Author Topic: Oh god why won't it stop  (Read 2853 times)

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Offline blackhole

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Oh god why won't it stop
So I just spent 3-4 hours hunting down what might possibly be the most counter-intuitive, bizzare, random, the-devil-must-have-incarnated-himself-as-a-bug, bug i have ever encountered.

Under certain bizzare circumstances, on a single-core laptop with a not so new graphics card, a blank screen would render at around 800 FPS, but the mouse itself, along with all of the windows GUI, would lag like crap. I was able to duplicate this effect on the open-source irrlicht engine. This effect goes away if image-based text is rendered on the screen or if an animated model is rendered. A normal model doesn't make the effect go away, regardless of whether or not the animated model is actually animated. I tested this phenomena with my graphics engine, and found that the effect appears to go away almost entirely when rendering thousands of particles. Therefore, my conclusion for this bug is as follows: If there aren't enough objects being rendered on the screen, the mouse lags.

The solution for the lag problem is, apparently, to render more stuff.

*throws himself off a cliff*


Offline lx

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Re: Oh god why won't it stop
that scientifically proves that crysis has to have the best mouse performance!


Offline phreak

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Re: Oh god why won't it stop
turn on vsync?
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
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Offline blackhole

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Re: Oh god why won't it stop
Yeah, vsync works too. After more testing its apparent that my graphics engine is simply rendering things so fast windows can't keep up :lol:


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: Oh god why won't it stop
Yeah, vsync works too. After more testing its apparent that my graphics engine is simply rendering things so fast windows can't keep up :lol:
I'm torn between amusement and sheer sadness at the fact that your graphics card is too dang powerful for windows.
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Offline blackhole

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Re: Oh god why won't it stop
Actually its more to do with the CPU versus the GPU. This only occurs on my laptop, so whats probably happening is that my graphics engine forces the GPU/graphics card to render things so fast the CPU can't keep up and windows gets all FUBAR. Or something like that. The graphics card in this laptop isn't that good.


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: Oh god why won't it stop
Well, I guess you need to slow down the engine then.
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Offline Ashrak

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Re: Oh god why won't it stop
Well, I guess you need to slow down the engine then.

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Offline blackhole

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Re: Oh god why won't it stop
Well, I guess you need to slow down the engine then.

Actually thats exactly what vsync does, which is why it worked.


Offline Ashrak

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Re: Oh god why won't it stop
i wish crysis developers had to slow down theyr engine aswell :) then it would run well :D
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