Hard Light Productions Forums

Modding, Mission Design, and Coding => FS2 Open Coding - The Source Code Project (SCP) => Topic started by: Mongoose on August 21, 2010, 02:31:37 pm

Title: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Mongoose on August 21, 2010, 02:31:37 pm
I know there's generally an aversion toward adding additional launcher flags, and for good reason, but a flag to control the use of radar icons seems like it would make perfect sense, in the same vein as the 3D radar flag.  As it is, you have to remove/rename the icons VP in order to turn them off.  Seems like it would be a handy feature to have, if it wouldn't require some pain-in-the-ass bit of coding.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Thaeris on August 22, 2010, 01:39:06 am
Good sir, I believe this is a fair request...
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: karajorma on August 22, 2010, 01:56:47 am

If a mod has included radar icons they should definitely be used. I definitely don't want to see the inclusion of yet another flag we have to tell people to switch on to make certain mods work.

Now if you want to have a table setting to turn them on or off that would be a different matter.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Mongoose on August 22, 2010, 03:07:16 am

If a mod has included radar icons they should definitely be used. I definitely don't want to see the inclusion of yet another flag we have to tell people to switch on to make certain mods work.

Now if you want to have a table setting to turn them on or off that would be a different matter.
Are there any mods that would utilize radar icons as some sort of make-or-break attribute, as opposed to the dots we've been using for a decade?  The only released things I'm aware of that have them are the MediaVPs, FSPort, and Blue Planet, and in each of those cases they're a completely-optional minor graphical tweak.  Unless I'm just not grasping some theoretical complex purpose they could be used for, I feel like they're in the exact same vein as the 3D radar or extra scanning line, both of which have had launcher flags for years.  Should they be treated differently than those?
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: karajorma on August 22, 2010, 04:29:46 am
Neither of those should have been a launcher flag in the first place anyway. :p They certainly wouldn't be if they were added today.

Secondly there are mods like Diaspora which do need radar icons. Dots would not look like DRADIS.

But more importantly this is one of those "The campaign should play the way the campaign designer intended" issues. Not to mention that it would be a PITA in multi if people used different systems in order to get an advantage.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Iss Mneur on August 23, 2010, 01:00:25 am
Neither of those should have been a launcher flag in the first place anyway. :p They certainly wouldn't be if they were added today.

Secondly there are mods like Diaspora which do need radar icons. Dots would not look like DRADIS.

But more importantly this is one of those "The campaign should play the way the campaign designer intended" issues. Not to mention that it would be a PITA in multi if people used different systems in order to get an advantage.

I agree, there are currently 100 flags that are accepted by FSO.  A quarter or more are actually gameplay type things which should have never been made into flags to start with.  The fact that wxLauncher even needs to consider adding a forcedflagson (http://code.google.com/p/wxlauncher/wiki/ModIniOptions#forcedflagson) and forcedflagsoff (http://code.google.com/p/wxlauncher/wiki/ModIniOptions#forcedflagsoff) to our extended mod.ini specification is completely against any sane user interaction guidelines.  The only thing that flags should be used for are performance reasons (think -normal (http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/index.php/Command-Line_Reference#-normal), -cap_object_update (http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/index.php/Command-Line_Reference#-cap_object_update)), platform configuration reasons (think -mod (http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/index.php/Command-Line_Reference#-mod), -res (http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/index.php/Command-Line_Reference#-res)), to work around hardware bugs (think -novbo (http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/index.php/Command-Line_Reference#-novbo) or -noibx (http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/index.php/Command-Line_Reference#-novbo)), or development tools (think -fps (http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/index.php/Command-Line_Reference#-fps), -window (http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/index.php/Command-Line_Reference#-window), -pofspew (http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/index.php/Command-Line_Reference#-pofspew)).

As for the topic at hand, I suppose that a -use_radar_icons could be used like what was proposed for -nomotiondebris (http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/index.php/Command-Line_Reference#-nomotiondebris) (yet another flag that really shouldn't have existed) where -use_radar_icons only has an effect where the MOD (TC) maker doesn't specify whether the feature is forced on or off (using a .tbl/.tbm, not wxLauncher's crappy mod.ini hack).
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Galemp on August 23, 2010, 01:22:32 am
Bah. We need a new, scripted Options screen in FSO where we can configure lighting settings with a demo model and turn on and off FSO graphics and gameplay options.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Goober5000 on August 23, 2010, 01:48:39 am
We really do.  Taylor was working on it at one point, but it got put on hold because he was working on so much other stuff.  We really need someone to pick up where he left off and run with it.

In the absence of an options screen though, a launcher flag is the next best choice.  To be clear, I'm not referring to something like the old -tbp or -wcs flags which modified the intrinsic look-and-feel or a mod, and caused problems if used for other mods.  But something like the 3D radar, which is very specifically a mod-independent HUD change, should be able to be toggled according to user preference.  For something like that a launcher flag is entirely justified.

And I would say that even the radar icons should be a user-changeable selection.  Dots may not look like DRADIS, but a user may prefer them anyway.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: karajorma on August 23, 2010, 04:02:24 am
And I would say that even the radar icons should be a user-changeable selection.  Dots may not look like DRADIS, but a user may prefer them anyway.


Modify your tables and have the mod automatically break in validated multiplayer then.

There are certain things the mod designer should be able to choose to be forced on regardless of the users preferences. Cockpits are a big example of this. You don't want some multiplayer pilots having to turn them off because others have and gained a huge advantage as a result.

Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Goober5000 on August 23, 2010, 09:45:10 am
And why not?  Other space flight simulators offer that as a user-interface option, for the very reason that it makes things easier in a dogfight.  In TIE Fighter and X-Wing, you just need to press one key to toggle it off and on.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 23, 2010, 10:02:28 am
Some sims do offer it as an option, but others have realized that it _does_ present a balance issue, like IL-2.  IL-2 offers it as an option, but offers servers the ability to lock down that option, eliminating user control over that.  _That_ would be the ideal solution, but barring that, I'm fine leaving that control fully in the mod's hands if it has been there from the start.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Nuke on August 23, 2010, 11:37:05 am
i kinda think that some of those options in the flags should be in game settings, which can be turned on and off while in the game. for example pretty much everything in the "graphics" and "game speed" sections of the launcher should probably go into the "detail" section of the options. some settings, like gameplay would probibly need its own screen. seems to me the only constraint in the game is the hard coded ui.

scripting already has all the means to render a ui at all points in the interface.  but what it lacks is control over the data that the hard coded interface changes. if you can edit the data with script then it would just be a little bit of work to script a replacement interface. ive already started a ui script which would make it very easy to set up window elements for such a replacement. once a fully scripted and skinned ui is in place, it should be fairly trivial to add options to the ui. simply adding a ui library to scripting. this would contain the actual setting data, not the gui at all. you could probably script a console interface if you want with the same library.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Sushi on August 23, 2010, 11:41:00 am
I have a hard time seeing how what kinds of dots you use on your radar (or whether or not you can see the cockpit) is going to make a bigger "competetive advantage" difference than the size of your graphics card or the speed of your internet connection, but nobody is proposing we lock screen resolutions or have a minimum ping... the thing is, *everything* user-configurable is arguably a balance issue. You can't lock them all down, and IMHO locking down something like the appearance of your radar is going too far.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 23, 2010, 12:19:50 pm
If one person can tell where a bomber is vs a fighter for instance, that's a big difference right there.  Or, I want to fly towards the fighters but away from the capital ship with beams of death.  Icons make that possible without any hesitation.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Mongoose on August 23, 2010, 12:31:52 pm
There are certain things the mod designer should be able to choose to be forced on regardless of the users preferences. Cockpits are a big example of this. You don't want some multiplayer pilots having to turn them off because others have and gained a huge advantage as a result.
So if some mod out there wants to force that ugly-as-hell 3D radar on me, I'll just have to bend over and take it? :p
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Sushi on August 23, 2010, 12:42:17 pm
If one person can tell where a bomber is vs a fighter for instance, that's a big difference right there.  Or, I want to fly towards the fighters but away from the capital ship with beams of death.  Icons make that possible without any hesitation.

Yes, but if someone wants to opt out of that extra information, of their own volition, why stop them?
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 23, 2010, 01:17:55 pm
Who is to say which side has more advantage over another?  That's just one example.  The point is that it may need to be consistent.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: karajorma on August 23, 2010, 01:24:01 pm
And why not?  Other space flight simulators offer that as a user-interface option, for the very reason that it makes things easier in a dogfight.  In TIE Fighter and X-Wing, you just need to press one key to toggle it off and on.

I have a hard time seeing how what kinds of dots you use on your radar (or whether or not you can see the cockpit) is going to make a bigger "competetive advantage" difference than the size of your graphics card or the speed of your internet connection, but nobody is proposing we lock screen resolutions or have a minimum ping... the thing is, *everything* user-configurable is arguably a balance issue. You can't lock them all down, and IMHO locking down something like the appearance of your radar is going too far.

It's one thing to be limited by your hardware and a completely different one to be forced to turn things off due to the fact you will lose a competitive edge in the game from having them turned on even though you have the power to run them. It basically forces you to drag the quality of your gaming experience down due to the actions of other players rather than what you can handle.

It also becomes yet another stupid thing for people to argue over in the lobby.

And that's before we get into the fact that making this a launcher flag now means that it increases the work for the mod involved. When it's a table setting that the mod decides to set or not then the mod decides and supports that configuration. Changing that involves a table mods and we can legitimately call it the users problem if it buggers things up. If on the other hand we make it a user's choice whether they want cockpits, radar icons or whatever then the mod has to make sure the mod still works if the user turns things off or bring back the ugly idea of mandatory launcher flags, something I spent a fair bit of time removing the -tbp and -wcs flags in order to avoid.

I'm still very much of the opinion that the mod designer should be in charge of what their game looks like. Turning off graphics so that the game will run on lower spec machines is one thing, altering the basic look and gameplay of the game by turning of elements that could be relevant to the actual gameplay of the game simply because the user wants to is another.

So if some mod out there wants to force that ugly-as-hell 3D radar on me, I'll just have to bend over and take it? :p

I should point out I'm might be willing to compromise and have the table option be "Feature On", "Feature Off" or "Use whatever the user says" but if the mod designer has said that the 3D radar is integral to his plot or mod design then yes, you should clutch your heels or persuade him to change it.

Some sims do offer it as an option, but others have realized that it _does_ present a balance issue, like IL-2.  IL-2 offers it as an option, but offers servers the ability to lock down that option, eliminating user control over that.  _That_ would be the ideal solution, but barring that, I'm fine leaving that control fully in the mod's hands if it has been there from the start.

