Author Topic: Warp out effect ideas?  (Read 2636 times)

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Offline Unknown Target

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Warp out effect ideas?
I'm stuck right now at deciding how I should make a warp-out for my campaign. It uses a completely different system from Freespace, called "Breakdown", where a Control Unit (CU) breaks down and seperates the individual molecules and atoms of a ship into sub-atomic particles, where one particle can exist in two points of space at the same time, or instantly jump from one point to another (actual quantum physics).

Anyway, this happens, and the ship is transfered, sub-atomically, to it's destination.

Now, my problem is, what should this look like? It has to be reasonably fast (about as fast, or a little slower, than standard FS2 warp-out). I was thinking of the ship gradually becoming more and more transparant, but I thought, meh, that doesn't look that great.



Offline Ashrak

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warp the sucker :p
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Warp it (st style) or hyperspace it (SW style)... Then give it to us! (for the project), otherwise if you want to get wierd do a stargate (SG-1 Style).

  Better yet remember Buck Rogers? They had the coolest stargates! Use those....
Don't think of it as being outnumbered. Think of it as having a wide target selection !

ICQ#: 5256653
[email protected]

Projects: Gundam TC, Trek BTFF, REF, and Beyond Redemption


Offline Unknown Target

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The problem is, I have to make it sort of look like it's being disintigrated into nothing, then transported somwehere else.

And buck rogers? What stargates?


Offline aldo_14

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Make the ship grow bright white, then quickly 'dissolve' it into fading particles in some way.

Or glow then rapidly shrink it.........


Offline DeepSpace9er

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Question: If you were somehow able to transform sub atomic particles to your destination, how would you be able to instantaneously transform the persons soul. I mean, not to spoil your idea but the person would be dead at the other side.


Offline Woolie Wool

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There is no soul. You are a mass of chemicals.
16:46   Quanto   ****, a mosquito somehow managed to bite the side of my palm
16:46   Quanto   it itches like hell
16:46   Woolie   !8ball does Quanto have malaria
16:46   BotenAnna   Woolie: The outlook is good.
16:47   Quanto   D:

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Offline Bobboau

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if you were a coder I'd tell you to generate a bunch of random particles upon it's hull going off in some random direction
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Offline Phantom

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Wouldn't it be a case of just disappearing completely? ie nowarp effect? The only alternative I can think of would be the ship flickering between being there completely, being gone completely, being there completely... until it's gone.


Offline DeepSpace9er

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Try the Descent II warp effect :D


Offline Liberator

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Offline Black Wolf

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Cloak 'em, then have them warp out with no warp effect. Extra sexping, but not impossible.
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Season 2 of buck rogers blew chunks! (except for HAWK, he DA MAN!)... And that God awful sailor suit they made Wilma wear (shudder :shaking: )...

   In season 1 they went everywhere in their starfighters via stargates in each system (like our nodes) in fact I bet FS got the node concept from Buck Rogers!!! What do you think? that could be a kick in the head! ;)

Plus I always loved that graphic!!!
Don't think of it as being outnumbered. Think of it as having a wide target selection !

ICQ#: 5256653
[email protected]

Projects: Gundam TC, Trek BTFF, REF, and Beyond Redemption


Offline Unknown Target

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Descent II warp effect? Have a link plz? (never played #2 :))


Offline DeepSpace9er

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A link.... i cant help you with dat, but what basically happens is the ship comes to a complete stop, the dude presses a button and this orangy sphere forms around the ship and then it flashes for a second and disappears the way you turn a TV off.

Warp in: The Sphere forms again, then disappares with the ship inside it.