Author Topic: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007  (Read 13194 times)

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Offline taylor

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Re: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007
At the top of the script change "#!/bin/sh" to have a -x on it, like "#!/bin/sh -x".  Run it from a terminal like this "fs2_open &> /tmp/test.output", and then post the contents of /tmp/test.output here.  Maybe that will give me a better clue as to what's going on.


Offline chaotic

  • 25
Re: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007
Here it is:

Code: [Select]
+ [  =  ]
+ FindPath /usr/local/bin/fs2_open
+ echo /usr/local/bin/fs2_open
+ grep /
+ fullpath=/usr/local/bin/fs2_open
+ [ /usr/local/bin/fs2_open =  ]
+ [ /usr/local/bin/fs2_open =  ]
+ [ -L /usr/local/bin/fs2_open ]
+ ls -l /usr/local/bin/fs2_open
+ awk {print $11}
+ fullpath=
+ dirname
+ [  =  ]
+ FSO_LIB_PATH=./lib
+ export FSO_DATA_PATH
+ TMP_MODMAP=/home/chaotic/.fs2_open/
+ FSO_MODMAP=/home/chaotic/.fs2_open/xmodmap
+ [ -f /home/chaotic/.fs2_open/xmodmap ]
+ [ -f /home/chaotic/.fs2_open/xmodmap ]
+ trap xmodmap - < "/home/chaotic/.fs2_open/" && rm "/home/chaotic/.fs2_open/" 0 2 3 4 9 11 15
+ [ -x ./fs2_open.bin ]
+ echo Couldn't run FreeSpace 2 Open (fs2_open.bin). Is FSO_DATA_PATH set?
Couldn't run FreeSpace 2 Open (fs2_open.bin). Is FSO_DATA_PATH set?
+ exit 1
/usr/local/bin/fs2_open: 1: cannot open /home/chaotic/.fs2_open/ No such file
+ xmodmap -


Offline taylor

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Re: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007
What does the output of "ls -l /usr/local/bin/fs2_open" show?

Mine is like this:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 taylor taylor 37 Apr 11 00:11 /usr/local/bin/fs2_open -> /usr/local/games/fs2_open/fs2_open

That seems to be the problem, it's not getting the proper filename like it should.   /usr/local/bin/fs2_open appears to the script as a symlink, but it can't figure out what the symlink points to.


Offline chaotic

  • 25
Re: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007
"ls -l /usr/local/bin/fs2_open" says:
Code: [Select]
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 2007-04-11 10:29 /usr/local/bin/fs2_open -> /media/big/fs2/fs2_open


Offline taylor

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Re: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007
Ahh, ok, that makes sense with something that someone else said about the BtRL release too.  Your date display is different, leading to a locale issue that the awk command doesn't take into account.  Modifying the command to always use the same date format should fix it though.

I've attached a modified script, so grab it and give it a try.  If it works let me know and I'll go ahead and update the installer with the changes and post the link everywhere. :)

[attachment deleted by admin]


Offline chaotic

  • 25
Re: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007
I'm sorry but...
Code: [Select]
Couldn't run FreeSpace 2 Open (fs2_open.bin). Is FSO_DATA_PATH set?
"ls -l fs2_open" says
Code: [Select]
-rwxr-xr-x 1 chaotic chaotic 1787 2007-04-13 11:33 fs2_open


Offline taylor

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Re: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007
Did you replace your current fs2_open script in the game directory?  And the fix in question doesn't apply when you run the script from within the game directory itself, only when it's a generic call (ie, not "./fs2_open" but "fs2_open").


Offline chaotic

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Re: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007
Now I replaced the script in the game directory and in /usr/local/bin with the new one but same error  :(


Offline taylor

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Re: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007
Hehe, the one is /usr/local/bin is supposed to just be a symlink to the on the in game directory.  Assuming that it is in fact a symlink then all you should have to do is put the script in the game directory with the updated one.

See, it's this part that shows the problem:
Code: [Select]
+ [ -L /usr/local/bin/fs2_open ]
+ ls -l /usr/local/bin/fs2_open
+ awk {print $11}
+ fullpath=
+ dirname
It tests positive for a symlink, then tries to local the real file location.  It does this with the "ls -l" line, since that will show the original file, plus what it's symlinked to.  But in your case the "awk {print $11}" line is doing the wrong thing, since for you it should use "$10" instead.  The change to the script that I made should make "$10" work for everyone, including you, since the "ls" call was changed to use an exact date format ("ls -l --time-style=iso") rather than what your locale uses.

