Hard Light Productions Forums

Hosted Projects - FS2 Required => Blue Planet => Topic started by: Nova Terran on January 11, 2015, 09:57:22 am

Title: Great Campaign!
Post by: Nova Terran on January 11, 2015, 09:57:22 am
It. was. fantastic! New models and weapons, fluffs, story line and characters, they were all great. I greatly admires the BP teams' dedications and amazing works. Yes, there are other great campaigns, but BP was the first campaign that gave me emotional swing.

I will looking forward to Act 4 and 5, and BP3.

Below are my impression of Act 3:

I had some technical issues running Act 3

Bloody Malloc failed... it nearly drove me to insanity.

I read most of the material in the dreamscape

Always loved searching for hidden materials in game.

I sanitized the Gefs in 'Nothing is True'

They are terrorists, and i was certain that they will become trouble later if i let the live...

I believed the Ridwan pilots had to die

Sorry, mates, but OpSec must be observed.

Vidaura was my favorite wingman

Well, she have a charming personality... even if it's another knife in the hand of serial killer.

I had a horrible time on the assassination

I am very bad at stealthy mission.

I hacked a Mjolnir during the assassination

It was the easiest way i could accomplish the secondary objective, not to mention that i didn't want to face the Nyxs piloted by SOC elites.

I captured the Gef habitat in 'One Future'

...but i also dislikes needless bloodsheds.

'One Future' didn't change my earlier decision about the Gef pilots

They were already dead when the Fedayeen strapped bombs on those Scimitars.

I loved flying the Custos-X

It handled well despite being a pocket-cruiser, and had impressive firepower and interesting abilities.

I was overwhelmed by 'Her Finest Hour'

It made my head spin.

I took the Carthage's surrender

As i said above, i dislikes needless bloodsheds. Plus, i actually respect Lopez.

I summoned the Toutatis in 'Her Finest Hour'

I remembered the Aristeia, and how awesome the Toutatis entrance was.

I had no trouble with the turret placement in 'Eyes in the Storm'

It just worked. Control was kinda stiff, but i managed to place them correctly. That Dakota tanks were ugly, though.

'Universal Truth' really freaked me out

From the muted sound effects, to fractals and roars in utter darkness, and many revealations, it scared me good.

I escaped 'Universal Truth' with my mind intact

I never looked back and flied straight to my objectives as fast as i could.

I recognize the necessity of the Fedayeen/I'm uncomfortable with the Fedayeen

They are Section 31 of UEF. I don't like their lack of morality or questionable methods, but they are necessary evil.

I changed sides from UEF to GTVA

I suspected that the Vishnans are behind the Elders and Ubuntu philosophy since the Act 1. But UT unmasked them as ruthless manipulators who cares nothing about the human well-being.
Secretary-General Torqueville is right; we will not bow to the alien-contaminated government, even if they rules benevolently and have sympathetic ideology (i absolutely believes in tenants of Ubuntu).

Humanity is doomed!

How can we humanity, a mere protein chain, can stand against the gods and godslayers? Not to mention the monster stalking the dark depth of Nagari network...