Author Topic: New Forum  (Read 959 times)

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Offline Blue Lion

  • Star Shatterer
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Yea I know 99% of you don't play FS2 multi, but on the off chance someone might, I'm posting this here. Auger has set up a nice new forum for anyone who does or is thinking about multiplayer, It's predominantly Squadwar related, but is also for Co-ops ,TvTs and dogfights. So if anyone wants to give it a look.....

 Thanks for your time


Offline Setekh

  • Jar of Clay
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    • Hard Light Productions
Thanks. I actually picked up this link a while ago; and I'm talking to Auger now. :)
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
HARD LIGHT PRODUCTIONS, now V3.0. Bringing Modders Together since January 2001.
THE HARD LIGHT ARRAY. Always makes you say wow.