Author Topic: Happy Day!!!  (Read 1518 times)

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Offline Rictor

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Red Faction 2 Exclusive No More 10:13 AM - Andrew "Andy" Burnes - Consoles: General News -  (17)
Red Faction 2 which was previously an exclusive Playstation 2 title is due to come to all formats as soon as possible. It is due to be released on the Nintendo Gamecube, the Xbox and the PC in March. Although no GameBoy Advance title has been announced it surely can't be long till it is. There's also many a change planned to the conversions:

The Gamecube version, being developed by THQ's Cranky Pants Games studio, will feature custom animations, improved texture resolution and color as well as enhanced lighting specific to the Gamecube hardware. The Xbox and PC versions, being developed by THQ's Outrage Games studio, will include increased texture resolution, and exclusive multiplayer maps and character models.

Just in case you don't know WTF Red Faction 2 is here's the blurb from the press release:

Featuring an enhanced Geo-Mod engine that allows players to strategically alter and destroy the game environment in real-time, Red Faction II builds upon the experience and technology of the original game. Players will defend their country as Alias, a demolitions expert, with the help of five elite squad members, each specialized in their own means of destruction. Tasked with completing multiple mission objectives in a number of diverse levels, players will have a number of vehicles and an arsenal of powerful weapons at their disposal in a rampage to overthrow the government. Red Faction II features actor Lance Henriksen (The Terminator, Aliens, Millennium) as the voice of squad leader Molov.

#1, thanks you Volition
#2, thanks you Volition

#3, woohoo

RF is like one of my favorite games, btw i told you so :wink: :ick


Offline Ryx

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Originally posted by Rictor
... It is due to be released on the Nintendo Gamecube, the Xbox and the PC in March.

Wonder how long these ports have been in development, though.
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Offline Nico

  • Venom
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so, how long to finish the game this time? 5 hours? :doubt:


Offline heretic

  • 26
VBB survivor: June 1999 until the end. Only banned 2 or 3 times (I think)


Offline Joey_21

  • 28
:rolleyes: This is old news. It has been out for pre-order for a very long time now.


Offline Petrarch of the VBB

  • Koala-monkey
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BAH! We'd still have the VBB if it weren't for Red Faction.


Offline Gortef

  • 210
  • A meat popsicle
Oh yes! Old news or not... me like :D
Habeeb it...


Offline Darkage

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Offline Rictor

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Its not quantity, its quality, RF was among the best 15 hours of my gaming career.

It may just be me, but I found RF to be more interesting than alot of other, more succesful games. Out of the maybe 50 games i've played, i have finished about 5-6, RF and FS2 were 2 of those. Vey few games can hold my interest, RF did, thats why i like it some much.


Valve-made ONE game (quite boring IMHO), made millions, and have been able to ride that succes train for like 3 years wihout releasing a single new inhouse game. They are considered industry greats.

Volition-made 6 and a half games (FS1, FS2, RF1, RF2, SMNR1, SMNR2, and i count descent 2 as one half). About half of these were GREAT, and the other hal were GOOD. Struglling to survive.

Volition games are in the top 15% quality, bottom 15% success.

I'm eagerly awaiting RF2, and i just hope that RF2 will get Volition some money and success.

that is all..


Offline Knight Templar

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Originally posted by Darkage
I'm hungry.

Find yourself a taco
Copyright ©1976, 2003, KT Enterprises. All rights reserved

"I don't want to get laid right now. I want to get drunk."- Mars

Too Long, Didn't Read


Offline Kamikaze

  • A Complacent Wind
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w00t! I want to use those double pistol things I saw in a shot... :D
Science alone of all the subjects contains within itself the lesson of the danger of belief in the infallibility of the greatest teachers in the preceding generation . . .Learn from science that you must doubt the experts. As a matter of fact, I can also define science another way: Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts. - Richard Feynman


Offline Darkage

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Originally posted by Knight Templar

Find yourself a taco

I don't like cardboard.
[email protected]
Returned from the dead.


Offline Knight Templar

  • Stealth
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  • I'm a magic man, I've got magic hands.
Originally posted by Darkage

I don't like cardboard.

Then don't eat Freezer Pizza
Copyright ©1976, 2003, KT Enterprises. All rights reserved

"I don't want to get laid right now. I want to get drunk."- Mars

Too Long, Didn't Read


Offline ZylonBane

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RF was one of the shortest FPSs I'd ever played, and apparently RF2 is even shorter.

Meh, I just don't understand people who think RF is a great game. I guess there's a lot of folks out there who enjoy repetitive, monotonous level design, awful voice acting, forgettable music, unbalanced/useless/redundant weapons, simple graphics, laughable scripted sequences, and incoherent plots.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2003, 10:30:48 am by 264 »
ZylonBane's opinions do not represent those of the management.