Author Topic: OpenGL= 16bit  (Read 2517 times)

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Offline Oblisk

  • 24
Why is it that whenever I try to run the game in OGL mode, the game runs in 16bit? All the settigns are under 32bit in the Launcher, but when I start the game, it's in 16bit. The game works fine in 32bit under D3D, it looks like its only happening in OGL. Is this a common bug?
"Go on, get out. Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." -Marx


Offline WMCoolmon

  • Purveyor of space crack
  • 213
Is your windows display mode set at 16-bit?


Offline Oblisk

  • 24
Is your windows display mode set at 16-bit?

"Go on, get out. Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." -Marx


Offline taylor

  • Super SCP/Linux Guru
  • Moderator
  • 212
Run a recent debug build and give us access to the fs.log file.  It will have the init info for OpenGL so we can see what it's doing.


Offline Oblisk

  • 24
Run a recent debug build and give us access to the fs.log file.  It will have the init info for OpenGL so we can see what it's doing.

Sure, I'll just run it and paste the info later.
"Go on, get out. Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." -Marx


Offline Oblisk

  • 24
I also took the liberty of taking a screenshot.


DEBUG SPEW: No debug_filter.cfg found, so only general, error, and warning
categories can be shown and no debug_filter.cfg info will be saved.
AutoLang: Language auto-detection successful...
Setting language to English
soundcard = DirectSound
** MAX_CHANNELS set to 26.  DS reported 26.
GR_CPU: Family 6, MMX=Yes
Initializing opengl graphics device...

  Vendor     : ATI Technologies Inc.
  Renderer   : RADEON 9700 PRO x86/MMX/3DNow!/SSE
  Version    : 2.0.5529 WinXP Release
  Extensions :

  Found extension "GL_EXT_fog_coord", and function "glFogCoordfEXT()".
  Found extension "GL_EXT_fog_coord", and function "glFogCoordPointerEXT()".
  Found extension "GL_ARB_multitexture", and function "glMultiTexCoord2fARB()".
  Found extension "GL_ARB_multitexture", and function "glActiveTextureARB()".
  Found extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_add".
  Found extension "GL_ARB_texture_compression", and function "glCompressedTexImage2D()".
  Found extension "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc".
  Found extension "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic".
  Unable to find extension "GL_NV_fog_distance".
  Found extension "GL_EXT_secondary_color", and function "glSecondaryColor3fvEXT()".
  Found extension "GL_EXT_secondary_color", and function "glSecondaryColor3ubvEXT()".
  Found extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_combine".
  Found extension "GL_EXT_texture_env_combine".
  Found extension "GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array", and function "glLockArraysEXT()".
  Found extension "GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array", and function "glUnlockArraysEXT()".
  Found extension "GL_ARB_transpose_matrix", and function "glLoadTransposeMatrixfARB()".
  Found extension "GL_ARB_transpose_matrix", and function "glMultTransposeMatrixfARB()".
  Found extension "GL_ARB_multitexture", and function "glClientActiveTextureARB()".
  Found extension "GL_EXT_draw_range_elements", and function "glDrawRangeElements()".
  Found extension "GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat".
  Unable to find extension "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two".
  Found extension "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object", and function "glBindBufferARB()".
  Found extension "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object", and function "glDeleteBuffersARB()".
  Found extension "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object", and function "glGenBuffersARB()".
  Found extension "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object", and function "glBufferDataARB()".

  Max texture units: 8
  Max elements vertices: 2147483647
  Max elements indices: 65535
  Max texture size: 2048x2048
  Texture compression enabled: YES

Size of bitmap info = 760 KB
Size of bitmap extra info = 52 bytes
ANI cursorweb with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
Using high memory settings...
Wokka!  Error opening file (interface.tbl)!
Unable to parse interface.tbl!ANI 2_radar1 with size 170x170 (33.6% wasted)
ML Freespace Multi Log - Opened Sat, Mar 04, 2006  at 05:10PM

