Hard Light Productions Forums

Modding, Mission Design, and Coding => The Modding Workshop => Topic started by: Kestrellius on September 01, 2018, 05:23:50 pm

Title: Can't open campaign files? Also, techroom/campaign discrepancy
Post by: Kestrellius on September 01, 2018, 05:23:50 pm
There's an issue I've been having: if I try to open an .fc2 campaign file, I get an error message telling me that a "web cursor bitmap" can't be found. It gives a few possible explanations -- one is that I'm trying to run FSO from outside of my FS2 folder, which I'm not. Another is that FS2 isn't installed at all, which definitely isn't the case.

The only one that seems plausible is that I've corrupted my FS2 installation, possibly by modifying/removing the retail .vps. This is entirely possible -- I've certainly screwed around with enough stuff that it wouldn't be a complete surprise. I checked, and if I try to run the retail FS2 .exe, it stops working upon launch -- but I can see that being caused by all sorts of things. Also, FSO in various configurations works fine.

Also, I can still open the campaign file in Notepad++, but I'm not familiar enough with the format to parse it effectively.

So, from the sound of it, I've just screwed up my retail installation and will need to replace it. But I wanted to check and see if this was a known problem with an easy fix, or if there's another tool I should be using, or something.

Furthermore: the reason I was trying to open my campaign file to begin with was that I was running into a problem where if I run a mission from the techroom, it's fine, but when played as part of the campaign some weapons seem to be missing -- for example, one of my custom primaries appears neither as a loadout option nor as the player's default weapon in one mission, whereas it's supposed to be both.

My initial assumption was that this must be due to something in the campaign file -- the weapon or ship unlock function, maybe? -- so that's why I was trying to look at it. But after taking a look in Notepad, I'm not sure.

So -- does anyone know what might be causing this?
Title: Re: Can't open campaign files? Also, techroom/campaign discrepancy
Post by: Spoon on September 01, 2018, 07:19:05 pm
I think its a pretty safe bet to say that your assumption about a corrupt retail installation is correct and to blame for the error message. The Web cursor bitmap can't be found error is a familiar one when something about a installation is off.

You're also correct about your second point. In the campaign editor there's a screen to set initial locked/unlocked weapons and ship choices. You can also unlock weapons and ships through sexp's in the mission before where they should be available. So that's an option in case you still cant access the campaign editor in fred.
Title: Re: Can't open campaign files? Also, techroom/campaign discrepancy
Post by: Kestrellius on September 07, 2018, 05:39:15 am
I think its a pretty safe bet to say that your assumption about a corrupt retail installation is correct and to blame for the error message. The Web cursor bitmap can't be found error is a familiar one when something about a installation is off.

You're also correct about your second point. In the campaign editor there's a screen to set initial locked/unlocked weapons and ship choices. You can also unlock weapons and ships through sexp's in the mission before where they should be available. So that's an option in case you still cant access the campaign editor in fred.

Hm. Well, I reinstalled FS2 from GoG. The retail game will run now, but I still can't open campaign files.
Title: Re: Can't open campaign files? Also, techroom/campaign discrepancy
Post by: ngld on September 07, 2018, 10:21:46 am
How do you open the files? Do you just double click them or do you launch FRED and then open the file from there?
Title: Re: Can't open campaign files? Also, techroom/campaign discrepancy
Post by: Kestrellius on September 07, 2018, 06:49:51 pm
launch FRED and then open the file from there?

Ah. I completely forgot that that was possible. This is what happens when you don't FRED for a year.

Yeah that works. Never mind! Thanks!