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Hosted Projects - Standalone => Diaspora => Diaspora Tech Help => Topic started by: Cerebus on October 17, 2012, 04:31:03 pm

Title: got a tough one for you, multi monitor linux question!
Post by: Cerebus on October 17, 2012, 04:31:03 pm
I've got a triple screen setup, and in windows Diaspora will load on the center monitor, due to nvidea surround vision forcing it to do so.

Now, in linux (mint), I managed to get all 3 x servers to work in a contiguous fashion (I can stretch video across all 3 for example) but the far left is the primary X server.  I dont believe I'm going to be able to have the screens in the correct order and have the primary x server be the central monitor (as it's forced to in windows due to SV), so I was happy to get them to play nice at all.  That being said, playing diaspora on the left monitor is annoying and I was wondering if there's anyway to tell Diaspora to load on the 2nd X server, instead of the primary. 
Title: Re: got a tough one for you, multi monitor linux question!
Post by: niffiwan on October 17, 2012, 04:42:26 pm
You could give this (http://www.thetechrepo.com/main-articles/502-how-to-change-the-primary-monitor-in-ubuntu-or-other-linux-distributions) a go?

Disclaimer: I haven't tried this myself, I just found it with a little googling...
Title: Re: got a tough one for you, multi monitor linux question!
Post by: Cerebus on October 18, 2012, 01:18:18 am
You could give this (http://www.thetechrepo.com/main-articles/502-how-to-change-the-primary-monitor-in-ubuntu-or-other-linux-distributions) a go?

Disclaimer: I haven't tried this myself, I just found it with a little googling...

looks promising, tried to work it for a minute, had a couple problems, will re-attempt in the morning

Title: Re: got a tough one for you, multi monitor linux question!
Post by: pecenipicek on October 18, 2012, 02:56:55 am
unless he is using nouveau/gallium3d drivers, forget about xrandr. as far as i remember from the hilarity of nvidia multimonitor on linux... i solved the whole shenanigan by simply making a new multimode with only the desired screen enabled in the nvidia-settings thing, then tossed that into the xorg.conf

also, note, i was using twinview, which may or may not work with triple monitor setup. i do not know and cannot test it unfortunately :p
Title: Re: got a tough one for you, multi monitor linux question!
Post by: niffiwan on October 18, 2012, 03:27:53 am
yeah - to be honest I don't have a lot of Linux multi-monitor experience, I run two at work, but I really don't care about primary displays / games there :)