarious when I saw a Deimos and started crapping my pants on the very thought of getting closer, but seeing a destroyer made me think just "meh" :P Approaching a destroyer shouldn't be as easy as it is in vanilla FS2 campaign.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 09, 2009, 01:25:20 am
Think of destroyers as carriers with really heavy artillery. They need escort. They simply don't have the turret coverage to give a good account of themselves against fighters or bombers. And for the most part they're rather underarmored for what they do, too!

Haven't actually tried the Fury AI on them, mind. A Raynor with such AI is probably very fearsome.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Woolie Wool on December 09, 2009, 01:35:14 am
Put bluntly, scary capships break the game. FS is about the power and the dominance of the fighter. It always has been. INFR1's Phobos is about as far as you can push the capship towards scary without having made it something that's no longer FreeSpace.

I'll give a by to the Diaspora guys because scary Battlestars are also integral to their particular universe. But not anything that's not a TC.'

I'm also a great believer in the ability of fighters to engage in stand-off attack against capital craft...provided the big boys have a chance at intercepting inbounds. Forcing people to FRED a tactically rational attempt to overwhelm a ship's defenses is good.

I disagree. Intelligent use of one's wingmen can level the playing field between fighters and "scary" capships. My post-Capella capships could tear a single fighter to shreds within a few seconds of it coming into range with floods of blobs and flak (and in the case of some destroyers and dreadnoughts, Infyrno-like cluster rockets), but an attack with 12-16 fighters and bombers will overwhelm virtually any ship in the mod. This goes double with Fury's AI as your wingmen don't become completely useless on Easy and below. If you stick with your wingmen and escorts and attack en masse, you can emerge victorious even against even the most heavily armed capships. Too often players in bombers try to act alone rather than as part of a wing or squadron. "Scary capships" will teach these players the error of their ways. Use your wingmen. Prioritize beam cannons. Use anti-subsystem missiles (my mod gives the new-generation anti-subsystem missile a lot more damage potential than the Trebuchet, so they're actually useful). Stay with your wing. These are things that will make capital ships much easier to deal with.

Think of destroyers as carriers with really heavy artillery. They need escort. They simply don't have the turret coverage to give a good account of themselves against fighters or bombers. And for the most part they're rather underarmored for what they do, too!

I fixed that issue in my post-Capella mod. The weaker destroyers have 220,000-280,000 hitpoints, more advanced ones 300,000-350,000. They also tend to have MLRS launchers that spew exploding bomblets in all directions when they detonate.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: NGTM-1R on December 09, 2009, 01:43:42 am

You going to try citing something canonical in an argument about what the canonical games are saying this time? No? That's what I thought.

Well, even in a fighter-centric game, scary capships can serve to demonstrate the absolute necessity of said fighter.  For example, if you need to bring in another scary capship to take out scary capship number one, you can bet, whatever the difficulty, someone WILL be sortie-ing wings against it, prompting the need for friendly wings.

Doesn't follow. If they're necessary in a world of scary capships, they're even more necessary in a world of unscary ones, because they're the only viable weapons!

Truthfully, something always struck me wrong about how in FS anything can fall beneath your mighty.... 20 meter fighter.

Art imitates life? :P

Let's be honest here. The Aeolus is already a match for most of us on Insane. Fury's AI simply brings the level at which it becomes a match down; but if we wanted to be doing that, we'd be raising our difficulty level up. The effort to make it harder than hard for those who don't like Insane anymore has decided to penalize those who never did. This is A Bad Choice.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Woolie Wool on December 09, 2009, 01:47:49 am
You do realize that this is a mod forum and a thread about game balance in mods, right? You seemed to have gotten lost; I would recommend going here (http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php?board=7.0).

Truthfully, something always struck me wrong about how in FS anything can fall beneath your mighty.... 20 meter fighter.

Art imitates life? :P

Let's be honest here. The Aeolus is already a match for most of us on Insane. Fury's AI simply brings the level at which it becomes a match down; but if we wanted to be doing that, we'd be raising our difficulty level up. The effort to make it harder than hard for those who don't like Insane anymore has decided to penalize those who never did. This is A Bad Choice.

You're not supposed to be a match for your opposition. You and your allies are supposed to be a match for your opposition. As far as I'm concerned, attacking a capital ship alone should be foolhardy and lead to a pilot's death. Fighters have strength in numbers. The more fighters there are, the better they fare. Fury's AI gives your wingmen a massive boost, to the point where the proper use of them can mean the difference between a successful mission and a very dead Alpha 1.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: NGTM-1R on December 09, 2009, 02:04:48 am
You do realize that this is a mod forum and a thread about game balance in mods, right? You seemed to have gotten lost; I would recommend going here (http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php?board=7.0).

And I cast the choice as faithfulness to the original, to which you responded with much mod-talk. I recommend rereading what you were responding to.

You're not supposed to be a match for your opposition. You and your allies are supposed to be a match for your opposition. As far as I'm concerned, attacking a capital ship alone should be foolhardy and lead to a pilot's death. Fighters have strength in numbers. The more fighters there are, the better they fare. Fury's AI gives your wingmen a massive boost, to the point where the proper use of them can mean the difference between a successful mission and a very dead Alpha 1.

But again, that's not the way FS handles things or has ever handled things. The game and the genre lack the proper tools to enable a player to truly coordinate an attack on a capital craft as you describe or even to ensure enough fighters will make it to the point of contact to make such an attack! Do your capital craft run around without escorts? Do the escorts not have Fury's AI as well and thus match your own fighters so that you must fight them and take casualities? Just how contrived are you prepared to make things to ensure that your scenario plays out? Some missions broke their processes in FS2, but truly the classic FS player-vs.-capship battle of mods has always been that the player is the one who manages to make it through the fighter screen most quickly or had the most focus on his mission. And you want to penalize them for knowing what their job is!

And why are you so eager to dismiss my point about penalizing mediocre players? Do you just not want them here, or do you not care since it does not effect you personally?
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Woolie Wool on December 09, 2009, 02:23:18 am
You do realize that this is a mod forum and a thread about game balance in mods, right? You seemed to have gotten lost; I would recommend going here (http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php?board=7.0).

And I cast the choice as faithfulness to the original, to which you responded with much mod-talk. I recommend rereading what you were responding to.
But I don't consider the original way of doing things necessarily the best way of doing things, nor the way the FreeSpace universe (as it may be expanded by a mod author) will always operate. The one constant about weapons and warfare is that they are always evolving and changing. Weapons and tactics fall in and out of favor, the balance of power shifts. As far as I'm concerned, the "spirit of FreeSpace", looked upon from an in-universe perspective (I tend to look at sci-fi universes as a setting first and a game as merely an approximation of a setting), could be a very transitory state of affairs caused by the state of weapon and ship technology in the year 2367. The way FreeSpace is balanced changed dramatically between FS1 and FS2, given another generation it could change radically again; if it were to continue further in the FS2 direction, "scary capships" would be the result.