But, that part of the script doesn't execute if the file your are calling isn't a symlink. :)


Offline chaotic

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Re: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007
Hm but what does that mean for me?  :D Did I make anything wrong?


Offline taylor

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Re: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007
Not sure exactly.  But based on the debug output you posted earlier, the changes I made should have worked perfectly.  Try doing the -x thing again and see what it shows.  It could be something that I simply missed, or something is a little funky with your install.  Either is just as valid at the moment.  :D


Offline chaotic

  • 25
Re: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007
Code: [Select]
+ [  =  ]
+ FindPath /usr/local/bin/fs2_open
+ echo /usr/local/bin/fs2_open
+ grep /
+ fullpath=/usr/local/bin/fs2_open
+ [ /usr/local/bin/fs2_open =  ]
+ [ /usr/local/bin/fs2_open =  ]
+ [ -L /usr/local/bin/fs2_open ]
+ dirname /usr/local/bin/fs2_open
+ FSO_DATA_PATH=/usr/local/bin
+ [  =  ]
+ FSO_LIB_PATH=/usr/local/bin/lib
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/bin/lib:
+ export FSO_DATA_PATH
+ TMP_MODMAP=/home/chaotic/.fs2_open/
+ FSO_MODMAP=/home/chaotic/.fs2_open/xmodmap
+ [ -f /home/chaotic/.fs2_open/xmodmap ]
+ [ -f /home/chaotic/.fs2_open/xmodmap ]
+ trap [ -f "/home/chaotic/.fs2_open/xmodmap" ] && xmodmap - < "/home/chaotic/.fs2_open/" && rm "/home/chaotic/.fs2_open/" 0 2 3 4 9 11 15
+ [ -x /usr/local/bin/fs2_open.bin ]
+ echo Couldn't run FreeSpace 2 Open (fs2_open.bin). Is FSO_DATA_PATH set?
Couldn't run FreeSpace 2 Open (fs2_open.bin). Is FSO_DATA_PATH set?
+ exit 1
+ [ -f /home/chaotic/.fs2_open/xmodmap ]

Is it just me or are these code-boxes hard to read?  :D
« Last Edit: April 13, 2007, 03:20:09 pm by chaotic »


Offline taylor

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Re: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007
Yep, it's not a symlink.  The script is in /usr/local/bin, and it's not a symlink.  Since that is what the script is using as the base location for the game directory, it's trying to run the game from inside of /usr/local/bin rather then the proper directory, /media/big/fs2.  Make sure that you have the upgraded script in /media/big/fs2, then change directories to /usr/local/bin, remove the fs2_open script from there, and recreate the symlink with "ln -s /media/bin/fs2/fs2_open".  With any luck that will work. :)

Is it just me or are these code-boxes hard to read?  :D
Content wise, or just in general?  In general they are pretty difficult to read, for me at least, since the content doesn't stand out all that clearly due to coloring.  If it's the same for you, then you aren't alone. :)


Offline chaotic

  • 25
Re: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007
Doing "ln -s /media/bin/fs2/fs2_open" in /usr/local/bin did not work (dunno why) so I just reinstalled everything and put the fixed binary in my fs2-directory.....


Thank you very much for your help and your work taylor  :)

Content wise, or just in general?

In general ;)

In general they are pretty difficult to read, for me at least, since the content doesn't stand out all that clearly due to coloring.  If it's the same for you, then you aren't alone.

Good to hear that  :D

When its officially released I will rework my german linux guide and post it here, maybe it will help some german linux-users  ;)

Just one last question came up about the "-mod"-option:

How important is the order in which I load my mods?
I know I should load the campain I want to play firstly...for example when I want to play Blaise Russel's "Shivans" -> needs Fs1 Port and mediavps
So I do "-mod shivans,Fs1_Port_3,mediavps" or "-mod shivans,mediavps,Fs1_Port_3"? Or doesn't matter?


Offline taylor

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Re: linux 3.6.9 CVS 4/6/2007
So I do "-mod shivans,Fs1_Port_3,mediavps" or "-mod shivans,mediavps,Fs1_Port_3"? Or doesn't matter?
It really just depends on the mod really.  You want to play "shivans", but if it depends on "Fs1_Port_3" then that should come next.  Generally you would always put the MediaVPs last if they are actually required, since that should be considered at a base level only above the retail VPs themselves.  Getting the first one right is the most important, and I suspect that much of the time the remaining mod order isn't going to matter all that much.

Good to hear that it's all finally working though. :D  I'll upload the final installer later tonight and update the links in the relevant threads.