Hard Light Productions Forums

Community Projects => The FreeSpace Upgrade Project => Topic started by: Aardwolf on December 21, 2009, 08:26:03 pm

Title: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Aardwolf on December 21, 2009, 08:26:03 pm
Ok, I made this in about an hour in Wings3D tonight. It might benefit from being unwrapped again by someone competent, because basically I just tried to find 'interesting' bits on the generic shivan missiles texture, and there may be too much going on in the texture the way I have it.


Bottom-left image is side-view; the right edge of that is the back (i.e. the side that faces the pursuing fighter). The image in the bottom right corner is the rear view (facing the pursuer), top-right is the front view, and the other two are top/bottom views. It's got 3-way symmetry, because I reckon it looks ok this way.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Stormkeeper on December 21, 2009, 08:29:53 pm
It looks like it could double well as a missile head.

How large on average is it?
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: blowfish on December 21, 2009, 08:32:37 pm
Some perspective views might by nice...
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Aardwolf on December 21, 2009, 08:36:41 pm
It looks like it could double well as a missile head.

How large on average is it?

I scaled it to about 2.4 meters long, 1.5 meter radius, based on the existing countermeasure, which according to PCS2 is 2.6 meters across.

I'll get an iso/perspective shot in a second.

Edit: here's a perspective shot:


It's a rear view, so this is sort of what you would see if you were pursuing a fighter and it used this on you... if you were a missile.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Snail on December 21, 2009, 08:44:56 pm
Hmm. Looks cool. :)
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: watsisname on December 21, 2009, 08:49:28 pm
I agree, looks cool and quite Shivan.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Aardwolf on December 21, 2009, 08:56:05 pm
I'm going to do a little bit of polygon trimming on the model... it's 378, whereas the current shared-GTVA one is 348.

It's not a huge increase, but since I'm going to be making a lower-detail version anyway, I might as well look for unneeded stuff while I'm at it.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Snail on December 21, 2009, 09:35:09 pm
Nah leave it at 378. 30 polies is nothing.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Droid803 on December 21, 2009, 09:39:17 pm
If something lags because of 30 polies, whatever it is needs an upgrade.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Aardwolf on December 21, 2009, 10:53:04 pm

I'm attaching the wings/3ds/obj again. Obviously it will need somebody to do a proper unwrapping/texturing.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Snail on December 21, 2009, 11:37:09 pm
LODs on a countermeasure is a bad idea.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Thaeris on December 21, 2009, 11:50:55 pm
Maybe, but they do make LODs for missiles...
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Snail on December 21, 2009, 11:58:21 pm

Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Thaeris on December 22, 2009, 12:23:24 am
Can't say, though it almost makes sense. Why draw a detailed Treb model at full detail all the way out to its target? That would just be sloppy. On the flip side, I suppose you have to deal with more model data for a little object being stored in memory.

In general, however, it happens. Just go crack open the Harpoon .pof as an example. You'll find it has what amounts to a LOD 0, 1, and 2. Doing the same for a countermeasure doesn't sound like a bad idea.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Galemp on December 22, 2009, 12:29:05 am
Always a good idea to have at least one LOD, so the models being used thousands of klicks away and are the size of a single pixel aren't at full detail.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: -Norbert- on December 22, 2009, 02:27:40 am
I think it would make a very good light shivan bomb (the shivan equivalent of the tsunami/cyclops).
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: c914 on December 22, 2009, 04:22:58 am
Or Shivan hornet type missile - Small but deadly.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Aardwolf on December 22, 2009, 07:49:20 am
LODs on a countermeasure is a bad idea.

The existing countermeasure already has 2 LODs: the high-poly one (338) and the low-poly one (24).

And I like the existing Shivan bomb (the one with the two forward prongs) the way it is... In fact, I oppose any motion to replace it with this thing :p
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Stormkeeper on December 22, 2009, 06:00:02 pm
Ah, but since you already put the .obj file, nothing's stopping us from using it to make light Shivan bombs with your countermeasure!
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Aardwolf on December 22, 2009, 06:03:33 pm
Ah, but I would make a frowny face at you if you did that.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Stormkeeper on December 22, 2009, 06:26:59 pm
To which I would point, laugh out loud, and walk away and resolutely ignore you.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Aardwolf on December 22, 2009, 06:54:13 pm
So is somebody going to give this thing (all 3 lods) a proper uv/texture?
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Bobboau on December 23, 2009, 12:57:57 am
I wish we could get a full missile pack for the shivans.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Vasudan Admiral on December 23, 2009, 01:00:44 am
Errm. We did. This texture is from it. :p
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Thaeris on December 23, 2009, 01:15:52 am
Ah, but I would make a frowny face at you if you did that.

Does that mean we could counter-troll on you for all of your non-sensical trolling and spamming?  :P

Well, no. But if we're on the subject of Shivan weapons, I had this thought the other day:

Shivan equivalent of the Tornado, but with a twist (ignore that pun, pilot!): Part Tornado (weapon size and guidance), part Infyrno (the way in which the weapons explode). The weapon is aspect-seeking and thus sends the swarm of missiles at the target. Upon entering the appropriate proximity, the warheads explode with an Infyrno-esque blast about the fighter.

