Author Topic: My Little Campaign...  (Read 1452 times)

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  • Dark Agent
  • 27
Well...I haven't made a site for it so I'll just give an update here on it.  The Rough Riders campaign is going smooth, however, I was looking at the name and the events that happen in the campaign and thought...hmmm.  Maybe I need to change the name of it, since changed the squadron's name, and have tweaked the plot some.  Ok, tweak the plot a bunch.  But anyways, here is some just fluff I guess I could say about it.

Campaign name is now: Delecate Terror(after the song by My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult)  

It's been one year since Capella, one year since the NTF rebellion.  Things should be normal, but they aren't.  Depression has ravaged most systems.  Terran and Vasudan alike.  However, under the old NTF ideas, many of the "core" systems have been planning a revolt.  It was 17 months after the Second Great War that Deneb, Sirius, Polaris, Alpha Centari, and Vega formally suceeded from the GTVA.  GTVA officals did not approve of this, and sent troops to put these systems under martial law.  

However, secretly these rebel systems had developed a unified government called the Confederate Star Alliance.  They war able to push back the GTVA and now 3 months later the war has become dead locked.  

The war has also brought back both the economy of the CSA and the economy of the GTVA with the production of thier new weapons of war.  

What will become of the GTVA and the CSA is unknown.

[This message has been edited by CODEDOG ND (edited 12-26-2001).]
It's a fact.  Stupid people have stupid children.  If you are stupid, don't have sex.  If you insist on having sex.  Have sex with animals.  If you have sex with an animal.  Make sure the animal is smarter than you are.  Just encase of some biological fluke you and the animal have offspring, they won't be as stupid as you are.   One more thing.  Don't assume the animal is protected.  If the animal has a condom, or if female some interuterian device, insist they wear it.  Help stop this mindless mindlessness.  Keep your stupidty to yourself.  This message was brought to you by the Committee of Concerned Citizens that are Smarter than You are.


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Offline CP5670

  • Dr. Evil
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Hey the beginning of your story is similar to that of my campaign and takes place at around the same time as mine does. Keep it up.