It would be a rather big PITA to do that. I'd have to come up with a system generic enough to handle anything people could throw at it so that they'd register all this stuff as being a user option which the server can demand is on or off. It would then need it's own options screen which would have to be kept up to date as new features were added.

 What makes me unlikely to bother is the fact that even if I published detailed instructions on how everything works (as I did for the multiplayer SEXP system), only a couple of coders would bother to make sure their features actually used it.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: headdie on August 23, 2010, 01:25:45 pm
is there a SEXP control for FREDders to use so for example the player's faction start out with a radar system only able to to show the location of contacts but then develop the technology during the campaign to show types (i.e. Icons)
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 23, 2010, 02:24:57 pm
Kara, I know, I was just pointing out the example of the 'proper' way.  You're right, it would take a whole overhaul of the system.  A host would need the ability to tweak what options are configurable and controls are disabled, the game would need in game support for editing a lot of those options in the first place, etc.  Would be a huge PITA and probably klunky.  Mods want to be able to customize the look of their interface and cockpit as much as possible, we should let them do that and enforce it.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Mongoose on August 23, 2010, 05:07:07 pm
Giving things a second thought, I will grant that a mod team should be able to control certain visual aspects that they deem vital to the experience.  If there's a mod out there that views 3D radar as a must, even if I myself dislike that option, I probably shouldn't be able to override it with a simple launcher flag.  However, the situations I was thinking of when I made my original post don't really fall into that category.  The FS1 and FS2 retail campaigns, or even Blue Planet, don't really care either way whether or not I'm using radar icons or cockpit views, since they're not really critical aspects of the gameplay experience.  I'd love to see that "Let the user decide" table option that karajorma mentioned, since that would still allow us as end-users to control nonessential graphical elements like that.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 23, 2010, 05:13:55 pm
At the moment, it's either one way or the other.  We don't have a way to let some mods require it, but other mods make it optional, short of putting optional items in separate VP files.  But then you end up with TBMs floating around everywhere.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: karajorma on August 23, 2010, 09:19:34 pm
Yeah but it is pretty easy to do it the way I suggested.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Shivan Hunter on August 24, 2010, 04:38:19 pm
I'd just like to interject that if a mod forced something like the 3D radar (which is extremely awkward for me to use and therefore won't be tolerated), I will personally release a patched TBL or mod.ini or whatever returning control of the feature to the user. I will call it a "bugfix".

Developers who try to control how users play their games (note the ambiguous "their"- that's intentional) seem to me to be kindergartners throwing tantrums.

So really, it's up to you guys to do whatever you want with your mod. Just remember you're not the only modders here. :)
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: The E on August 24, 2010, 04:42:58 pm
And yet, there's a desire on the part of the developer to customize the look and feel of their game, like for example Diaspora and their DRADIS type radar. Altering that look and feel is certainly possible in an open engine like FSO, but that doesn't change the fact that a mod developer should have control over the "default" look of the game.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 24, 2010, 04:52:12 pm
I still say that in the very specific case of 3d radar, it's horrible to consider something that presents less information an 'enhancement'.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Shivan Hunter on August 24, 2010, 04:57:09 pm
Well, it's not an enhancement. It's a preference. It presents more information, but it's frakking hard to use if you've been using the 2D radar for 12 years. Same for radar icons: from what I've seen, they're huge, due in part to the HUD being stuck at 1024x768. Once we get a HUD that fits the screen (mine's 1080p) and thus smaller-yet-still-recognizably-detailed radar icons, I'll be using the regular dots.

I'm not saying anyone's wrong to use 3D radar or icons; I'm just saying that a user isn't wrong to prefer something the devs are trying to force him not to use.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 24, 2010, 05:00:42 pm
If a mod thought the 3d radar best fit their universe, I'd support their desire to enforce its use.  It's not supposed to be the same game, so if you have to get used to a new interface element, that's up to them.  You don't have to play it.  It may seem annoying that the option is there to have an alternative system, but that's not the player's decision.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Shivan Hunter on August 24, 2010, 05:05:08 pm
You don't have to play it.
By the same token, you wouldn't have to install my "fix".

A lot more is the player's decision in FS than in most games, and I feel it's up to me as a player and modder to exploit that. I'm not saying devs should change their mods, here; I'd just provide an alternative version for people so inclined.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 24, 2010, 05:09:55 pm
You do realize that in the case it breaks tables, you'd immediately be encouraging people to break their multiplayer capability.

You can do whatever you want, yes, it's an open system, but that could very quickly cause a lot of headache.  I used to play Counter-Strike using low-poly player models to help my FPS but I couldn't blame them for making those illegal in competitive play, as it does change the experience from what was intended.

So again, as a modder and player both, I support a mod's right to request certain restriction abilities on the experience a player will have when playing the mod.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Shivan Hunter on August 24, 2010, 05:24:56 pm
If I edited a table, I would explicitly state that it would break multi capability. I wish I could do more for the multi community in a hypothetical situation like this, but I do admit that singleplayer experience is more important for me, since I don't play multi.

I do believe that a mod team should have more control over the multi experience- for instance, I could hack my tables in the FS2 campaign or BP, either for graphical tweaks or personal taste (for instance, upgrading the Prom R or the TC-TRI's HP)- but I recognize that these changes don't have any place in multiplayer, since they change the balance of gameplay (I'm hesitant to specifically say "break"). The singleplayer experience, however, is up to the player.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: karajorma on August 24, 2010, 08:51:10 pm
There is a point you are missing here. The current 3D radar is horrible and most people hate using it. So what if someone used scripting in order to make it work and then made it an integral part of their mod. Maybe you'd then have a system which resulted in a great 3D radar which everyone who tried it liked. And then half the people who played the game wouldn't see it because they'd not turned on the launcher flag.

