Author Topic: HEAD CVS Build - 28/02/07  (Read 11739 times)

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Re: HEAD CVS Build - 28/02/07
Kinda odd... i have been using same pilots with this build and fs2_open_3_6_9-Xt_0227.exe build without any problems.
Which, unfortunately, is why no one noticed the problem until just recently.  Your pilot data is corrupted, particularly red-alert loadout and status, but also anything that comes after it in the file: player loadout, scoring info and techroom data.  And there is no way to really fix it once the files are corrupted.


Offline karajorma

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Re: HEAD CVS Build - 28/02/07
Hang on a sec. I've seen lots of reports of problems with both loadout in campaigns and red alert bugs in the 3.6.9 branch too recently. Is that from the same cause?
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Re: HEAD CVS Build - 28/02/07
Hang on a sec. I've seen lots of reports of problems with both loadout in campaigns and red alert bugs in the 3.6.9 branch too recently. Is that from the same cause?
Nope.  The code issue in question is only in HEAD.

There is a loadout issue that occurs in both branches, it just isn't fixed in CVS yet.  That was actually another bug fix, but so many people are taking advantage of such a god awful bug (when they shouldn't and don't need to) that the previous fix has to be reverted.


Offline CP5670

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Re: HEAD CVS Build - 28/02/07
A few comments on the 2/27 X (stable) build, as I can't find any other place to post about it:

There is something wrong with the debug version of this build. When an error comes up, it goes into an unending cycle of minimizing and maximizing the game very rapidly, so fast that I can't close it in the task manager, and effectively crashes my computer. I'm actually getting this whenever the game displays a briefing stage with lines in it, but I can't tell whether it's specific to that or if it's a general, error message popup issue. Not sure if this is a bug in the code or just something with this particular build. The release build has no problems.

The crashes during mission loading seem to be more frequent in this build, although all the builds have done it for a while now. Although I'm not sure if this will help any, I got the debug logs from a crash and a successful load for the same mission. The last entry in the crashed log file is "ANI Lamprey_Impact.ani with size 80x80 (37.5% wasted)" and the next entry in the other log is "ANI 2_lock1.ani with size 53x53 (17.2% wasted)," so it's apparently crashing on that. There are three points in the loading sequence where I've repeatedly seen the crashes though, so this may not necessarily mean anything. The release and debug builds both crash the same way, with the generic windows error.

There are also some performance problems in this build. I'm noticing the framerate drop sharply several times near the beginning of many missions, although I haven't been able to determine exactly what causes it. It was not an issue in the 1/24 X build I was using earlier though.

Finally, I think there is some odd behavior with certain large ships blowing up, where the debris seems to contain two copies of some parts of the ship. I don't remember seeing it before, but want to confirm it before putting it on Mantis.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 05:36:06 am by CP5670 »


Offline taylor

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Re: HEAD CVS Build - 28/02/07
There is something wrong with the debug version of this build. When an error comes up, it goes into an unending cycle of minimizing and maximizing the game very rapidly, so fast that I can't close it in the task manager, and effectively crashes my computer...
That's not exactly supposed to happen, but it's not terribly surprising.  There is new warning popup code in the works (that doesn't ever take you out of the game) but it's only partially completed.  I haven't had the time or energy to finish coding it yet.

The crashes during mission loading seem to be more frequent in this build, although all the builds have done it for a while now.
Some of this is known, and fixed, but the code is still fairly new at this point.  Wait for the next build and if it's still as bad then let me know.

Finally, I think there is some odd behavior with certain large ships blowing up, where the debris seems to contain two copies of some parts of the ship. I don't remember seeing it before, but want to confirm it before putting it on Mantis.
Umm, you'll probably have to provide a screenshot for me to know exactly what you are talking about.  Depending on the debris for the ship though, it will render it all and eventually just leave you with the debris peices.  On some ships this is worse than on others and makes it look a bit strange, but it's not actually doing anything that it hasn't always done.

Re: HEAD CVS Build - 28/02/07
Why cant we activate the JPG-Tga flag? is it default now?
Yeah, it's default now.  DDS textures will try to load first though, then TGA -> JPG -> PCX.  Loading is done by location priority now, so it will just get the best match from the first directory that it finds a valid format.  There are a couple of bugs in the loading code which messes up on a couple of specific places (support ships, Herc LOD1), but those bugs have already been fixed, just not added to CVS yet (been too sick, right now I'm just trying to avoid puking all over my keyboard  :sigh:).

Good work, I figured the black (non-transparant) tercoc01 targetviews where caused by the TGA-JPG loading first... It seems the DDS Tercoc01 that is probivedd.. somewhere has transparancy... The only way to solve that in the 3.6.9 stable release is to disable the jpg/tga texturing (as I say in this topic

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Offline CP5670

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Re: HEAD CVS Build - 28/02/07
Umm, you'll probably have to provide a screenshot for me to know exactly what you are talking about.  Depending on the debris for the ship though, it will render it all and eventually just leave you with the debris peices.  On some ships this is worse than on others and makes it look a bit strange, but it's not actually doing anything that it hasn't always done.

uh, never mind what I said. I just found that it was actually a model problem. :p I don't know why I never noticed it until now.


Offline Tolwyn

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Re: HEAD CVS Build - 28/02/07
Why cant we activate the JPG-Tga flag? is it default now?
Yeah, it's default now.  DDS textures will try to load first though, then TGA -> JPG -> PCX.  Loading is done by location priority now, so it will just get the best match from the first directory that it finds a valid format.  There are a couple of bugs in the loading code which messes up on a couple of specific places (support ships, Herc LOD1), but those bugs have already been fixed, just not added to CVS yet (been too sick, right now I'm just trying to avoid puking all over my keyboard  :sigh:).

Could this be the cause for the target view/shield icon bug I reported a few days ago?
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Offline taylor

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Re: HEAD CVS Build - 28/02/07
Could this be the cause for the target view/shield icon bug I reported a few days ago?
Possibly.  I'll post a new build this weekend (a new one of my X builds plus a HEAD build) and you can find out for sure.

Re: HEAD CVS Build - 28/02/07
Could this be the cause for the target view/shield icon bug I reported a few days ago?
Possibly.  I'll post a new build this weekend (a new one of my X builds plus a HEAD build) and you can find out for sure.



Offline karajorma

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Re: HEAD CVS Build - 28/02/07
I'm sure that was meant as a joke but please, a little more respect...
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Re: HEAD CVS Build - 28/02/07
He's sick, remember? *whisper*
Altered mental status

EDIT: Why doesn't
Code: [Select]
[spoiler][/spoiler] work?
This is a test.


Offline Cobra

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Re: HEAD CVS Build - 28/02/07
Because there are no spoiler hacks for the SMF board code. :P
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