But again, that's not the way FS handles things or has ever handled things. The game and the genre lack the proper tools to enable a player to truly coordinate an attack on a capital craft as you describe or even to ensure enough fighters will make it to the point of contact to make such an attack! Do your capital craft run around without escorts? Do the escorts not have Fury's AI as well and thus match your own fighters so that you must fight them and take casualities? Just how contrived are you prepared to make things to ensure that your scenario plays out? Some missions broke their processes in FS2, but truly the classic FS player-vs.-capship battle of mods has always been that the player is the one who manages to make it through the fighter screen most quickly or had the most focus on his mission. And you want to penalize them for knowing what their job is!
Their job is (at least theoretically) to fight as part of a unit, because military forces do not act alone. Im fact. the tips that FS presents new users even reinforce this--one of them even recommends sending your wingmen in ahead of you and following them in once the enemy has engaged them. Even if many of them die, every turret or fighter shooting at your wingmen is one not shooting at you, and will buy you more time to start blasting turrets as quickly as possible. You could even FRED missions so that capship attacks are done in stages, with friendly small craft assets neutralizing heavy weapon turrets and pulling back to allow capital ships or a heavier class of bombers to deliver the killing blow. Sure, Alpha 1's inherent superiority over other entities in the game can be fun, but so is watching a combined arms strike unfold.

That's why I think "Nemesis" was Inferno R1's sole great mission. It was the interplay and cooperation of fighters, bombers, and capital ships that made the attack on the EASD Nemesis more memorable than anything else in the mod with the possible exception of the Gigas (which you only got to watch). I also liked the way the Nemesis herself responded, reacted, and retaliated in a way that seemed like her captain was actually trying to win a battle rather than sitting there throwing beams around.

And keep in mind that Alpha 1's coordination should only be on the wing or squadron level. Capital ship captains, flag officers, and Command (i.e. the mission designer) should be coordinating the assault as a whole.

Also remember that on difficulties below Hard, your wingmen with Fury's AI have better AI than enemies (if you use the wingman AI for your wingmen)--they will turn harder, fire faster, and behave more intelligently.

And why are you so eager to dismiss my point about penalizing mediocre players? Do you just not want them here, or do you not care since it does not effect you personally?
Most of these errors are not caused by lack of raw player skill, they are caused by improper judgment and poor choices.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 09, 2009, 02:28:04 am
All fluff points aside, it's been my experience that Fury's Elite AI on some warships simply breaks game balance. Even on medium, with that cushy .6 damage multiplier, survival against an Aeolus is too far outside realistic abilities to make the game much fun.

That said, it does require one to carefully disarm the warship at range with some of WiH's anti-subsystem assets, including the Uriel's Archer primary.  Which is an interesting dynamic I should maybe explore more. If the mission made it clear this strategy were expected, it could be fun.

The problem lies mostly with flak (and to a lesser extent with beams), though. I'm happy to slap the Elite AI on warships I want the player to stay away from, or on ships armed largely with blob weapons.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: NGTM-1R on December 09, 2009, 02:44:04 am
But I don't consider the original way of doing things necessarily the best way of doing things, nor the way the FreeSpace universe (as it may be expanded by a mod author) will always operate. The one constant about weapons and warfare is that they are always evolving and changing. Weapons and tactics fall in and out of favor, the balance of power shifts. As far as I'm concerned, the "spirit of FreeSpace", looked upon from an in-universe perspective (I tend to look at sci-fi universes as a setting first and a game as merely an approximation of a setting), could be a very transitory state of affairs caused by the state of weapon and ship technology in the year 2367. The way FreeSpace is balanced changed dramatically between FS1 and FS2, given another generation it could change radically again; if it were to continue further in the FS2 direction, "scary capships" would be the result.

The way FreeSpace is balanced changed dramatically between FS1 and FS2. The way it is played...did not. Your argument is therefore pointless. Yes mods have introduced new weapons, new tactics, but except for BtRL and WCS, they were things that could easily have been explored in or were very obvious extensions of things from FS2. No one, not Ransom, not CP, not Goober, not GalEmp, not Darius, has forced a new playstyle upon us as you wish to do. You can violate the conventions of a setting; and one of the enduring conventions of the FS setting is fighter superiority.

If you want to tell a story that is ultimately not a good FreeSpace story by violating the conventions of FreeSpace, that is your problem, but I'm pretty sure that's not something most of us are out to do.

Their job is (at least theoretically) to fight as part of a unit, because military forces do not act alone. Im fact. the tips that FS presents new users even reinforce this--one of them even recommends sending your wingmen in ahead of you and following them in once the enemy has engaged them. Even if many of them die, every turret or fighter shooting at your wingmen is one not shooting at you, and will buy you more time to start blasting turrets as quickly as possible. You could even FRED missions so that capship attacks are done in stages, with friendly small craft assets neutralizing heavy weapon turrets and pulling back to allow capital ships or a heavier class of bombers to deliver the killing blow. Sure, Alpha 1's inherent superiority over other entities in the game can be fun, but so is watching a combined arms strike unfold.

Which does not require scary capships. Starlancer managed it beautifully with decidedly less scary ones than FS2 has. If you want to illustrate combined arms, we already have more than enough for the means.

That's why I think "Nemesis" was Inferno R1's sole great mission. It was the interplay and cooperation of fighters, bombers, and capital ships that made the attack on the EASD Nemesis more memorable than anything else in the mod with the possible exception of the Gigas (which you only got to watch). I also liked the way the Nemesis herself responded, reacted, and retaliated in a way that seemed like her captain was actually trying to win a battle rather than sitting there throwing beams around.

Funny. You end up doing "Nemesis" more or less alone in the end.

And keep in mind that Alpha 1's coordination should only be on the wing or squadron level. Capital ship captains, flag officers, and Command (i.e. the mission designer) should be coordinating the assault as a whole.

And you still don't have the tools to do that. We have what, ten basic commands? Not very detailed? Sure you can stack them a little bit to give more complex orders but this is not a game that is set up to truly allow you to control a squadron-level attack. Also you're up there posisting assaults of squadron level just to take out smaller warships, and now you're saying that we have to rely on the AI to create anything better than that. That's not something that's gonna fly well in practice. That's not something that BP will want to be doing, either, if the missions I've tested are anything to go by.

Also remember that on difficulties below Hard, your wingmen with Fury's AI have better AI than enemies (if you use the wingman AI for your wingmen)--they will turn harder, fire faster, and behave more intelligently.

And the point about hostile warships with it stands.

Most of these errors are not caused by lack of raw player skill, they are caused by improper judgment and poor choices.

Player skill is inclusive of judgement. It is by definition something learned; a "skill".
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Commander Zane on December 09, 2009, 02:47:02 am
Put bluntly, scary capships break the game. FS is about the power and the dominance of the fighter. It always has been.
Put bluntly, I highly ****ing doubt FreeSpace is all about the dominance of the Fighter, otherwise you wouldn't have the ability to cooridnate wings. :doubt:
What this means is that it's about dominance by cooridnation. Remove all the other fighters or bombers that you had command of, tell anyone that it's still about "dominance of 'The Fighter'" then.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: NGTM-1R on December 09, 2009, 02:49:38 am
Put bluntly, I highly ****ing doubt FreeSpace is all about the dominance of the Fighter, otherwise you wouldn't have the ability to cooridnate wings. :doubt:
What this means is that it's about dominance by cooridnation. Remove all the other fighters or bombers that you had command of, tell anyone that it's still about "dominance of 'The Fighter'" then.

