this might help
$Name: GB Cannon
+Title: XSTR("Neutron Gun", -1)
"Fires a stream of neutrons.
Level 3 Hull Damage ", -1)
+Tech Title: XSTR("Neutron Gun", -1)
+Tech Anim: Tech_Subach_HL-7
+Tech Description:
"Minbari Neutron guns cause molecular decay on the targets hull plating. Using powerful gravimetrics to control the confinement of the beam, Minbari craft use this to great advantage and are able to bring significant firepower on their target.", -1)
$Model File: none
@Laser Bitmap:newglo6
@Laser Color:190, 150, 250
@Laser Length:10.0
@Laser Head Radius:0.90
@Laser Tail Radius:0.30
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 1100
$Fire Wait: 10
$Damage: 20
$Armor Factor: 1.0
$Shield Factor: 0.7
$Subsystem Factor: 0.7
$Lifetime: 1.1
$Energy Consumed: 9;this is only getting fired by one point at a time
$Cargo Size: 0.0
$Homing: NO
$LaunchSnd: 84
$ImpactSnd: 85
+Weapon Range: 1800
$Flags: ( "beam" "in tech database" "player allowed" )
$Icon: iconSD4
$Anim: SD4
$Impact Explosion: ExpMissileHit1
$Impact Explosion Radius: 5.5
+Type: 3
+Life: 0.15
+Warmup: 100
+Warmdown: 100
+Radius: 4.0
+PCount: 0
+PRadius: 0.0
+PAngle: 0.0
+PAni: particleexp01
+Miss Factor: 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3
+BeamSound: 84
+WarmupSound: 151
+WarmdownSound: 157
+Muzzleglow: beamglow3
+Shots: 1
+ShrinkFactor: 0.0
+ShrinkPct: 0.0
$Section: ;; one section of the beam (you can have up to 5)
+Width: 0.25 ;; width of the section
+Texture: beam-red ;; texture for this section
+RGBA Inner: 255 255 255 255 ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
+RGBA Outer: 150 150 150 10 ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
+Flicker: 0.0 ;; how much it flickers (0.0 to 1.0)
+Zadd: 4.0 ;; hehe
$Section: ;; one section of the beam
+Width: 0.5 ;; width of the section
+Texture: beam-green2 ;; texture for this section
+RGBA Inner: 160 160 0 255 ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
+RGBA Outer: 60 60 0 10 ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
+Flicker: 0.45 ;; how much it flickers (0.0 to 1.0)
+Zadd: 3.0 ;; hehe
$Section: ;; one section of the beam (you can have up to 5)
+Width: 1 ;; width of the section
+Texture: beam-green ;; texture for this section
+RGBA Inner: 255 255 255 255 ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
+RGBA Outer: 150 150 150 10 ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
+Flicker: 0.4 ;; how much it flickers (0.0 to 1.0)
+Zadd: 2.0 ;; hehe
$Section: ;; one section of the beam
+Width: 1.7 ;; width of the section
+Texture: beam-green3 ;; texture for this section
+RGBA Inner: 255 0 0 255 ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
+RGBA Outer: 60 0 0 10 ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
+Flicker: 0.5 ;; how much it flickers (0.0 to 1.0)
+Zadd: 0.0 ;; hehe