Hard Light Productions Forums

General FreeSpace => FreeSpace & FreeSpace Open Support => Topic started by: petar91 on November 05, 2023, 07:25:24 am

Title: Vjoy/Gremlin Joystick and throttle combinaison not working
Post by: petar91 on November 05, 2023, 07:25:24 am
Hello HLP community !

Since a decade, i use my FFPro 2 in combinaison with a X52 throttle without any problem, for this i was using : PPjoy driver and PPjoyjoy app. Force Feedback also working properly.

Since a couple of month, i was migrated to Vjoy driver with Joystick Gremlin to make my combinaison work on Project Wingman, Ace combat etc...

Today, with my son i decide to launch latest Knossos with MVP FS2 campaign. And impossible to make my X52 throttle to work, even witch Vjoy and Joystick Gremlin activated, only the FFpro2 is recognized by FS2, Knossos joystick configuration panel see my X52, FFpro2 and Vjoy device.

I tried to back to PPjoy driver with PPjoyjoy, and my throttle was recognized ! but no way to use hat buttons and limited to few buttons...

So, my question is : Is there a way to make my X52 throttle working with Vjoy and Gremlin on the latest version of RC/Knossos/MVP ? or do i need to back to PPjoyjoy anyway ? or is there another way to do so ?

I already read the Joystick FAQ without finding an answer on this specifiq request.

Thanks by advance for all of your help !

Title: Re: Vjoy/Gremlin Joystick and throttle combinaison not working
Post by: petar91 on November 05, 2023, 08:29:35 am
Ok, finally i uninstalled Vjoy et reinstalled it and i just configure a new Vjoy device.

It work now !