The existence of the message "There are no reinforcements available pilot, you're on your own." as an engine default invalidates your argument.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 09, 2009, 02:52:29 am
The question will always be 'is it fun?', followed very closely behind by 'is it cool?'

The sheer ROF you can get from a warship with the Fury AI is very cool. It could be used wherever it's also fun, but if it's not fun, it should go (and this can be decided on a case-by-case, mission-by-mission, ship-by-ship basis; there's no harm in gratuitous use of custom AI levels, special hit points, and weapon loadouts in a manner that totally defies reality.)

I think powerful warships are cool, and I think most people agree. So long as they can be made cool without restricting the player's ability to have fun, they can work. They just need to be gameplay enablers, rather than disablers. If you're stuck loading up on Stilettos every mission (like I ended up doing in The Procyon Insurgency) or resorting to Sushi-style disarm tactics, it might be a weeee bit much.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Commander Zane on December 09, 2009, 02:57:36 am
Put bluntly, I highly ****ing doubt FreeSpace is all about the dominance of the Fighter, otherwise you wouldn't have the ability to cooridnate wings. :doubt:
What this means is that it's about dominance by cooridnation. Remove all the other fighters or bombers that you had command of, tell anyone that it's still about "dominance of 'The Fighter'" then.

The existence of the message "There are no reinforcements available pilot, you're on your own." as an engine default invalidates your argument.
That's merely a moment of misfortune for the pilot, it has no effect on my arguement. Now if FreeSpace wasn't so easy that the player COULD single-handedly pass nearly every mission without any other support at the start, then there would be reason to worry about losing all your other fighters and bombers without having any other available support.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: NGTM-1R on December 09, 2009, 03:46:56 am
So basically you're saying it has no effect on your argument and every effect on your argument at the same time. Gotcha.

(Also what is with people screwing up quotes in this thread?)
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Fury on December 09, 2009, 03:50:21 am
I have this nagging feeling NGTM-1R won't like next stage of WiH beta much. :doubt: But fredders could take it as a challenge, make him change his mind through first-hand experience.

Also remember that on difficulties below Hard, your wingmen with Fury's AI have better AI than enemies
That would be on difficulties below Medium, not Hard. Based on feedback that had been posted in the modding board, there doesn't seem to have need for penalties on medium. On the other hand there has not been many people testing easy and very easy, so penalties on those difficulties might be too low.

The only difference between friendly and hostile AI on those two lower difficulties are hostile penalties to turn and weapon fire rate. These two should be enough to give friendlies an edge when it is needed. On medium and above, both are on equal terms.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Commander Zane on December 09, 2009, 03:53:01 am
So basically you're saying it has no effect on your argument and every effect on your argument at the same time. Gotcha.

(Also what is with people screwing up quotes in this thread?)
I don't know where the hell the sudden bust-in of the no reinforcements by Command remark comes from in the first place, or even the fact it's an engine default, I see no point in bringing it up, it's like you just blurted it out to say something. :rolleyes:

I have this nagging feeling NGTM-1R won't like next stage of WiH beta much. :doubt: But fredders could take it as a challenge, make him change his mind through first-hand experience.

Also remember that on difficulties below Hard, your wingmen with Fury's AI have better AI than enemies
That would be on difficulties below Medium, not Hard. Based on feedback that had been posted in the modding board, there doesn't seem to have need for penalties on medium. On the other hand there has not been many people testing easy and very easy, so penalties on those difficulties might be too low.

The only difference between friendly and hostile AI on those two lower difficulties are hostile penalties to turn and weapon fire rate. These two should be enough to give friendlies an edge when it is needed. On medium and above, both are on equal terms.
Maybe, since he wouldn't be able to single-handedly face any capital ship and win without quarrel. :doubt:
I know I'm definately going to like the challange of your AI. :)
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: headdie on December 09, 2009, 04:21:07 am
Already prioritizes bombs?  Huh, I need to start playing above Easy then. :D

Hmmm, do slash beams all insta-kill the player?  I can imagine that would break game balance (but also can't really imagine why they don't use them for anti-fighter use anyway).  Well, is there a way to have them go for subsystems instead of just scything wildly (assuming, of course, they do that.  I might just be missing it)?

having gotten between the hawkwood and Enif station lets just say i didn't survive
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: c914 on December 09, 2009, 04:47:41 am
First question that all of us should answer. Do we want to see nice looking bloody fight AI fight, or just give player opportunity to demonstrate his skills?

Answer to first part of question:
Give fighters, bombers more speed, manoeuvrability and high kick from thrusters. Also give AI ability to use them effectively that it won't charge cruiser from one direction (just like wings of bombers do). Give cap ships longer range defence where varied type of weapons had more varied (not just 500m difference) range.

Answer to second part:
Place him in front of Aeolus at Insane level :P
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Rodo on December 09, 2009, 05:00:50 am
I think Cap ships are always supposed to be scary, FS simply sacrifices this in order to induct the player into more "fun", still from my personal point of view if every ship has it's own purpose, then why the hell do bombers exist if you can actually destroy a cruiser with a simple fighter?

Anyways, I think cap ships should be scary, not deadly, just enough to make the player feel the rush when getting close to one.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Fury on December 09, 2009, 05:03:31 am
Give fighters, bombers more speed, manoeuvrability and high kick from thrusters. Give cap ships longer range defence where varied type of weapons had more varied (not just 500m difference) range.
BP won't alter retail ships much and in turn new ships in the mod are equally balanced in their stats.

Also give AI ability to use them effectively that it won't charge cruiser from one direction (just like wings of bombers do).
While AI has been upgraded, it still won't do miracles. Not until someone completely overhauls AI code.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: NGTM-1R on December 09, 2009, 05:08:35 am
I don't know where the hell the sudden bust-in of the no reinforcements by Command remark comes from in the first place, or even the fact it's an engine default, I see no point in bringing it up, it's like you just blurted it out to say something. :rolleyes:

The point is the game is literally designed to take into account your playing it solo. I'm sorry if that's lost on you, but it's not my fault you didn't see the obvious conclusion.

I have this nagging feeling NGTM-1R won't like next stage of WiH beta much. :doubt: But fredders could take it as a challenge, make him change his mind through first-hand experience.

Hey I didn't mind M2
NAME REDACTED haha sucker
except for the fact the gunships weren't apparently doing their job correctly because they needed specific orders on what to attack, not generalized disarms. :P

Also give AI ability to use them effectively that it won't charge cruiser from one direction (just like wings of bombers do).

