Author Topic: Speed and WWII Discussion (split from NuY-wing thread)  (Read 15116 times)

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Offline MR_T3D

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Re: Speed and WWII Discussion (split from NuY-wing thread)
The biggest reason I can see for us having to nerf the speeds is hit detection in multi.  Even at FS2 speeds, you sometimes have to put a significant lead on the faster fighters to hit them.  With a ship going 4x as fast as a Perseus...well, you get the picture.  Unless we find another way to solve that, hitting anything with a ping of more than 75 could be damn near impossible.

Client-side hit detection?  I's generally not used because it has the potential to be abused by cheaters, but that would at least be a step in the right direction.  Though I have no idea how possible it would be to make such a huge change in the FS engine...
but then you start  say bull**** to waht seem like fake hits on your side.
double-edgeed sword, it is....


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Re: Speed and WWII Discussion (split from NuY-wing thread)
True, but I believe it's what Valve moved Half-Life to back in the update, and it worked out for the better in the long run.  But it would probably require a significant netplay overhaul, perhaps even a complete gutting, which would likely be more difficult due to the lack of complete code separation.  The graphics is affected by this so I'm assuming the net code is to some extent as well.
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline Enker

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Re: Speed and WWII Discussion (split from NuY-wing thread)
Will it be possible to pull some tricks like hitting the "brakes" and having your opponent overshoot you or pulling some aerial maneuver to get the upper hand? This would provide more options to dogfighting than just simply out-turning a bandit but also outsmarting them as well.
Ok, the hitting the brakes move works mainly with new jet planes (and Top Gun. Not a great idea IMO as it can bleed off far too much E, and if you miss the shot, you have less E than your opponent, and are then at a disadvantage.), due to being rotate beyond their Angle of Attack and use the entire plane as an airbrake. However, there are many different ways to work an overshoot, including the rolling scissors, using your craft's superior engine or acceleration to rope a opponent, or (in the case of TBP) initiating glide mode, rotating your craft so you are pointed in a direction that is roughly greater than 90 degrees from your previous heading, and engaging your afterburners. However, the second method is negated due to the lack of significant gravitational effects and air resistance in space, and by the fact that your engines allow you to keep "climbing" till the cows come home. Even so, I have found that BFM, ACM, and ACT are not only applicable in space, but required. Even doing something as simple as setting up a merge can give you an advantage over heading directly head-on.

Great site to read up on basic tactics, as well as some of the finer stuff:
However, some of the tactics mentioned in the various topics are not applicable at all to space combat sims.

Re: Speed and WWII Discussion (split from NuY-wing thread)
I can see how many tactics wouldn't apply in a zero-G environment, because there's no resistance in a vacuum, therefore, you don't lose E pulling maneuvers and altitude is non-existent. Of course, if Newtonian physics were applied, then there's a whole new set of combat maneuvers to know, but aerial combat applied to space loses a lot of its aspects.