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Off-Topic Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: S-99 on April 23, 2014, 08:05:44 pm

Title: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: S-99 on April 23, 2014, 08:05:44 pm
This is old news. But, pretty shocking to get convicted with the only evidence against being nothing but lies. Someone didn't do their homework.
As far as anything else goes. Will adults that look super young be discriminated against in the near future? Either way, a very bad prosecutor, had a very bad bad time afterward. Hopefully he got disbarred.

EDIT: sorry, had a little brain **** coming up with a clearer title.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Mongoose on April 23, 2014, 08:27:56 pm
Edited to use the proper embedding format. :p
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: S-99 on April 23, 2014, 08:32:24 pm
Thank you
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Grizzly on April 24, 2014, 01:43:39 pm
I like how he sneakily puts an advert to their video in during the rant :P.
Aside from that, it's rather... incredelous, this.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Nuke on April 24, 2014, 04:09:02 pm
buy our pron!
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: S-99 on April 25, 2014, 06:38:04 pm
Yup. Now if someone has an opinion and doesn't do their homework. You can go to jail.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: karajorma on April 26, 2014, 06:46:10 am
I didn't manage to watch the whole thing (endless buffering issues!), how old is she anyway?
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Bobboau on April 26, 2014, 12:20:53 pm
at  the time the porn in question was made, 18.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Mikes on April 26, 2014, 03:58:34 pm
at  the time the porn in question was made, 18.

Quote in reply to that question: "I was ... uh .... 18!"

LOL .... not saying she wasn't, just sounded funny.
(I.e. You almost expected the next line to be: That's what I was supposed to say, right?)

Frankly, most perspectives you can look at this whole thing (not just the innocent convict perspective) are probably kinda sad.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: S-99 on April 26, 2014, 04:35:32 pm
Quote in reply to that question: "I was ... uh .... 18!"

LOL .... not saying she wasn't, just sounded funny.
(I.e. You almost expected the next line to be: That's what I was supposed to say, right?)

Frankly, most perspectives you can look at this whole thing (not just the innocent convict perspective) are probably kinda sad.
All that quote makes me think that she's been in many photo shoots and videos, so she had to think for a little bit to remember when a particular photo shoot was from one picture.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Flipside on April 26, 2014, 05:18:50 pm
I think the issue here is more about the fact that the court was about ready to convict someone of a very serious crime based purely on opinion, assumption and the now proved inaccurate testimony of 'experts'.

When the burden of proof should be on the prosecution, and yet they had not even bothered to investigate the female they were actually making definitive statements about regarding her age etc, it can't stop you from thinking the system broke down big time somewhere.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Bobboau on April 27, 2014, 01:29:46 am
but think of the children!
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Sarkoth on April 27, 2014, 09:14:06 am
Well, there's a lot of laws that don't work that well. It's no surprise that the legal system is also flawed from time to time. Then again... it could be worse.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Grizzly on April 27, 2014, 09:25:18 am
I wonder if this would have been as succesfull in a country which strictly uses trained judge instead of the hybrid system the US uses.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Mars on April 27, 2014, 09:28:31 am
The weird thing to me is that she's not exactly unknown, and a simple google search would easily have revealed her identity, her acting identity at any rate. Literally the entire prosecution would have been destroyed by a five minute search. The guy's lawyer was paid far too much, assuming he was paid at all.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: karajorma on April 27, 2014, 11:08:56 am
I'm kinda surprised that the defendant himself couldn't get someone to do that search even if his lawyer didn't.

at  the time the porn in question was made, 18.

I actually meant now. She still looks kinda underage.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: S-99 on April 27, 2014, 11:55:21 am
She has awesome genetics. She's going to look young for a long time.

However, to me she does look like someone in her 20's. I'm used to teenagers looking like teenagers. And i'm used to people in their 20's still looking like teenagers.

What i am not used to seeing (and find odd) people that are in their 20's that look like they're in their mid 30's or early 40's. Some people naturally look older, while others look naturally younger (this is a given). And then there's those that don't take very good care of themselves that my figuring is what leads a lot of people to look older. But, there is also the different environments that people come from, and we shouldn't forget about stress.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Nuke on April 27, 2014, 12:54:12 pm
the 20 year olds that look 40 probibly do crystal meth.