Windoze reported 16 joysticks, we found 1
Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-mus.tbm"
Wokka!  Error opening file (armor.tbl)!
Unable to parse armor.tbl!cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-amr.tbm"
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-wxp.tbm"
couldn't find pcx for Subach HL-7
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Subach_AniBitmap.eff) with 6 frames at 5 fps.
found ani Subach_AniBitmap for Subach HL-7, with 6 frames and 5 fps
couldn't find pcx for Subach HL-D
found ani Subach_AniBitmap for Subach HL-D, with 6 frames and 5 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Akheton SDG
found ani Akheton_Particle for Akheton SDG, with 11 frames and 25 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Morning Star
found ani Morningstar_Particle for Morning Star, with 21 frames and 10 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for MorningStar D
found ani Morningstar_Particle for MorningStar D, with 21 frames and 10 fps
couldn't find pcx for Prometheus R
BMPMAN: Found EFF (PrometheusR_AniBitmap.eff) with 12 frames at 5 fps.
found ani PrometheusR_AniBitmap for Prometheus R, with 12 frames and 5 fps
couldn't find pcx for Prometheus S
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Prometheus_AniBitmap.eff) with 12 frames at 5 fps.
found ani Prometheus_AniBitmap for Prometheus S, with 12 frames and 5 fps
couldn't find pcx for Prometheus D
found ani Prometheus_AniBitmap for Prometheus D, with 12 frames and 5 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Maxim
found ani Maxim_Particle for Maxim, with 21 frames and 10 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Maxim D
found ani Maxim_Particle for Maxim D, with 21 frames and 10 fps
couldn't find pcx for UD-8 Kayser
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Kayser_AniBitmap.eff) with 4 frames at 5 fps.
found ani Kayser_AniBitmap for UD-8 Kayser, with 4 frames and 5 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for UD-8 Kayser
ANI Kayser_Particle with size 80x80 (37.5% wasted)
found ani Kayser_Particle for UD-8 Kayser, with 7 frames and 30 fps
couldn't find pcx for UD-D Kayser
found ani Kayser_AniBitmap for UD-D Kayser, with 4 frames and 5 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for UD-D Kayser
found ani Kayser_Particle for UD-D Kayser, with 7 frames and 30 fps
couldn't find pcx for Circe
found ani Circe_Bitmap for Circe, with 20 frames and 15 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Lamprey
ANI Lamprey_Particle with size 86x86 (32.8% wasted)
found ani Lamprey_Particle for Lamprey, with 9 frames and 20 fps
couldn't find pcx for Shivan Light Laser
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Alouqua_AniBitmap.eff) with 6 frames at 20 fps.
dds: Couldn't open 'Alouqua_AniBitmap_0003' -- error description File not found
EFF: Unable to load all frames for 'Alouqua_AniBitmap.eff', stopping at #3
found ani Alouqua_AniBitmap for Shivan Light Laser, with 3 frames and 20 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Shivan Heavy Laser
found ani Shivan_Laser_Stream for Shivan Heavy Laser, with 11 frames and 35 fps
couldn't find particle pcx for Shivan Mega Laser
found ani Shivan_Laser_Stream for Shivan Mega Laser, with 11 frames and 35 fps
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-wep.tbm"
Wokka!  Error opening file (difficulty.tbl)!
Unable to parse 'difficulty.tbl'!  Code = 5.
Loaded modular ship table file ships.tbl
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-shp.tbm"
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=7, filter="*-hdg.tbm"
ML 03/04 17:10:45~   psnet_init() detected no connection
ML 03/04 17:10:45~   psnet_get_ip() reports IP :

