Hard Light Productions Forums

General FreeSpace => FreeSpace & FreeSpace Open Support => Topic started by: Govenator on June 28, 2014, 11:55:21 am

Title: Deep blood no weapons
Post by: Govenator on June 28, 2014, 11:55:21 am
Hello all,

I have this campaign running except I do not have any weapons.  Any ideas?

I created the mod.ini and I have all the missions in my "missions" folder. 

[attachment kidnapped by pirates]
Title: Re: Deep blood no weapons
Post by: Macfie on June 28, 2014, 12:36:07 pm
No weapons / Only the Ulysses as a usable ship / One or more ships replaced by a Ulysses.
Make sure that you are playing the right campaign with the right mod.
Make sure you don't have any extra .vp files or table files in wrong folder.

(Please post your fs2_open.log file.  Instructions on how to do this can be found in this  post (http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php?topic=56279.msg1180359#msg1180359)).
Title: Re: Deep blood no weapons
Post by: Govenator on June 28, 2014, 04:32:28 pm
My bad I meant to put the open log and clicked the wrong one.

Anyways here is the open log now.  Unfortunately now I cannot find the campaign in the "campaign selection" screen in the main menu.  However I can see it and activate it from the launcher.

[attachment kidnapped by pirates]
Title: Re: Deep blood no weapons
Post by: AdmiralRalwood on June 28, 2014, 05:06:55 pm
FSO isn't finding any VP files in the DeepBlood folder; what are the contents of that folder?

(Also, you don't need to keep a separate pilot file for every mod anymore; I notice you seem to have a separate pilot file for every mod, which hasn't been necessary since the new pilot code.)
Title: Re: Deep blood no weapons
Post by: jr2 on June 28, 2014, 06:27:34 pm
Is it perhaps in deepblood/deepblood?
(happens if you extract to /deepblood bit there is a folder in the zip called deepblood)

If so move the files and folders to /deepblood
Title: Re: Deep blood no weapons
Post by: Govenator on June 28, 2014, 08:22:53 pm

Here is the link I used to download the files http://www.freespacemods.net/download.php?view.92

The folder it is in is Freespace2/DeepBlood

The mod.ini file is in the DeepBlood folder with the readme and Data folder.

In the Data folder there is a Missions folder, an event.log, a multi.log, and a Deep_Blood.fc2 file.

In the Missions folder I have Deep_1.fs2 through Deep_11.fs2 along with Deep_Loop_6.fs2 and a Deep_Loop_7.fs2

Also thanks for the pilot tip, I didn't know that and look forward to not having to change pilots all the time.
Title: Re: Deep blood no weapons
Post by: Macfie on June 28, 2014, 09:03:38 pm
Comment from the campaign download on freespace mods.net
"Campaign has some problems. No starting weapons or ships are in the campaign file and the loop doesn't work. To use it you need to edit the campaign file to add weapons. The loop is tied to an event that doesn't exist. The FSCRP is currently working on updating and fixing this campaign."

See this thread for FSCRP updated version:
Title: Re: Deep blood no weapons
Post by: Govenator on June 29, 2014, 04:37:30 pm
Thanks it is working great now!