Author Topic: Showing variable values in messages  (Read 3207 times)

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Offline Goober5000

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Showing variable values in messages
It's now implemented and in CVS.  Just put a dollar sign in front of the variable name.  So if you had a variable called ships_left, you could do
Code: [Select]
There are $ships_left ships in the area.which would display as
Code: [Select]
There are 5 ships in the area.or however many ships there are.

Note that the dollar sign is consumed along with the variable.  So if you wanted to display the amount of money you had, with a dollar sign in front of it, you'd have to do this:
Code: [Select]
You have $$money.which would appear as
Code: [Select]
You have $1000.

I don't feel like uploading a build right now, but it's in CVS and it'll be in the next posted CVS build. :p


Offline Falcon

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Showing variable values in messages
Ahhhhh thats great :yes:

Makes messaging alot shorter............


Offline karajorma

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Showing variable values in messages
Excellent. Gonna bugger up voice acting of course but I've been waiting for this for so long I couldn't care less :D
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline phreak

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Showing variable values in messages
Actually it would really be useful for those stealth missions where you have to stay X meters from fighters.  just plop the smallest distance in a variable and use the training-msg sexp
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
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Showing variable values in messages
Bugger up voice acting? Pffft. This is a step toward making the voice replace the number with a voice file for that number...


Offline karajorma

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Showing variable values in messages
Originally posted by Gregster2k
Bugger up voice acting? Pffft. This is a step toward making the voice replace the number with a voice file for that number...

I doubt it. Have you any idea how much voice acting would be required to support such a feature? Not to mind the fact that that sort of effect sounds horribly false.

As Phreak says though using this in missions where you've got training messages that can support it would be very good though.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]

Showing variable values in messages
Only as false as the actor makes it out to be. Freelancer can do it seamlessly, you know. It just takes GOOD voice actors. The point is that the option should be possible, just in case, you know what I mean?

Showing variable values in messages
I've never heard it done seamlessly. Where did Freelancer do that?


Offline WMCoolmon

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Showing variable values in messages
Originally posted by SadisticSid
I've never heard it done seamlessly. Where did Freelancer do that?

Maybe it was just so seamless you didn't notice? :p


Offline NGTM-1R

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Showing variable values in messages
Freelancer has noticible pauses, it's not seemless.
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