So they'd post complaining that the mod was broken.

I'd just like to interject that if a mod forced something like the 3D radar (which is extremely awkward for me to use and therefore won't be tolerated), I will personally release a patched TBL or mod.ini or whatever returning control of the feature to the user. I will call it a "bugfix".

And I'd edit the post so that it wasn't called that. :p

It's not your place to release "bugfixes" for a campaign where the original developer is still active. Doing so would only confuse the end users, break multiplayer and force them to support your so-called bugfix. 

You're welcome to release it as a mod if you want of course. With the appropriate warnings over the dangers of installing it.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Goober5000 on August 24, 2010, 09:28:25 pm
There is a point you are missing here. The current 3D radar is horrible and most people hate using it. So what if someone used scripting in order to make it work and then made it an integral part of their mod. Maybe you'd then have a system which resulted in a great 3D radar which everyone who tried it liked. And then half the people who played the game wouldn't see it because they'd not turned on the launcher flag.

So they'd post complaining that the mod was broken.
No they wouldn't.  They'd be satisfied with the 2D radar.  Then, when they see all the feedback on the forum about the awesome 3D radar, they'd turn off the launcher flag to see for themselves.

People don't like facing an Interface Screw (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InterfaceScrew) without a way to turn it off.  Take the movie Avatar for example.  Like many people, I saw it in the theater in 3D and it was awesome.  However, the 3D effect gave me motion sickness, so I had to take the glasses off every once in a while to acclimatize myself.

It's not your place to release "bugfixes" for a campaign where the original developer is still active. Doing so would only confuse the end users, break multiplayer and force them to support your so-called bugfix.
Careful, you sound suspiciously like IPAndrews here. :p
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 24, 2010, 10:32:10 pm
And as awesome as Avatar might be, I refuse to see it because I'm pretty sure I'm not going to want to watch an entire movie in 3d.  That's that choice I was talking about, you can either put up with Cameron's bull**** or just not waste your time on it.  Sure if someone 'hacked' Avatar so I could watch it easily without 3d glasses I might go see it, but I'm certainly not asking someone to do that.  It was his choice to be retarded.

It's not your place to release "bugfixes" for a campaign where the original developer is still active. Doing so would only confuse the end users, break multiplayer and force them to support your so-called bugfix.
Careful, you sound suspiciously like IPAndrews here. :p

Oddly, that did cross my mind as I almost wrote something like that myself.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Iss Mneur on August 24, 2010, 10:42:50 pm
There is a point you are missing here. The current 3D radar is horrible and most people hate using it. So what if someone used scripting in order to make it work and then made it an integral part of their mod. Maybe you'd then have a system which resulted in a great 3D radar which everyone who tried it liked. And then half the people who played the game wouldn't see it because they'd not turned on the launcher flag.

So they'd post complaining that the mod was broken.
No they wouldn't.  They'd be satisfied with the 2D radar.  Then, when they see all the feedback on the forum about the awesome 3D radar, they'd turn off the launcher flag to see for themselves.

People don't like facing an Interface Screw (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InterfaceScrew) without a way to turn it off.  Take the movie Avatar for example.  Like many people, I saw it in the theater in 3D and it was awesome.  However, the 3D effect gave me motion sickness, so I had to take the glasses off every once in a while to acclimatize myself.
You have still missed the point.  The point is that the mod developer does not have control of the feature.  Would a mod developer force 3D radar on if they had the choice? Probably not, based on the argument that is going on in this thread.  This usability problem is likely why no one has ever asked the SCP to implement a way for the developer to force 3D radar on.

Also, why are we focusing on 2D/3D radar in a thread about radar icons for the 2D radar? I would also, like to add that there are other flags that would benefit from this proposed "implementation" for the features that have flags, namely 3d_ship_choice and 3d_weapon_choice.

I am pretty sure that most of the "features" that get added to FSO are actually there to allow a developer to change something that was previously hard coded in the UI.

It's not your place to release "bugfixes" for a campaign where the original developer is still active. Doing so would only confuse the end users, break multiplayer and force them to support your so-called bugfix.
Careful, you sound suspiciously like IPAndrews here. :p
IPAndrews? Really?  Didn't IPAndrews say that he had released the final version?  That he would not develop the TC anymore? That would certainly qualify as an abandoned campaign.  Not one where the "developer is still active".

And as awesome as Avatar might be, I refuse to see it because I'm pretty sure I'm not going to want to watch an entire movie in 3d.  That's that choice I was talking about, you can either put up with Cameron's bull**** or just not waste your time on it.  Sure if someone 'hacked' Avatar so I could watch it easily without 3d glasses I might go see it, but I'm certainly not asking someone to do that.  It was his choice to be retarded.

And yet, Cameron released Avatar on DVD, in 2D! and only in Standard Def! for the shame!
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: karajorma on August 24, 2010, 10:51:44 pm
No they wouldn't.  They'd be satisfied with the 2D radar.  Then, when they see all the feedback on the forum about the awesome 3D radar, they'd turn off the launcher flag to see for themselves.

You've ignored the point I made about making it an integral part of the gameplay. With the 3D radar off, a script that altered it could cause all kinds of bugs and crashes.

