Author Topic: Comp Stuff  (Read 2717 times)

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Offline Dark_4ce

  • GTVA comedy relief
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Originally posted by Petrarch of the VBB
Ferret, eh?

Just the one, or a collection of 'em?

Just the one for now. Soon there'll be MORE!! :shaking: But the little furball is allready quite a little pest. Everytime I leave the room, he finds some way to jump on my desk and start rearanging everything. He pulls out computer wires, tries to steal the black rubber tubing around my window on my comp, even caught the little bugger running off with my Logitech Mouse! So I bundled them so it would be harder for him to steal everything and pull stuff out. Now he's preoccupying his time with pushing all my books off the shelf. Actually here's a nice mug shot of the little guy

As for the rest of my room, thanks to him, its always in a mess.:doubt:
But I still love the little guy...:D
I have returned... Again...


Offline Darkage

  • 211
There cool stuff:D They keep you busy:D
[email protected]
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Offline Dark_4ce

  • GTVA comedy relief
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You can say that again.
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Offline Darkage

  • 211
Originally posted by Dark_4ce
You can say that again.

They keep you busy:D

[email protected]
Returned from the dead.

Originally posted by Dark_4ce

But I still love the little guy...:D


i never thought of having a pet, actaully. i doubt it will be possible, to much holidays and stuff. and i'm never home much anyway.
just another newbie without any modding, FREDding or real programming experience

you haven't learned masochism until you've tried to read a Microsoft help file.  -- Goober5000
I've got 2 drug-addict syblings and one alcoholic whore. And I'm a ****ing sociopath --an0n
You cannot defeat Windows through strength alone. Only patience, a lot of good luck, and a sledgehammer will do the job. --StratComm


Offline Petrarch of the VBB

  • Koala-monkey
  • 211
I'm quite fond of ferrets, apart from the smell they generate, and the fact they can be vicious little buggers.


Offline Dark_4ce

  • GTVA comedy relief
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YEah, they got the tendency to smell. But you either get used to it, or don't. As for the viciousness, Gizmo (My ferrets name) isn't at all vicious. Or doesen't really mean to be. He just thinks my toes are worth something, so he's always trying to steal them from me when I'm sleeping in bed. But other than that, he just steals and stashes everything, but never got angry or bit me.
I have returned... Again...


Offline Petrarch of the VBB

  • Koala-monkey
  • 211
When you say he steals everything, does that include large objects like bathtubs?

He must be incredibly strong if this is the case.:)


Offline Dark_4ce

  • GTVA comedy relief
  • 27
Well, I can't deny that he's attempted to steal the bathtub, more than once for that matter. But it usually results in him being sattisfied with stealing soap instead.:D
I have returned... Again...


Offline Darkage

  • 211
Funny sight must that be to see him tryng to steel the bathtub:D
[email protected]
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Offline Petrarch of the VBB

  • Koala-monkey
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How does he do it? Take all the screws out? set up a block and tackle?

They're more intelligent than you think.

His efforts to push all your books off your shelf, he's trying to encourage you to read, you know.:D


Offline Dark_4ce

  • GTVA comedy relief
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Yeah, they are really intelligent. Almost scary. But him tackling the tub, us usually him just trying grab onto something and just pulling it. But where Gizmo really shows his cleverness is in his constant attempts to get on my computer desk. He sets traps for me, so I go look, leaving the chair open and then using that to jump on the stereo, climb up and jump on the desk. Or stuffing stuff between his cage and drawer, making me push the cage aside so its closer to the table and Gizmo just climbs up and over. Best part is when I catch him red handed. He stands there for a moment in pure shock looking at me, with whatever in his mouth and the in a looneytunes fashion runs at the spot before darting over the table, crashing to the ground and under the drawer. Yeah, they're real smart! :D
I have returned... Again...


Offline Petrarch of the VBB

  • Koala-monkey
  • 211
You've made me want to keep ferrets! Stop it now!:D


Offline Dark_4ce

  • GTVA comedy relief
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I totally reccomended them! If you love dogs and cats, but not bothered taking dogs out but still not really happy with the arrogant qualities of a cat, you're gonna love ferrets! Playful little furballs from hell who when they are happy, do a happy dance and bounce against the wall for no apparent reason. And they're great too if you lost stuff. Well, you'll lose more stuff, buts usually easy to find cause they got two caches. The main cache is near their cage so they can always check up on it, but then theres the 2nd cache for less important and temporary storage. So you can always check those two for stuff. And you'd be amazed with what you'll find too! I even found my friends lost mobile phone! The little bugger stole it from his pocket! And my friend had allready bought another one convinced it was stolen at a party... He wa half right. Yeah, they're great fun, GO GET ONE!:yes:
I have returned... Again...


Offline Petrarch of the VBB

  • Koala-monkey
  • 211
I would get one, but a have terrible allergic reactions to fur and such, which makes things complicated.

well, it sounds fun, but how do they like it if you go on holidays, spend most of your time at school and behind a PC, and that kinda stuff?
just another newbie without any modding, FREDding or real programming experience

you haven't learned masochism until you've tried to read a Microsoft help file.  -- Goober5000
I've got 2 drug-addict syblings and one alcoholic whore. And I'm a ****ing sociopath --an0n
You cannot defeat Windows through strength alone. Only patience, a lot of good luck, and a sledgehammer will do the job. --StratComm


Offline Dark_4ce

  • GTVA comedy relief
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Well, ferrets require love and attention like most other pets. Going on vacation is no big deal, you just have to find someone to take care of it while you're away. And sitting at the PC is nothing bad, if the rascall comes over he'll play with your feet or do something himself. You do have to still play with them or they get uspet and depressed, which is bad. But there's no way in hell you'll be able to ignore the guy. He'll always be able to drag from the pc one way or another. Even if it means wrecking the whole room for your attention. :D But if you spend most of your time at school or stuff, well... You should then buy two. So they can preoccupy each others time. And a good safe room for them to play in. Then when you come home, spend an hour with them, or set them free around the house which is ferret proofed.
I have returned... Again...


Offline Darkage

  • 211
****, i want one now!
[email protected]
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