Author Topic: Joystick!!!!!!  (Read 1293 times)

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Offline Polpolion

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Today was my (real) birthday. I got a Cyborg evo Force joystick and an ATI Radeon 9550.

I am having trouble with my joystick. I want to bind the throttle to the throttle and the rudder to bank, but I don't know how. I selected the " increase spead" button and I moved the throttle, but it won't work. Same with the rudder. Any help? Also, is the Graphics card good for SCP?

Thanks. (you'd better not make me edit that out)

That card's fine.

But I have no idea about the throttle problem I'm afraid.


Offline StratComm

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Please get rid of that sig.  It's really hard to take you seriously with it on.

Anyway, you're wanting to bind to "absolute throttle axis" (for the throttle, obviously) and "bank axis" (for the rudders".  If the binding doesn't explicitly say "axis" in the control configuration screen, you will not be able to use an axis-based control for it.  Those others are restricted to buttons and keys.
who needs a signature? ;)
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Last edited by StratComm on 08-23-2027 at 08:34 PM


Offline Polpolion

  • The sizzle, it thinks!
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Weee!!! It works!!! thank you!!!! wee!!!

ohh and I cannot change my sig. sorry. the only times your suppused to take me seriously are when I use capitol letters, puncuation marks, and spelling correctly, which incidently, isn't very often.


Offline Goober5000

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ohh and I cannot change my sig. sorry. the only times your suppused to take me seriously are when I use capitol letters...

Just as long as they don't have anthrax in them.


Offline Cobra

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not teh anthrax! :shaking:
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