Author Topic: Oh Hello! (4KTroubles)  (Read 1751 times)

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Oh Hello! (4KTroubles)
Ahoy strangers, I've been streaming a bit on twitch recently, and I can imagine I'd surprise no one if I said I started with FreeSpace (which, I imagine I will revisit one day on stream too..).

In the process I've had many 'minor' issues, nothing that I haven't been able to work around non-ideally.
The biggest one though, is HUD scaling on 4k screens.
My UI is TINY, I assume the assets are all the same regardless of res hense 640 seeming different to 1080 and 4k seeming crazy different.. Anything we can do about this? Is it already done and I missed an option? I'm using 3.7.2, and WxLauncher 0.9.0 on windows 10 across 3 monitors.

When I actually tried to set my monitor  to 1080p and FS to 1080p my video spazzed out (repeatedly strobing black) you can't actually see that in the VOD from my stream but it has a weird (* I assume I missed a setting in obs) downscale issue.

It also feels a tiny(okay quite a lot but I can't confirm very easily cuz my computer doesn't seem to wanna play it in 1080p on this monitor) bit like it's harder to lock missiles on 4k.. though I may just be imagining it and rusty AND using FS1 missiles which might well lock slower and I forgots..
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Offline chief1983

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Re: Oh Hello! (4KTroubles)
I thought we just merged a fix for the scaling from Yarn into master recently, but I could be mistaken.  I know it's been brought up though.

I also think we discovered that resolution does affect missile lock since 3.7.2 and I think we managed to fix that too?  Either way hopefully it's reassuring that you're not the first to have noticed either of these issues.  But I do think they will already be fixed in 3.7.4, which should be do as soon as Goober gets the last blocking issue fixed now that the blocks for that issue have been addressed :)

Edit:  Ok the missile one isn't fixed yet, I guess the bug report fizzled out.  And Yarn's patch for hud scaling limitations hasn't been accepted yet either.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2015, 10:45:23 pm by chief1983 »
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline niffiwan

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Re: Oh Hello! (4KTroubles)
Actually, I think the missile lock issue has been fixed since 3.7.2 (the issue you linked to is about framerate affecting missiles, rather than screen size?)

Regarding the tiny HUD, there's been three new HUDs released recently which might help.
(all linked from this post)
Creating a fs2_open.log | Red Alert Bug = Hex Edit | MediaVPs 2014: Bigger HUD gauges | 32bit libs for 64bit Ubuntu
Debian Packages (testing/unstable): Freespace2 | wxLauncher
m|m: I think I'm suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Bmpman is starting to make sense and it's actually written reasonably well...


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Re: Oh Hello! (4KTroubles)
Not to mention that you can simply make the default HUD scale with current MediaVPs with a one-line .tbm (just throw this into your /MediaVPs_2014/data/tables/ folder).
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<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
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<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
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<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

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Offline chief1983

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Re: Oh Hello! (4KTroubles)
My bad, I just saw missiles and thought it was the same.  Ok, so better shape than I thought.
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays

Re: Oh Hello! (4KTroubles)
Interesting that we seem to be coming at this from multiple angles... a tbm is fine for me as I can drop it in any folder I need to for mods and check whether it breaks anything or not, but it might be worth dropping something on the launcher?

The missile stuff is definitely not the frame rate based stuff which the game has always had ;o
"Neutrality means that you don't really care, cuz the struggle goes on even when you're not there: Blind and unaware."

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