ML 03/04 17:10:45~   Receive buffer set to 4096

ML 03/04 17:10:45~   Send buffer set to 4096

ML 03/04 17:10:45~   Receive buffer set to 4096

ML 03/04 17:10:45~   Send buffer set to 4096

ML 03/04 17:10:45~   Found no RAS connections
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=25, filter="*.pcx"
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=32, filter="*.pcx"
loading animated cursor "cursor"
ANI cursor with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
Ships.tbl is : VALID
Weapons.tbl is : VALID
cfile_init() took 34
Got event GS_EVENT_TEAM_SELECT (49) in state NOT A VALID STATE (0)
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=28, filter="*.pl2"
cf_get_file_list_preallocated looking for type=28, filter="*.plr"
ANI cursor.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'barracudas.pcx'
ANI 2_mainwalk.ani with size 477x477 (6.8% wasted)
ANI 2_mainflyby.ani with size 189x189 (26.2% wasted)
ANI 2_maincrane.ani with size 116x116 (9.4% wasted)
ANI 2_mainexit.ani with size 174x174 (32.0% wasted)
ANI 2_mainbarracks.ani with size 158x158 (38.3% wasted)
ANI 2_mainreadyroom.ani with size 145x145 (43.4% wasted)
ANI 2_maintechroom.ani with size 119x119 (7.0% wasted)
ANI 2_mainoptions.ani with size 206x206 (19.5% wasted)
ANI 2_maincampaign.ani with size 190x190 (25.8% wasted)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.591 (0.591)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.968 (0.968)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.275 (0.275)
ANI 2_mainwalk.ani with size 477x477 (6.8% wasted)
ANI 2_mainflyby.ani with size 189x189 (26.2% wasted)
ANI 2_maincrane.ani with size 116x116 (9.4% wasted)
ANI 2_mainexit.ani with size 174x174 (32.0% wasted)
ANI 2_mainbarracks.ani with size 158x158 (38.3% wasted)
ANI 2_mainreadyroom.ani with size 145x145 (43.4% wasted)
ANI 2_maintechroom.ani with size 119x119 (7.0% wasted)
ANI 2_mainoptions.ani with size 206x206 (19.5% wasted)
ANI 2_maincampaign.ani with size 190x190 (25.8% wasted)
Got event GS_EVENT_START_GAME (1) in state GS_STATE_MAIN_MENU (1)
=================== STARTING LEVEL LOAD ==================
Reassigning player to squadron 134th Barracuda
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'barracudas.pcx'
ANI 2_Loading.ani with size 43x43 (32.8% wasted)
Starting model page in...
Beginning level bitmap paging...
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particlesmoke01.eff) with 52 frames at 28 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particlesmoke02.eff) with 61 frames at 24 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (WarpMap01.eff) with 15 frames at 24 fps.
loading warp modelLoading model 'warp.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'warp.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 4252971066, IBX checksum: 1808156958 -- "warp.pof"
 or warpmap-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2 128
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shieldhit01a.eff) with 23 frames at 21 fps.
SHOCKWAVE =>  Loading default shockwave model...
Loading model 'shockwave.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'shockwave.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3636355033, IBX checksum: 1479656910 -- "shockwave.pof"
 but I did find shockwave3d.tga.
 or shockwave3d-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SHOCKWAVE =>  Default model load: SUCCEEDED!!
MISSION LOAD: 'SM2-02.fs2'
Hmmm... Extension passed to mission_load...
Reassigning player to squadron 134th Barracuda
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'barracudas.pcx'
Loading model 'AWACS2t-01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'AWACS2t-01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2418051010, IBX checksum: 3114628060 -- "AWACS2t-01.pof"
 but I did find
 but I did find AWACC-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find AWACdC-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find AWACA-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 or AWACtile1-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 or AWACtile3-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 or AWACtile4-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find AWACtile5-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find AWACdA-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 or AWACtile2-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find AWACB-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find AWACdB-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5SOBJ IDed itself as 6SOBJ IDed itself as 7SOBJ IDed itself as 8SOBJ IDed itself as 9SOBJ IDed itself as 10SOBJ IDed itself as 11SOBJ IDed itself as 12SOBJ IDed itself as 13SOBJ IDed itself as 14SOBJ IDed itself as 15SOBJ IDed itself as 16SOBJ IDed itself as 17SOBJ IDed itself as 18SOBJ IDed itself as 19SOBJ IDed itself as 20SOBJ IDed itself as 21SOBJ IDed itself as 22SOBJ IDed itself as 23SOBJ IDed itself as 24SOBJ IDed itself as 25SOBJ IDed itself as 26Found live debris model for 'radara'
Found live debris model for 'radara'
Found live debris model for 'radara'
Loading model 'corvette2t-01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'corvette2t-01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3356494594, IBX checksum:  556113981 -- "corvette2t-01.pof"
 but I did find
 or Tcov3A-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 or Tcov1A-glow.pcx.
 but I did find tcov4a-alpha.tga.
 but I did find tcov4a-alpha-glow.tga.
 but I did find
 or Tcov2A-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 or Tcov7A-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 or Tcov6A-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 or Tcov5A-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 or tCOV6A-glow.pcx.
 but I did find tcov4aint.tga.
 but I did find tcov4aint-glow.tga.
 but I did find
 or DAMAGE-glow.pcx.
 but I did find corvette2t-01a.tga.
 or corvette2t-01a-glow.pcx.
 but I did find corvette2t-01b.tga.
 or corvette2t-01b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find corvette2t-01c.tga.
