Hard Light Productions Forums

General FreeSpace => FreeSpace Discussion => Topic started by: deathspeed on March 24, 2014, 04:45:24 pm

Title: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: deathspeed on March 24, 2014, 04:45:24 pm
I don't know why, but I had great difficulty completing this mission without losing the Lucidity AWACS ship, even on the Very Easy setting.  The walkthrough on the Wiki said "this mission is easier than it looks" but that wasn't the case for me.  I don't know if I just suck that bad at this game or what!  :)  I read a couple of other threads on here, and it seems that for most people is it super easy or super hard, but not much in between was expressed.  I wasn't frustrated to the point of quitting like someone else did with Bearbaiting, but I did finally enable cheats to make the Lucidity invulnerable.  THEN it was a walk in the park! 

Still hard to believe that after all these years of playing I have not yet finished the FS2 campaign.  But I want to finish it before tackling Blue Planet.  I was watching a BP video and my 5 year old said "I want to see that movie when it comes out."  His mind was blown when I told him it was a game that I have rather than a movie.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Shivan Hunter on March 24, 2014, 04:52:59 pm
You had a hard time with this mission because its balancing is ****ing terribad. It looks like Stormkeeper is to blame (http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/index.php?title=A_Game_of_TAG&diff=16869&oldid=10400) for that sentence and I agree with its predecessor. The TAG stuff can be tricky and IIRC there are some bugs with it as well, and you're in a ****ty Great War-era fighter with ridiculously bad primaries.

lol the same edit is responsible for "You're not properly armed to face those fighters, but you're Alpha 1 so it doesn't matter". Apparently good mission balance is a figment of the imagination!
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Wobble73 on March 24, 2014, 06:11:34 pm
TBH ian't ever remember saving the Lucidity on all my plays through, and I think I've always played on easy or very easy! I think you have to turn the difficulty up for you to be able to do this.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Rodo on March 24, 2014, 06:26:00 pm
Yes, it is a really frustrating mission, the only way to beat it is by having a streak of luck or being amazingly good at dogfighting in freespace.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: InsaneBaron on March 24, 2014, 06:31:14 pm
I saved the Lucidity. I didn't even find it to be that hard.

The tricky part is hitting the shivans with your TAG missiles. Keep a good eye on the missile lead indicator, and try to either get on their tails or do head-on passes. And use your Subachs too. Dual-firing the TAGS can make aiming easier.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Goober5000 on March 24, 2014, 07:41:13 pm
This mission was never all that frustrating in retail.  It sounds like some SCP change affected the balance at some point.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: + Rennie Ash + on March 25, 2014, 04:21:09 am
That's not good enough Command, we're not properly armed out here...
[Command] Thousands of lives blah blah fight or die you have your orders (like always) ;-)
Roger that Command, we'll get the job done - AAAAGhH!!
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Luis Dias on March 25, 2014, 04:56:44 am
its actually one of my favs, love catching those shivans with my tag missiles and watching them being beamraepd to shreds :D
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: + Rennie Ash + on March 25, 2014, 05:11:52 am
I usually end up being between the Shivan and the ULTRA aaah beam...
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Megawolf492 on March 25, 2014, 06:59:50 am
I never had too much problem saving the Lucidity; maybe a few replays, but that's on Medium. What I find insane is trying to save the Fenris cruiser vs. Delta wing (wait, is that a different mission...?). Never been able to save that Fenris.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Luis Dias on March 25, 2014, 07:01:33 am
yeah that one's pretty much impossible.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Rodo on March 25, 2014, 08:33:40 am
You are thinking about another mission, into the Maelstrom I think?
Never mind that, it's Proving grounds.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Goober5000 on March 25, 2014, 09:04:21 am
Yes, in Proving Grounds it was pretty much impossible to save the Oberon even in retail.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: InsaneBaron on March 25, 2014, 09:48:05 am
Yes, in Proving Grounds it was pretty much impossible to save the Oberon even in retail.

I pulled it off on Very Easy. The trick: Morning Stars and EMP missiles. Which of course don't help much during the real part of the mission. The Oberon always ended up getting destroyed by the Shivans anyway, so it felt fairly pointless.

If Delta's weapons are supposed to be in training mode, how are they able to damage to Oberon?
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Droid803 on March 25, 2014, 11:58:50 am
hardest mission in the game. can beat campaign on insane, never this mission beat even once.
the closest time i got i was killed by friendly beam fire from the warspite. no i was not between the shivans and the ship - i was chasing down the bombers and shooting/tagging them...
doesn't help that you're forced to fly an obsolete fighter with useless primaries (helllooooo prom-r) and even more useless dumbfire secondaries mounted in terribly-positioned mountings for dumbfire usage

I didn't recall protecting the fenris from the pegasi all that difficult even. Always loaded up teh morning stars.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: General Battuta on March 25, 2014, 12:04:41 pm
I've definitely beaten this on insane but it may have been ~3.6.12 and everybody else says it's really ****ing hard so I believe they're probably right (because I am a space ace).
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: deathspeed on March 25, 2014, 12:36:34 pm
I've definitely beaten this on insane but it may have been ~3.6.12 and everybody else says it's really ****ing hard so I believe they're probably right (because I am a space ace).

That made enchilada come out of my nose.  I'm using 3.7.1 (build 10367) and MediaVPs 2014; it never dawned on me to try 3.6.12 or any other build.  Although I had thought about trying straight retail, but I like the prettiness of what I have now.  :)
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Grizzly on March 25, 2014, 12:56:51 pm
It's not overly hard persé. It's mainly that in a lot of other missions, you can choose how you handle the situation, be it close range dogfighting, furying everyone to death, long range missiles, that sorta thing. A game of tag forces you to pull hit and run, which does not suit everyone. Combine this with the Ulysses, which focuses on dodging as the primary means of dealing with enemies as opposed to the stand up fighting Perseus and the heavy-weight brawler Hercules, and you really have got something that can push some people far, far away from their comfort zone.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: General Battuta on March 25, 2014, 02:23:09 pm
Or it might actually be bugged due to some behavior change that's broken it since the era when I thought it was easy. I'll probably have to go back to it and run a compare.

Deathspeed, I wouldn't bother trying to go back to 3.6.12 - I'm just saying that because I last played through FS2 Retail when 3.6.12 was our latest build.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Mars on March 25, 2014, 02:48:17 pm
I too remember this being easy normally and then really hard when I played it last (3.7.1)
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Mongoose on March 25, 2014, 04:58:17 pm
I can't remember which build I last played through the campaign on, but I know I never had much trouble with it in Ye Olde Retail, so something may have changed along the way.  And protecting the Oberon on Proving Grounds was difficult, but quite doable, especially if you went with Morning Stars.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: bigchunk1 on March 25, 2014, 05:27:45 pm
I played this mission multiple times to save the lucidity too. I just don't like losing a ship like that for nothing.

I had to lose the mission once, memorize the point where the taurvi bombers spawn and be at that point ready to tag them when they spawn. You miss the shivan light bombers you lose the lucidity. Little else matters.

Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Phantom Hoover on March 25, 2014, 07:55:17 pm
I don't want to be 'that guy' but I played through the retail campaign on 3.7 a month ago on medium and I got through A Game of TAG quite easily. It's a trick mission, I guess, easy if you happen upon the right way to handle it, hell otherwise.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Goober5000 on March 25, 2014, 08:22:51 pm
We need someone to do a divide-and-conquer test of all SCP releases to narrow down when the mission balance was changed.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: deathspeed on March 25, 2014, 09:35:18 pm
OK, this may be a dumb/obvious question, but to try other releases, do I just need to select a different executable and compatible media VPs in wxLauncher, then replay it on the mission simulator in the tech room?

Whoa!  I just saw the Vasudan main hall for the first time ever!  I knew there was one from stuff I had read, but I never made it this far before.  :)
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: CP5670 on March 26, 2014, 02:29:18 am
Has the actual mission been changed or is does this only occur in newer FSO builds? If it's the latter, it can be very difficult to track down the exact cause. I've seen this a number of times in other missions, where subtle and probably unintentional changes to the AI or physics in the game engine dramatically altered a mission's balance.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: niffiwan on March 26, 2014, 02:35:02 am
OK, this may be a dumb/obvious question, but to try other releases, do I just need to select a different executable and compatible media VPs in wxLauncher, then replay it on the mission simulator in the tech room?

Yes :D
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Yarn on March 30, 2014, 01:49:31 pm
I tested this mission on Very Easy difficulty in retail and the March 30 nightly (with and without the MediaVPs) and noticed something: In retail, the Warspite opens fire on the bombers when they get close, helping to protect the Lucidity. In the FSO build, however, the Warspite doesn't appear to ever attack anything that isn't TAG'd. This must be what's making the mission harder in FSO.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: deathspeed on March 30, 2014, 05:05:42 pm
I had noticed that the Warspite never helped out in FSO (3.7.0 and a nightly build of 3.7.1 from January 2014, with MediaVPs 3.6.12 and 2014), but figured it was supposed to work that way. 

I couldn't get retail to load with my pilot, and with a cloned pilot it wanted to start the campaign over and it did not show in the mission simulator.  Is there a way to try it in retail without going thru the whole campaign again?
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: The Dagger on March 30, 2014, 05:10:27 pm
Pressing Ctrl+Shift+S in the Mission Simulator should allow you to play any mission.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: deathspeed on March 30, 2014, 06:10:33 pm
Derp!  I forgot about that!

Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Goober5000 on March 30, 2014, 08:38:29 pm
I tested this mission on Very Easy difficulty in retail and the March 30 nightly (with and without the MediaVPs) and noticed something: In retail, the Warspite opens fire on the bombers when they get close, helping to protect the Lucidity. In the FSO build, however, the Warspite doesn't appear to ever attack anything that isn't TAG'd. This must be what's making the mission harder in FSO.

Oh, very good. :yes:  Would you be able to test the official releases to track down when this changed?
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Kolgena on March 31, 2014, 04:48:50 am
I've never experienced the Warspite shooting anything without it being tagged first, so that problem might exist even before 3.6.12

The key to the mission is to entirely ignore your primaries (they're a lost cause) and focus entirely on landing good hits with your missiles. This allows you to dump guns energy into engines and/or shields, which you'll need for jinking. You get enough of the missiles to dual fire if you don't miss, but if you tend to miss, shooting them one at a time and keeping track of which side (left or right) it's coming out of is crucial since they don't hit anywhere near the middle of the screen. As long as you're within range of the warspite, everything you hit should be instagibbed, or easily picked off with another tag or a few shots of subachs. If your missile aim is good (try to shoot only within 200m or so, since the missiles are really really slow), and you don't wander out of range of the warspite, the mission is pretty easy. On the rare chance the warspite will instagib you if you're in the way, but it doesn't happen often because your ship is thin. Higher difficulties make it more likely the warspite instagibbs your target IIRC, but of course you don't survive so well soloing waves of shivan fighters on higher difficulties, no matter how bad their guns may be.

I remember your wingman tends to instadie a lot if you don't keep him close, so watch out for that. I keep him close (C38, with occasional C37 micro) and use him as bait while I tag everything.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Grizzly on March 31, 2014, 08:37:35 am
I tested this mission on Very Easy difficulty in retail and the March 30 nightly (with and without the MediaVPs) and noticed something: In retail, the Warspite opens fire on the bombers when they get close, helping to protect the Lucidity. In the FSO build, however, the Warspite doesn't appear to ever attack anything that isn't TAG'd. This must be what's making the mission harder in FSO.

Mission dialogue makes very clear that the FSO method of doing things is intentional 0_o
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Droid803 on March 31, 2014, 01:11:27 pm
I thought it was just the AAA-beams that were slaved to TAG, not everything else.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: qwadtep on April 01, 2014, 11:40:53 pm
Are TAG-slaved AAAs subject to the same difficulty scaling as normal beams? If so then the mission will be easier on higher difficulties, since the beams will be stronger.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Droid803 on April 02, 2014, 02:16:28 am
IIRC, the way the scaling works is that "friendly" beams are less accurate at higher difficulties, and "enemy" beams are more accurate.
That's why there's AAAf and AAAh, from friendly and hostile (NTF). ULTRA-AAAs probably scale like regular friendly beams.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Yarn on April 14, 2014, 10:58:23 pm
I finally got around to testing this in 3.6.10; the issue occurs there too.

I'd like to amend what I said earlier: The Warspite does appear to attack when nothing is tagged, but only with its cluster bombs (its only secondary weapons).
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Goober5000 on April 14, 2014, 11:29:06 pm
Hmm.  Could you try 3.6.9 and 3.6.7 (and even earlier releases) too? :nervous:
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Meatball on April 14, 2014, 11:39:11 pm
Ummm, I've beaten that mission on Insane several times. It's not hard...
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Yarn on April 15, 2014, 12:33:47 am
Hmm.  Could you try 3.6.9 and 3.6.7 (and even earlier releases) too? :nervous:
I would, but the links in the 3.6.9 (http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php?topic=44291.0) and 3.6.7 (http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php?topic=35266.0) release threads are broken.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Goober5000 on April 15, 2014, 09:30:01 pm
D'oh.  Well, I'll create some builds then.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Goober5000 on April 17, 2014, 08:35:48 pm
Okay, here are 3.6.7 and 3.6.9.  I've updated the release threads as well.


I will continue mirroring all the old builds on indiegames.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Yarn on April 19, 2014, 10:01:31 pm
I tried this in 3.6.9 and 3.6.7; same thing happened.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Goober5000 on April 20, 2014, 01:06:39 am
Well, here's 3.6.5...

Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Mongoose on April 20, 2014, 02:56:47 am
From what I remember of those days, if anyone can get that to run for more than ten minutes without it crashing, it'll be a minor miracle...
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Yarn on April 20, 2014, 03:40:12 am
I tried 3.6.5, and the Warspite fired its beams. So, something introduced between 3.6.5 and 3.6.7 must have changed the behavior.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: General Battuta on April 20, 2014, 10:18:44 am
Aren't the Warspite's beam cannons ultra-AAAs set to turret-tag-only? Is the issue here that the Warspite's not firing its beams without tag designation, or that it's not firing ANY turrets without tag designation?
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Yarn on April 21, 2014, 12:17:52 am
Aren't the Warspite's beam cannons ultra-AAAs set to turret-tag-only? Is the issue here that the Warspite's not firing its beams without tag designation, or that it's not firing ANY turrets without tag designation?
The issue involves all primary weapons (e.g., lasers, beams, and flak cannons), but not secondary weapons (e.g., missiles and cluster bombs). And turret-tag-only takes a ship as its parameter, not individual turrets of a ship.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: General Battuta on April 21, 2014, 01:19:33 am
Are you inferring that the issue broadly does not effect any warhead because the Warspite's launching Piranhas? Warships firing Piranhas defensively are handled by a weird special case, I believe.

If turret-tagged-only applies to the entire ship then it's very strange that the Warspite would fire any of its beams without a TAG in retail. FSO seems to behaving 'correctly' here.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: BritishShivans on April 21, 2014, 02:01:09 am
That is really odd how for some people the Warspite fire secondaries, because for me, the Warspite never fires any of it's weapons at all unless you TAG something.

Man, this whole thing is so confusing.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Yarn on April 21, 2014, 02:24:19 am
Are you inferring that the issue broadly does not effect any warhead because the Warspite's launching Piranhas? Warships firing Piranhas defensively are handled by a weird special case, I believe.
Yeah, I was inferring that all secondary weapons were unaffected. I'll have to try changing the Warspite's Piranhas to the "normal" missile (whatever it's called) and see whether the corvette still attacks untagged ships.

If turret-tagged-only applies to the entire ship then it's very strange that the Warspite would fire any of its beams without a TAG in retail. FSO seems to behaving 'correctly' here.
Yeah, this does appear to be a retail bug that was "fixed" in FSO, considering the descriptions for turret-tag-only and turret-tag-clear and the Warspite's dialogue. However, since this affects mission balance in certain official missions (like the one we're discussing), it's probably a good idea to revert the behavior of these SEXPs and add new ones that work "correctly." (Turret-tagged-specific and turret-tagged-clear-specific shouldn't be changed, though, since they're FSO additions.)

That is really odd how for some people the Warspite fire secondaries, because for me, the Warspite never fires any of it's weapons at all unless you TAG something.
Are you seeing any Piranhas (the cluster bombs)? If so, then they're coming from the Warspite; none of the enemy ships are equipped with them.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: BritishShivans on April 21, 2014, 07:30:54 am
Nope, no Piranhas.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Yarn on April 23, 2014, 08:28:59 pm
I tried this again, but this time I equipped the Warspite with MX-52s instead of Piranhas. Like the primary weapons, the MX-52s were not fired unless an enemy was tagged. So, this issue appears to affect all weapons except Piranhas (and perhaps other cluster bombs).
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Goober5000 on April 23, 2014, 10:49:43 pm
Here's 3.6 for comparison...

