Hard Light Productions Forums

Modding, Mission Design, and Coding => The FRED Workshop => Topic started by: BloodFleet on August 20, 2013, 02:57:55 pm

Title: Homeworld mod
Post by: BloodFleet on August 20, 2013, 02:57:55 pm
Been at this for about a month now http://www.moddb.com/mods/homeworld-pilot-academy
While actual missions are something I need to do (well, there is one in the techroom that's supposed to be mission 2 of hw1 but its not done), I have a good amount of ships in so I thought I'd at least have something available.

Also wondering if there is something I can do for ai so ships like corvettes stop trying to run away from fighters. I've given them glide but the ai only seems to use it vs capships.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: est1895 on August 20, 2013, 03:45:17 pm
Downloading now!  :yes:
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: MetalDestroyer on August 20, 2013, 05:09:38 pm
I downloaded it, and love it despite the big sun, the low texture and the lack of cockpits :p
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: Hobbie on August 21, 2013, 06:08:19 pm
Super Acolytes.

Oh god, Super Acolytes. :D
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: BritishShivans on August 21, 2013, 06:55:23 pm
please desaturate your backgrounds

they are extremely bright and i find that i often can't see ****

also, yes

super acolytes 
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: BloodFleet on August 21, 2013, 07:44:15 pm
yeah I had a feeling somebody would think that too

lol did I make the super acolyte op enough? :P
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: An4ximandros on August 21, 2013, 08:08:20 pm
Avvvv jeezz, Now to fly around da mothasheep for hours. :P
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: Nyctaeus on August 21, 2013, 08:55:06 pm
Why U didn't converted the Chimera Station :( ? No Bishops for good escort mission...
Anyway it's actually a piece of great work. You released a big amount of great memories :)
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: BloodFleet on August 22, 2013, 02:47:34 am
don't worry I'll get to doing those ships eventually :P

focusing a bit more on cataclysm right now, just did somtaaw command ship.
took a while too cause I wanted it to be moddable, basically you can set different parts to 0 hp so they don't appear in the mission.
will be necessary for eventual cataclysm single player missions so the command ship can change throughout the campaign like it does in cataclysm
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: MatthTheGeek on August 22, 2013, 06:04:39 am
You could also make them separate dockable ships.

This way you can put them the the slots you want and you can jettison them.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: MetalDestroyer on August 22, 2013, 08:33:58 am
I found this, while I was updating a thread. It reminds me a lot of Homeworld. :)
If we can get cockpits and review the sound effect, we can get a more awesome mods like Enemy Starfighter.

Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: MatthTheGeek on August 22, 2013, 11:47:36 am
There is already a thread for this game here (http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php?topic=85336.0). Please don't derail this one. Thank you.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: BloodFleet on August 22, 2013, 02:44:43 pm
yeah I'll want to get to making a copy that's just the lower deck section so it can turn infected and be jettisoned for that part
for missions after that it will be simpler to just set that part on the command ship to 0 hp so it doesn't appear

the effects in that game look pretty similar to HW2
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: fightermedic on August 22, 2013, 03:21:02 pm
cool stuff BloodFleet, i'm looking forward to see more of your work
that Enemy Starfighter game is really looking like a 99% copy of homeworld, could turn out to be quite interesting
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: Hobbie on August 22, 2013, 06:17:19 pm
Okay. I've had more than a bit of a play around now, and I've identified a few things that could use fixing.

Either shields are too strong or weapons are too weak. It took forever to kill a Vagyr Scout in the Homeworld 2 battle, and that was after I'd managed to get behind it. I'm thinking it might be shields. It'd probably be better if fighters didn't have any shields at all.

The fighter weapons have a weird burst mechanism that feels really odd. It seems to be built into the gun and doesn't tie in with weapon power usage. Plus, if you stop firing mid-burst and start again, it only fires the remainder of the burst. EG: Out of a 10 shot burst, if you fire 7 shots, the next trigger pull will fire 3 before the delay sets in.

Right now, because of this, weapon power is worthless. What I would recommend is removing the built-in burst on the weapon and have it fire continuously until weapon power runs out, then make it drain your weapon power really fast (and have it regenerate really fast as well). That way, you don't lose a full burst and putting power to weapons makes the bursts longer.

Some of the backgrounds are too bright for Freespace. It's alright in Homeworld but it makes it really hard to see. Taiidan mission, I'm looking at you. :P

Some other, little things that I would like to see:

The fly-by sounds on the ships can probably be removed.

Repair Corvettes could probably fit the Support Ship role quite nicely. :D

Could you pop out the wings/guns of the Acolyte a la this image?: http://shipyards.relicnews.com/somtaaw/images/acolyte2.jpg. I don't mind either way but it looks more menacing that way.