 or corvette2t-01c-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5SOBJ IDed itself as 6SOBJ IDed itself as 7SOBJ IDed itself as 8SOBJ IDed itself as 9SOBJ IDed itself as 10SOBJ IDed itself as 11SOBJ IDed itself as 12SOBJ IDed itself as 13SOBJ IDed itself as 14SOBJ IDed itself as 15SOBJ IDed itself as 16SOBJ IDed itself as 17SOBJ IDed itself as 18SOBJ IDed itself as 19SOBJ IDed itself as 20SOBJ IDed itself as 21SOBJ IDed itself as 22SOBJ IDed itself as 23SOBJ IDed itself as 24SOBJ IDed itself as 25SOBJ IDed itself as 26SOBJ IDed itself as 27SOBJ IDed itself as 28SOBJ IDed itself as 29SOBJ IDed itself as 30SOBJ IDed itself as 31SOBJ IDed itself as 32SOBJ IDed itself as 33SOBJ IDed itself as 34SOBJ IDed itself as 35SOBJ IDed itself as 36SOBJ IDed itself as 37SOBJ IDed itself as 38SOBJ IDed itself as 39SOBJ IDed itself as 40SOBJ IDed itself as 41SOBJ IDed itself as 42SOBJ IDed itself as 43SOBJ IDed itself as 44SOBJ IDed itself as 45SOBJ IDed itself as 46SOBJ IDed itself as 47SOBJ IDed itself as 48SOBJ IDed itself as 49SOBJ IDed itself as 50SOBJ IDed itself as 51SOBJ IDed itself as 52SOBJ IDed itself as 53SOBJ IDed itself as 54SOBJ IDed itself as 55SOBJ IDed itself as 56SOBJ IDed itself as 57SOBJ IDed itself as 58SOBJ IDed itself as 59SOBJ IDed itself as 60SOBJ IDed itself as 61SOBJ IDed itself as 62SOBJ IDed itself as 63SOBJ IDed itself as 64SOBJ IDed itself as 65SOBJ IDed itself as 66SOBJ IDed itself as 67SOBJ IDed itself as 68SOBJ IDed itself as 69SOBJ IDed itself as 70SOBJ IDed itself as 71Loading model 'fighter13.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter13.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3591725850, IBX checksum: 1754503719 -- "fighter13.pof"
 but I did find
 but I did find Fighter13-01a-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find Fighter13-01b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find Fighter13-01c-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5SOBJ IDed itself as 6SOBJ IDed itself as 7SOBJ IDed itself as 8SOBJ IDed itself as 9SOBJ IDed itself as 10SOBJ IDed itself as 11SOBJ IDed itself as 12Loading model 'f_shockwave.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'f_shockwave.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2618048572, IBX checksum: 2133387881 -- "f_shockwave.pof"
 but I did find
 or f_shockwave-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0Loading model 'fighter01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3815331129, IBX checksum: 1396079649 -- "fighter01.pof"
 but I did find
 but I did find Fighter01-01c-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find Fighter01-01a-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find Fighter01-01b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find Fighter01-01a-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5SOBJ IDed itself as 6SOBJ IDed itself as 7SOBJ IDed itself as 8SOBJ IDed itself as 9SOBJ IDed itself as 10SOBJ IDed itself as 11SOBJ IDed itself as 12Loading model 'subspacenode.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'subspacenode.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3818061352, IBX checksum:  360838405 -- "subspacenode.pof"
 but I did find dummy.pcx.
 or dummy-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0Starting mission message count : 205
Ending mission message count : 231
Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices
=================== LOADING GAME PALETTE ================
ANI 2_lock1 with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI 2_lockspin with size 100x100 (21.9% wasted)
ANI 2_lead1 with size 26x26 (18.8% wasted)
ANI 2_energy2 with size 96x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI toggle1 with size 20x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI weapons1 with size 20x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI weapons1_b with size 20x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc1 with size 60x60 (6.3% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc2 with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc3 with size 29x29 (9.4% wasted)
ANI 2_leftarc with size 252x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_rightarc1 with size 252x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_reticle1 with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI targhit1 with size 21x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI energy1 with size 41x41 (35.9% wasted)
ANI targetview1 with size 156x156 (39.1% wasted)
ANI targetview2 with size 96x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI targetview3 with size 20x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI damage1 with size 25x25 (21.9% wasted)
ANI support1 with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI objective1 with size 21x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI wingman1 with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman2 with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman3 with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI netlag1 with size 30x30 (6.3% wasted)
ANI head1 with size 132x132 (48.4% wasted)
ANI time1 with size 23x23 (28.1% wasted)
Adding default sun
=================== STARTING LEVEL DATA LOAD ==================
About to page in ships!
ANI shield-f01 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shieldft-02 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'fighter2t-02.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter2t-02.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1294070389, IBX checksum:  673981695 -- "fighter2t-02.pof"
 but I did find
 but I did find fighter2t-02a-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find fighter2t-02b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find fighter2t-02c-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5SOBJ IDed itself as 6SOBJ IDed itself as 7SOBJ IDed itself as 8SOBJ IDed itself as 9SOBJ IDed itself as 10SOBJ IDed itself as 11SOBJ IDed itself as 12SOBJ IDed itself as 13SOBJ IDed itself as 14SOBJ IDed itself as 15SOBJ IDed itself as 16SOBJ IDed itself as 17SOBJ IDed itself as 18SOBJ IDed itself as 19SOBJ IDed itself as 20SOBJ IDed itself as 21SOBJ IDed itself as 22SOBJ IDed itself as 23SOBJ IDed itself as 24SOBJ IDed itself as 25SOBJ IDed itself as 26ANI shield-f13 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shieldft-05 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'fighter2t-05.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter2t-05.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3069302688, IBX checksum: 2195317766 -- "fighter2t-05.pof"
 but I did find
