Author Topic: My personal wish-list...  (Read 1562 times)

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My personal wish-list...
I haven't forgotten to make my post, RandomTiger, I was just busy:-D  I have a few wishes for the source code.  Some have been done, others are more specific for me, and yet the rest *may* be new.  Here goes...

- Some kind of multi-threading capability.  I don't really know what it could be used for, but you guys are creative.  I had an idea, but I'm having second thoughts.  The DX8.1 conversion would add TnL, am I right?  If not, ignore the rest of the paragraph...  Well, I'm on a G400.  From what I hear PIII's are pretty good at software TnL.  Not as good as one of the newer hardware based ones, but still.  As I have a PIII dualie, perhaps the software rendering could be placed on the shoulders of the second CPU.  But, I may be completely off, as I don't know how multithread programing works.

- Ships that can depart, and later return.  I have had people tell me how to do this in SEXPS, but it's rather complicated.  It would seem to be easier if it had a dedicated SEXP for itself, including time gone, return status, etc.

Return status would be affected by a tag perhaps named "return-damage" and this would cause the damage to be increased based on the number you input.  For example, if this tag is set to "20," then if a ship departs at 100%, then it will return at 80%, and if it leaves at 75%, then it returns at 55%.  I have a bunch of other ideas for tags in a ship return SEXP, but most of you can probably think of them yourselves.

- Some way of making bonus objectives have a good impact on later missions.  One way I've thought of doing this is have a table that records the status of either all ships (maybe just cap ships to simplify things), or ships selected by the campaign designer for later missions in the campaign to use.  Maybe even scans can be saved (as in if you scan a ship, this can affect a later mission)  This could be quite versatile.

For example, you're playing escort, a damaged Deimos warps in with some bombers on its tail, and you manage to save it.  Fast forward a few missions.  Now you're attacking a Shivan cargo depot, however it turns out to be an ambush involving a few Shivan cruisers.  Because you saved the Deimos, it arrives and helps you finish off the Shivan cruisers.  If you hadn't saved the Deimos earlier, it would have never shown up.  Obviously, this doesn't JUST have to trigger off the arrival of only one ship.  Perhaps to balance out the example I just gave you, it could trigger the arrival of an extra Shivan cruiser as well.  It would be up to you.

- Another idea, involving the one above, would be carry-over damage.  This could allow your command ship, or any cruiser in your group, to carry over damage into future missions.  To simulate repair being done, various tags could be employed to decrease the damage between missions.  Depending on how far people would want to take this one, it could be quite powerful.

Well, I would like to expand more on my ideas, and give some more ideas anyway, but my post is long enough as it is.  Besides, my parents are giving me the evil eye...  I actually have a bunch of smaller things that I would like to see, such as a lead indicator for dumbfire missiles.  But, those will be for a later time.


Offline vadar_1

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Re: My personal wish-list...
Time for my critisism! (cheering)

Originally posted by JudgeMental
- Ships that can depart, and later return.  I have had people tell me how to do this in SEXPS, but it's rather complicated.  It would seem to be easier if it had a dedicated SEXP for itself, including time gone, return status, etc.

Its not incredably complicated... You just duplicate the ship you want to return, but add to her name a special character that dosn't show up in FS2 in which i cant remember ATM... however, you should save all her data, such as hull integrity and subsystem integrity to variables, then restore them to the new ship that emerges (the clone)

Return status would be affected by a tag perhaps named "return-damage" and this would cause the damage to be increased based on the number you input.  For example, if this tag is set to "20," then if a ship departs at 100%, then it will return at 80%, and if it leaves at 75%, then it returns at 55%.  I have a bunch of other ideas for tags in a ship return SEXP, but most of you can probably think of them yourselves.

Again, using the same method as before, but use variables to modify the hull integrity variable (use the subtraction operator, if you need help using it, go back to elementry math (2+2=4! unless the party says 2+2=5, then you understand that 2+2=5, its only logical that 2+2=5)

- Some way of making bonus objectives have a good impact on later missions.  One way I've thought of doing this is have a table that records the status of either all ships (maybe just cap ships to simplify things), or ships selected by the campaign designer for later missions in the campaign to use.  Maybe even scans can be saved (as in if you scan a ship, this can affect a later mission)  This could be quite versatile.

This sorta thing can be done with the FRED/2 campaign manager

For example, you're playing escort, a damaged Deimos warps in with some bombers on its tail, and you manage to save it.  Fast forward a few missions.  Now you're attacking a Shivan cargo depot, however it turns out to be an ambush involving a few Shivan cruisers.  Because you saved the Deimos, it arrives and helps you finish off the Shivan cruisers.  If you hadn't saved the Deimos earlier, it would have never shown up.  Obviously, this doesn't JUST have to trigger off the arrival of only one ship.  Perhaps to balance out the example I just gave you, it could trigger the arrival of an extra Shivan cruiser as well.  It would be up to you.

Shivan cruisers would rox0r the useless terran vessel

- Another idea, involving the one above, would be carry-over damage.  This could allow your command ship, or any cruiser in your group, to carry over damage into future missions.  To simulate repair being done, various tags could be employed to decrease the damage between missions.  Depending on how far people would want to take this one, it could be quite powerful.

This simply translates into variable-carrying needed to be done - and it can between red-alert missions using a little brain-power, but not between normal missions
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Offline RandomTiger

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Re: My personal wish-list...
Originally posted by JudgeMental
The DX8.1 conversion would add TnL, am I right?

No. Thats a different job.


- Ships that can depart, and later return.  I have had people tell me how to do this in SEXPS, but it's rather complicated.

If its possible without coding use that, there are soo many coding jobs that we should only really do things that cant be done any other way.

Well, I knew some of the things I had written where already possible, but I really don't want to have to remember half a dozen things to have a ship depart and return in the same mission realistically.  I also know that you can do some interesting things with the campaign editor, but I've never really looked at it so I don't know.  I'll look at it and see.

As for my idea with carry-over damage, and am fully aware of the Red Alert missions, but for what I'm looking at, they are so clunky that you may as well do the entire DX8.1 upgrade project in assembly on a piece of paper.

And the Shivan cruisers may be able to whip the Deimos, but that was just for example.  I still think it's a good idea.  

Oh, I did forget the subtraction variable that you were talking about, vadar.  *writes down in mental scratchpad*

I'd post some ideas that you might actually like, but it's getting late for me, and I'm still hungry...

At least you guys haven't ripped apart this poor n00bs post:D


Offline vyper

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Hmm, now this is interesting, could someone maybe explain how to do that whole transfer of ship-data to the clone for the "warpout/warpback" thing?
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