You do realize that this is tactically the most rational thing to do if you're trying to overwhelm his defenses, right? Spreading out just lets him use more of his guns to fight you off.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: nuone on December 09, 2009, 06:17:53 am
In the Battle of Neptune it seemed as though the Karunas have a crap load of weaponry. In my opinion as long as the AAA weaponry is firing constantly, that would make for outstanding gameplay. It would also be nice if capital ships were not stationary, perhaps circling each other. Take cues from World War 2 and were good.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Fury on December 09, 2009, 07:22:13 am
For those who have complained about gameplay differences in WiH in comparison to FS1/FS2, I'd like to make an analogy to old BSG vs. new BSG. It's essentially same thing, modernized. Fs2_open or mediavps do not have a chance to change gameplay, but mods do. We're taking that opportunity to explore our vast options. If it's fun, it will probably find its way to WiH. If its not fun, it's not used. Same goes to capital ship AI classes, should to prove to be detrimental to gameplay, they won't be used. But if the opposite is true, it will be used in moderation in key places to keep the game enjoyable regardless of whether said capital ship(s) is in your side or not.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: NGTM-1R on December 09, 2009, 07:29:48 am
For those who have complained about gameplay differences in WiH in comparison to FS1/FS2, I'd like to make an analogy to old BSG vs. new BSG.

I'm pretty sure nobody's actually done that.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Commander Zane on December 09, 2009, 08:13:49 am
I don't know where the hell the sudden bust-in of the no reinforcements by Command remark comes from in the first place, or even the fact it's an engine default, I see no point in bringing it up, it's like you just blurted it out to say something. :rolleyes:

The point is the game is literally designed to take into account your playing it solo. I'm sorry if that's lost on you, but it's not my fault you didn't see the obvious conclusion.
Which is the result of being such a piss-poor squad leader that you can't use Wingmen right, then you deserve being in the situation where you're alone and if capital ships could actually fend themselves against small craft with some effeciency like they should, the pilot deserves his imminent death. But no, the game's not designed to be done solo every single time. I don't know if you can decipher that but I for one would actually like to use the features that came with FreeSpace, that is, using my Wingmen to help accomplish the mission, not rush in alone and save the day a-la Superman.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Sushi on December 09, 2009, 08:36:49 am
Technical question: does $Max Aim Update Delay work on turrets right now?

It's a good way to make dodging flak a bit more feasible, if it works. :)

I'm pretty sure it doesn't at the moment, though, meaning I probably need to fix it...
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Fury on December 09, 2009, 08:38:46 am
I believe it does not work, I tried a hefty delay and it made no apparent difference.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: NGTM-1R on December 09, 2009, 08:56:15 am
Which is the result of being such a piss-poor squad leader that you can't use Wingmen right, then you deserve being in the situation where you're alone and if capital ships could actually fend themselves against small craft with some effeciency like they should, the pilot deserves his imminent death. But no, the game's not designed to be done solo every single time. I don't know if you can decipher that but I for one would actually like to use the features that came with FreeSpace, that is, using my Wingmen to help accomplish the mission, not rush in alone and save the day a-la Superman.

You're talking on a forum where the stupidity of your wingmen is considered proverbial about how they're useful. Well, yeah, sure, they're useful in the Murphy's Laws of Combat Operations "Teamwork is essential" bit sense, but you don't really want to be out there trying to give them detailed orders. The game's not designed for it. Except for one magical playthrough each of "Good Luck" and the last mission of the canon version of Silent Threat, I can't recall any time where ordering my wingmen to do anything in detail was terribly helpful.

And those times were when they were being given specific attack orders for the fighter bay with Harbingers. An Ursa wing lobbing Harbingers into fighters exiting the bay is always beautiful. Can't say much for their usefulness besides attack my target commands and sometimes "disable my target". I've tried lots of things over the course of my years-long career playing this game. Outside of "attack my target" and in rare cases "form on me" while waiting for the hostiles to come to you, giving them commands is a crapshoot. The best results I've seen for any kind of detailed manipulation of your wingmen is using "engage" in an effort to refresh their priorities to the guys closest to them too, but the "best" results have been...nearly indifferent.

This game just isn't set up to give detailed commands to your wingmen. It's not Falcon 3.0. You're usually fighting seperate actions that happen to occupy the same space and time. That's all it's equipped to do.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: nuone on December 09, 2009, 09:18:27 am
Wingmen A.I. are not the best but, in certain situations they do prove invaluable. For example, when engaging capital ships I usually place a 'protect this ship' order while I disable capital ship beam weaponry. Once they are down and assuming no imminent threat (ex. bombers) exists to my objectives, I can send them in to mop up (assuming they have the correct ordinance). They prove invaluable at distracting enemy wings while I mop up.

Point is, they have their utility. A skilled pilot (gamer) utilizes all available resources to his advantage.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Commander Zane on December 09, 2009, 09:25:51 am
Something I did a while back (When I still had a lot of added content in my game folder) was combine the weapon ranges and velocities of Thesizzler's Fast Mod and the capital ship refire rates of the Procyon Insurgency, and I played through and beat the original FreeSpace 2 campaign with this. It was a lot harder when projectiles had ranges between three and six kilometers and had velocities of 1,200 to 2,200 m/s, and blob turrets became just as much of a weapon of fear as flak, and I was forced to use my Wingmen a lot more than I'd ever have to with Vanilla stats, and it worked wonders, even if this was Retail AI, as clumsy as they can get. With everything in the game going faster there's even less time to try to coordinate a good enough strategy on big ships that multitasking is a must, and I can pull that off with relative ease.

This might sound game-breaking but it wasn't, everything was affected, missiles, ships, weapons, everything in the Tables was altered to quicken the game pace and need for tactics. I died plenty of times because something went wrong in my planning but if I could pull it off I didn't get many casualties on my side.

And what made it a bigger challange was that Thesizzler's ship tables tripled capital ship hitpoints. FreeSpace's command system might be simple but with the right stuff it is possible to use it with greater detail and actually get results.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: AugustusVarius on December 09, 2009, 09:44:40 am
It would also be nice if capital ships were not stationary, perhaps circling each other. Take cues from World War 2 and were good.

A simple ai-chase/attack goal in FRED will do that, provided that the defender is either stationary or ordered to attack the attacker.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Vip on December 09, 2009, 10:23:57 am
For those who have complained about gameplay differences in WiH in comparison to FS1/FS2, I'd like to make an analogy to old BSG vs. new BSG. It's essentially same thing, modernized. Fs2_open or mediavps do not have a chance to change gameplay, but mods do. We're taking that opportunity to explore our vast options. If it's fun, it will probably find its way to WiH. If its not fun, it's not used. Same goes to capital ship AI classes, should to prove to be detrimental to gameplay, they won't be used. But if the opposite is true, it will be used in moderation in key places to keep the game enjoyable regardless of whether said capital ship(s) is in your side or not.

This. The mods allow you to try different things. Have some faith in the designers, they surely know what is fun and what is not. Using the "But original FS didn't work like that" argument is ridiculous, because it only leads to stagnation.