While it is nice to be able to fly the big ships, I would recommend slaving the Ion Beam Frigate's main gun to the fire key instead of treating it as a turret. It heightens the feeling of flying a great big cannon.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: BLARGHER on August 22, 2013, 08:28:29 pm
As Hobbie said, it takes far to long to kill other fighters. I also found that some of the larger ships (particularly Hiigaran and Vagyr carriers) also take a long time to kill, even with heavy weapons. I guess this suits the high number of fighters Homeworld typically has, but it doesn't suit Freespace very well.

On an unrelated note, the Trinity cannon is awesome.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: docfu on August 23, 2013, 07:49:00 pm
Personally, I want to thank the author for releasing this as-is.

This really shows beautifully why the combat models from strategy games like Homeworld simply don't work in Freespace and the argument against BOE-style missions stands perfectly.

And just as a laugh...god those Taiidan yellow and red paint jobs look absolutely terrible. Now I know why I never used the original Homeworld colors.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: Lorric on August 23, 2013, 07:54:22 pm
Personally, I want to thank the author for releasing this as-is.

This really shows beautifully why the combat models from strategy games like Homeworld simply
Set him up...
don't work in Freespace and the argument against BOE-style missions stands perfectly.

And just as a laugh...god those Taiidan yellow and red paint jobs look absolutely terrible. Now I know why I never used the original Homeworld colors.
...knock him down.

Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: Nyctaeus on August 23, 2013, 08:15:25 pm
I just noticed. Pride of Hiigara has strange lightning errors all over the hull. Also I'm wondering why the door of the cruiserbay are merged with the main model. They should be separate subobject. I think there is someone who could animate the doors... In Kushan Mothership as well.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: BritishShivans on August 23, 2013, 08:32:27 pm
Personally, I want to thank the author for releasing this as-is.

This really shows beautifully why the combat models from strategy games like Homeworld simply don't work in Freespace and the argument against BOE-style missions stands perfectly.

And just as a laugh...god those Taiidan yellow and red paint jobs look absolutely terrible. Now I know why I never used the original Homeworld colors.


Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: docfu on August 23, 2013, 08:43:30 pm
I said I thanked the author and I meant it. He did a lot of work converting those models and setting things up. That was no joke.

That said, the argument against strategy style combat systems stands. It takes 20 ships to shoot down one quickly in the Homeworld universe and the complaints other users have that it takes too long to shoot down enemy ships still stands.

***This isn't in any way the fault of the mod author.***

He did his job perfectly. While Homeworld was a lot of fun to play, and a lot of fun to dream about what it would be like to actually fly a fighter in those situations...the answer is it's not fun at all. Flying around tooth-picking your enemy to death isn't fun. 1000 Herc's with maxims vs. a Sathnanas might be fun to watch and control from a command perspective, but it's not fun to play.

So...for a third time, I will thank the author of this mod, sincerely, for showing that while Freespace mods for Homeworld *might* work, the reverse would need a lot of re-tuning to be interesting and would NOT be able to adhere to the original homeworld model.

P.S. As for the Taiidan fighters...do you want a hotdog with that ketchup and mustard paint job?
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: Lorric on August 23, 2013, 08:46:52 pm
Oh, a pleasant surprise! :yes:
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: BritishShivans on August 23, 2013, 10:14:26 pm
Umm Docfu? I was talking only about the team color thing.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: Lorric on August 23, 2013, 10:36:08 pm
Umm Docfu? I was talking only about the team color thing.
Don't worry. The rest of it is for me.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: Hobbie on August 23, 2013, 11:51:12 pm
Speaking of paint colours, why don't people just walk all over the Vagyr? After all, they look like zebra crossings. :P
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: docfu on August 23, 2013, 11:57:02 pm
Yeah, from a third person viewpoint it makes sense...

But from reality?
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: BloodFleet on August 24, 2013, 12:35:43 am
Yeah...I can tell that a good deal of stat tuning and, going against canon I guess you could say, will be needed for this. I wanted to see if making things (like weapons) act similar to how they do in HW would be ok. I see now it doesn't work very well.

After getting most of the necessary ships in I plan to go back and change things like that. I'm leaving the shield system though, I do not like flying shieldless ships. The weapons can be buffed instead of removing that. As for colors well that's what Relic chose as the canon colors so that's the way they're gonna stay.

