Author Topic: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Spoilers)  (Read 7239 times)

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Offline Koorah

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[FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Spoilers)

If I have read the context of mission 6A correctly, Alpha wing will be destroying the convoy they would have guarded in mission 6 of the alternative branch. In that mission the action takes place in the area around GTI Boone. This is great news for me cos I like doing 'ambient traffic' in missions. However, it does raise some questions for me which I'd like to have clarified before I roll up my sleeves and get stuck in.

Should point out that I'm just trying to get a grip on the relationships (both Military and Political) between the factions here. Once I understand that I can script plausible explanations for the scenario.

1) I get the impression from previous missions that the SOC actions concerning Tetrach Conglomerate (at this stage at least) are being kept hidden from the rank and file GTVA? Should this attack on a terran civilian convoy now be overt seeing as we know what Tetrach has been up to? Seems a little harsh on the freighter crews if so - I am reminded of Dr Evils henchmen....

2) If the attack should be deniable by the GTVA (for whatever reasons I come up with ;)) that sort of infers Alpha wing should be posing as pirates. As a point of general FS2 plot protocol, is it acceptable for pirates (or mercenaries for that matter) to have access to top of the line GTVA military hardware or should they be kept to old Great War surplus stock such as Hercs, Ulyssess and at a push Loki's that the GTVA would most likely have sold off to civilians? Somehow the idea that the GTVA would have sold off Perseus interceptors and Herc 2's to the plebs, especially after a protracted conflict of attrition with the NTF and the Shivans seems.....unlikely?

3) On a similar point, the TCv Apos should presumably be a Deimos. Are the GTVA really going to sell a perfectly functioning corvette to a corporation and wouldn't they have records of who they sold this devastating piece of military hardware too? I expect these points have been answered to the communities satisfaction some time ago but I've been away remember? ;) If there is some 'continuity doc' I should read by all means point me to it - I'm going through Karajorma's FAQ as a FRED refresher but my questions are more about the universe than FRED.

I think if you can just give me some pointers on these questions I can fill in the blanks (such as the Boone's response to an attack on civilian shipping in myself.

Cheers and sorry if I'm going over very old ground here. 


Offline karajorma

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Re: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Sp
It's been a while since I looked at the plotline for the campaign so if you have suggestions on how to do things or improve them I'm all ears.

As best I can remember we're basically setting the campaign in a universe with much more cutthroat competition between businesses than is usual in most campaigns.

While the GTVA is the main buyer of military hardware they aren't the only ones. In the same way that arms companies around today will sell weapons to both sides we're saying that some companies have sold weapons and even small capships like the deimos class to people other than the GTVA. With piracy fairly common most corporations would want to have caps to protect their shipping.

As for the ships attacking each other I believe the idea was to make it look like corporate raiding of each other's shipping rather than being the GTVA's doing.
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Offline Koorah

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Re: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Spoilers)
Thanks for the tips Karajorma.

As Alpha will be 'in disguise' as it were and performing a punishment action rather than a police action I think destroying the convoy isn't a problem. If they went in as SOC or GTVA then I think they should at least try to capture the freighters first - they are supposed to be the good guys after all!

Ok, Alpha wing will be in mufti as it were and I'll chew over how the Boone responds to an attack on civilian shipping. 

As the only mission involving this convoy is M5 that Braxis was working on, I'll dl that and use the same ships to form my convoy to keep continuity.

Watch this space...


Offline karajorma

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Re: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Sp
Will do.
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Sp
2) If the attack should be deniable by the GTVA (for whatever reasons I come up with ;)) that sort of infers Alpha wing should be posing as pirates.

Gah!  Implies, dude.


Offline Koorah

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Re: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Sp
2) If the attack should be deniable by the GTVA (for whatever reasons I come up with ;)) that sort of infers Alpha wing should be posing as pirates.

Gah!  Implies, dude.
Jings Crivens, you ARE the Grammer Inquistor!

However, you are quite right. I should have said "...may I infer that Alpha wing should pose as pirates?"


Apologies sir.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Sp
No problem. :) As long as you're learning, that's the main thing. :D


Offline Koorah

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Re: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Sp
No problem. :) As long as you're learning, that's the main thing. :D





Offline Koorah

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Re: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Error!

Was just trying to place a Leviathan and I got this error:

Error: Can't open model file <cruiser01x.pof>
Line: 1748
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Call stack:

I'm using:

fred2_open_r-20060202.exe -fredhtl -jpgtga -spec -glow

From the SCP Torrent download in ShivanSpS's thread.

So far most other models appear to be fine. Need anything else?

Hope its not something really stupid I've done  :rolleyes:


Offline karajorma

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Re: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Sp
Create an shortcut for FRED2_Open and in the target section change the bit after the path to the game like this. From

Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]
F:\Games\Freespace2\fred2_open_r.exe -fredhtl -jpgtga -spec -glow -mod mediavps
It's the -mod mediavps bit that is screwing you over but the rest is worth having too :)
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Koorah

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Re: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Spoilers)

So I was just missing the -mod mediavps switch. Ok, next chance I get I'll give that a go.

I'm slowly catching up!

Incidentally, when I used to use FRED2 I'm sure the default Team Assignment in the Ships Editor was 'Friendly'. When I placed ships in this mission, the Team Assignment was blank, so, thinking this was possibly a small bug I changed it to 'Friendly'. When I ran the mission however, everyone was 'Hostile' including my wingmen (FRED did warn me that there were mixed teams in  Alpha wing, but as I checked each ship was 'Friendly' I thought it was a bit of FRED weirdness).

I had to change the team assignment in notepad rather than FRED. When I put all ships back to 'Friendly' in notepad their team assignment disappeared again in the Ships Editor. Is Team Assignment a known funny in FRED or it just me?


Offline karajorma

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Re: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Sp
Judging from the version given in the error message above you're using a build from slap bang in the middle of the time that Goober's IFF changes caused problems. I suspect you simply need a newer version of FRED.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Koorah

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Re: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Spoilers)
Roger that boss, I'm on it.


Offline Koorah

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Re: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Spoilers)

Ok things been a bit crazy with work and the little un recently. This is pretty much the first time I've had to check in for a month or so, let alone do any FREDing.

TBH I have no idea when I'll be able to get into it properly. I'll keep plugging away when I get a chance but if someone else wants to take it perhaps it would be better to let them rather than wait for me.

Anyway, just thought it would be polite to let you know.



Offline karajorma

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Re: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Spoilers)
Nah. It's not like we're close to being done. Keep plugging away at it :)
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline aldo_14

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Re: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 6A - Questions (and Spoilers)
2) If the attack should be deniable by the GTVA (for whatever reasons I come up with ;)) that sort of infers Alpha wing should be posing as pirates.

Gah!  Implies, dude.
Jings Crivens, you ARE the Grammer Inquistor!

However, you are quite right. I should have said "...may I infer that Alpha wing should pose as pirates?"


Apologies sir.

Help ma boab!