Author Topic: Interface list  (Read 901 times)

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Offline gevatter Lars

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I have heard someone made a list of what interface elements/files where used for the different screens. Would it be possible to get this list even if its incomplete.
It would help me quite much.

Thanks in advance.
"Yes! That is my plan, and I see nothing wrong with it. I figure that if I stick to a stupid strategy long enough it might start to work."
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Offline taylor

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Crap.  Forgot.  Starman01 was going to remind me about that but I haven't really been around except for OS X or Linux stuff until the past week or so so it's likely I just missed it.  I haven't been back to the modders request forum in months probably so I bet I'll have to go back there and apologize. :nervous:

I'll have to dig up the PDF (on a different computer now) but I'll try and update here tomorrow with the link.  I think that I had done almost everything, single and multi player screens, but not the positions of all of the text elements (and I probably missed a couple of screens as well), and I never did get the thumbnail shots of everything or any sort of index to know what's where.  And it may have some errors in it too.  If I did miss the index I'll go ahead and do that before uploading it but the other stuff probably won't get done any time soon.  Hopefully what I've got will be enough for now, and I'll get back to finish it up when I can.


Offline gevatter Lars

  • Another wingnut
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No reason to least not to me ^_^

All I need is a list of what files belong to what this
Techroom -> files xy to xy

The rest should be more or less doable. The position of the elements could also be interesting.

Well I will see what you have tomorrow.
"Yes! That is my plan, and I see nothing wrong with it. I figure that if I stick to a stupid strategy long enough it might start to work."
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