Author Topic: Portfolio website - need comments.  (Read 1322 times)

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Offline Rictor

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Portfolio website - need comments.
Here's my portfolio website. Comments and bug reports welcome. Also, do you reckon it looks "professional" and all that? In short, good enough to send out with my resume on job hunting?

Disclaimer 1: The site will look screwed up in Firefox. I realize this, I use FF myself, and I'm trying to work it out.

Disclaimer 2: I realize it's pretty poorly coded, but that's all behind the scenes. The layperson need not know.
:nervous: :nervous:

over yonder

Portfolio website - need comments.
Why not try using NVU to help make your website if the code is really messed up?  (Still in beta at the moment and there are some bugs, but I still find it useful.)

You'd have to scrap your frames (you shouldn't be using those anyway) but there is a helpful practical tutorial here on how to replace your frames with, uh, pseudo-frames.

(I was about to comment on the Firefox/Deer Park problem, but luckily my reading and comphrehension skills did not fail me this time.)


Offline Rictor

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Portfolio website - need comments.
I'm not using frames last time I checked. But thanks, I'll take a look at NVU, Dreamweaver creates very messy code.


Offline Rictor

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Portfolio website - need comments.


Offline Kamikaze

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Portfolio website - need comments.
The theme and general feel of the design is very nice. The positioning appears to be weird in FF, but you knew that.

About the content... I'm not really a fan of the submenus you have. It'd be a lot easier to use the page if you just put your links inside your boxes on the right side. It also breaks copy + paste.

I really like how your menu sidebar looks, but I think it would look better if it extended farther down the page. For that matter, I think the whole thing would look and function better if it used the full size of the page. Your header tree thing would work better if it was on the right extreme of the window.
Science alone of all the subjects contains within itself the lesson of the danger of belief in the infallibility of the greatest teachers in the preceding generation . . .Learn from science that you must doubt the experts. As a matter of fact, I can also define science another way: Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts. - Richard Feynman


Offline Black Wolf

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Portfolio website - need comments.
The links on the bottom left are easy to miss - can you make them more prominent somehow?
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Offline Taristin

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Portfolio website - need comments.
Have any original art to show that isn't a sihlouette? I mean, they're nice and all, in an iPod kinda way...
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