Author Topic: You guys pissed someone off.  (Read 3965 times)

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Offline colecampbell666

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You guys pissed someone off.

Someone be mad. And bitter.
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Offline Rhymes

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Re: You guys pissed someone off.

Somebody seems to be throwing a fit because BtRL is quieter than Diaspora.  :rolleyes:
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Offline FraktuRe

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Re: You guys pissed someone off.
somebody brought it on himself.
Or something.
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- Fraktured Reality
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Offline Scotchy

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Re: You guys pissed someone off.
Good lord! What a poor logo design. I gave him permission to keep using the one I made for BTRL. Bitter indeed.


Offline Lt.Cannonfodder

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Re: You guys pissed someone off.
Keep it professional people. You can discuss BtRL but do not flame.


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: You guys pissed someone off.
I thought BtRL was practically dead with only 1-3 active members nowadays.


Offline Lt.Cannonfodder

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Re: You guys pissed someone off.
The last we knew there were that many people working with it, but things may have changed. Keep in mind that even a few very hard working people can pull together quite a lot of stuff.


Offline Unknown Target

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Re: You guys pissed someone off.


Re: You guys pissed someone off.
at the risk of starting a flame war - what DID happen with BtRL? what happened to make you guys split?


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: You guys pissed someone off.
at the risk of starting a flame war - what DID happen with BtRL? what happened to make you guys split?

The leader was an asshole apparently


Offline karajorma

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Re: You guys pissed someone off.
I don't think we ever publicly stated that as the reason. :p

at the risk of starting a flame war - what DID happen with BtRL? what happened to make you guys split?

Creative differences.

It's not something we want to reveal to the general public. By the time the split occurred the issues were already large enough that a split was inevitable. The team didn't particularly want to hear people completely unconnected to the team tell us what we should have done differently nor hear from people who would inevitably have offered to try to mediate a reconciliation (A complete waste of time by that point).  

Secondly, there is no way to explain such a split without causing open hostility between the teams. If we explained our side of the story, Omni would be forced to explain his side. No one on the team had any interest in spending the first month after going live in a very public argument about the very things we were sick enough of to leave the BtRL team over. It's doubtful that either team would come up smelling of roses from any such mudslinging match, so why should we kill our professional image at birth? In addition, why would we risk splitting the fans into two groups who might then continue the battle long after we'd finished, moved on, and become completely sick of it? :) We'd rather spend the time on the game.

Thirdly some of the reasons are plot related and thus would be hard to explain without giving away BtRL's plot. A move that would only lead to retaliation.

So to put it simply, we've got no reason to explain at the moment and lots of good reasons why we shouldn't.
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Offline Meleardil

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Re: You guys pissed someone off.
It really was creative differences.

About how to controll the teamwork, and about the one big release versus episodic release method. It escalated in time, during the one year after the demo release, resulted some flaming and plenty of heated insults, and than the split.

After that BtRL become very-very quiet. The website was mutilated, the forum died. We know that from the OLD team only 3 member left in BtRL. But we don't know how many are in that team now, and we also don't know how hard those people working. It is possible that they abandoned the project, but not willing to admit it. Also equally possible that they worked 10 times harden than we did (out of burning defiance), and they will release the full game this year.

We simply don't know anything about them.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2009, 02:30:52 am by Meleardil »
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Re: You guys pissed someone off.
Honestly, those two explanations where more to go on than anything I've seen. Its understandable that you'd want to keep it civil, I respect that.


Offline A2597

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Re: You guys pissed someone off.
Why are some hooting and hollering over that?

I see no reasons to be harsh towards teh BTRL team, while the teams split both are working on games for us all to enjoy. Making post such as this serves only to reduce the desire for the other team to work, and reduces the chance that they will release. Meaning less battlestar goodness for all of us, the Fans of Battlestar Galactica.

On a personal level if you wish to favor one mod over the other, go right ahead. But I think that opinion should be kept private.

Myself, I aim to play both. I've anticipated BTRL for a long time, and hope it releases. I also very much want to play Diaspora, which looks to be shaping up nicely.


Offline torc

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Re: You guys pissed someone off.
agree A2597 , i think there's no need to make conflicts with other teams! personally,i posted to BTRL developers what i think about the project and the politic they assumed... and for answer,my post was deleted,and not only mine...but other people followed me and my destiny!  :sigh: however i think we have to stay outside from this 'cause no one of us know what really happen and perhaps we don't have enough right to speack about tath... developers know what to do :) hope you understand. my bad english... bye!
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Offline General Battuta

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Re: You guys pissed someone off.
Anyone who's made fun of BTRL here isn't a Diaspora team member. The Diaspora members are being very diplomatic.


Offline karajorma

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Re: You guys pissed someone off.
Why are some hooting and hollering over that?


If you want to know what the BtRL team are doing, ask them. We don't know and we don't particularly care. Our desire to do things our own way is why we left.

So with that in mind I'm going to close this.
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