And here's a build that's exactly half-way between 3.6.5 (r1335) and 3.6.7 (r2211)...
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: General Battuta on April 23, 2014, 11:06:34 pm
I tried this again, but this time I equipped the Warspite with MX-52s instead of Piranhas. Like the primary weapons, the MX-52s were not fired unless an enemy was tagged. So, this issue appears to affect all weapons except Piranhas (and perhaps other cluster bombs).

This makes sense. Must be the special-case 'I will fire cluster weapons in self-defense against multiple attackers' code at work.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Yarn on April 25, 2014, 07:51:19 pm
And here's a build that's exactly half-way between 3.6.5 (r1335) and 3.6.7 (r2211)...
The Warspite fires in that build.

Just so you know, I'm apparently unable to open revision 1773's MSVC projects in Visual Studio 2013, so you may need to continue making builds for me.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Goober5000 on April 25, 2014, 08:34:35 pm
That's fine.  Here's the next halfway point:

I've also finished mirroring all the Windows builds on scp.indiegames.us all the way back to 3.1.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Yarn on April 26, 2014, 01:45:46 am
That's fine.  Here's the next halfway point:
Didn't fire this time. That means that the revision we're looking for is between 1773 and 1992.

I won't be able to do any testing this weekend. If you make another build, I should be able to try it this Monday.

EDIT: I think revision 1899 (committed by phreak) is what changed this behavior. Here's the revision comment:
stop turrets from targeting non-bombs.  also some tagged-only fixes.
So, instead of just making a build from the next midway point, I suggest making one from 1898 and another from 1899.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Piemanlives on April 26, 2014, 02:24:11 am
While reading through this thread all I could think about was the mythical "FRED."

But references aside...
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Goober5000 on April 28, 2014, 12:56:32 am
EDIT: I think revision 1899 (committed by phreak) is what changed this behavior. Here's the revision comment:
stop turrets from targeting non-bombs.  also some tagged-only fixes.
So, instead of just making a build from the next midway point, I suggest making one from 1898 and another from 1899.

Good call.  Try these:

EDIT: There's another related commit by phreak in revision 1900, so try this as well:
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Yarn on April 28, 2014, 06:52:02 pm
Good call.  Try these:

EDIT: There's another related commit by phreak in revision 1900, so try this as well:
Just tried those builds; the Warspite fires its weapons in revision 1898, but not in 1899 or 1900.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: niffiwan on April 28, 2014, 08:00:52 pm
Good work on all that testing  :yes:

Note that part of 1899 was reverted in 1903 (http://svn.icculus.org/fs2open?limit_changes=0&view=rev&sortby=file&revision=1903).  And I thought I'd already tested removing the remnants of the code added in 1899, so maybe there's something else that's changed in the meantime (or my testing was borked).
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: deathspeed on May 02, 2014, 12:04:34 am
I just want to say you all are amazing!  I posted here just to vent about how frustrating that mission was for me, assuming it was my lack of skills.  I had no idea that it would turn into four pages of posts, advice, and some serious bughunting!  Thank you all.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: niffiwan on May 04, 2014, 06:49:09 am

And I tried reverting 1899 again and it seems my previous testing was accurate, something else will need changing to get the original behaviour back.

Here's what I reverted:

Code: [Select]
diff --git a/code/ai/aiturret.cpp b/code/ai/aiturret.cpp
index ad8c4da..388a1e5 100644
--- a/code/ai/aiturret.cpp
+++ b/code/ai/aiturret.cpp
@@ -2250,18 +2250,11 @@ void ai_fire_from_turret(ship *shipp, ship_subsys *ss, int parent_objnum)
                                                ss->turret_time_enemy_in_range = 0.0f;
-                               }
-                               else
-                               {
                                        //can't tag anything else, other than asteroids
                                        //but we don't want to waste this type of
                                        //weaponary on asteroids now do we?
-                                       if ((wip->wi_flags2 & WIF2_TAGGED_ONLY) || (ss->weapons.flags & SW_FLAG_TAGGED_ONLY))
-                                       {
-                                               continue;
-                                       }
                                //Add it to the list
                                valid_weapons[num_valid++] = i;

