Author Topic: New Build (May 14, 2005)  (Read 7852 times)

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Offline Trivial Psychic

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New Build (May 10, 2005)
I still can't hear ogg sounds with this new build so I'm guessing either A), Taylor hasn't commited his ogg fix, or B), this build isn't based off latest CVS.

I haven't had time to give this build a real workout though.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Offline phreak

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New Build (May 10, 2005)
A is the correct answer.
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Offline taylor

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New Build (May 10, 2005)
Originally posted by Trivial Psychic
I still can't hear ogg sounds with this new build so I'm guessing either A), Taylor hasn't commited his ogg fix, or B), this build isn't based off latest CVS.

The fixes should be in the updated build I think.  I added the last of the two fixes in early yesterday.  If it's still not working then get me something to test with (don't really need the sound files, just the tbl) and I'll have another go at it.

Another point is that I don't think this build is made with OpenAL support like WMCoolmon's build was.  My fixes were for OpenAL only so if it's not working here too then it's not something that is API specific.  There are only a couple of general places that can cause it to mess up though so that may be a good thing.


Offline Trivial Psychic

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New Build (May 10, 2005)
From the TBP 3.2 Beta thread.  THIS zip contains many table files for it, including the music and sounds tables, which have the ogg references.
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Offline taylor

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New Build (May 10, 2005)
Nevermind, found the problem, I think.  I found a problem anyway and just had some Mudvayne playing rather than main_amb.  It was general (a file handle issue) so hopefully all is better now.  More mixup from when both WMCoolmon and I tried to fix ogg our own way.  We've learned out lesson now though, just missed this in the cleanup that followed. :rolleyes:

New Build (May 10, 2005)
Clicking on the Techroom CTD, Clicking on Continue CTD, Clicking on Exit CTD, but i think it has to be this way ;-)

Sorry, but for me this build don´t work anyway


Offline Flaser

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New Build (May 10, 2005)
Originally posted by Psychonaut
Clicking on the Techroom CTD, Clicking on Continue CTD, Clicking on Exit CTD, but i think it has to be this way ;-)

Sorry, but for me this build don´t work anyway

The same old mantra goes here:

Was it a release or a debug build?
What's your hardware and software configuration (CPU, Ram, VRam, GPU, OS)?
What vp-s were installed and where?
What campaign was loaded?
What mods did you use? (Anything beside main FS2 is a mod)
"I was going to become a speed dealer. If one stupid fairytale turns out to be total nonsense, what does the young man do? If you answered, “Wake up and face reality,” you don’t remember what it was like being a young man. You just go to the next entry in the catalogue of lies you can use to destroy your life." - John Dolan

New Build (May 10, 2005)
Phreak, this build has the same stutter prob for me as the new inferno build you posted, whenever a fighter blows up, it stutters for about half a sec when its about to break into debris.

I've just checked with other builds that still work after the catalyst update and they work fine.


Offline redmenace

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New Build (May 10, 2005)
Originally posted by Psychonaut
Clicking on the Techroom CTD, Clicking on Continue CTD, Clicking on Exit CTD, but i think it has to be this way ;-)

Sorry, but for me this build don´t work anyway

Try a new pilot?
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New Build (May 10, 2005)
I´ve tried a new pilot.

And also i`ve posted my system specs that often that i didn´t remind to post them again :p

I´m sure this is not a hardware related thing, ´cause all other builds do work more or less properly.
I used the release-build and i´ve tried it with a lot of mods and campaigns always with the same results.

The flags i use are:
-spec -glow -jpgtga -nomotiondebris -2d_poof -pcx2dds -d3d_no_vsync -nobeampierce -dualscanlines -ship_choice_3d -targetinfo -orbradar -3dwarp -ballistic_gauge -smart_shields -snd_preload -env -fps -spec_point 6.9 -spec_exp 11 -spec_static 1.0 -spec_tube 4.4 -ambient_factor 75

I use them with every build.

The vps are more or less recent. I put some of "my" effects into the data-folder but again most of the time i havn´t had any problems.

Maybe it just doesn´t work for me?!
« Last Edit: May 15, 2005, 12:44:29 pm by 1875 »


Offline phreak

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New Build (May 10, 2005)
Originally posted by SuperCoolAl
Phreak, this build has the same stutter prob for me as the new inferno build you posted, whenever a fighter blows up, it stutters for about half a sec when its about to break into debris.

I've just checked with other builds that still work after the catalyst update and they work fine.

i think the studdering occurs when the ship textures are unloaded if the last one in the mission is killed.  Since this occurs during the mission, it may slow stuff down.

edit: between having all bitmaps unloaded at level close, as well as turning all debug info off, it seems to have sped it up a bit.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2005, 01:55:33 pm by 31 »
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
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New Build (May 10, 2005)
I am having some problems with the capital ship lasers with this build. They fire but very randomly and often no where near their targets.
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Offline phreak

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New Build (May 10, 2005)
i think i fixed that after i posted the build.
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
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Offline phreak

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New Build (May 10, 2005)
Originally posted by Ransom Arceihn
Minor problem which seems to have been introduced with this, custom loading screens appear to be kinda broken. It seems that it only displays the loading screen for the prior mission to the one you're actually loading now, which means the first mission you load will never have a custom loading screen.

loading screens have been fixed.
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
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