i do kinda find it disturbing that there is a market for porn that looks like child porn, but isnt. exploiting the school girl fantasy like this cant be healthy.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Flipside on April 27, 2014, 02:29:52 pm
Well, the 'Schoolgirl look' is almost as common as the Nurses uniform when it comes to sexual fantasies. That said, I understand what you mean, there's a difference between a quite obviously legal woman in a schoolgirl outfit and attempting to make it look like an actual schoolgirl, as it were.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Lorric on April 27, 2014, 04:23:17 pm
She's nothing special. I know one girl who compares to her, and another who looks 13-14, and could easily pass for even younger if she wanted to. Very, very petite and young looking. Blows this one out of the water. If I or someone I knew were to date her, I'd be 100% seriously worried people would get the wrong idea. Put it this way, the first time I saw her she was 11 and I thought she was about 6. I was very impressed by how well behaved and intelligent she was, until her true age was revealed. I would be legitimately afraid to date her.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Flipside on April 27, 2014, 05:42:18 pm
I DO have that problem with Sharon, because she's less than 5ft tall, and looks a lot younger than her 38 years, even now she occasionally gets asked for ID in supermarkets and pubs (though she finds it more flattering than insulting) and I have had stuff shouted across the street at me when out with her, though, oddly enough when I cross the road to set them straight, these great social judges of our time always seem to have somewhere else to be really quickly.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Lorric on April 27, 2014, 05:52:01 pm
I DO have that problem with Sharon, because she's less than 5ft tall, and looks a lot younger than her 38 years, even now she occasionally gets asked for ID in supermarkets and pubs (though she finds it more flattering than insulting) and I have had stuff shouted across the street at me when out with her, though, oddly enough when I cross the road to set them straight, these great social judges of our time always seem to have somewhere else to be really quickly.
Wow... I think you've got my girl beat. 38 years old and she doesn't look legal?! :eek2:

I did not think such a thing was possible. Although where are you from? If, say, the US, 21 is different to 18 in the UK for me. But still...

Just makes this trial all the more of a farce when you and I are pulling out these real life examples.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: S-99 on April 27, 2014, 07:07:34 pm
Well, the 'Schoolgirl look' is almost as common as the Nurses uniform when it comes to sexual fantasies. That said, I understand what you mean, there's a difference between a quite obviously legal woman in a schoolgirl outfit and attempting to make it look like an actual schoolgirl, as it were.
Most things will get sexualized. All you really need is a pretty girl in any standard feminine uniform, and you'll have everybody going after it. Just expect the porn industry to make it look more realistic all the time.
She's nothing special. I know one girl who compares to her, and another who looks 13-14, and could easily pass for even younger if she wanted to. Very, very petite and young looking. Blows this one out of the water. If I or someone I knew were to date her, I'd be 100% seriously worried people would get the wrong idea. Put it this way, the first time I saw her she was 11 and I thought she was about 6. I was very impressed by how well behaved and intelligent she was, until her true age was revealed. I would be legitimately afraid to date her.
Oh, come on. Be smarter than worrying about what others will think of you. I don't care if you wanted to date her or not. Just don't miss out on opportunities. Had you been dating her at any point in life, just tell people to go shaft themselves. Humans ask questions, and a lot of people asking them aren't smart enough to know that stereotypes are stupid even after they have gotten an answer.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Lorric on April 27, 2014, 07:09:14 pm
Oh, come on. Be smarter than worrying about what others will think of you. I don't care if you wanted to date her or not. Just don't miss out on opportunities. Had you been dating her at any point in life, just tell people to go shaft themselves. Humans ask questions, and a lot of people asking them aren't smart enough to know that stereotypes are stupid even after they have gotten an answer.
Don't get me wrong. If we had wanted to date, it would not have stopped me.
Title: Re: Get convicted only with evidence that is purely lies
Post by: Flipside on April 27, 2014, 07:40:03 pm
I DO have that problem with Sharon, because she's less than 5ft tall, and looks a lot younger than her 38 years, even now she occasionally gets asked for ID in supermarkets and pubs (though she finds it more flattering than insulting) and I have had stuff shouted across the street at me when out with her, though, oddly enough when I cross the road to set them straight, these great social judges of our time always seem to have somewhere else to be really quickly.
Wow... I think you've got my girl beat. 38 years old and she doesn't look legal?! :eek2:

I did not think such a thing was possible. Although where are you from? If, say, the US, 21 is different to 18 in the UK for me. But still...

Just makes this trial all the more of a farce when you and I are pulling out these real life examples.

I live in North London, though Sharon is from Glasgow and I got it in both cities at some point. Oddly enough, the worst culprits as far as comments are concerned are little old ladies who seem to spend half their time complaining about how people have no manners these days, and the other half pretty much as a walking example of why.

The thing is for me is that personally I don't see it, I think it's more the height that does it, but we just laugh it off nowadays when it happens.