And here's the original commit for comparison:

Code: [Select]
diff --git a/code/ai/aiturret.cpp b/code/ai/aiturret.cpp
index 4f48981..c7955ff 100644
--- a/code/ai/aiturret.cpp
+++ b/code/ai/aiturret.cpp
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
  * $Logfile: /Freespace2/code/ai/aiturret.cpp $
- * $Revision: 1.14 $
- * $Date: 2005-05-13 02:50:47 $
+ * $Revision: 1.15 $
+ * $Date: 2005-05-14 21:35:04 $
  * $Author: phreak $
  * Functions for AI control of turrets
  * $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ * Revision 1.14  2005/05/13 02:50:47  phreak
+ * fixed another minimum range bug that prevented the Colossus and the Beast from
+ * properly engaging one another in the mission: Their Finest Hour (SM3-08)
+ *
  * Revision 1.13  2005/05/10 15:49:04  phreak
  * fixed a minimum weapon range bug that was causing turrets to fire at ships beyond
  * the actual range of a weapon.
@@ -613,7 +617,12 @@ int get_nearest_enemy_objnum(int turret_parent_objnum, ship_subsys *turret_subsy
                // Missile_obj_list
                for( mo = GET_FIRST(&Missile_obj_list); mo != END_OF_LIST(&Missile_obj_list); mo = GET_NEXT(mo) ) {
                        objp = &Objects[mo->objnum];
-                       evaluate_obj_as_target(objp, &eeo);
+                       Assert(objp->type == OBJ_WEAPON);
+                       if (Weapon_info[Weapons[objp->instance].weapon_info_index].wi_flags & WIF_BOMB)
+                       {
+                               evaluate_obj_as_target(objp, &eeo);
+                       }
                // highest priority
                if ( eeo.nearest_homing_bomb_objnum != -1 ) {                                   // highest priority is an incoming homing bomb
@@ -1462,7 +1471,22 @@ void ai_fire_from_turret(ship *shipp, ship_subsys *ss, int parent_objnum)
                                                ss->turret_time_enemy_in_range = 0.0f;
+                                       // check if we're using a tagged only type weapon and the target ship isn't tagged
+                                       if (((wip->wi_flags2 & WIF2_TAGGED_ONLY) || (ss->weapons.flags & SW_FLAG_TAGGED_ONLY)) && !ship_is_tagged(lep))
+                                       {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {
+                                       //can't tag anything else
+                                       if ((wip->wi_flags2 & WIF2_TAGGED_ONLY) || (ss->weapons.flags & SW_FLAG_TAGGED_ONLY))
+                                       {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
                                //Add it to the list
                                valid_weapons[num_valid++] = i;
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: niffiwan on May 06, 2014, 05:57:28 am
I think I've got a possible solution that should return to the retail behaviour of only beams requiring a tag to be fired. More work would need to be done to provide new SEXPs/ship flags that'd behave like FSO currently does, i.e. all weapons (except spawners) require a tag to fire.

Yarn, would you be able to test/confirm if these executables behave the same as retail? (I can't run retail myself)
http://www.mediafire.com/download/qlig2jgsb77x8z5/turret-tagged-only.7z (http://www.mediafire.com/download/qlig2jgsb77x8z5/turret-tagged-only.7z)

FYI - here's the code changes I made (2x commits, 1st commit is reverting what's left of 1899):
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Yarn on May 06, 2014, 07:03:49 pm
Suspecting that the Warspite was really targeting the bombs, I replaced Virgo's bombs with Tempests and tried this mission again in retail. It turns out I was right; without the bombs being present, the Warspite only fired its cluster bombs.

So, to reiterate, the retail behavior of a turret-tagged-only ship is to fire its weapons only at bombs and tagged ships. This involves all non-cluster-bomb weapons, not just beams.

I'll post here again once I finish testing this in the various FSO builds, including the one that Niffiwan posted.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: General Battuta on May 06, 2014, 07:09:59 pm
Very interesting. I wonder if 'fixing' this would cause warships to start firing their main beams at bombs again.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: niffiwan on May 06, 2014, 08:29:28 pm
Suspecting that the Warspite was really targeting the bombs, I replaced Virgo's bombs with Tempests and tried this mission again in retail. It turns out I was right; without the bombs being present, the Warspite only fired its cluster bombs.