People don't like facing an Interface Screw (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InterfaceScrew) without a way to turn it off.

Again you're missing the point about it being an integral part of the game. While forcing players to use the 3D radar in and of itself might be an interface screw, turning it into an important part of the game isn't.

Take the movie Avatar for example.  Like many people, I saw it in the theater in 3D and it was awesome.  However, the 3D effect gave me motion sickness, so I had to take the glasses off every once in a while to acclimatize myself.

And what you're saying is that the cinema shouldn't have said that the movie was in 3D. What should have happened is that people were offered 3D glasses somewhere in the small print on the ticket stub, gone to see the movie and then later heard reviews state that it was so much better in 3D.

If you want to turn off the new features you can simply mod the tables to turn them off. But suggesting that people should only find out that a game is meant to be played a certain way when they hear that they ****ed up is nonsense.  But the only way to prevent that is to make it so that the developer can demand certain features be switched on.

Careful, you sound suspiciously like IPAndrews here. :p

So if I were to fix a bunch of problems I personally had with one of your campaigns and then post it without consulting you, calling it a bugfix you'd have no issue with it? :p
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Aardwolf on August 25, 2010, 08:47:12 pm

Novel idea here: instead of a launcher flag (since people seem to hate that), and instead of an optional (or multi-breaking) tbm, how about adding an option in the hud config (or something similar)?

Or a control to toggle it (like how there's already a control to set radar range)?

Or any number of things that wouldn't be multi-breaking and would allow the campaign designer to suggest something, and the player to say decline that suggestion...
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 25, 2010, 09:08:13 pm
All the stuff you suggested, is something we don't have a framework in place to support yet.  That's why.  Of course those would all be better options.  If you want to write a new extended options menu, please do :)
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: karajorma on August 26, 2010, 12:20:19 am
Launcher flags are merely a stopgap for an options menu anyway. But that still misses the point I was making about increasing the workload for the developers. People seem to be hung up on 3D radar and radar icons. Those are just the thin end of a very big wedge. So let's go back to cockpits.

We're starting to get working cockpits for FS2 ships now. And it's only a matter of time before people start wanting to put those in the mediaVPs. And then we'll have this issue all over again. You'll have people who don't like cockpits and want to play the game exactly as it was in retail and other people who want to play with them turned on. So someone will suggest having a launcher flag, keypress or menu option to turn cockpits on and off. Which will work just fine until some mod, be it Blue Planet, BWO, or whoever takes the cockpits and makes them a part of the game which isn't optional.

Now we have a problem. Since cockpits aren't optional for this mod the developers haven't bothered testing the mod to see what happens if you turn them off. But a significant percentage of the userbase have already activated the -no_cockpits launcher flag. So now what? Either you force the developers to support having no cockpits even though they may have designed scripts, missions and effects with them in mind or you make them release the campaign and somehow tell the users that they must turn on cockpits. We all should be well aware of how successful we have been in the past when we've told people that they must do something in order to have a mod work.

And cockpits almost certainly won't be the last of these issues. As the game continues to develop we'll see more and more of these things appearing in the media VPs. And I'm still of the opinion that the developer not the user has the right to decide which features they'll be using in their games. If they are too draconian people will vote with their feet anyway so it's not like people are going to turn on features as a whim or because they like them better. They'll be turned on because the game would suffer without them.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Galemp on August 26, 2010, 09:12:41 am
Is there any way we can have forced launcher flags in the mod.ini?
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: mjn.mixael on August 26, 2010, 09:22:30 am
That's a decent temporary idea.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 26, 2010, 09:42:49 am
Mod.ini isn't even enforcable by multiplayer, and easily tweakable by the end user, so you're really not forcing it at all.  A table for that would be a better option, but still a temporary fix.  I'd also like to see mission-support, or at least multiplayer host time support for requiring additional flags on top of that, to allow further balancing if desired.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: karajorma on August 26, 2010, 09:55:57 am
Using mod.ini gives the the mod developer exactly the same choices as my suggestion and now moves the selection out of the logical place it should be (in a table somewhere) and out into the open air where any fumble fingered idiot can play with it.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 26, 2010, 10:08:10 am
What was your suggestion?  I read a very good detailed description of the problem in your last post, but didn't see any possible solutions.  Unless it was in a previous post.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: karajorma on August 26, 2010, 12:20:55 pm
Table flags consisting of "Use Feature", "Don't Use Feature" or "User Choice"

To be honest we can probably ditch the 3rd one and just have that as the default but it doesn't hurt to make it explicit. :)
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Iss Mneur on August 26, 2010, 01:06:11 pm
Table flags consisting of "Use Feature", "Don't Use Feature" or "User Choice"

To be honest we can probably ditch the 3rd one and just have that as the default but it doesn't hurt to make it explicit. :)
Ya it would be a good idea to make it explicit, that way, when someone copies the entire example table from the wiki (that lists all of the options) they won't break something they didn't plan on.

Is there any way we can have forced launcher flags in the mod.ini?

I think all that needs to be said on this topic has been said, but I would like to add that wxLauncher does have forcing flags on or off as a proposed extension to the mod.ini file.  The feature is not currently implemented, and because -tbp and -wcsaga have been removed from .12 the need of this feature is diminishing rapidly.  But because we intend to support .10 builds for at least a year or two more (wxLauncher does) the feature will likely end up getting implemented anyway.