 but I did find fighter2t-05A-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find fighter2t-05B-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5SOBJ IDed itself as 6SOBJ IDed itself as 7SOBJ IDed itself as 8SOBJ IDed itself as 9SOBJ IDed itself as 10SOBJ IDed itself as 11SOBJ IDed itself as 12SOBJ IDed itself as 13SOBJ IDed itself as 14SOBJ IDed itself as 15SOBJ IDed itself as 16SOBJ IDed itself as 17SOBJ IDed itself as 18SOBJ IDed itself as 19SOBJ IDed itself as 20SOBJ IDed itself as 21SOBJ IDed itself as 22SOBJ IDed itself as 23Loading model 'support2t-01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'support2t-01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3683740669, IBX checksum: 3367592094 -- "support2t-01.pof"
 but I did find
 but I did find support1-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1c-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1c-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1c-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1c-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1c-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find support1c-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 or damage-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5SOBJ IDed itself as 6SOBJ IDed itself as 7SOBJ IDed itself as 8SOBJ IDed itself as 9SOBJ IDed itself as 10SOBJ IDed itself as 11SOBJ IDed itself as 12SOBJ IDed itself as 13SOBJ IDed itself as 14SOBJ IDed itself as 15SOBJ IDed itself as 16Loading model 'support2v-01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'support2v-01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3033145745, IBX checksum: 4039211247 -- "support2v-01.pof"
 but I did find vsupport1.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1-glow.pcx.
 or thruster02-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1b.pcx.
 or vsupport1b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1b.pcx.
 or vsupport1b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1b.pcx.
 or vsupport1b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1b.pcx.
 or vsupport1b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1b.pcx.
 or vsupport1b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1b.pcx.
 or vsupport1b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1c.pcx.
 or vsupport1c-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1c.pcx.
 or vsupport1c-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1c.pcx.
 or vsupport1c-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1c.pcx.
 or vsupport1c-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1c.pcx.
 or vsupport1c-glow.pcx.
 but I did find vsupport1c.pcx.
 or vsupport1c-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 or damage-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5SOBJ IDed itself as 6SOBJ IDed itself as 7SOBJ IDed itself as 8SOBJ IDed itself as 9SOBJ IDed itself as 10ANI shield-f10 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'fighter10.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter10.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum:  440883452, IBX checksum: 3206436778 -- "fighter10.pof"
 but I did find
 or thruster03-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find
 but I did find
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5SOBJ IDed itself as 6SOBJ IDed itself as 7SOBJ IDed itself as 8SOBJ IDed itself as 9SOBJ IDed itself as 10SOBJ IDed itself as 11SOBJ IDed itself as 12ANI shield-f11 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'fighter11.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter11.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1221070737, IBX checksum: 3737593568 -- "fighter11.pof"
 but I did find
 or thruster03-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5SOBJ IDed itself as 6SOBJ IDed itself as 7SOBJ IDed itself as 8SOBJ IDed itself as 9ANI shieldfs-01 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'fighter2s-01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter2s-01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 4118995579, IBX checksum:  377933753 -- "fighter2s-01.pof"
 but I did find
 but I did find fighter2S-01c-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find fighter2S-01b-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5SOBJ IDed itself as 6SOBJ IDed itself as 7SOBJ IDed itself as 8SOBJ IDed itself as 9ANI shieldfs-02 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'fighter2s-02.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighter2s-02.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum:   51299642, IBX checksum: 3972700630 -- "fighter2s-02.pof"
 but I did find
 or thruster03-glow.pcx.
 but I did find
 but I did find
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5SOBJ IDed itself as 6SOBJ IDed itself as 7SOBJ IDed itself as 8SOBJ IDed itself as 9SOBJ IDed itself as 10SOBJ IDed itself as 11SOBJ IDed itself as 12SOBJ IDed itself as 13ANI shieldbs-01 with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
Loading model 'bomber2s-01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'bomber2s-01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2426465608, IBX checksum: 1832993672 -- "bomber2s-01.pof"
 but I did find
 but I did find
 but I did find
 but I did find Bomber2s-01c-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5SOBJ IDed itself as 6SOBJ IDed itself as 7SOBJ IDed itself as 8This mission requires 204 Ship_subsystems. See #define MAX_SHIP_SUBOBJECTS.
Loading model 'hornet.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'hornet.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3879058811, IBX checksum: 2665377010 -- "hornet.pof"
 but I did find hornetall-a.pcx.
 or hornetall-a-glow.pcx.
 but I did find hornetall-b.pcx.
 or hornetall-b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find hornetall-d.pcx.
 or hornetall-d-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3Loading model 'rockeye.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'rockeye.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 4051743095, IBX checksum: 2542828999 -- "rockeye.pof"
 but I did find mx64b.pcx.
 or mx64b-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
 but I did find rocka.pcx.
 or rocka-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5Loading model 'Tempest.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Tempest.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2582055991, IBX checksum: 4041416356 -- "Tempest.pof"
 but I did find tempall.pcx.
 or tempall-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5Loading model 'NewHornet.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'NewHornet.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3879058811, IBX checksum: 2665377010 -- "NewHornet.pof"