As for the AI, I think that this is the right approach. Giving the superior AI to all capships would require a lot of rebalancing, but I think that including it for a few caps here and there will only improve the gameplay and the BP experience.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: NGTM-1R on December 09, 2009, 12:01:57 pm
This. The mods allow you to try different things. Have some faith in the designers, they surely know what is fun and what is not. Using the "But original FS didn't work like that" argument is ridiculous, because it only leads to stagnation.

It's a mod, not a TC. I explained this once already. You have to preserve the experience or you're just jamming square pegs into round holes. The argument that "FS doesn't work like that" is not only valid, but vital if one is building something that purports to be FS.

Now you're confused, and maybe Fury was too, since Woolie and I were speaking in purely hypothetical terms not related to this actual project, since the whole thread is in purely hypothetical terms not related to this project. I've actually played a number of WiH missions (several times), and they haven't gone so far as to break the setting, like Woolie seems to advocate.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Woolie Wool on December 09, 2009, 12:36:50 pm
But I disagree. To me, the FS universe as cpnsisting of events, characters, factions, designs of ships, etc.. The actual way combat works from an in-universe perspective is entirely up to interpetation (never mind the fact that the game mechanics are completely incompatible with the basic structure and behavior of the universe and thus the existence of human beings). I don't consider radically gameplay-altering things like the Fast Mod to be "not FreeSpace", they're just another interpretation of the universe.

In short, the gameplay of a FreeSpace mod is whatever the author wants it to be, as long as it has Fenrises and Myrmidons and Vasudans and the GTVA and the Great War and obeys FS story continuity (as differentiated from game mechanics; you can have 300 m/s fighters, but you cannot say the Lucifer did not toast Vasuda Prime). You could even change the genre, and if it uses the universe, it's still a FreeSpace game--see Aardwolf's RTS mod. Even the two mods I have set in the FS universe differ in how closely they mirror classic FS gameplay; Twist of Fate is much closer to the original games' gameplay than Conflict: 2395. Both are more faithful (at least in fighter behavior) than Fast Mod.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 09, 2009, 12:43:54 pm
Just to clarify, NGTM-1R, the gunships in WiH m02 did have specific disarm orders.  :p

There are a few later missions that involve gunship flight escort where the gunships do a fine job of taking out specific weapons, but I believe they may need No Dynamic Goals checked.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Scotty on December 09, 2009, 01:22:58 pm
I, for one, think that mods should actively try to distance themselves from the "Alpha 1 is superman, let's not bother with wingmen or bombers or anything like that."  It's the way FS1 and 2 played.  Okay, good for them, that isn't necessarily the best way to do things.  Personally, when something like that happens, it breaks the suspension of disbelief into teeny tiny pieces.  If a fighter can single-handedly destroy cruiser sized warships, why would there be cruisers anymore?  Answer: because single fighters shouldn't be able to destroy cruisers.

Although, giving cruisers, corvettes and the like a sort of damage resistance agaisnt fighter weapons would go a long way to mitigating that.

The point is, capships should be scary to fighters, or something is wrong with said capships (or the way they're used).
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Commander Zane on December 09, 2009, 01:24:02 pm
Agreed to the highest level.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Vip on December 09, 2009, 01:30:29 pm
It's a mod, not a TC. I explained this once already. You have to preserve the experience or you're just jamming square pegs into round holes. The argument that "FS doesn't work like that" is not only valid, but vital if one is building something that purports to be FS.

Obviously I don't mean that we should go all crazy and include Gudams in an FS2 mod just because it's cool. But you seem to be against any kind of a change from the FS. A Mentu should have beam cannons ? No can do, it didn't have any in vanilla FS2. An Orion should be a little more capable in terms of anti-fighter weaponry ? Nope, it should remain defenceless just like in FS2. Let's try to see if we can do some teamwork in a mod ? Don't you dare, it's Alpha 1 who has to save the day.

Nothing personal, mate. In principal, your idea is nice. We should preserve the FS spirit in mods. But some of your comments sound as if you are some kind of a religious zealot, for whom any change to the game concept will ruin the spirit of FS (this reminds me of the Fallout 3 message boards BTW. It was nice to see the outrage of veterans whenever any new info would be published). Maybe it's just the way you write things that make me feel that way, dunno.

Oh, and it's a mod. A modification, not merely a custom campaign. Thus changes are more than welcome.

I, for one, think that mods should actively try to distance themselves from the "Alpha 1 is superman, let's not bother with wingmen or bombers or anything like that."  It's the way FS1 and 2 played.  Okay, good for them, that isn't necessarily the best way to do things.  Personally, when something like that happens, it breaks the suspension of disbelief into teeny tiny pieces.  If a fighter can single-handedly destroy cruiser sized warships, why would there be cruisers anymore?  Answer: because single fighters shouldn't be able to destroy cruisers.

Although, giving cruisers, corvettes and the like a sort of damage resistance agaisnt fighter weapons would go a long way to mitigating that.

The point is, capships should be scary to fighters, or something is wrong with said capships (or the way they're used).

Agreed. The reason why Alpha 1 is so almighty is that, frankly, otherwise players wouldn't buy this game. You leave out some realistic elements for gameplay and sales reasons. The beauty of fan-made stuff is that it doesn't have to worry about selling the mod, so it can boldly go where no retail game has gone before.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Commander Zane on December 09, 2009, 01:42:05 pm
It's a mod, not a TC. I explained this once already. You have to preserve the experience or you're just jamming square pegs into round holes. The argument that "FS doesn't work like that" is not only valid, but vital if one is building something that purports to be FS.

Obviously I don't mean that we should go all crazy and include Gudams in an FS2 mod just because it's cool. But you seem to be against any kind of a change from the FS. A Mentu should have beam cannons ? No can do, it didn't have any in vanilla FS2. An Orion should be a little more capable in terms of anti-fighter weaponry ? Nope, it should remain defenceless just like in FS2. Let's try to see if we can do some teamwork in a mod ? Don't you dare, it's Alpha 1 who has to save the day.

Nothing personal, mate. In principal, your idea is nice. We should preserve the FS spirit in mods. But some of your comments sound as if you are some kind of a religious zealot, for whom any change to the game concept will ruin the spirit of FS (this reminds me of the Fallout 3 message boards BTW. It was nice to see the outrage of veterans whenever any new info would be published). Maybe it's just the way you write things that make me feel that way, dunno.

Oh, and it's a mod. A modification, not merely a custom campaign. Thus changes are more than welcome.
The fun thing about mods is that it can make the original aspects of the game itself more fun as well.
I'll just link these instead of tagging them.
Look at the firepower the Colossus is putting out, having to actually try to evade that is fun.
Or this Deimos, that one measly Nahema wouldn't be able to do the job itself (Had I not killed it myself. :P)
That Aeolus is taking some heat, perhaps some more support would have benefited it.
Those ships are putting out a lot more firepower than they ever could do on Retail, it plays differently, but it's a hell of a lot more fun and challenging.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Titan on December 09, 2009, 01:58:47 pm
I like it when a cruiser comes in and it's 'holy ****, a cruiser! WE NEED HELP!', but not 'holy sh- *static*'...

