Hard Light Productions Forums

Hosted Projects - Standalone => Diaspora => Diaspora 3rd Party Missions, Mods & Campaigns => Topic started by: gin on February 24, 2014, 12:51:25 pm

Title: My first mission
Post by: gin on February 24, 2014, 12:51:25 pm
I wanted to share a misson i built. It´s my first full mission, hope you like it.
English is not my native language and i only have seen BSG on the TV dubbed in German. i tried my best, but It might be possible that not everything is correct (BSG slang and spelling). In case you find mistakes please report them so i can work them out.
Feedback appreciated.

There is a new improved version in post#16

[attachment deleted by an evil time traveler]
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: Crossbow on February 24, 2014, 05:35:25 pm
The mission played well, and was nicely done.

The cut scene was a good addition, however the camera was showing up as a targetable object in game.
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: karajorma on February 24, 2014, 08:04:19 pm
It's always good to see new FREDders. :)
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: gin on February 25, 2014, 08:02:34 am
Thanks for the feed back.
The camera will be fixed. I simply did not notice because i only use friendly and hostile targets (bound to the joystick).
I will attach a new version when the ninjas delete the atachment.
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: zack-stefy on February 25, 2014, 06:07:02 pm
I've put the mission in Diaspora/Data/Missions ...but can't find it  :banghead: :confused:
Edit: found it in single missions..let's try it! :D
Edit 2 : looks nice, keep up the good work! ..I hate when the cylons launch so many missile at me :(
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: gin on February 26, 2014, 08:51:23 am
I case your having trouble with the cylon missiles you can set the difficulty level to easy in Diaspora, most of the missiles are locked then.
I tried to design/balance the mission that you can survive it, but it still is a bit of a gamble with those missiles around.
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: zack-stefy on February 26, 2014, 08:31:24 pm
oky..are you working on other missions? :D I try to learn how to make the battlestar move  :banghead:
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: deathspeed on February 26, 2014, 11:26:19 pm
I'm a little confused by this wording in the 2nd stage of the command briefing: "When the Cylons...a nasty surprise was waiting for them.  The virus only took down a few Cylons..."  It was not clear to me at first that the virus was the nasty surprise for the cylons; I have been thinking that the Cylons used a virus to access the CNP (even though it clearly states they used the back door).  Do you want to consider adding a statement like "The CNP countered the intrusion attempt with a virus targeting the attacking systems."?  If others don't feel this is necessary then I'm OK with it was well; maybe it's just me.

In stage 3, it may read a little better like this: "Our primary goal at the moment is to search for and secure the survivors who are spread across space, in hope of being able to counterattack as soon as possible." 

Sorry if these sound nitpicky.  Part of my day job is to review what other people have written.  :)  It's getting late, but I'll try to play tis tomorrow night.  thank you for sharing with us!
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: gin on February 27, 2014, 07:31:19 am
Zack-stefy i´m working on other missions, ideally at the end i will have a complete campaign. You should really do the "Extended Walktrough" this shows different ways to make a ship move.

Deathspeed thanks for the pointers. The command briefing i used was also from the extended walktrough, i thought it was a good explanation for everything. You doesn´t sound nitpicky, in my opinion, any constructive feedback is helpful. I was hoping for feedback like this. I have tested the mission a lot to make sure everything works, but those things like briefings are a different thing. I did pay attention when i set them up and everything seems logical to me (because it was in my head before). Once written down i have a hard time finding mistakes/unlogical stuff in my own work and like i said in my first post English is not my native language either.

Until now the revised version will have a untargetable camera, improved briefings and i also will add some audio files from the Diaspora core that will fit in.
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: karajorma on February 27, 2014, 07:36:13 am
I completely forgot to mention the extended walkthrough on the other thread, but it is highly recommended that any aspiring FREDder do it. I spent a long time trying to think of the things missions designers would want to do in their first missions, and I tried to include as many of them as possible.
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: gin on February 27, 2014, 07:44:17 am
The extended walktrough is really a great help to get one started with fredding. It does answer a lot of unasked questions by doing it. I highly recommend doing the walktrough for anybody that wanna start fredding.
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: deathspeed on February 28, 2014, 10:16:58 pm
This has been a fun mission!  I haven't beat it yet (I haven't even played Shattered Armistice in quite some time), but I am looking forward to seeing more of this quality and fun factor from you.
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: gin on March 03, 2014, 10:39:09 am
Judging by the feedback so far, it looks like my mission ain´t that bad.  :)
It really encourages me that you all liked it so far. I still have a lot to learn in Fred and will try my best to improve my mission building skills.
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: Flashblade on March 10, 2014, 08:06:26 am
Tried it, couldn't finish it because it wouldn't let me land. Other things I noticed. You are throwing so many cylons at the player that it becomes kinda dull. The mission also has it lengths where nothing is happening. Nobody is talking and no music is playing to make this time less boring. All the missiles are srsly annoying because the AI likes to drop them in your face when you have zero chance to evade them. That aside not a bad first attempt ;)
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: karajorma on March 10, 2014, 08:19:09 am
The landing error may not be gin's fault. There is a definite bug in Patch 1.1 which is causing landing errors. The team are in the process of fixing it now.
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: gin on March 10, 2014, 02:38:45 pm
Flashblade thanks for the feedback.

Landing problems are related to the 1.1 patch, works fine with 1.0.4.
What difficulty level did you play? I´m asking because i added several stuff for the higher levels and i might have done a bit to much. Most of the cylons are set up to attack the bigger ships by default. Although there are missiles around, it should be doable on normal level. I´m playing Diaspora on normal level, as hard is to hard for me. Maybe it´s because i built the mission, that i have an unfair advantage, but it can´t be my gaming skills.
I totally agree that the mission could use some more audio, putting in some music at those nothing happening events is good idea.

Title: Re: My first mission: Improved Version
Post by: gin on March 12, 2014, 01:01:40 pm
Here is the first improved version of the mission.

I made the Camera untargetable, reworked the command briefing a bit, erased some mistakes in the Debriefing, and added some more audio/messages at some spaces and did some small other stuff here and there.
I also tried to alter the gameplay a little, locked some secondaries when they are not needed anymore. Also the ships you have to escort will blow up easier now.

Hope you enjoy, and again any feedback appreciated.

[attachment deleted by an evil time traveler]
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: tmannon on March 18, 2014, 10:51:11 am
Super noob here. Cant open it. What program do i need to have to open it?
Title: Re: My first mission
Post by: The E on March 18, 2014, 10:53:42 am
In order to play this mission, you have to download it, and place it in <Path to your Diaspora install>\data\missions. Then you can start the game, go to the Techroom's mission simulator, and look for a mission called "Rubberduck".