 but I did find hornetall-a.pcx.
 or hornetall-a-glow.pcx.
 but I did find hornetall-b.pcx.
 or hornetall-b-glow.pcx.
 but I did find hornetall-d.pcx.
 or hornetall-d-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3Loading model 'bombardier.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'bombardier.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2575899787, IBX checksum:  723039750 -- "bombardier.pof"
 but I did find
 or bombardier-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5Loading model 'crossbow.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'crossbow.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum:  852142110, IBX checksum: 2182346228 -- "crossbow.pof"
 but I did find
 or crossbow-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5Loading model 'trebuchet.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'trebuchet.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3041141961, IBX checksum: 1975720314 -- "trebuchet.pof"
 but I did find trebuchet.pcx.
 or trebuchet-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5Loading model 'taga.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'taga.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3891445845, IBX checksum: 2012696944 -- "taga.pof"
 but I did find TAGA.pcx.
 or TAGA-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5Loading model 'tagb.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'tagb.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2164944813, IBX checksum: 4151046049 -- "tagb.pof"
 but I did find tagb.pcx.
 or tagb-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5Loading model 'tagc.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'tagc.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum:  448596213, IBX checksum: 2359679342 -- "tagc.pof"
 but I did find tagc.pcx.
 but I did find tagc-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5Loading model 'piranha.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'piranha.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2155204485, IBX checksum:  514441841 -- "piranha.pof"
 but I did find piranhaA.pcx.
 or piranhaA-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5Loading model 'stilettoII.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'stilettoII.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3940925484, IBX checksum: 1067525095 -- "stilettoII.pof"
 but I did find newstilleto.pcx.
 or newstilleto-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5Loading model 'infyrno.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'infyrno.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2957681153, IBX checksum: 2126438110 -- "infyrno.pof"
 but I did find infyrno.pcx.
 or infyrno-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5Loading model 'belial.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'belial.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3099232563, IBX checksum: 1533134588 -- "belial.pof"
 but I did find
 but I did find belial-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2Loading model 'Tsunami.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Tsunami.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1524385838, IBX checksum: 2172846320 -- "Tsunami.pof"
 but I did find tsunall-a.pcx.
 or tsunall-a-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2Loading model 'helios.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'helios.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 4214892821, IBX checksum: 2812414724 -- "helios.pof"
 but I did find helios.pcx.
 or helios-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2Loading model 'EMPulse2.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'EMPulse2.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3832111446, IBX checksum:  128053394 -- "EMPulse2.pof"
 but I did find empulse.pcx.
 or empulse-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5Loading model 'Harbinger.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Harbinger.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 1674117057, IBX checksum: 2324041455 -- "Harbinger.pof"
 but I did find harball-a.pcx.
 or harball-a-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2Loading model 'MX-50.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'MX-50.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2163019510, IBX checksum: 3003283221 -- "MX-50.pof"
 but I did find MX-A.pcx.
 or MX-A-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
 but I did find Mx-B.pcx.
 or Mx-B-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5Loading model 'Synaptic.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Synaptic.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2284473230, IBX checksum:  580413511 -- "Synaptic.pof"
 but I did find SynAll-A.pcx.
 or SynAll-A-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
 but I did find SynAll-B.pcx.
 or SynAll-B-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5Loading model 'Interceptor.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Interceptor.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum:  908169754, IBX checksum: 2935445563 -- "Interceptor.pof"
 but I did find Inter-A.pcx.
 or Inter-A-glow.pcx.
 or thruster01-glow.pcx.
 but I did find Inter-B.pcx.
 or Inter-B-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp20.eff) with 64 frames at 35 fps.
ANI Lamprey_Impact with size 80x80 (37.5% wasted)
Loading model 'cmeasure01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'cmeasure01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 3857917235, IBX checksum: 2177386502 -- "cmeasure01.pof"
 but I did find
 but I did find Countermeasure-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0Loading model 'debris01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'debris01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2538545483, IBX checksum: 3625372205 -- "debris01.pof"
 but I did find
 but I did find debris01a-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5SOBJ IDed itself as 6SOBJ IDed itself as 7SOBJ IDed itself as 8SOBJ IDed itself as 9SOBJ IDed itself as 10SOBJ IDed itself as 11SOBJ IDed itself as 12SOBJ IDed itself as 13SOBJ IDed itself as 14SOBJ IDed itself as 15Loading model 'debris02.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'debris02.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 2383342928, IBX checksum: 1834445411 -- "debris02.pof"
 but I did find
 but I did find debris01a-glow.pcx.