If you get what I mean.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: NGTM-1R on December 10, 2009, 10:33:23 am

Obviously I don't mean that we should go all crazy and include Gudams in an FS2 mod just because it's cool. But you seem to be against any kind of a change from the FS. A Mentu should have beam cannons ? No can do, it didn't have any in vanilla FS2. An Orion should be a little more capable in terms of anti-fighter weaponry ? Nope, it should remain defenceless just like in FS2. Let's try to see if we can do some teamwork in a mod ? Don't you dare, it's Alpha 1 who has to save the day.

Nothing personal, mate. In principal, your idea is nice. We should preserve the FS spirit in mods. But some of your comments sound as if you are some kind of a religious zealot, for whom any change to the game concept will ruin the spirit of FS (this reminds me of the Fallout 3 message boards BTW. It was nice to see the outrage of veterans whenever any new info would be published). Maybe it's just the way you write things that make me feel that way, dunno.

Oh, and it's a mod. A modification, not merely a custom campaign. Thus changes are more than welcome.

If you want to straight-up bull**** about what I've said, does that mean I can do so about what you've said?

I don't mind needing a couple wings to reliably take down a crusier. (Of course, that's pretty much what you need in vanilla anyways, at least if you're under any real time constraints.) I draw the line however at having to deploy a full squadron against a light warship, because that will significantly change the way the game's played. Any battle of significant size ends up becoming a BoE rapidly, and if you want to know what a campaign of BoEs gets the community thinking I suggest you check out what people had to say about 158th. (It stank.)

If you need to deploy a squadron to successfully assault a light warship, then you have to assume he's got escorts to beat off a squadron, and so you need more ships, and at this point we're talking thirty-fighter strikes to kill cruisers and it can rapidly get worse if there's more than one around. When you have thirty friendly fighters on the field, Alpha 1's actions are going to carry very little weight typically. And if there's no point in the player being there, you're already having a serious uphill struggle for a point in anyone playing the mission. If the player consistantly isn't mattering in your missions, your campaign and your mod are more or less a piece of **** by default.

This is not to say that you cannot build a mission where Alpha 1's actions will matter greatly when there are thirty friendly fighters on the field, but how many of those have there been in the community? Four or five? It's not for the faint of heart, and they're generally campaign centerpieces. Building a whole campaign of them is impractical.

So by all means, build your thing with Gundams in FS. I'll chuckle a little but what the hell. It'll probably play okay. Your superduper warships, however, won't.

I, for one, think that mods should actively try to distance themselves from the "Alpha 1 is superman, let's not bother with wingmen or bombers or anything like that."  It's the way FS1 and 2 played.  Okay, good for them, that isn't necessarily the best way to do things.  Personally, when something like that happens, it breaks the suspension of disbelief into teeny tiny pieces.  If a fighter can single-handedly destroy cruiser sized warships, why would there be cruisers anymore?

Tactical misapphrension. Submarines can reliably destroy surface ships one on one and have been able to for a long time, why do we still have surface ships? Because they serve a different role.

A fighter is a weapon of space denial. It lacks the staying power to control. You need cruisers and destroyers to take and hold space, just as you need surface ships to take and hold water, or infantry to take and hold ground. Only they can provide long-term uninterrupted presence.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Vip on December 10, 2009, 02:06:35 pm
If you want to straight-up bull**** about what I've said, does that mean I can do so about what you've said?

I don't mind needing a couple wings to reliably take down a crusier. (Of course, that's pretty much what you need in vanilla anyways, at least if you're under any real time constraints.) I draw the line however at having to deploy a full squadron against a light warship, because that will significantly change the way the game's played. Any battle of significant size ends up becoming a BoE rapidly, and if you want to know what a campaign of BoEs gets the community thinking I suggest you check out what people had to say about 158th. (It stank.)

If you need to deploy a squadron to successfully assault a light warship, then you have to assume he's got escorts to beat off a squadron, and so you need more ships, and at this point we're talking thirty-fighter strikes to kill cruisers and it can rapidly get worse if there's more than one around. When you have thirty friendly fighters on the field, Alpha 1's actions are going to carry very little weight typically. And if there's no point in the player being there, you're already having a serious uphill struggle for a point in anyone playing the mission. If the player consistantly isn't mattering in your missions, your campaign and your mod are more or less a piece of **** by default.

This is not to say that you cannot build a mission where Alpha 1's actions will matter greatly when there are thirty friendly fighters on the field, but how many of those have there been in the community? Four or five? It's not for the faint of heart, and they're generally campaign centerpieces. Building a whole campaign of them is impractical.

So by all means, build your thing with Gundams in FS. I'll chuckle a little but what the hell. It'll probably play okay. Your superduper warships, however, won't.

It shouldn't be taken to such extremes. Nobody would want to participate in a battle where you need at least an entire squadron to take out a cruiser. In general, I think that most cruisers in FS are fairly well designed (minus the Aten which was weak even in FS1 and Mentu which should have at least one beam cannon) - they can dish out some damage, but they don't stand a chance against any bigger ship and can be obliterated even by a pair of Hercs unless they have a proper escort.

Deimos and Sobek have enough firepower to threaten even a destroyer and have still enough anti-fighter weaponry to make a solo run on it a path to quick death.

My main concern are destroyers. Whether we're talking about an Orion, a Ravana or Hatshepsut, they are next to defenceless against fighters and bombers. The majority of times I was killed by a destroyer was because I accidentally ran into its main beam and got insta-killed. In essence, a wing of bombers is capable of destroying a ship the size of a small city and kill over 10,000 people. It shouldn't be that easy. I always get irritated when playing "Slaying Ravana" - 4 bombers shouldn't be capable of doing such damage to a destroyer, even in a nebula environment. For taking out destroyers you should need at least 2-3 squadrons, not a single wing plus optional escorts. That's why I suggested giving the new AI only to destroyers.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 10, 2009, 02:30:28 pm
To be fair, on Insane - even with the retail AI - Slaying Ravana is a bit of a nightmare.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Commander Zane on December 10, 2009, 02:31:49 pm
I'd assume because of the escorts.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Aardwolf on December 10, 2009, 02:35:10 pm
To be fair, on Insane - even with the retail AI - Slaying Ravana is a bit of a nightmare.

That's an understatement.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 10, 2009, 02:50:46 pm
I'd assume because of the escorts.

No, it's because of the Ravana! The escorts don't help, but the Ravana just eats you alive if you're not really careful.

Remember, on Insane, you don't get that 40% damage reduction that you get on medium. And the Ravana's not limited to firing five turrets at a time.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Vip on December 10, 2009, 02:59:09 pm
I'd assume because of the escorts.

No, it's because of the Ravana! The escorts don't help, but the Ravana just eats you alive if you're not really careful.

Remember, on Insane, you don't get that 40% damage reduction that you get on medium. And the Ravana's not limited to firing five turrets at a time.

I played it on Hard and didn't have much trouble. Is the difference between Hard and Insane so vast ?
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 10, 2009, 03:01:24 pm
Give it a shot. You'll probably die a few times before you get it right.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Rodo on December 10, 2009, 03:02:27 pm
I, for one, think that mods should actively try to distance themselves from the "Alpha 1 is superman, let's not bother with wingmen or bombers or anything like that."  It's the way FS1 and 2 played.  Okay, good for them, that isn't necessarily the best way to do things.  Personally, when something like that happens, it breaks the suspension of disbelief into teeny tiny pieces.  If a fighter can single-handedly destroy cruiser sized warships, why would there be cruisers anymore?  Answer: because single fighters shouldn't be able to destroy cruisers.

Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Commander Zane on December 10, 2009, 03:19:43 pm
Give it a shot. You'll probably die a few times before you get it right.
Going straight to Weapons subsystem?
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: NGTM-1R on December 10, 2009, 07:12:17 pm
My main concern are destroyers. Whether we're talking about an Orion, a Ravana or Hatshepsut, they are next to defenceless against fighters and bombers. The majority of times I was killed by a destroyer was because I accidentally ran into its main beam and got insta-killed. In essence, a wing of bombers is capable of destroying a ship the size of a small city and kill over 10,000 people. It shouldn't be that easy. I always get irritated when playing "Slaying Ravana" - 4 bombers shouldn't be capable of doing such damage to a destroyer, even in a nebula environment. For taking out destroyers you should need at least 2-3 squadrons, not a single wing plus optional escorts. That's why I suggested giving the new AI only to destroyers.

The way I see it, the way I've always seen it, is that destroyers do not have weak antifighter defenses; because that is discounting their ability to launch their own craft in defense. FS2 only really blew it on this with The Scilian Defense. (King's Gambit they were escorted, but the nature of subspace exit meant their escorts were out of posistion; tough luck, but I assume the NTF knew that going in. If I've reversed those missions...eh screw it.) FS1 was actually a lot more apt to screw this up.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Aardwolf on December 11, 2009, 09:16:06 pm
Give it a shot. You'll probably die a few times before you get it right.
Going straight to Weapons subsystem?

I tried that... not very good. That takes you too close to the underside AAA and a bunch of flak, lasers, and missiles. Going for the underside AAA is also often not so great. It's hard.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Commander Zane on December 11, 2009, 09:16:54 pm
Never really dealt with that SAAA attacking the Weapons subsystem.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Droid803 on December 11, 2009, 09:25:42 pm
Can't you just sit underneath the Sobek and watch it beam it Ravana to death?
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Aardwolf on December 11, 2009, 09:27:36 pm
Can't you just sit underneath the Sobek and watch it beam it Ravana to death?

Hahaha... oh, I tried. I could never even get to the Sobek. Or it managed to die shortly after I got to it.

Remember, the Sobek is on the far side of the Ravana from the player's start location. Slightly above, but you have to go well out of your way to avoid the Ravana's fire.

Also the fact that, for whatever reason, I can't target the two closest enemies at the beginning of the mission as soon as I start... does not help.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: manwiththemachinegun on December 13, 2009, 06:06:02 pm
May I suggest an idea?

How about elite ships?

As in, they're not common, but when they're there, you'll KNOW it.

As in specific named ships that strike terror into the hearts of enemies on either side. Veteran ships with veteran captains and veteran crews of countless battles. Especially in regards to GTVA ships that have had Shivan fighting experience.

"You think think you frighten us? You're just humans, we've face far worse and won!"

They'd be very rare on the battlefield, but holy crap, when they show up, start panicking!

It would be especially cool if there were different grews that grew to be worth rivals and such. Specific named pilots on both sides that don't just die like flies like normal pilots. Ones that jump out automatically when their health hits a certain percentage.

It'll be nice too...

When the Shivans return and the two sides have to unite... I hope.  :drevil:

For example, when the GTVA Generation in Transcend rams through that Aeolus cruiser and just, doesn't, stop, coming after you mission after mission. I was honestly a little freaked out. How they hell am I gonna beat a guy obsessed with killing me in a po dunk fighter wing that's barely hanging on.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 13, 2009, 07:44:30 pm
Already got it.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Scotty on December 13, 2009, 09:09:42 pm
... All capital ships already have names.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 13, 2009, 09:10:52 pm
A big part of AoA was the recurring cast of warships, for instance. If we were redoing AoA with some of our new AI features you can bet some of them would get Veteran or Elite AI (or possibly Wingman Vet or Wingman Elite to normalize it across difficulties.)
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Androgeos Exeunt on December 14, 2009, 09:17:31 am
The UEF needs better AI simply because they have limited resources to stand their ground against the GTVA. From the gameplay videos I've seen so far, your wingmen die very fast.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Fury on December 14, 2009, 09:41:52 am
Eh, both GTVA and UEF makes use of same custom AI.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Ypoknons on December 16, 2009, 12:09:33 am
Oh wow. TrackIR was involved in the weapons video too. Although I have to say Sony is doing some interesting head-tracking with Gran Turismo 5 and the PSEye - webcam head tracking. Probably rougher, but more affordable.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 16, 2009, 12:11:47 am
Hey, I was on the VBB!

And yeah, you can use TrackIR with any FSOpen campaign, not just War in Heaven. Could even fake it with a Wiimote, I think.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Ypoknons on December 16, 2009, 09:04:18 pm
Hey, I was on the VBB!

And yeah, you can use TrackIR with any FSOpen campaign, not just War in Heaven. Could even fake it with a Wiimote, I think.
When we were all at least 10 years younger  :lol:

Faking it with a wiimote? Does that require putting a wiimote on my head? Save my fancy Asian hairdo please ;)
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on December 16, 2009, 09:18:42 pm
As I understand it, with a lot of setups like that you can put the Wiimote on the desk or something and stick the sensor bar (or modified equivalent) on your head. It will look a bit like Geordi LaForge's visor with a hard-on, but presumably this can be worked around.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Aardwolf on December 24, 2009, 12:13:46 pm
No, not a sensor bar... Just get two infrared LEDs and put 'em on some cheap glasses... possibly with lenses removed.

Dunno about cost though. This is just the solution I saw a video about on youtube...
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: ChronoReverse on January 03, 2010, 10:41:42 am
To be fair, on Insane - even with the retail AI - Slaying Ravana is a bit of a nightmare.

Indeed.  Whenever I read about FS2 retail being too easy, it always makes me wonder if no one has tried playing Insane all the way through.  There'd be very few people who'd be able to go through the entire campaign without dying a half-dozen times much less not die at all.  I tend to think of any ship with anti-fighter beams as supremely dangerous the moment you fly into a beam arc for instance.  With even light escort, the moment you get skimmed by a beam, you'd be hosed.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Aardwolf on January 03, 2010, 02:22:10 pm
May I suggest an idea?

How about elite ships?


