Author Topic: Go easy on me - First-time voice actor.  (Read 2791 times)

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Go easy on me - First-time voice actor.
Seeing as I'm hopeless at the technical side of modding, but still keen to help any projects any way I can, I thought I'd try my hand at voice acting.

I've never done voice acting before, so the samples I've uploaded are pretty terrible, and I'm not expecting to be snapped up for any kind of project. What I'm looking for is some kind of feedback, positive or (most likely) negative :).

All my samples were taken from the Silent-Threat: Reborn audition thread, simply for something to read.

They can be downloaded here.

Edit: The files are all .ogg, and are compressed in a .rar archive, just incase anyone was wondering. I can change that if nobody can play .ogg files.

The samples contained are:

2 Mission Brief samples (these are both slightly altered for lower pitch. My own voice isn't very authoritative >.>).
3 Normal-voice wingman samples.
3 Bizarre-voice wingman samples. I have no idea what I was thinking when I adopted this peculiar voice, so prepare to laugh.

Info that might be relevant: I'm 17 years old, and my nationality/accent is English.

Eagerly awaiting some feedback.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2008, 06:08:44 am by Switchfoot »

Re: Go easy on me - First-time voice actor.
Very bad idea.
Nobody will like to download your stuff.
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Re: Go easy on me - First-time voice actor.
Speak louder. In these samples it sounds like you're trying not to wake someone sleeping in the next room. That's the most glaring problem I think - your voice isn't bad otherwise.

Also, yeah, RapidShare is bad. Use PutFile or something.

Re: Go easy on me - First-time voice actor.
'Kay, I'll reupload. And is it really quiet? They sounded fine to me o.o.


Offline Ransom

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Re: Go easy on me - First-time voice actor.
I don't mean the volume. I could hear you fine. What I mean is you deliver your lines somewhere below the level of a normal speaking voice, which makes them sound lacking in confidence and unconvincing.


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Re: Go easy on me - First-time voice actor.
Tip, you can upload a small zip or rar file to the board (it should last longer than any upload site at least). Since a sample should suffice it doesn't need to be better than radio quality and as simple as "Beta 2 standing by"...

That way people don't ahve to go through hoops to find out what people sound like in consideration for voice roles.

I'm looking for people, but since I'm trying to match established roles, I'm looking for certain types. I'd rather not contact someone just to hear them and then not use them, it's bother some for everyone involved.

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