Quote from: [url=http://code.google.com/p/wxlauncher/wiki/ModIniOptions#%5Bextremeforce%5D]Mod.ini options for wxLauncher[/url]

forcedflagson  = -tbp -ship_choice_3d
forcedflagsoff = -3dradar -infotext

Now we're getting technical. In this section you can specifically name some flags that must be always enabled or always disabled for the users of your MOD.

    * Use extreme caution when adding flags to this section. Be very sure that your mod needs those particular flags to be always enabled or disabled, or you might end up with an avalanche of hate mail in your inbox. Worst case scenario, we'll get them too for allowing you to force some flags.

Be careful with the flags set in this sections. Even better, try to have no flags in there if possible. And keep in mind all the user has to do is open your mod.ini file to remove this.

Note: forcedflagson takes precedence over forcedflagsoff. That is, if you specify a flag on both lists the flag will be forced on. This allows the default forcedflagsoff flags to be enabled for the mods that use those flags. See forceflagsoff for details.

Also Note: If you find it necessary to use these options, you should also bring it up with the SCP as it is likely something that should be moved into the tables.

A list of flags that are a must for your mod to work. The format is very simple. List flags one after another (including the "-" character) and separated with one empty space. Take a look at the sample above for an example.

This section does the opposite of the one above. It disallows the user to activate some flags that you know it will break your MOD or will add gameplay-altering elements to it.

Note: -tbp and -wcsaga are always on this list.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 26, 2010, 01:10:36 pm
That could work, and I think that giving 'user choice' options the ability to be further limited by a multiplayer host would be ideal.  That could be something like an F3 options menu that they bring up on the hosting menu maybe that lists the remaining options and whether to leave them user controlled or forced to the server setting.

Many things that are desired to be controlled by a launcher though would be better served by an in game control, even as opposed to a menu option.  Cockpits are a very good example of this.  Most games allow you to disable the cockpit with a key in game.  With the new pilot code, adding a control for this should be possible.  FOV changes would be a good candidate for a look as well.  Instead of setting on the command line, defining preset FOVs to toggle through, perhaps even aspect-ratio specific lists.  It could just be increase by .5/decrease by .5 keys, returning to either the FSO default or a mod configured default every mission, or possibly saving the last one to your pilot with that particular mod (I believe the new pilot code will support that last bit, not sure though).
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Nuke on August 26, 2010, 01:26:21 pm
i think this whole issue skates around something the game engine seriously needs, but nobody wants to deal with. frankly the game needs a new interface. i consider the launcher (as good as it is) a very hackish way to control game settings. nothing it does can be enforced, so i dont consider it a solution tot he problem. it still has its place and function though. its a good way to display information about mods and to let you pick them, you still have system level settings, like video mode, which has to be set at start up. i think in a perfect engine the engine itself would handle all that stuff and the need for a launcher would be completely eliminated. but i think that might be too much to ask from the scp. i dont want to invalidate anyone's work on the launcher of interface templates (i consider it a brute force way to customize an interface which should have been upgraded a long time ago, but it too still has its place (see below)), i just want to point out an area of the engine which i think is in dire need of improvement.

we already have the means to render a gui, all the scripting hooks are there for all parts of the interface. you can execute script at the opening, while viewing/interacting, and on exit of any section of the interface. i have put some effort to creating a script to deal with gui elements, which exploits those capabilities. its a system ive been working on mainly for my own mods, so that i could have in game settings that work in game. my script puts a lot of changes into the users controls, and given that all users do not have the same control options, and asking the user to edit a text file to change a preference is not a very good option. the idea was i could just "add a button" to the options screen, by placing it over an unused area of the interface. then i considered that it may at some point be able to replace the entire interface. one idea i considered is that the gui would need to do everything that can be seen in the hard coded interface. i even considered the idea of making a scripted interface with the exact same layout of the hard coded interface, which could be skinned with the interface templates. mod developers could of course design their own interfaces with a few function calls to my gui script.

now heres the problem, such an interface can only speak lua, it cant control anything that scripting cannot control. however if scripting did have control over ingame options the above system would be indispensable. you could use the engine without any of the fs2 resources or standinds thereof, you could expand it as more options become available, you could customize the hell out of it, you could even use it in-game and make it part of the gameplay. if theres a game setting we want to lock down, we can just hard code it in script tell the engine the value we want to use and dont give the user a gui interface to change it. with it we can change graphics settings, change multiplayer options on the fly, and do away with the mess of launcher flags we currently have to deal with.

im not going to get into the developers vs players debate of what the user should be allowed to change. if i dont like the radar, il script a new one (its actually very easy). the developers have a right to decide the rules of the game, including what should be an option and what should be enforced. i personally always hated going to multiplayer and being told that i couldn't ease my pyromaniac urges with infyrnos. as far as i was concerned these weapons were a valid part of the game, put there by the people who wrote the rulebook. anyone who uses their skills to break the rules is called a cheater. if you cant deal with the rules, dont play the game. now if the developer did something stupid, like force me to use a non-inverted mouse, i would probably be so pissed off about it i wouldn't play the game. as a developer id hate to force people into something that was detrimental to their experience, id want to give them as much control as i could. pure multilayer fps games showed the way by giving the game host more control over the rules, an idea which is really cool. where does this bring us, back to the original problem, we need a better options interface. it would solve most of the problems in this thread.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 26, 2010, 01:37:56 pm
I think my main issue with the options being controlled being in the code, and the control for them being in scripting, is making sure the control for an options gets added.  Whereas with a hardcoded in game menu, you'd have it as soon as you change builds, you'd need to constantly script-swap when a new option is introduced.  So I'm not sure scripting is something I'd want to see doing this.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: The E on August 26, 2010, 01:40:05 pm
Interface rewrite? Yes. Interface rewrite using lua exclusively? Hell no.

There already is a stub for a new UI system in the engine, added way back when the F3 lab was introduced. That's what we should make usable first, Adding scripting hooks while we're at it.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Nuke on August 26, 2010, 02:08:45 pm
it wouldn't use scripting exclusively, scripting would just provide the gui. many game engines use their scripting system to place gui elements. say i wanted to edit sound effects volume, when i moved the slider and let go the script would tell the game what setting is being changed (sfx volume) and what its being changed to (the volume level), the game could then decide if the setting was valid and provide a return to indicate to the gui whether or not it was successful.  yes, you would need to update the script when the engine adds a setting. but then again you would need to edit the interface graphics anyway each time a setting was added. you may have too many settings in one place and need to rearrange the gui to make everything fit. seems you would have some deal of maintenance to do to keep the interface up to date anyway. a good gui would also include a console where you could change settings by typing in a command, just in case it hadnt been added to the gui yet. this would come in handy for the experimental builds that have new settings so they could be tested with the console, and then when the official release comes out, you can update the gui. the engine would decide if the setting is valid or not, it could look up the settings table tags to see if the user has the right to edit it or not.

Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 26, 2010, 02:14:18 pm
The ship lab gui doesn't have any 'graphics'.  You'd update the code that draws the option elements at the same time you update the code to support the new option.  No scripting changes needed, only code, and builds only show the options they support.  Scripted menus are just too inflexible for a dynamic system like that I think, unless the scripting is truly used to draw it, but told what to draw by the engine itself.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Nuke on August 26, 2010, 02:34:55 pm
The ship lab gui doesn't have any 'graphics'.  You'd update the code that draws the option elements at the same time you update the code to support the new option.  No scripting changes needed, only code, and builds only show the options they support.  Scripted menus are just too inflexible for a dynamic system like that I think, unless the scripting is truly used to draw it, but told what to draw by the engine itself.

i was thinking the gui could query the engine about a setting to see if it was available, what range of values is supported, whether the user could have read or write access. the gui would then be able to grey out or completely disable the gui element of any setting based on that information. if the setting is available it would say what the valid range is and the script could adjust the interface accordingly. having the gui scripted lets mods completely rearrange the interface and make it look any way they want it to look.

as for the lab gui i really wish we had scripting access to that. if the gui elements were handled by the engine you wouldn't need to have a huge script file for the gui itself, you could get right down tot he nitty gritty of where everything goes, what it does and how the user controls it. i know the interface is somewhat skinable, i think i provided some interface graphics to wmc for testing it (i dont think it worked very well though). i was under the assumption that it was kind of an abandoned oddity in the engine to which nobody really pays any attention. it should be able to mimic any gui element in the game's hard coded interface. doing everything with hard to see drop down menus might get a little bit annoying. with the right skinning capabilities it could do anything a scripted system can and faster. still it should be customizable through scripting and settings for scripted features should use the same interface as hard coded features. in game interfaces in general should be fairly consistent.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: The E on August 26, 2010, 02:48:15 pm
Here's a plan for you. Take a look at lab/wmcgui.cpp and lab/wmcgui.h.

There we have a system that is already set up to create a UI based on parsed tbl data. What we could do is first enhance it, so that it can do more than just draw strings and buttons, then set up a tbl parser so that we can override screens as we wish (similar to the HUD rewrite), and then write tables to our heart's content. Building a new UI system that exactly mimics the retail UI would be stupid, IMHO. Better to build a completely new system from scratch that modders can use, and keep the old system around as a fallback. Just as an example, this (http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/index.php/Interface.tbl) is what the engine is currently looking for as an interface.tbl. I'd say that's a starting point we can use.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Nuke on August 26, 2010, 09:05:09 pm
il have a look, but last time i did i went insane.

no wonder, it looks like this thing was slated to become part of ferrium.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Goober5000 on August 26, 2010, 10:15:50 pm
Too many responses, not enough time...

I did want to address this one part:

We're starting to get working cockpits for FS2 ships now. And it's only a matter of time before people start wanting to put those in the mediaVPs. And then we'll have this issue all over again. You'll have people who don't like cockpits and want to play the game exactly as it was in retail and other people who want to play with them turned on. So someone will suggest having a launcher flag, keypress or menu option to turn cockpits on and off. Which will work just fine until some mod, be it Blue Planet, BWO, or whoever takes the cockpits and makes them a part of the game which isn't optional.

Now we have a problem. Since cockpits aren't optional for this mod the developers haven't bothered testing the mod to see what happens if you turn them off. But a significant percentage of the userbase have already activated the -no_cockpits launcher flag. So now what? Either you force the developers to support having no cockpits even though they may have designed scripts, missions and effects with them in mind or you make them release the campaign and somehow tell the users that they must turn on cockpits. We all should be well aware of how successful we have been in the past when we've told people that they must do something in order to have a mod work.
Substitute "mediavps_3612" for "3D cockpits" and you have exactly the problem that's going on now with the FSUP.  Regardless of user preference, mods have the responsibility to accommodate both the presence and absence of an optional feature.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: karajorma on August 27, 2010, 12:19:13 am
Only if it is an optional feature though. And that's my entire point. If a developer doesn't want something to be optional they definitely should have that choice.

