Author Topic: Animated Glows  (Read 2699 times)

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Offline diamondgeezer

That animated Pegasus glowmap doesn't work for me. I talked to Lighty and he says I'm doing it right - if I remove it the ship doesn't glow at all so it's definitely picking up the right file. It's just not animating.


Running the 5/12 build with DX8 through a Ti4800 SE

I'm having the same problem with glow points. I'm trying to animate a photon torpedo via glow point but it will not accept ani's, just pcx. Typical engine glowmaps are not even animated, just size shifted back and forth. If you find a solution please PM me.


Offline Bobboau

  • Just a MODern kinda guy
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wait a sec, glow points/thrusters don't uport ANI at all
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Offline Flipside

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Well, I haven't used LS's new Pegasus, but I was under the impression they did, I have certainly managed to animate glow AND shine textures before, or at least it looked like I had :D

Oh right, sorry didn't read Bob's post right.

No, I didn't think glowpoints were animated either, but I thought Bobb + LS's new thruster maps used the [V] animations?

Flipside :D


Offline diamondgeezer

So should I start a new thread if this one's going to be hijacked? Or can someone offer some insight in to why the feature doesn't work (ie. the feature I refered to in my inital post, if there's any confusion :blah: )


Offline Bobboau

  • Just a MODern kinda guy
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does it say 'file not foud' or something to that effect if the ani is renamed/removed, if not it is still loading a pcx from somewere
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Offline diamondgeezer

Like I said, it picks up the ani as the glow map. If I remove the ani, there is no glow. So it's picking up the right file, but the ani isn't animating.


Offline Flipside

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I've been doing some research here DG, and there seem to be some rules, but I'm still feeling my way through them...

1)  It seems if you use an ANI glow, your texture must a ANI, even a 1 frame one else the glow doesn't show.
2) Using a totally green texture DOESN'T seem to work, it makes everything transparent, including teh glow, but making an ANI file with pure green for black does work.
3) Make sure the texture names are correct in the model file, did this myself and wasted 3 hours :(

That's about all I can find to help.

Flipside :D


Offline diamondgeezer

That just made my head hurt


Offline Lightspeed

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what does the glow look like? is it a solid unanimated glow or does it show the first frame of the ANI?
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Offline diamondgeezer

Just looks like a regular glow map


Offline Lightspeed

  • Light Years Ahead
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then you've got a wrong ANI. There is NO frame inside my ani that looks like the normal glow map.
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Offline diamondgeezer

I have the right file. I've downloaded it again from Miliways to make sure. And since if I remove the Ani file the ship does not glow at all, I can only assume the game is picking the Ani up as the glowmap. Thus I conclude that the game isn't displaying the Ani properly. Though I must agree that it is strange that the ship should glow like it would with a normal glowmap, given that thw Ani looks completely different.

Given the age of this thread now, though, I'm suprised that no-one's tried the animated glow themselves and reported back. I had assumed people had had it working before... does it work with the current build?

I hate to bring this back from the dead, but it's still considered a bug on Mantis.

Anyways, I'd like to report that the animated glowmap WORKS for me when using Bobboau's test-build (the one before the env build).


Offline phreak

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does it work on the 03_05_2004 build
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Offline diamondgeezer

It does! Yay :D:yes: