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Community Projects => The FreeSpace Upgrade Project => Topic started by: Lc4Hunter on December 22, 2013, 01:03:33 am

Title: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Lc4Hunter on December 22, 2013, 01:03:33 am
My dear colleagues,

i hope i haven´t overseen it but i would like to ask if anyone is currently working on a high poly version of the Demon?
I found one older topic here but the model never was released it seems.
Title: Re: SD Demon [anyone on it?]
Post by: Hades on December 22, 2013, 01:26:54 am
No one is currently working on a Demon, as far as I know. The last person was peterv, but he's went AWOL a couple of years ago, so the Demon is basically open.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP] - concept phase!
Post by: Lc4Hunter on December 22, 2013, 02:08:37 am
Good to know.
Then i will start a try to make her a bit more pretty... oh wait... i mean scarry of course  :p

Does anyone have some conceptarts or stuff like that for me?
I still have some ideas for the Demon but if you also have good ideas and wishes... let me know  :)
Title: Re: SD Demon [anyone on it?]
Post by: BritishShivans on December 22, 2013, 02:47:35 am
Hmm. Well, one piece of "advice" I have is that I've always seen the Demon's "head" as being like a centurion or spartan's helmet, kind of like how the Seraphim's main body is vaguely-helmet shaped. IDK if that helps, it's just this idea that's been lying around in my head for ages.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP] - concept phase!
Post by: mjn.mixael on December 22, 2013, 07:09:45 am
BrotherBryon was working on a Demon, iirc.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP] - concept phase!
Post by: MatthTheGeek on December 22, 2013, 09:13:16 am
Hmm. Well, one piece of "advice" I have is that I've always seen the Demon's "head" as being like a centurion or spartan's helmet, kind of like how the Seraphim's main body is vaguely-helmet shaped. IDK if that helps, it's just this idea that's been lying around in my head for ages.
That triangular-shaped head is also shared by the Lucy and the Cain/Lilith. Probably a good idea to keep the styles similar there.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP] - concept phase!
Post by: BrotherBryon on December 22, 2013, 10:19:23 am
BrotherBryon was working on a Demon, iirc.

Correct, I've resumed work on it but it is still in the early stages so nothing worth showing just yet.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP] - concept phase!
Post by: Trivial Psychic on December 22, 2013, 06:10:09 pm
I believe that the first person to attempt one was TrashMan, but his work was lost in a hard-drive failure, IIRC.  I had suggested to him to add some degree of cresting to each angle change on the upper head, and some overhang to each angle change down each side, with a glow applied to the overhang.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP] - concept phase!
Post by: Lc4Hunter on December 23, 2013, 02:40:54 am

Started with the head of the Demon... i like the idea Trashmans model had with the "plates" at the top so i tried to redo them on my model.
Currently i´m not really happy with that. Plates need to be smoother for example.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: BritishShivans on December 23, 2013, 02:49:25 am
Superb job with the beginning head shape! I personally don't like the head "plates', but you've integrated them into the shape pretty nicely.  :yes:
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Hades on December 23, 2013, 05:51:44 am
I would suggest making the scales on the head either extend all the way to the sides on it or remove it, right now it looks like a mow-hawk and I'm not sure I'm ready for an SD Mr. T
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: An4ximandros on December 23, 2013, 05:59:30 am
I pity 'dhe foo', who makes fun of tha' ship!

I sorta think maybe you could try to make them less obvious? Try making them less tall so they blend in subtly with the rest of the head. Its a cool detail though.

My 2 Cents.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Lc4Hunter on December 25, 2013, 01:51:52 pm
I removed them for now ;-)
I will continue making the main-mesh before thinking again of things like that.
Don´t care about the grey thing, thats just the original mesh with a few rounds meshsmooth on it.
Wanted to try something and how you see it looks terrible  :nervous:  :rolleyes:

Next days i will have some more free time for the Mad Demon :p
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: DahBlount on December 25, 2013, 02:10:01 pm
Looks good! Am I the only person seeing the gray and white differences?
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: AdmiralRalwood on December 25, 2013, 03:49:23 pm
Looks good! Am I the only person seeing the gray and white differences?
Don´t care about the grey thing, thats just the original mesh with a few rounds meshsmooth on it.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Lc4Hunter on December 26, 2013, 10:47:52 am
And another small update :-)
What do you think about the "spine" at the bottom of the neck?

Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: An4ximandros on December 26, 2013, 11:08:17 am
Needs to be pointier!

I'm dying to see how you'll handle the engine area, it's shaping up nicely.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: BritishShivans on December 26, 2013, 11:35:18 am
Make that spine "ribbed" and angular. Beef it up a little. Make it pointy. If not, try something similar to the Rakshasa's details.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Luis Dias on January 01, 2014, 03:31:35 pm
The head looks like Legion :D. Great stuff man, keep it up like that and I can already see a bright medium term future where all canon FS2 ships are "HTL'd".

Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Lc4Hunter on January 06, 2014, 12:48:09 am
Thanks a lot ;-)
But... don´t you think Legion looks maybe like a Demon, and the other way  :lol: ?
Had a lot other things to do the last weeks (work/christmans/a few days holiday/my EA Warlock :D and some other things in this strange state of consciousness called reallife) but i will continue work on the Iceni and the Demon, but i thought i´ve found someone else on p3d who also works on a Demon which looks much more f*cking awesome then my version.
Currently i can´t give the link because im at work and p3d isn´t working on this PCs.

Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Kolgena on January 14, 2014, 02:00:24 pm
There's also this from 3 years ago:


The link is surprisingly not dead, but I'm not sure if that mesh would be useful for you as a reference. However, there's some interesting discussion in the thread that might give you some ideas for your own model.

The demon is a fairly hard ship to upgrade because the original has so many large, flat, boring sections with no detail. In that respect, your approach might need to be that taken for the Sathanas, which is to invent interesting but recurrent surface details in those spaces. On the other hand, so much blank space means you have more liberties with it, so use that to play around with what you think is best.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: cahdoge on January 22, 2014, 04:00:57 pm
If I'm seeing a shivan ship I'm thinking of a giant black/dark shrip with red glewing eyes, cracks and joints.
maybe this helps, if it dos so please reply.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Mongoose on January 23, 2014, 11:55:21 pm
I think the biggest thing for me with any Demon upgrade is that it should convey that sense of "massive lump of armored death" present in the original.  I always liked the Demon because it looked like some sort of bloated spider or tick covered in huge slabs of armor.  It's big, it's round, it has big spiky claws, and it doesn't take **** from anyone.  If you ask me what that means in terms of actually modeling it...I have no idea. :p
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: General Battuta on January 24, 2014, 12:00:48 am
Yeah, agreed. The Demon's shape has almost no dynamism, so you've got to play to that sense that it's this big brooding hulk of a ship that's just fastened itself to this piece of space and started oozing fighters from its bowels.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Rodo on January 24, 2014, 07:24:13 am
A bug that spews shivans?.. pure nightmare material.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Lc4Hunter on January 31, 2014, 10:46:35 pm
Well, when seeing this thing i thought i can stop making my version because this is much better than i can do it.
Currently i haven´t spend much time to the ship, preferred optimizing the Iceni and realizing the Warlock project...

This is so awesome  :eek2: :eek2: :eek2:
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: An4ximandros on January 31, 2014, 11:00:02 pm
That is impressive. I am waiting for someone to tackle HTLing the Ravana tho. :P
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: The Dagger on February 01, 2014, 07:32:02 am
Esarai's modelling-fu is too strong!
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: BritishShivans on February 01, 2014, 08:35:59 am
****, that was Esarai's model. My bad.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: EuclidianGeometry on February 01, 2014, 10:12:29 am
Loooove it. Reminds me of Gieger's style for some reason.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Dragon on February 01, 2014, 11:46:01 am
Maybe it's because it has no "filling" yet, but it seems too "light" to me. Of the few things you could say about the Demon is that it's heavy and that it has an armored shell, yet this doesn't really look like heavy armor. IMO, the shell should not be too greeble-heavy. I always imagined the HTL demon as having extreme detailing on the underside, where there's no gray armor, contrasted with slabby, though-looking armored shell.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Nyctaeus on February 01, 2014, 01:15:58 pm
Esarai is awesome :D!
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Rodo on February 02, 2014, 11:07:14 am
Yes, it looks like stuff from nightmares. Please continue Esarai.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Kolgena on February 03, 2014, 01:52:55 pm
I don't like it. I question your design decision to completely remove the back half and turn the head into a hollow (and floating??) apparatus. Even from a balance standpoint, you're missing way too many turrets.

I kid. That looks amazing. Seems in line with the Cain and Lilith designs, which makes sense since this is an FS1 ship.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: bobbtmann on March 22, 2014, 07:07:47 pm
Any updates for the Demon?
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Dragon on May 26, 2014, 07:51:17 am
Any updates? Or did the "Demon's curse" strike again? :) Please don't give up on that one, it's really great.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: eicca on November 08, 2015, 07:21:13 pm
Any updates on this? I hate to see the coolest ship in the game go neglected.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: Dragon on November 09, 2015, 06:52:15 am
Another abandoned Demon, I suppose... It was such a shame to play the new, shiny BP release (well, it was a beta, but anyway) and see that ugly slab warp in. The retail model for that thing dates back to FS1! This thing is in such a dire need of an upgrade that I would try myself if I was any good at modeling. I hope someone does take it up.
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: fightermedic on November 10, 2015, 11:03:16 am
this ship needs htl sooooooo bad :/
why are people always working on super special interenst models, and noone is working on one like this, that appears in almost every campaign in a prominent way, and in sooooooo many missions :/
on the other hand this model is just incredible hard to enhance, i would not even know where to start, so little detail in the original to go with  :hopping:
Title: Re: SD Demon [WIP]
Post by: The Dagger on November 10, 2015, 06:55:46 pm
I agree the Demon needs upgrading, but I'm not up to the quality of what Esarai has done and I have no idea where I would start, and that's also what Lc4hunter and lots of people think.
People work by passion and hence work on things that inspire them. Not anyone can take a brick and make it awesome. And we can't force people to do anything. A moder needs to really like what his doing to get to the final line, and that is a very long way on a big model such as this one.