SOBJ IDed itself as 0SOBJ IDed itself as 1SOBJ IDed itself as 2SOBJ IDed itself as 3SOBJ IDed itself as 4SOBJ IDed itself as 5SOBJ IDed itself as 6SOBJ IDed itself as 7SOBJ IDed itself as 8SOBJ IDed itself as 9SOBJ IDed itself as 10SOBJ IDed itself as 11SOBJ IDed itself as 12SOBJ IDed itself as 13SOBJ IDed itself as 14SOBJ IDed itself as 15Paging in mission messages
Stopping model page in...
ANI cursorweb.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_radar1.ani with size 170x170 (33.6% wasted)
ANI Kayser_Particle.ani with size 80x80 (37.5% wasted)
ANI Lamprey_Particle.ani with size 86x86 (32.8% wasted)
ANI 2_lock1.ani with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI 2_lead1.ani with size 26x26 (18.8% wasted)
ANI 2_energy2.ani with size 96x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI toggle1.ani with size 20x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI weapons1.ani with size 20x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc1.ani with size 60x60 (6.3% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc2.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc3.ani with size 29x29 (9.4% wasted)
ANI 2_leftarc.ani with size 252x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_rightarc1.ani with size 252x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_reticle1.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI targhit1.ani with size 21x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI energy1.ani with size 41x41 (35.9% wasted)
ANI targetview1.ani with size 156x156 (39.1% wasted)
ANI targetview2.ani with size 96x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI targetview3.ani with size 20x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI damage1.ani with size 25x25 (21.9% wasted)
ANI support1.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI objective1.ani with size 21x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI wingman1.ani with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman2.ani with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman3.ani with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI netlag1.ani with size 30x30 (6.3% wasted)
ANI head1.ani with size 132x132 (48.4% wasted)
ANI time1.ani with size 23x23 (28.1% wasted)
ANI shield-f01.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shieldft-02.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-f13.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shieldft-05.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-f10.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shield-f11.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shieldfs-01.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shieldfs-02.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI shieldbs-01.ani with size 93x93 (27.3% wasted)
ANI Lamprey_Impact.ani with size 80x80 (37.5% wasted)
User bitmap 'TMP824x43'
User bitmap 'TMP824x43'
User bitmap 'TMP256x256'
User bitmap 'TMP256x256'
User bitmap 'TMP128x128'
Bmpman: 2605/4750 bitmap slots in use.
Ending level bitmap paging...
=================== ENDING LOAD ================
Real count = 5160,  Estimated count = 2311
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 45.125 (45.125)
ANI 2_BriefMap with size 400x400 (21.9% wasted)
ANI iconwing01 with size 28x28 (12.5% wasted)
ANI iconfighter01 with size 28x28 (12.5% wasted)
ANI 2_ssfighter01.ani with size 368x368 (28.1% wasted)
SHIP ANI: Found hires version of 2_ssfighter01.ani
ANI iconSD4 with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI iconPromR with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI iconTagA with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_SD4.ani with size 304x304 (40.6% wasted)
ANI 2_PromR.ani with size 304x304 (40.6% wasted)
ANI 2_tagA.ani with size 304x304 (40.6% wasted)
ANI icont-cruiser with size 18x18 (43.8% wasted)
ANI iconv-cruiser with size 44x44 (31.3% wasted)
ANI icons-cruiser with size 28x28 (12.5% wasted)
ANI icont-fightW with size 54x54 (15.6% wasted)
ANI iconv-fightW with size 46x46 (28.1% wasted)
ANI icons-fighterW with size 40x40 (37.5% wasted)
ANI iconT-vette with size 31x31 (3.1% wasted)
ANI fadeiconT-vette with size 31x31 (3.1% wasted)
ANI fadeiconT-vette.ani with size 31x31 (3.1% wasted)
ANI FadeiconT-FighterW with size 54x54 (15.6% wasted)
ANI FadeiconT-FighterW.ani with size 54x54 (15.6% wasted)
ANI FadeiconT-cruiser with size 18x18 (43.8% wasted)
ANI FadeiconT-cruiser.ani with size 18x18 (43.8% wasted)
ANI iconhighlight03 with size 270x270 (47.3% wasted)
ANI iconhighlight03.ani with size 270x270 (47.3% wasted)
ANI iconhighlight02 with size 164x164 (35.9% wasted)
ANI iconhighlight02.ani with size 164x164 (35.9% wasted)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 1.098 (1.098)
ANI iconT-vette.ani with size 31x31 (3.1% wasted)
ANI icont-fightW.ani with size 54x54 (15.6% wasted)
ANI cursor.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.517 (0.517)
Got event GS_EVENT_ENTER_GAME (2) in state GS_STATE_BRIEFING (11)
Entering game at time =  60.713
Regenerating local nebula!
Frame  1 too long!!: frametime = 0.292 (0.292)
message 'A2- Intro' with invalid head.  Fix by assigning persona to the message.
ANI Head-TP5a.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
Regenerating local nebula!
Regenerating local nebula!
message 'COM- Intro 2' with invalid head.  Fix by assigning persona to the message.
ANI Head-CM2a.ani with size 120x120 (6.3% wasted)
1753 frames executed in  30.008 seconds,  58.417 frames per second.
Frame 1990 too long!!: frametime = 0.292 (0.292)
Recycled beam (0 beams remaining)
Dumping screen to 'screen0000'
Recycled beam (0 beams remaining)
Frame 3143 too long!!: frametime = 0.272 (0.272)
Frame 3143 too long!!: frametime = 0.445 (0.445)
Got event GS_EVENT_END_GAME (4) in state GS_STATE_GAME_PLAY (2)
Unloading in mission messages
ANI 2_mainwalk.ani with size 477x477 (6.8% wasted)
ANI 2_mainflyby.ani with size 189x189 (26.2% wasted)
ANI 2_maincrane.ani with size 116x116 (9.4% wasted)
ANI 2_mainexit.ani with size 174x174 (32.0% wasted)
ANI 2_mainbarracks.ani with size 158x158 (38.3% wasted)
ANI 2_mainreadyroom.ani with size 145x145 (43.4% wasted)
ANI 2_maintechroom.ani with size 119x119 (7.0% wasted)
ANI 2_mainoptions.ani with size 206x206 (19.5% wasted)
ANI 2_maincampaign.ani with size 190x190 (25.8% wasted)
Frame 3144 too long!!: frametime = 5.965 (5.965)
Frame 3144 too long!!: frametime = 0.317 (0.317)
Got event GS_EVENT_QUIT_GAME (5) in state GS_STATE_MAIN_MENU (1)

Freespace Multi Log - Closing on Sat, Mar 04, 2006  at 05:12PM
Freeing all existing models...
"Go on, get out. Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." -Marx


Offline phreak

  • Gun Phreak
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which command lines are you running through the launcher?
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
phreakscp - gtalk
phreak317#7583 - discord


Offline Oblisk

  • 24
"All features on"

\FreeSpace2\fs2_open_367.exe -spec -glow -pcx32 -jpgtga -d3dmipmap -nomotiondebris -2d_poof -orbradar -snd_preload
"Go on, get out. Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." -Marx


Offline Trivial Psychic

  • 212
  • Snoop Junkie
I'd advise you to disable the -pcx32 option.  It realy doesn't have any improvements for your in-game visuals, but it takes up more memory.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Offline Oblisk

  • 24
I'd advise you to disable the -pcx32 option.  It realy doesn't have any improvements for your in-game visuals, but it takes up more memory.
Isnt that the 32bit textures? Why leave it off?
"Go on, get out. Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." -Marx


Offline Trivial Psychic

  • 212
  • Snoop Junkie
For one, that option only allows PCX images to be loaded into 32-bit memory.  Unfortuately, most PCX images are in 8-bit so when they're loaded into 32-bit memory, you don't realy get an improvement in quality, but it uses 4 times the memory space.  As it is, 8-bit PCX images are loaded into 16-bit memory by default.  As for jpg, tga, and dds, this particular command line option doesn't affect them at all.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Offline taylor

  • Super SCP/Linux Guru
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  • 212
Run a recent debug build ...
That log is from a build that's too old, I need something recent.  And all that's really needed is the contents of the log up until this line "... OpenGL init is complete!".


Offline Oblisk

  • 24
Run a recent debug build ...
That log is from a build that's too old, I need something recent.  And all that's really needed is the contents of the log up until this line "... OpenGL init is complete!".

Is 367 not the latest? That's what I'm using.
"Go on, get out. Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." -Marx


Offline karajorma

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3.6.7 is the most recent official build. It's pretty old in development terms as it was released around september last year.

Check the SCP >> Recent Builds forum for more recent builds. Something from the CVS builds thread should suffice.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]


Offline Oblisk

  • 24
Ok, doing that now. What exactly are CVS?
« Last Edit: March 05, 2006, 06:53:39 am by Oblisk »
"Go on, get out. Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." -Marx


Offline karajorma

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I always just cut and paste from my FAQ when people ask :)

Official Releases
The SCP release official builds a few times a year. You can recognise these by the version number 3.5, 3.6.1, 3.6.7 etc. Historically the official builds have been released following a period of bug fixing and are supposed to be stable. In practice minor bugs have had a habit of creeping in and spoiling that.
As with the launcher check the official SCP website

Recent\CVS Builds

When one of the coders has a feature he wants tested he'll release a build of the game for people to play with and bug-test. These builds can be found in the recent builds forum on HLP.
In addition to this CVS builds are also posted there on a regular basis. The purpose of the CVS builds is to combine all the work that the coders have done and make sure that it all works well when put together.
In general CVS builds are very stable. Often more so than the official builds. The general response to someone posting a problem with an official build is to tell them to check the most recent CVS build to see if the problem goes away. However on occasion CVS builds can be very unstable if someone has just checked in a piece of code which is incompatible with something else in CVS. For this reason people new to the SCP are generally advised to try out an official build first and only move on to CVS if there is a problem or once they are a little more comfortable with the way the SCP works.
Other recent builds on the other hand make a very poor choice for your first build. This is hardly surprising as they generally released when a coder has a feature he has just finished writing. Often the feature just doesn't work plain and simple and crashes the game the first few tries. For this reason you should steer clear of these at first unless you actively want to help bug-test.

Debug vs Release builds

Whether you choose a recent build or an official one either way the package you download will probably contain two executable files (filenames ending in .exe). One of these will have "_dbg" or "_d" in the name. Use the other one (which will most likely have "_r" in the name). This is the release build and is the one you should use most of the time. If you encounter a problem you may be asked to use the debug build. That's when you use the other exe.

All builds should be extracted to your main FreeSpace 2 folder.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]


Offline Oblisk

  • 24
So the CVS's are the new updated *.exe's that we execute from the Launcher, correct?
"Go on, get out. Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." -Marx


Offline karajorma

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Yep. Simply click the browse button at the top of the launcher and select the new one.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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