I think that sounds pretty Shivan to me. And with all the crummy missiles they got dumped with, this one would be quite nasty to get shot at with...
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Stormkeeper on December 23, 2009, 01:17:57 am
That's ... rather imba.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Commander Zane on December 23, 2009, 07:57:13 am
I wish we could get a full missile pack for the shivans.
I wish we could get a full HTL GTVA missile pack. :P
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Dragon on December 23, 2009, 08:11:44 am
For FSPort, it's done.
FS2 needs to have Rockeye, Tornado, Infyrno and TAG missiles HTLed.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Commander Zane on December 23, 2009, 08:22:19 am
I know the GTA missiles are all done, that's why I said GTVA.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Thaeris on December 23, 2009, 11:53:48 am
That's ... rather imba.

I'm afraid I don't understand this sentance, Stormkeeper...
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Kolgena on December 23, 2009, 01:21:24 pm
He's saying that infyrnos that fly like tornado salvos are imbalanced. As in, they'll rape up anything even if they use countermeasures, or down a cruiser in a couple runs.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Thaeris on December 23, 2009, 02:26:33 pm
You'd nerf the missile damage - It might be comparable to a normal Tornado round or a little less (like 30-40 net damage instead of 50).

The intent of the missile also would not be for direct impact, but exploding near and around the target, like the Infyrno does already. So, for balance you might make guidance half-way between the Hornet and the Tornado. You'd also give it a long reload time.

...And yes, this would still be a freakin' scary weapon to get shot at with. I just brought this up as we were talking of a better, more unique weapon set for the Shivans (like light bombs, etc.).
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Stormkeeper on December 23, 2009, 06:41:29 pm
Well, it's not like we can't do it, but the psychological effect would be immense. And you might have problems triggering the tertiary explosions after the initial swarm.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Aardwolf on December 23, 2009, 10:56:14 pm
Off topic?

So, is anyone going to / has anyone bothered to do the re-uv'ing / uv'ing for the lower lods?
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Galemp on December 23, 2009, 11:49:43 pm
I wouldn't worry about it. By the time it's far enough away to switch to the LOD it'll just be a red and black smear anyway.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Zacam on December 24, 2009, 01:40:13 am
I am more than happy, if it's inclusion will be allowed, to add it to the MediaVPs if there are no objections.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Galemp on December 24, 2009, 02:20:42 am
No, just so long as Shivan ships use them in place of GTVA countermeasures without needing to fiddle with the individual table entries. You CAN set countermeasure models on a per-race basis, right?
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Commander Zane on December 24, 2009, 07:22:48 am
If you could add the Shivan missles to the ships the countermeasures might be possible as well.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Dragon on December 24, 2009, 08:16:19 am
Contermeasure is even more simple, as it doesn't require changes in missions, just a .tbm.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Commander Zane on December 24, 2009, 08:21:26 am
So they could go in the next MediaVPs update.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Dragon on December 24, 2009, 08:50:27 am
I think they should be included into Mediavps.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Commander Zane on December 24, 2009, 09:03:30 am
As do I. :D
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Zacam on December 24, 2009, 10:47:45 am
It's Aardwolfs call. If it's already slated for somewhere else. Though if it is, then the topic will have to be moved to Modding.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Aardwolf on December 24, 2009, 12:08:15 pm
As a Shivan countermeasure, sure! I mean, that's why I posted here and not in Modding.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Aardwolf on July 03, 2010, 01:45:10 pm

I'm wondering if anyone with the relevant skills and software (uv mapping, texture baking (maybe), and pof conversion) would be interested in finishing up this model in time for the next mediavps release (whenever that comes) ... pretty please?
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Galemp on July 03, 2010, 02:34:30 pm
If the code supports it....
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Trivial Psychic on July 03, 2010, 09:42:05 pm
I think that at some point, the CM mesh should be enlarged dramatically, equipped with turrets and turned into a new Shivan RBC, since it certain looks like it should be one.

Someone may have made that comment before, but I don't care.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Aardwolf on July 04, 2010, 03:13:36 pm
@Trivial Psychic: you should care. Not only has it been said (or similar things), but it's contributing to a gradual derailing of the thread.

:mad: slight exaggeration

I'm not going to stop you if you want to use it as a Shivan RBC, but I originally designed it as a Shivan countermeasure, not a novel ship/station class, so you're on your own if you want to use it for something else.

@Galemp: I'm fairly sure it's supported, with not too much extra TBL modification needed... at worst, an extra line for every Shivan fighter and bomber in a -shp.tbm somewhere, I think. Maybe a species or iff_defs entry? I don't remember/know all the details.

Zacam stated on IRC that he misplaced the model and the original attachment seems to have vaporised ... if anyone else has the files, please go ahead and upload it somewhere more permanent, and link to it here. Otherwise, I'll try to dig it up out of my old laptop and upload it to mediafire or somesuch.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Trivial Psychic on July 05, 2010, 09:42:59 pm
Derailment thwarted.  'Nuff said.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Aardwolf on July 06, 2010, 05:38:45 pm
So does anyone have the original upload, or do I have to dig it up on my old computer and re-upload it?
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Aardwolf on July 16, 2010, 05:30:30 pm

Uploaded to mediafire (http://www.mediafire.com/?vchzy2cjo356d97).
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: blowfish on July 17, 2010, 02:44:36 am
Since when is Mediafire considered an upgrade :wtf:
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Droid803 on July 17, 2010, 12:37:40 pm
He said uploaded?
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: blowfish on July 17, 2010, 12:46:43 pm
My bad.
Title: Re: Shivan Countermeasure
Post by: Aardwolf on July 18, 2010, 04:13:37 pm
Versus a deleted attachment, mediafire is an upgrade  :p