So, to reiterate, the retail behavior of a turret-tagged-only ship is to fire its weapons only at bombs and tagged ships. This involves all non-cluster-bomb weapons, not just beams.

I'll post here again once I finish testing this in the various FSO builds, including the one that Niffiwan posted.

Thanks for that testing.  And based on what you said, you don't need to bother with my patch/build as it lets all the non-beam turrets open fire on anything. In fact, in my test mission the Warspite positively murders the wing of Basilisks I had attacking it.

Very interesting. I wonder if 'fixing' this would cause warships to start firing their main beams at bombs again.

Hopefully not! :D
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Mongoose on May 06, 2014, 09:15:45 pm
I'm not sure if it was that issue, but I remember an ancient build where warships seemed to fire their main beams at the player.  That was not fun times. :D
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: X3N0-Life-Form on May 07, 2014, 01:25:14 am
Very interesting. I wonder if 'fixing' this would cause warships to start firing their main beams at bombs again.
I thought that behavior was regulated by AI profiles now?
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: General Battuta on May 07, 2014, 01:42:28 am
Very interesting. I wonder if 'fixing' this would cause warships to start firing their main beams at bombs again.
I thought that behavior was regulated by AI profiles now?

Don't think so, but maybe. Are you thinking of $allow beams to damage bombs?
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: X3N0-Life-Form on May 07, 2014, 03:32:03 am
More like $huge_turret_weapons_ignore_bombs (http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/index.php/Ai_profiles.tbl#.24huge_turret_weapons_ignore_bombs:).
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: niffiwan on May 07, 2014, 06:21:11 am
Here's another build which should let all turrets (with the tagged-only flag) fire at bombs in addition to tagged ships. It was a bit surprising to see the Ultra AAA's let rip at bombs, but I guess that's what we're after.  Could you please run another test and let me know what you think of the behaviour now? Thanks :)

http://www.mediafire.com/download/z7j76jpy1a0zrtd/fs2_open_3_7_1_SSE2_turret_tagged_only_v2.7z (http://www.mediafire.com/download/z7j76jpy1a0zrtd/fs2_open_3_7_1_SSE2_turret_tagged_only_v2.7z)

Code is here again:
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Yarn on May 07, 2014, 06:38:42 pm
I tried Niffiwan's build, and it behaves like retail, with one exception: the custer bombs didn't fire unless bombs were present or an enemy ship was tagged. (In retail, cluster bombs fire regardless of whether turret-tagged-only is set, unlike the other weapons.)
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: niffiwan on May 07, 2014, 10:29:10 pm
Thanks for the feedback, I'll see what I can find wrt changing the cluster bomb behaviour.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: General Battuta on May 07, 2014, 10:56:44 pm
This set of fixes remains completely terrifying to me.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: niffiwan on May 07, 2014, 11:09:45 pm
I understand that, the AI code is... interesting. I intend to marry the changes to an AI profiles flag or flags. i.e. default to be "retail", with a flag to retain the behaviour present before any of the changes in this thread were made. And, *cross fingers* it should also only affect AI behaviour when stuff is tagged, which shouldn't be that many missions. Right?  :nervous:
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Yarn on September 26, 2014, 09:49:02 pm
The Warspite is still not firing at the bombs. Is this still being investigated?
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: niffiwan on September 30, 2014, 08:19:32 pm
I haven't worked on this for a while, I'll pick it back up once I get the font stuff sorted out.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: DeepSpace9er on October 24, 2014, 01:30:51 pm
I can't remember which build I last played through the campaign on, but I know I never had much trouble with it in Ye Olde Retail, so something may have changed along the way.  And protecting the Oberon on Proving Grounds was difficult, but quite doable, especially if you went with Morning Stars.

The Oberon doesnt matter at all for the mission. I load up to kill the Shivans, skip time ahead a few minutes and then defend the Aquitaine. All that matters is keeping it above 50% health. Stilettos for the Moloch beams are a must.
Title: Re: well THAT was frustrating! ("A Game of TAG")
Post by: Grizzly on October 24, 2014, 05:34:11 pm
You get a few extra points (that go towards your promotion) if you protect the Oberon IIRC