Author Topic: disabling shields  (Read 2058 times)

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Is there a way to make an "disable shields" event (sexp?).

No and yes.

No you can't disable the shields of a fighter/bomber.

Yes, you can use a sexp to drain the shields on Alpha 1. But they will recharge after a while.

Use this code to drain Alpha 1's shields:

Code: [Select]
--true {when you a ready}

when {chained to previous event}

It may sound a bit wierd (having an if be a then), but it works. The special-check sexp is in the Training sub-menu.

Here is a list of the known special-check functions:

0 - no effect?
1 - no effect?
2 - no effect?
3 - flash front shield quad
4 - drain front shield quad
5 - recharge all shield quads
6 - drain left/front/rear shield quads
7 - no effect?
8 - no efect?
9 - drain left/right shield quads
10 - no effect?
11 - no effect?
12 - no effect?
13 - drain front shield quad
2000 - does something... but what?

Hope this helps.
'Captain' Nick Brown

unfortunately not. i was looking for this sexp because i tried to make this effect with the shielded SSD Diablo.
Thanx anyway.

Just do what i'm gonna do, make a weapon (torpedo or missle) whose sole purpose is to drain shields, like an EMP missile except it only damages shield and then if you want, red alert it to another mission where the Diablo has no shields...

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good idea nephilim. gonna do it that way.


Defination of a shivan: Target Practice....
"I am that which lurks in the night, I am both the fallen, and the man"
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