Sorry but you are dead wrong on this. I'm a NOT going to waste the teams time insisting that Diaspora support users who decide to turn off "optional" features like cockpits, DRADIS, DRADIS icons or any other feature that the team have decided is an important part of the game by making those features work in a different way if turned off. The number of possible permutations will only increase as more features of this type are added and people insist on having some way to turn them off even if that would ruin the mod or game. Instead of actually working on the game as we want it to look we'd have to waste increasing amounts of time on stupid questions like "What if the user turns off DRADIS but leaves Radar Icons on? What if they turn off the cockpit model (using RTT) but leave DRADIS on?"
 It's a completely pointless waste of developer time and I flat out refuse to do it.

Nor am I willing to put up with any such choices from the user ending up in crashes that we then have to support by talking the user through turning those switches back on. I took the -wcs and -tbp flags out precisely to avoid that kind of stupidity and I'm definitely against having it back.

The only sensible solution to this issue is to allow the developer to decide which features he wants to support and which ones he doesn't. Some people want to do this by forcing launcher flags while others agree with me about using tables but either way it definitely is something the developer has to be able to decide.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Fury on August 27, 2010, 02:36:23 am
Every time I think I couldn't disagree with Goober more than I already do, he always manages to surprise me in ways I never would have thought of.

I strongly support karajorma in this. Mod developers should have control over what features are optional and what are not and also have control over what are enabled by default.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 27, 2010, 08:08:13 am
Goober's point about the MediaVPs is still valid though, as slaving oneself to them in bad ways can cause problems down the line.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: The E on August 27, 2010, 08:25:10 am
Wrong. Slaving yourself to a specific version of the mvps should always be safe.

I mean, why should we (as BP, for example) design our mod in such a way that it can run without issues using only retail as a base? We've deliberately set it up so that you need BP1 and the mediavps 3.6.12 installed because that's the only way that we can guarantee a consistent experience (not to mention, small downloads). Could we make it to run on retail alone? Probably. But why the hell should we? Why should we spend days testing all the permutations, when we know that we already have a working configuration that can be used by the vast majority of people?

I'm very sorry, but with all the data a mod like BP needs, making it all independent of the mediavps just isn't a viable option.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Nuke on August 27, 2010, 09:26:26 am
i think im going to solve the cockpit problem by having all the cockpit data and scripts in one mod dir, and the base mod in another. so sissies who dont like cockpits / people with performance issues can still run the mod without all the bells and whistles. of course that means cockpit players cant play non cockpit players (who wants to play with them anyway) in multi. having the ability to turn them on and off in the context of the same mod would be awesome though. of course the way they work in my mod is so bizarre that any switch you implement probably wouldn't work :lol:
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: karajorma on August 29, 2010, 04:49:04 am
Yeah. Nukemod is a very good example of the problems this sort of switch could cause. If someone were to play nukemod with the cockpit mod selected and then use a hypothetical launcher option to turn off the cockpits it would probably crap out in a variety of interesting methods.

With the method I'm suggesting however it would be simple. You'd simply set the tables for the mod to tell the game ignore launcher settings and the problem would be averted.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Nuke on August 29, 2010, 12:42:06 pm
i dont really consider having cockpits on and off as a balence concern. cockpits are more effective than no cockpit when you use something like the trackir, because your improved situational awareness would suffer from not having an internal reference (your cockpit model). while in your fixed view, the cockpit model would get in your way and there is no need for a reference. i think these situations essentially cancel each other out, and if i had the capacity to make it an optional thing, i probably would. same goes for radar, ive made so many different radars so il just let the user pick their favorite one, most likely with a keyboard command in that case.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: chief1983 on August 29, 2010, 01:06:37 pm
They only cancel out when you have TrackIR, which almost no one does, otherwise the cockpit tends to just get in the way of your view of a target.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Nuke on August 29, 2010, 10:25:23 pm
as much as i like my trackir and would hate for it to collect dust while im playing a game that supports it. it could be seen to give an unfair advantage in multiplayer. im not sure if this is true or not, but it might be advisable to have a host option to disable it, so as to make multiplayer more fair. i dont think it makes as much of a difference because of the targeting features you get. still, its something that the game host should get to decide.
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: FUBAR-BDHR on August 29, 2010, 10:34:45 pm
The way I look at it if I'm any good trackir or teamspeak or any other advantage you use just makes it more satisfying when I had you your arse. Now scripted aiming and that kind of stuff can be an issue. 

Reminds me of the time someone modded a beam that took out everything in 5k.  No idea how it got passed table checks but I still won.  Trebs have a range of 5200. 
Title: Re: Launcher flag for radar icons?
Post by: Nuke on August 29, 2010, 11:46:36 pm
i kind of find the trackir difficult to use without the reference that is a cockpit model. without those little bits of cockpit its hard to determine what direction you are looking in if you cant see the reticule. still i dont have much interest in fs2 multiplayer. it always feels like playing vanillia (because it usually is).

making scripts for multiplayer would most likely require some anticheating code on behalf of the scripter, unless of course you keep all your code in the scripting.tbl, which is bad for organizing your scripts and can make for a heavy file. lua does allow you to compile scripts to a binary format, but im not sure if that would help the situation any. you would need to crc all your script files, have some script in the table check the external files and insure the right directory placement against data in the scripting.tbl's lua code. not sure if the engine had any security for external lua files. just something to think about.