Star Wolf, much?
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: carbine7 on January 04, 2010, 04:28:08 pm
Completely unrealistic, but imagine an Aeolus with the handling of an interceptor. Stuff of nightmares.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on January 04, 2010, 05:45:15 pm
That would involve table rather than AI changes.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Commander Zane on January 04, 2010, 05:49:50 pm
Either way I wouldn't want to mess around with something like that. :lol:
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Rodo on January 04, 2010, 07:28:31 pm
Completely unrealistic, but imagine an Aeolus with the handling of an interceptor. Stuff of nightmares.

that would be really weird , springing flak all over the place :O
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Colonol Dekker on January 04, 2010, 07:35:07 pm
Like a rabid diahrettic puppy.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Commander Zane on January 04, 2010, 07:37:01 pm
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: headdie on January 04, 2010, 08:10:40 pm
what would be more dangerous the weapons or being smacked by an extremity of said aeolus  ;)
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Hades on January 04, 2010, 11:26:50 pm
Depends on the difficultly. For example, on insane, the I would have to say being smacked by the Aeolus because it will kill you with one hit, but on very easy (baby mode) colliding with a capital ship does 1% hull damage, so weapons are much more dangerous here.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Rodo on January 05, 2010, 12:27:36 pm
provided you can get close enough to the Aeolus before it starts raining flak on you.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: carbine7 on January 06, 2010, 11:34:30 pm
Completely unrealistic, but imagine an Aeolus with the handling of an interceptor. Stuff of nightmares.

that would be really weird , springing flak all over the place :O
I did say completely unrealistic
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: -Norbert- on January 07, 2010, 04:11:29 am
We are talking about a game were lasers are blobs flying slower than even sound, ships travel through a parallel dimension, fighters in a vaccum handle like they fly in atmosphere, nebulae that are thiker than most planetary atmospheres, ships with engines as big as whole buildings fly with a constant 30 km/h ect.... and you say a very manouverable Aeolus is unrealistic (in answer to a joke....)?

Considering the size of the Aeolus such a handling would actually be closer to reality I think, since it can have its manouvering thrusters very far from the center of mass due to it being rather long in comparison to its total mass. But it wouldn't really fit into the game or most mods that way.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Vip on January 07, 2010, 05:05:32 am
We are talking about a game were lasers are blobs flying slower than even sound, ships travel through a parallel dimension, fighters in a vaccum handle like they fly in atmosphere, nebulae that are thiker than most planetary atmospheres, ships with engines as big as whole buildings fly with a constant 30 km/h ect.... and you say a very manouverable Aeolus is unrealistic (in answer to a joke....)?

Realism... the one thing that FS has never had and will always lack.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Rodo on January 07, 2010, 07:10:52 am
[Realism... the one thing that FS has never had and will always lack.

Well.. it only needs someone with the balls to make a realisting mod.

I for one would do it, but not alone :mad:
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Commander Zane on January 07, 2010, 07:15:25 am
There's about four people making seperate mods like that.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: -Norbert- on January 07, 2010, 02:52:37 pm
There would be the Minbari Project, which has full newtonian physics as far as I heard, though I havn't played it myself.
If I remember correctly it had a short phase as a mod for TBP, but then became standalone.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Rodo on January 07, 2010, 04:43:48 pm
really?... will have to check around then.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: -Norbert- on January 08, 2010, 04:40:33 am
Here is a link to a release thread from back in 2007, though the downloadlink in there doesn't work anymore: http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php?topic=51083.0
I didn't check further into the thread, so maybe a replacement link comes up further back....
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Mongoose on January 08, 2010, 08:31:04 pm
We are talking about a game were lasers are blobs flying slower than even sound, ships travel through a parallel dimension, fighters in a vaccum handle like they fly in atmosphere, nebulae that are thiker than most planetary atmospheres, ships with engines as big as whole buildings fly with a constant 30 km/h ect.... and you say a very manouverable Aeolus is unrealistic (in answer to a joke....)?

Realism... the one thing that FS has never had and will always lack.
Who in God's name would want to ruin a fantastic game like FreeSpace by adding something as terrible as "realism"? :p
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Vip on January 09, 2010, 05:43:45 am
Realism... the one thing that FS has never had and will always lack.
Who in God's name would want to ruin a fantastic game like FreeSpace by adding something as terrible as "realism"? :p

No idea... I don't have anything against realism in games/universes which have been created from scratch with the idea that they will be as realistic as possible. But in FS2 ? It just wouldn't work.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: -Norbert- on January 09, 2010, 12:48:55 pm
Certainly not me. If I could I would make reality less real  :P
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Woolie Wool on January 10, 2010, 07:42:09 pm
I think FreeSpace could at least be made more consistent with itself.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Mongoose on January 10, 2010, 09:46:01 pm
Hey, if you want to hop in your trusty time machine and go back in time to get :v: to do that, be our guest. :p
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: headdie on January 11, 2010, 05:49:27 am
Hey, if you want to hop in your trusty time machine and go back in time to get :v: to do that, be our guest. :p

while your their get them to fix collision detection  :D
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Rodo on January 11, 2010, 08:32:02 am
and since they are into that... let them know the firing points in the boanerges are screwed :mad:
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Fury on January 11, 2010, 09:38:49 am
FSU has their own Mantis, go report the bug there instead of complaining in a random topic.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Woolie Wool on January 17, 2010, 05:11:26 pm
Those are issues with the original game, not FSU.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: General Battuta on January 17, 2010, 05:16:07 pm
Right, but they handle the upgrading (U) of FreeSpace (FS), making them FSU.

I've actually heard rumbles that FSU may be considering patching up some perceived tabling errors (in which case I'd have to eat a lot of crow, but would be happy to try them out).
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: The E on January 17, 2010, 09:24:11 pm
Over my cold dead body.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: SpardaSon21 on January 18, 2010, 10:35:57 am
I'm sure Goober could arrange that. :P
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: The E on January 18, 2010, 10:59:21 am
What does he have to do with this?
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: SpardaSon21 on January 18, 2010, 11:34:43 am
You said FSU would be fixing table errors over your cold dead body.  It was a bad joke in any case.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: The E on January 18, 2010, 12:00:04 pm
Just FYI, Goober has no part in the FSUs decision making process.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Androgeos Exeunt on January 19, 2010, 06:25:41 am
To add on to E's post, it's because he's not a member of the FSU team, so he has no say over what they do.
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: -Norbert- on January 19, 2010, 07:12:56 am
Oh come on.... are you really serious? What he meant wasn't that Goober could overrule the FSU team. He was joking that Goober might arrange that The E's body would become "cold and dead", in other words have him killed or kill him personally.... Why he singled out Goober for that joke you have to ask him though.

Btw... shoudn't it be "cold, dead body?" :P
Title: Re: Scary Warships
Post by: Androgeos Exeunt on January 19, 2010, 10:50:02 am
Goober cannot do that to The E physically because he's not in the same country as The E, and he can't do it on HLP because The E is far too valuable to the support team to kill.

And the only reason why Goober was singled out is because he's EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, so :p.