Author Topic: subsystems  (Read 2066 times)

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Offline Gortef

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is there a limit of how many subsystems a "ship" can have?
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Offline vadar_1

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As far as I know... no.... but making alot of subsystems just gets annoying when your cycling through 100 worthless ones just to find engines or something.
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Offline Gortef

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ok... well the problem is that I'm making the Macross Island for the Robotech MOD, and I tried making all the houses destroyable and leave ruins (as debris) behind. There are 32 houses (+ one extra subsys).

Now, everytime a house get's destroyed, the game crashes. In modeling phase, where do I put the "house-destroyed" objects. Does it matter where they are in the objects tree, or should they be as childern of the house objects by the same name?
Habeeb it...


Offline EdrickV

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What kind of error is listed in errorlog.txt? (Might want to clean that file out and then get the program to crash, to make it easier to sort.) Don't want the whole thing, just the line after the physical memory line. Might give me an idea what's causing the program to crash. (Stack overflow, memory access violation, divide by zero, etc.)
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Offline Gortef

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FS2 caused an Integer Divide by Zero in module FS2.EXE at 01a7:0043962b.
Exception handler called in Freespace 2 Main Thread.
Error occurred at 4/6/2002 23:13:34.
I:\ROBOTECH FREESPACE2\FS2.EXE, run by Aki Malinen.
1 processor(s), type 586.
512 MBytes physical memory.

EAX=000003a3 CS=01a7 EIP=0043962b EFLGS=00210217
EBX=ffffffff SS=01af ESP=00f4f38c EBP=00000000
ECX=747d77a4 DS=01af ESI=00000071 FS=8aef
EDX=00000000 ES=01af EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
f7 fd 8b f2 e8 cc f5 fd ff c1 f8 05 99 f7 fd 8b

I believe it's this one
Habeeb it...


Offline EdrickV

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That looks like the error I was getting with the new cruiser. If you're defining the houses as turrets, the definition may be incorrect. If they each consist of multiple parts, try switching the "Associated Submodel" and "Rotational Submodel" in ModelView32's turret editor. If they're single part turrets, both the "Associated Submodel" and "Rotational Submodel" should be set to the same thing. If neither of that works, the best thing I can think of is to compare the model data with that of a Violition built model and see if anything doesn't look right. (That's how I discovered the turret thing on the new cruiser, compared it's turrets it to a Deimos.) If all else fails, you could E-Mail me the POF and I could see if I can figure out what's wrong. :)
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Offline Pera

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From the FS2 ship creation guide:
Problem 5. FS2 crashes in game when I destroy (part of) my ship
You did not tell a sub-system which has live debris that it will rotate and give it an axis
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Offline EdrickV

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Ground - "Let me help you out, you're clear to taxi any way you can, to any runway you see."

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Offline aldo_14

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Originally posted by Pera
From the FS2 ship creation guide:

Live debris is the debris that flies off from the destroyed object.  For static debris, I;

- give it a light
- name it the same as the parent object to the turret / subobject (in your case, whatever the house name is)
- glue the destroyed object directly to the hull

That works for me......not sure (obviously) what you've done, and if it's any different.


Offline Gortef

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hmm... good hints, thanks :nod:... I'll try some of them... but just in case I'll explain how I did the model, how it is constructed. I use Cinema4D

ok the objects tree if pretty much like this

  - land
      -exploding part (this one works fine but it doesn't leave debris)
  - city

so I made the houses and then I made a ruin and copied the same ruin under every house. Then in PCS I told every house to be a subobject. And of course added the subobject lines into the ships.tbl. I guess i should try adding light into every ruin first.

Actually... now that you mention it, I recall hearing the "add light" advice before in a different occasion, strange that it didn't come into my mind now :doubt:
« Last Edit: April 09, 2002, 02:22:40 pm by 148 »
Habeeb it...


Offline Darkage

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You got screenie's of this island?
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Offline Nico

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Originally posted by darkage
You got screenie's of this island?

nah, classified :p :D


Offline Gortef

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Habeeb it...


Offline EdrickV

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Looking at that model info just gave me another thought. Maybe the problem is the name. All the destroyed submodels I see on the Deimos are named like: Turret01-destroyed, rather then Turret-destroyed01. And the houses should probably have a regular turret subsystem definition in them, even though they're not going to be used as firing turrets. (Just don't make them rotate. :wink: )
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Offline Gortef

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whoops... I did name them (the destroyed ones) right in C4D but I named them wrong in the post :p
that's corrected now...

hmm so I should also try making them as turrets... ok, add light, try turret tag etc. some of those should do the trick I suppose ;)
Habeeb it...


Offline Nico

  • Venom
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nah, no need to, you can have other submodels beside turrets


Offline EdrickV

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I just realized that I forgot you can have destroyable subsystems that aren't turrets. (Take a look at that science ship's solar panels.) They still need a subsystem definition in the sub-model properties though. The one used for the solar panels is below:

$name=Solar Panel

Don't need the rotate, but the other two are probably required. If they don't have this, that might be what's causing it to crash.
Ground - "Let me help you out, you're clear to taxi any way you can, to any runway you see."

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Offline Gortef

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yea I gave the submodel definitons for the houses... I believe the first step is to try fixing it by adding the light into the ruins (house-destroyed)

If I don't fall asleep before that... I'm at a lesson now and man we have a boring one :shaking:
Taking a little nap immediatly I get to home sounds like the best idea ever ;)
Habeeb it...