other stuff: some glow textures need to be edited a bit, and I'm assuming that animations like the MS hangar door can be done? What's the point though if you can't make dockpaths like HW? cause as far as I know you can't specify if a dockpath makes a ship go sideways or even if you can specify if the dockpath is for fighter/frigate/capital/whatever only. If you can do that then that's good, otherwise well I don't know what to do about that then. Need to go back and edit the current Beast ships to add team color, will modify the Acolyte missile pod wings then.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: MatthTheGeek on August 24, 2013, 12:44:40 am
After getting most of the necessary ships in I plan to go back and change things like that. I'm leaving the shield system though, I do not like flying shieldless ships.
I suggest making them effect-less surface shields and say they're "self-regenerating active armor" or something. That way you can keep the gameplay you want without having to too obviously break away from canon where you don't need to :)

and I'm assuming that animations like the MS hangar door can be done? What's the point though if you can't make dockpaths like HW? cause as far as I know you can't specify if a dockpath makes a ship go sideways or even if you can specify if the dockpath is for fighter/frigate/capital/whatever only.
Make the door a separate dockable ship, and FRED in the movements of the door and the ships. FSO can't do translation animation on subsystems without heavy workarounds, but ships are perfectly able to move in a straight line.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: docfu on August 24, 2013, 02:06:46 am
Yeah...I can tell that a good deal of stat tuning and, going against canon I guess you could say, will be needed for this. I wanted to see if making things (like weapons) act similar to how they do in HW would be ok. I see now it doesn't work very well.

I'd suggest keeping a set of missions around to demonstrate what unmodified Homeworld plays like in Freespace so that way people checking out your mod can see the difference. Kind of like how BP has those "if we put all the ships into one area and let them fight it out..." missions.

You'll probably spend less time explaining why you re-tuned the mod in the long run.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: An4ximandros on August 24, 2013, 02:15:24 am
Make HW the Insane stats and rename it "Canon"

I am sure "hardcore" fans would appreciate such a move :)
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: Darius on August 28, 2013, 01:35:41 am
One question:

Have you considered using ogg for your music and sound files instead of wav? It'll cut down your music folder size to one-tenth its current size, right now that folder alone makes up half the total mod filesize.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: BloodFleet on August 28, 2013, 04:23:48 am
yeah I just havn't taken the time yet to go and convert all the music files, there are quite a few more than what I currently have in the mods music folder too so yep I will want to do that.

also I uploaded a edit to the mod if anyone hasn't noticed yet, did a quick change of the weapons they should feel less like peashooters now :P
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: starbug on August 28, 2013, 12:04:42 pm
Cool downloaded and love seeing the Higaaran destroyer from HW2 in the FS engine. I have already added subsystems to it and i am working on adding docking ports and maybe glow points but i will need to look up a tutorial on how to do that.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: starbug on August 28, 2013, 12:57:26 pm
Nevermind figured out how to add glowpoints
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: starbug on August 28, 2013, 01:47:22 pm
Well i have managed to successfully add engines, Navigation, sensors, Comms and docking ports along with glowpoints to the Hiigaran Destroyer in PCS. First time i have done something like this, pretty chuffed. :)
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: BloodFleet on August 28, 2013, 02:21:16 pm
hmm speaking of docking I pretty much copied how the paths and stuff are set up for the support ship to the repair corvette and of course how they are set up on a fighter. They dock together fine when I call in support but the repair corvette wont let go  :mad:
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: pecenipicek on August 28, 2013, 04:31:45 pm
Le sigh.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: MetalDestroyer on September 04, 2013, 10:36:28 am
Is there a easy way you could integrate those High res texture into your mods ?
I found this video:

I thought it was a new released of Homeworld but in HD by Gearbox, but it's not the case.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: MatthTheGeek on September 04, 2013, 11:36:13 am
Unless I'm mistaken, they're not high-res textures, just normal maps. Which were all auto-generated btw, if it's the mod I know.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: MetalDestroyer on September 04, 2013, 12:49:03 pm
You could check the youtube description. :)
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: pecenipicek on September 04, 2013, 03:17:08 pm
You could check the youtube description. :)
yes it is that mod. those normal maps are of very varying quality and on the models where they were not made for they were horrid.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: Whitelight on September 04, 2013, 06:23:17 pm
Found a bug in the glow maps, I think.
Whenever I disable the glow map in fred, some portions of the map are still lit up.
One of the capital hiigaran ships, oh yes it was the Hiigaran shipyard.
Hope this is helpful.
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: BloodFleet on September 05, 2013, 12:58:08 am
k well I just did the same thing and it looked how it should without any glow

you sure you weren't just seeing the light coming off the sun?

see how it looks after you use the event that removes the sun bitmap
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: Whitelight on September 05, 2013, 06:49:33 pm
Wow, lol, your right. Thanks for setting me straight BloodFleet.
You got some beautiful ships there. I also see a few new ships.  :D
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: Admiral Nelson on July 28, 2023, 08:49:05 am
This modpack is now available on Knossos:

[DOWNLOAD] - Use Knossos:
Click below to get started. The latest revision is 1.1.1.

(https://fsnebula.org/static/kn_download.png) (https://fsnebula.org/mod/HW_Pilot_Academy)
Title: Re: Homeworld mod
Post by: Mobius on July 28, 2023, 09:44:41 am
Great job uploading this modpack. :yes: