Author Topic: Where is the Golgotha?  (Read 3410 times)

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Offline Turey

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Hush little n00bie don't say a word.
U-T's gonna buy you a mod that works.
And if that mod that works should break.
U-T's going to become very irate.
And if UT should be-come i-rate.
Then UT will sen-tence you to your fate.
I can tell you that it won't be too great.
Because it'll include a plasma bolt in the butt.

Thank you UT. I'm going to have many a sleepless night because of the nighmares I'll have of you rocking noobs to sleep...  :shaking:
Creator of the FreeSpace Open Installer.
"Calm. The ****. Down." -Taristin
why would an SCP error be considered as news? :wtf: *smacks Cobra*It's a feature.


Offline Taristin

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Or putting your plasma bolt in their butts.
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline IceFire

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Yeah Vasudan Commander pretty much strolled into the BWO forums a few months back and nearly demanded that we deliver the thing right then and there.

BWO is being worked on, there is progress, we'd love to just deliver it right now, but its not quite finished yet.  We need to finish the upgraded MOD's and we need to finish with the first run of beta testing.  There will probably be opportunities for a second test run with a larger beta test group when things are a little more together.  Keep in mind that there are 35-40 missions (I haven't counted in a while) that are all complex, dialog heavy, and when they are finished they should stand up as being incredibly polished.

Machina Terra has been around for nearly as long as BWO has so if anyone does want to harass us they better go and be an equal opportunity offender and hit them, and maybe the Star Wars conversion, and so forth.  Back in the day...The Babylon Project was like that too actually.  Nothing we haven't seen before...

Anyways the Golgotha isn't yet available but she's a hell of a ship and the ship is integral to our plot so we're not quite ready to let it out of the bag.  Arkangel, you're welcome to join us in the BWO discussion area and if you do have any texturing or UV mapping talents then we'd be happy to have a look at your work.

- IceFire
BlackWater Ops, Cold Element
"Burn the land, boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me..."


Offline Polpolion

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Take your time and make sure everything is good. :nod: :)


Offline Mars

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Take your time... but not too much


Offline Getter Robo G

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And don't forget Voice Acting!

 :nervous: *runs*...
"Don't think of it as being out-numbered, think of it as having a WIDE target selection!"

"I am the one and ONLY Star Dragon..."
Proof for the noobs:  Member Search

[I'm Just an idea guy, NOT: a modeler, texturer, or coder... Word of advice, "Watch out for the ducks!"]

Robotech II - Continuing...
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