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General FreeSpace => FreeSpace Discussion => Topic started by: CT27 on December 21, 2014, 06:28:51 pm

Title: "Alternate history" campaigns
Post by: CT27 on December 21, 2014, 06:28:51 pm
Can anyone think of any campaigns/mods where the canon of what happened in FS/FS2 was changed?

I can think of two at the moment:
1-"Neo-Terra Reality"-NTF does significantly better in the war
2-"Road To Victory"-Eventually, the strike on the Lucifer in subspace partially fails.  However, a couple reactors are destroyed and the Lucifer enters Sol with the shield down.  The final mission involves you having to conventionally destroy the Lucifer before it can jump out or recharge the shield

Unfortunately, both those campaigns have a number of bugs and can be a chore to play.

Can anyone think of any FS/FS2 'alternate history' scenarios you'd like to play?  I forget the name of the project, but supposedly someone was working on a campaign where the Shivans never came and the T-V War is fought further.
Title: Re: "Alternate history" campaigns
Post by: headdie on December 21, 2014, 06:39:45 pm
BP:AOA base premise is what happens if forces from the canon timeline end up in an alternate timeline
Title: Re: "Alternate history" campaigns
Post by: Goober5000 on December 22, 2014, 12:20:46 am
Can anyone think of any FS/FS2 'alternate history' scenarios you'd like to play?  I forget the name of the project, but supposedly someone was working on a campaign where the Shivans never came and the T-V War is fought further.

There was an extremely old HLP project called Alternate Paths which explored this possibility.  I think there was also one more campaign subsequent to Alternate Paths that had the same idea.  Both, unfortunately, came to naught.

On your bullet point #1, Neo-Terra Victorious is another old HLP project that got as far as releasing a demo but not the campaign as fully envisioned.
Title: Re: "Alternate history" campaigns
Post by: Nyctaeus on December 22, 2014, 07:35:17 am
Can anyone think of any FS/FS2 'alternate history' scenarios you'd like to play?  I forget the name of the project, but supposedly someone was working on a campaign where the Shivans never came and the T-V War is fought further.

There was an extremely old HLP project called Alternate Paths which explored this possibility.  I think there was also one more campaign subsequent to Alternate Paths that had the same idea.  Both, unfortunately, came to naught.
He is probably talking about Twist of Fate by Woolie Wool that is still in WiP stage. Pretty cool demo still can be downloaded from fsmods.
Title: Re: "Alternate history" campaigns
Post by: Deepstar on December 22, 2014, 08:04:11 am
There was also a campaign named "Neo Terra" that was released and consisted of 30 missions that retold the whole FreeSpace 2 campaign with a victorious NTF.
Title: Re: "Alternate history" campaigns
Post by: SpaceAce on December 22, 2014, 02:52:01 pm
I also thought of that alturnate ending to FS1 eccept in mine, 4 reactors were gone and the 5th was so badly damaged that the shivans could not run their shield and fire their planet killing weapon at the same time. This forces the shivans into survival mode. Run the shields period until more reactors can be repaired.

In the mean time, the last reactor is so badly damaged, that with enough firepower, terran forces can ware down the shield like any other and kill the fucifer. And sense this is earth, there are enough forces on hand to do it.

Lucifer dies, earth wins. :lol:

Title: Re: "Alternate history" campaigns
Post by: CT27 on December 22, 2014, 03:01:22 pm
There was also a campaign named "Neo Terra" that was released and consisted of 30 missions that retold the whole FreeSpace 2 campaign with a victorious NTF.

Is that the one where the NTF pulls a Raynor/Erebus out of nowhere?
Title: Re: "Alternate history" campaigns
Post by: Mongoose on December 22, 2014, 04:06:40 pm
There was a project called "What-If" that went along with the idea of the Vasudans taking the upper hand in the T-V War, wasn't there?  I don't know if it was ever released in any form though.
Title: Re: "Alternate history" campaigns
Post by: Woolie Wool on December 23, 2014, 01:50:43 pm
Can anyone think of any FS/FS2 'alternate history' scenarios you'd like to play?  I forget the name of the project, but supposedly someone was working on a campaign where the Shivans never came and the T-V War is fought further.

There was an extremely old HLP project called Alternate Paths which explored this possibility.  I think there was also one more campaign subsequent to Alternate Paths that had the same idea.  Both, unfortunately, came to naught.
He is probably talking about Twist of Fate by Woolie Wool that is still in WiP stage. Pretty cool demo still can be downloaded from fsmods.

Twist of Fate is still alive, almost met the reaper yesterday when a botched video card installation damaged the SATA port of my hard drive. Fortunately I was able to jury-rig the cable in place and I've copied all of Twist of Fate's resources to another computer.

I really should put out a new demo, the old one was made before FSO release builds would slap your hand for debug build warnings and is chock full of errors. Also the missions in it have all been replaced with much better ones, and the storyline is much better explained, and I've removed the shields subplot and replaced it with a different one that will happen in chapter 2 (2337) and you won't actually have shields until chapter 3 (2347). The old demo is kind of embarrassing, really.
Title: Re: "Alternate history" campaigns
Post by: Macfie on December 23, 2014, 05:35:21 pm
There was a project called "What-If" that went along with the idea of the Vasudans taking the upper hand in the T-V War, wasn't there?  I don't know if it was ever released in any form though.

Are you talking about "What If - Another Great War"?
If so, it has been released.
Title: Re: "Alternate history" campaigns
Post by: Kie99 on December 24, 2014, 01:21:20 pm
I should preface this by saying I haven't touched FRED in years before this weekend,, I've never been particularly good at it and I'm very lazy so it'll probably never be released, but I've started doing a what if  in the last couple of days.  The premise that the blockade pulled in The Romans Blunder was swiftly and successfully reimplemented by the Vasudan Admiral who tried to take out the Iceni in Rebels and Renegades.  With the NTF's focus more on the civil war rather than Bosch's desire to form an alliance  with the Shivans and divisions within the GTVA I'd see that conflict going significantly better for them, but the Iceni going up in smoke along with Bosch and ETAK would have a pretty serious impact the Shivan conflict.